@SydneyLWatson Dr. Sydney Watson Very important doctor. White, Australian woman who lives in a bubble. πŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²

SydneyLWatson's neighborhood:

Slurs & ToS Breaches Nazi Dogwhistles Antisemitism Transphobia Anti-Blackness Homophobia Misogyny Asian Hate Groypers Proud Boys
Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 84
Dr. Sydney Watson @SydneyLWatson
FYI - @TheQuartering has been banned for posting the same image as @BrittanyVenti He said he posted a public photo and he will not deleting his tweet.

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Dr. Sydney Watson @SydneyLWatson
Me or the ps5?
Quoted tweet unavailable

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Dr. Sydney Watson @SydneyLWatson
Because of course she is. πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ

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Dr. Sydney Watson @SydneyLWatson
Rapes and beats woman. "Can't be deported because homeland is too dangerous" Sweden is lost.

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Dr. Sydney Watson @SydneyLWatson
The woman who spent the entire Vice panel being rude to several of us (including cackling at me lmao), thinks she experienced violence on the day because she heard a difference of opinion. You can't make this up. πŸ˜­πŸ˜‚

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Dr. Sydney Watson @SydneyLWatson
"Everyone who disagrees with me is a fascist" The absolute nerve of this person is breathtaking.

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Dr. Sydney Watson @SydneyLWatson
How it feels trying to express an opinion around the radical left πŸ™ƒ https://twitter.com/SydneyLWatson/status/1608233182511435776/video/1

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Dr. Sydney Watson @SydneyLWatson
Vice edited part of what I said and cut a large portion of footage before my statement, so this might seem out of place. The feminists were throwing out random buzzwords, making unintelligible points. Going so far off topic. THIS is the state of things. I can't stand it. https://twitter.com/SydneyLWatson/status/1608227696122773505/video/1

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Dr. Sydney Watson @SydneyLWatson
On a scale of 1 to Christmas tree ornaments, how committed are you to the cult? πŸ’€

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Dr. Sydney Watson @SydneyLWatson
I will never stop being disgusted by biological men who say they "feel" like women, but trivialize and mock female, biological processes. "I don't really think getting to say "yeah I have periods too" is worth the hassle for me" My disdain grows daily.

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Dr. Sydney Watson @SydneyLWatson
I now identify as a non-binary trans gay man. Thanks to trans activists I now know my appearance does not determine my gender & I don't need dysphoria to be trans. My attraction to men isn't heterosexuality, but a form of queer love. Pls respect my ongoing pronouns of she/her.

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Dr. Sydney Watson @SydneyLWatson
I stay off the Internet all day, come back to see what's going on and I'm always like

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Dr. Sydney Watson @SydneyLWatson
Christmas merch is out. πŸ₯°πŸŽ„ "Drink eggnog, fight commies" back by popular request + several other new designs. Take a look: https://www.sydneywatson.com/christmas-2022

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Dr. Sydney Watson @SydneyLWatson
Insurrection milk 😀

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Dr. Sydney Watson @SydneyLWatson
How do we feel about this?

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Dr. Sydney Watson @SydneyLWatson
Biological males first insult us by reducing "womanhood" down to long hair, make up and dresses. Then they tell us they can continue that appropriation with their dicks out and STILL be a "woman". I'm just done with all of this.

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Dr. Sydney Watson @SydneyLWatson
I enjoy that so much of the hate correspondence I've received lately has been mad at me for calling out fat people, but still uses "fat" as the insult of choice. πŸ˜‚

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Dr. Sydney Watson @SydneyLWatson
Australia went ahead and made the "what is a woman and who can use the women's bathroom" conversation real simple

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Dr. Sydney Watson @SydneyLWatson
Here is a sample of the nice emails journalists can expect when they contact me for comment (which I'd prefer they do, rather than making shit up)

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Dr. Sydney Watson @SydneyLWatson
Dude. @BrookeELRolfe rightly calls me "doctor" in her first article about me, but says I "claim" to be Aussie-American. Now she's saying I'm not a "doctor" but I AM Aussie-American. To confirm: I have an honorary doctorate and I am also Aussie-American. This isn't hard.

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Dr. Sydney Watson @SydneyLWatson
Well, here's the email I got from American Airlines. https://t.co/bfa2jwoZYE
Dr. Sydney Watson @SydneyLWatson
: The two poles of Twitter. 🀣

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Dr. Sydney Watson @SydneyLWatson
Well, here's the email I got from American Airlines.

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Dr. Sydney Watson @SydneyLWatson
.@PlanetTyrus, thank you for echoing my sentiments about obese passengers on planes. And thank you for going to extra step to call out airlines who pick and choose which rules they enforce. Loved this. πŸ‘ https://twitter.com/SydneyLWatson/status/1581872898025091073/video/1

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Dr. Sydney Watson @SydneyLWatson
Who did this πŸ˜‚πŸ˜­

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Dr. Sydney Watson @SydneyLWatson
I've been getting unhinged emails, messages and comments all evening and couldn't work out why. Now, I realize it's because I took issue with people putting their fat rolls on my body without my consent. πŸ™ƒ https://t.co/iXbLXd2qPE
Dr. Sydney Watson @SydneyLWatson
: Pls don't sit near or next to me. For I will scream.

