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Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 18
7 @victorykn
Early life Rhonda "Randi" Weingarten was born in 1957 in New York City, to a Jewish family, Gabriel and Edith (Appelbaum) Weingarten. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Randi_Weingarten
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7 @victorykn
@MrReaganUSA So you agree with Scott Adams’s point you just think he should have used “neighborhoods” instead of “people” but are not neighbourhoods consist of people? Sort of like it’s OK to say Israel is racist, but you should not say Jews are racist? So U advocating Euphemisms!

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7 @victorykn
@victorykn: @AndersonAfDMdEP @vonderleyen @pfizer @EU_Commission @Europarl_EN Did Ursula destroy the contracts before the it incriminates her? COVID-19 Vaccine Trial, Citing ‘Prototype’ Agreement https://www.theepochtimes.com/pfizer-moves-to-dismiss-lawsuit-from-covid-19-vaccine-trial-citing-prototype-agreement_4481422.html?

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7 @victorykn
This is Kanye “final” tweet. Besides unflattering photo of Musk on boat with Ari Emanuel, Kanye stated before Emanuel was personally trying to destroy him. What did he mean by the tween that he didn’t trust Musk? Kanye also twitted he loved Balenciaga. https://archive.ph/T8BhH

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7 @victorykn
Why Russian Jews like Vladimir Solovyov are Right Wing anti-West Nationalist? “We are Russians! God with us!" That’s his book title. He is biggest expert on Slavic spirituality, he is also happens to be Chabad. https://eksmo.ru/ebook/my-russkie-s-nami-bog-ITD87316/
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7 @victorykn
@victorykn: @GerardAraud @UkraineDiary "We are Russians! God with us!" That’s his book title. He is biggest expert on Slavic spirituality, he is also happens to be Chabad . His conclusion is Russians need to attack the West and US with nukes. https://eksmo.ru/ebook/my-russkie-s-nami-bog-ITD87316/

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7 @victorykn
Having Jewish men and women in prominent government positions is so standard that it’s barely even a talking point, community leaders tell Haaretz https://archive.is/kr3vk https://www.haaretz.com/us-news/.premium-competence-and-experience-u-s-jewish-groups-thrilled-by-biden-s-cabinet-picks-1.9328093

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7 @victorykn
“According to one witness, he mocked the neoconservatives in the Bush administration and their alignment with the rlght wing of Israel's political establishment, referring to them with exaxperation as, "the Jews." https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2008/12/george-tenet-drunk-in-bandar-apos-s-pool-screaming-about-jews/9213/

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7 @victorykn
@victorykn: @jessedayton "The Jews accumulated wealth by cooperating with each other. (p. 31)." "They made profits by taking the peasants’ grain to the point of impoverishing them (and causing famine), turning it into brandy, and then encouraging drunkenness. (p. 21, 24)." https://russia-insider.com/en/node/22354

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7 @victorykn
@_whitneywebb Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla “Born in the northern Greece city on October 21, 1961, he is part of the long history of the Sephardic Jews of Thessaloniki. The Bourla family arrived in Thessaloniki from Spain about six centuries ago.” https://greece.greekreporter.com/2020/11/10/a-greek-to-save-the-world-who-is-pfizer-ceo-albert-bourla/amp/

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7 @victorykn
@FreakieF (((Bernard Baruch))) dubbed the "great planner" by Trotsky
Chuck Lindbergh @RobertM91492139
(((Bernard Baruch))) dubbed the "great planner" by Trotsky, was a Wall St. financier who used his influence as an advisor to multiple Presidents to push the US towards corporatism and increased Gov't control of entire industries and economic sectors like agriculture. https://twitter.com/RobertM91492139/status/1308736221485568000/photo/1

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7 @victorykn
@WalkerBragman “Jewish activity in the porn industry divides into two (sometimes overlapping) groups: pornographers and performers. Though Jews make up only two per cent of the American population, they have been prominent in pornography. “ https://www.jewishquarterly.org/issuearchive/articled325.html?articleid=38

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7 @victorykn
@victorykn: @amelak_i @risetoflyy “Chorus Hymeneal, Or triumphal chant, Match'd with thine would be all But an empty vaunt, A thing wherein we feel there is some hidden want.” https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/45146/to-a-skylark

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7 @victorykn
@didntsayising @BlessThePoor @officialmcafee 26 CFR Ch. I ( 4-1- 03 edition) “... VOLUNTARY COMPLIANCE “ Aaron Russo "Supreme Court Decision does not apply to #IRS" . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O6ayb02bwp0

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militarized 60%

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