@Luv2_Kayak OffGridGal Individualist, but a nationalist when push comes to shove (it's push and shove time) ItsOkToBeWhite. Noticer. Middle of my own world.

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Slurs & ToS Breaches Nazi Dogwhistles Antisemitism Transphobia Anti-Blackness Homophobia Misogyny Groypers
Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 26
OffGridGal @Luv2_Kayak
E.S.T. This is what happens when your compromised, corrupt, Western/European, puppet "leaders" are blackmailed and send your military to raid, loot, murder, in other lands, to enrich and empower the small hats, that hate your existence and stab you in the back.

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Serena Brown 🧃 @SerenaJB3
I'd go along with pre-1945, before the start of unwanted mass immigration. https://t.co/qGckZ31QR1
OffGridGal @Luv2_Kayak
Those that gained citizenship after 1837, are citizens of a corporation. Most countries are corporations. Once/if, the (((cabal))) falls, we need to do some vetting. https://www.standfortruth.co.uk/when-your-government-becomes-a-corporation/

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Dell pederson @DellPederson
tell me ,. why are they emptying ukraine of ukrainians. have they not mentioned building it into some kind of superstate.. much of it was part of the khzarian empire. you know, the international merchants/bankers that own our ass today. why are they now trying to destroy us
OffGridGal @Luv2_Kayak
@savethewhiteman Zelenski recently called the Ukraine "New Israel" and (((Blackrock))) is going to help rebuild, after war. https://davidjamesboston.com/is-there-a-new-israel-in-poland/

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OffGridGal @Luv2_Kayak
@aussiewombat2 @solidarityeurop @Know_More_News

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OffGridGal @Luv2_Kayak
Putin won't kill the criminal zionists that control the Ukraine, but is ok with the ongoing, unnecessary suffering and death of citizens and soldiers from the Ukraine and Russia.

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OffGridGal @Luv2_Kayak
@TexasRose1836 @DarnelSugarfoo I believe this is the same person, from a video in 2016. General Michael Flynn in drag? https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/t5jy96/is_this_general_michael_flynn_dressed_in_drag/

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OffGridGal @Luv2_Kayak
@UScrimeReview @ClownWorld_ Old? (57 yrs old) Does look oldish. Asian☑️, lady - very questionable.

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OffGridGal @Luv2_Kayak
@michaelvinewood @BlackTomThePyr8 @TheMarcitect

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OffGridGal @Luv2_Kayak
The Rothschilds were the true colonizers, using Britain, France, Germany, etc., as the faces of their greed. The world would be a very different place, had they never existed. Time to loot the bankers. https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/the-rothschild-colonization-of-india.598421/

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OffGridGal @Luv2_Kayak
@HerschelRosens1 @MythinformedMKE I get (((vibes))) from her. Too bad your tax dollars are supporting this ideology.

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OffGridGal @Luv2_Kayak
Our greatest enemy, control our Western/European societies. End their control over the banking/monetary system.

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OffGridGal @Luv2_Kayak
@lincolnmjay @OxySnowcone

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OffGridGal @Luv2_Kayak
@AvianSoul1 Sometimes.

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OffGridGal @Luv2_Kayak
@BayIvan_Vasilev: @IvanVas74656953 @wayotworld

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Stonehill Birch @StonehillBirch
Black Africans in America, Canada, Britain, Europe, Scandinavia, Russia, Australia, or New Zealand who hate living there are invited to leave and move to Africa. Here’s how, step-by-step: https://t.co/oQBHkQKwuy #remigration #emigrate #emigration
OffGridGal @Luv2_Kayak
Pay them to leave. There would be a lot less objection to "reparations", if it included repatriation. The j3ws won't let that happen though.

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OffGridGal @Luv2_Kayak
@crow_tommy_ @Striker05381540 (((Jeffrey Sprecher)))

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OffGridGal @Luv2_Kayak
@cjtruth This guy is admitting treason. How is he connected?
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Will Anderer @DuVtrell
@filthycattle Once the Js are done with the west their next target will be China.
OffGridGal @Luv2_Kayak
@1blessedbee @filthycattle They will set up conflict between China and Islam. Also wouldn't be surprised if )ews encouraged China's one child policy.

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Anti-Noticing League @Anti_Noticing
BRISBANE, AUSTRALIA: A young man was killed and ten injured, some critically, during a brawl between two groups of Africans in O’Callaghan Park in Zillmere on Sunday, September 13, 2020 at about 5:30 pm. Relatives of those injured fought at a hospital. https://t.co/Qq3SMKLd2K https://t.co/YFdY4WEYcf
OffGridGal @Luv2_Kayak
Our agenda driven (((enemies))), have control over our immigration system and politicians. No rational politician/bureaucrat that cared about their society and future, would allow these people into our countries.

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OffGridGal @Luv2_Kayak
@todor03791738 My gut feeling/brain agree with your assessment. He/family members, would be dead by now, if he went against the (((banksters/deep state))). But, as delusional as it is, I'm *hoping* there is something beyond him, that will take them down. That he is just a figurehead.

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Jason gator @GatorJason
@AngeloJohnGage Seems like they would be creating more work for themselves according to official narrative. Seems awfully compassionate, just like the theater, pool, soccer pitch, school, canteen, camp money, hospital..... sure makes a guy wonder.
OffGridGal @Luv2_Kayak
@AngeloJohnGage Sounds like a sanctuary, not a death camp. If the Rothschilds financed World War II, then is it not reasonable, to assume that they would have made sure that )ews were kept safe? 🤔

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OffGridGal @Luv2_Kayak
@promethiea @artislife14 @Lifetouch @Shutterfly Shutterfly/Lifetouch President and CEO (((Hillary Schneider)))

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OffGridGal @Luv2_Kayak
@BaronStrucker (((They))) want whites dumbed down, marginalized, bullied and brutalized. They believe placing more blacks in classrooms with whites, will lower learning standards and outcomes.

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OffGridGal @Luv2_Kayak
@StormIsUponUs The British Empire/Monarchy may be corrupt, but you're more likely to be jailed, demonized, or censored, for saying something anti-Semitic, or islamophobic, than anti-British/Monarchist. End the influence of the (((Rothschild's and the banking cartel))) and we will all be free.

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OffGridGal @Luv2_Kayak
@Romcan2 Because some (((lives))) matter more than others? One thing in common was that Stalin and Hitler (possibly a Rothschild?) were both responsible for the deaths of 10's of millions of European Christian people.

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OffGridGal @Luv2_Kayak
This is a website with several articles about the Noahide Laws. (((They))) are pushing to have these laws implemented world wide. The U.N. signed a "Declaration of the Seven Laws of Noah" in 2013. - see article. http://stopnoahidelaw.blogspot.com/

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OffGridGal @Luv2_Kayak
@99freemind Not all of us. (((The chosen people))) will be just fine. When they come to remove me from my home, to place me in the tiny box, they will need at least one body bag.

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