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Dr. Sydney Watson @SydneyLWatson
I've been getting unhinged emails, messages and comments all evening and couldn't work out why. Now, I realize it's because I took issue with people putting their fat rolls on my body without my consent. πŸ™ƒ

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Dr. Sydney Watson @SydneyLWatson
I love that this is a story to so many people. πŸ˜­πŸ˜‚

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Dr. Sydney Watson @SydneyLWatson
Thanks for the stellar advice, @JesseKellyDC πŸ€£πŸ’€

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Dr. Sydney Watson @SydneyLWatson
Thanks for your genuinely funny tweets. They're making me chuckle while I'm sitting here dying inside on this packed flight.

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Dr. Sydney Watson @SydneyLWatson
I have elected to close my tray table and hold my cup of tea between my teeth because it's jabbing her belly and I can't get it down properly.

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Dr. Sydney Watson @SydneyLWatson
I am currently - literally - WEDGED between two OBESE people on my flight. This is absolutely NOT acceptable or okay. If fat people want to be fat, fine. But it is something else entirely when I'm stuck between you, with your arm rolls on my body, for 3 hours.

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Dr. Sydney Watson @SydneyLWatson
The ONLY reason I have PayPal is for customer transactions via my website. Will be closing my account and removing it as a payment option given their new policy. I feel gross using the platform at all. But this is the last straw. No more.

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Dr. Sydney Watson @SydneyLWatson
Very interesting that Twitter put a "sensitive content" warning on this tweet. 🧐

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Dr. Sydney Watson @SydneyLWatson
Just gonna leave this here.

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Dr. Sydney Watson @SydneyLWatson
If you're having a bad day, here's a photo of my friend's puppy right before he decided to chew on my boots. :)

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Dr. Sydney Watson @SydneyLWatson
YouTuber and boxer Jake Paul was asked in a recent interview if it was "racist" that he knocked out his black opponent in a boxing match. "We've gotta wake you up, you've gotta be part of this conversation." What fresh hell is this? https://twitter.com/SydneyLWatson/status/1336386533977427976/video/1

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Dr. Sydney Watson @SydneyLWatson
So, if I'm white and have to go back to "where I came from", does that mean all the non-whites in European countries have to do the same? How does this logic work, precisely? πŸ‘€

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Dr. Sydney Watson @SydneyLWatson
Actually, we prefer to be called "women".

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Dr. Sydney Watson @SydneyLWatson
I'm at a loss for words. This crap has never been around saving lives. This is disgusting.

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Dr. Sydney Watson @SydneyLWatson
I'm gonna keep posting my Parler @ until I've successfully moved everyone over there. πŸ˜‚

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Dr. Sydney Watson @SydneyLWatson
I want this message tattooed on my soul.

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Dr. Sydney Watson @SydneyLWatson
Well. It's the end of an era. After ELEVEN years, I pulled out my last hip dermal yesterday. Won't lie, I'm feeling a bit sad. I'm sure my mum is thrilled, however. πŸ˜‚

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Dr. Sydney Watson @SydneyLWatson
I'm disgusted by people who think they can suddenly extend the "olive branch" after spending the last 4 years abusing and gunning for people on the Right at every opportunity. I'll put it plainly: go fuck yourselves. :)

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Dr. Sydney Watson @SydneyLWatson
How I view politics right now

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Dr. Sydney Watson @SydneyLWatson
Umh, @instagram wtf is this?

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Dr. Sydney Watson @SydneyLWatson
The destruction of masculinity is upon us.

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Dr. Sydney Watson @SydneyLWatson
Would you just look at all that "white privilege." πŸ‘€

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Use the Copy image icon, and object detection annotation toggles if present, to grab toxic content. Some of these guesses will be wrong- computer vision is hard!
runes_algiz 75%

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anime 47%
etc 26%

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anime 42%

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art_other 83%

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hitler 29%

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toons other 50%

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circle slash 99%

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tldr 99%

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critters 40%

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critters 69%

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tldr 86%

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art_other 96%

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art_other 78%

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mspaint style 100%

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critters 99%

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art_other 92%

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tldr 99%

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logos_flags_graphics 96%

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critters 99%

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critters 99%

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art_other 31%
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critters 95%

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toons other 90%

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art_other 99%

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art_other 48%
toons other 44%

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tldr 49%
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tldr 99%

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map 99%

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star of david 95%

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logos_flags_graphics 75%

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toons other 68%

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tldr 96%

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pepe 34%

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tldr 99%

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art_other 99%

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tldr 95%

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tldr 99%

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tldr 99%

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art_other 98%

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etc 82%

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tldr 64%

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art_other 71%

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militarized 29%

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blood drop cross 29%

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tldr 100%

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Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

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Classifier 20221028131014
face 42%

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Classifier 20221028131014
critters 54%

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tldr 99%

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tldr 25%

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tldr 99%

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Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 95%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
patriot front 25%