@ForNullUSA 𝔽𝕠𝕣ℕ𝕦𝕝𝕝 Songwriter, videogame maker and tabletop wargamer. Dignity for all, even Westernkind.

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Slurs & ToS Breaches Nazi Dogwhistles Antisemitism Transphobia Anti-Blackness Homophobia Misogyny Groypers Proud Boys Patriot Front
Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 40
@laurafitzgFWG @Westernadvocacy @WordConquerer @NoWhiteGuiltNWG @EMisheff @NightowlOzark @white_king_wins @VictorianTrave1 @LieraRae @budermakinzell @Brutustheinsane @Jassing3 @Niji_No_Karasu Bob didn't invent that word, it has been found in older dictionaries that predate Bob Whittaker's usage. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/antiwhite

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@EMisheff @Westernadvocacy @VictorianTrave1 @Brutustheinsane @nocte_animam @Jassing3 @NoWhiteGuiltNWG

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@Rich8198 You are correct Dick, there is no such thing as "anti-white racism" but there is such a thing as antiwhiteism. Hopefully you take the moral high-ground and condemn antiwhiteism wherever you go, since teaching White people they must attone for grievances they didn't commit is evil

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We must end antiwhite power! First things first, we have to convince the majority of White people to reject antiwhiteism on the basis that it targets all White people for harm.

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@nocte_animam @VictorianTrave1 @Jassing3 @EMisheff Sarah and her simps are the epitome of the concern troll. They are frauds.

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"Right-wing" is not synonymous with White positive. In practice, both sides of the right/left political spectrum are antiwhite. Do yourself a favor and stop thinking in terms of right vs left.

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@EricTropicalTX @GaiusXrp I show my face all the time and I'm definitely not ashamed of my views, which are moral, logical and just. I do music streams all of the time and if you ever decide to stop being antiwhite then look me up on youtube and come hang out.

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@frumrivertosea Innocent White people deserve to be beaten, villified, psychological tortured and made to feel guilty for something they never did? The entire White race should be targetted for the actions of a few? Do you feel the same about the other races or just Whites? That's pure evil.

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@Jk16010 One by one we normalize the 5 key concepts.

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@yizzcognito White erasure though, so I'll pass.

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I'm convinced that White sympathetic animosity towards the Go Free method is either willful ignorance or self-deception about what Go Free is. This perfectly explains why many have slandered and misrepresented what Go Free is about. http://nowhiteguilt.org

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@The_Westernist @BiospiritWest @capernicus418 @NoWhiteGuiltNWG Except the practice of Go Free never excuses antiwhiteism coming from anyone of any race. Many of us don't appreciate is the undermining of our advocacy by conflating hatred of Jews with White wellbeing. http://nowhiteguilt.org to learn more.

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@TruthThunder88 @LokkiLundr @GNET_research Only if you are seeing things through the #AntiwhiteLens. We who practice Go Free are not living our lives within the #AntiwhiteNarrative and calling ourselves by the names they give us. You should do the same if your goal is to end #antiwhiteism.

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@NoWhiteGuiltNWG Promethean Hails!

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@NoWhiteGuiltNWG It reminds of this meme from the Mueller report.

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@NightowlOzark @IrishTimes They hate all White people and only do this is in White countries.

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In case you missed it. Scott Adams is an #antiwhite coward who wants you racially discriminated against when you're looking for a job. https://twitter.com/ForNullUSA/status/1630945832500592646/video/1

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Scott Adams walked it all back, but in the most pussified way possible. Of course he will throw White people under the bus, he is #antiwhite. https://twitter.com/ForNullUSA/status/1630938632264482816/video/1
Jason Köhne @NoWhiteGuiltNWG
I am LIVE at 5 PM ET! Sharing what everyone else misses about Scott Adams on Black people. Also addressing those vile antiwhite signs that read “Hate has no home here.” https://youtube.com/live/wIR_gInur00

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@LostInTheWoods93 @sadshack93
Typical Ukraine enjoyer? This type seems incredibly common. https://t.co/k4lugDUr0J
The psyschological warfare waged on White people induces a type of mental White flight. Weak-willed ones will try to escape being targeted by antiwhites by villainy signalling that they hate White people. Thing is, a White person can never be antiwhite enough.

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View @sadshack93
@Shaawal8 @NoWhiteGuiltNWG It may not be in my lifetime or yours, but there will be justice. Sweet, sweet justice.

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@Shaawal8 @NoWhiteGuiltNWG We believed that if we did all of the great things we've done, it would be appreciated and reciprocated. Sadly, our good deeds and good nature were used as a weapon against us. Now we are learning and preparing our people for what must be done to recapture our destiny.

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the Serpent Shaman @itouchanabomb
This is what happens when your IQ is less than that of a chimpanzee. https://t.co/G4108DQP5a
He is #antiwhite and openly states his pretexts for victimizing Westernkind. In his narrative, beautiful White babies are born guilty of these grievances, real or imagined. That's why we have to get outside of the antiwhite narrative and into our own story.

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View @itouchanabomb
@NorthstarATL It's the antiwhite narrative.

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@MuffDvrGOLD That's the antiwhite narrative. Effective advocacy is not aimed at antiwhites, it focuses on defending Westernkind and targets the vagues out there in their millions who are afraid to reject antiwhitism because they think that makes them no better than this guy. #GoFree

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@joncoopertweets Heresy to antiwhitism makes you a "racist". Go Free of the antiwhite narrative.

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The message of the post is clear "NSDP were the good guys". This may not be a crypto antiwhite account, but posts like these are used by antiwhites to muddy the waters. They need evidence to show that within the antiwhite narrative all White advocacy is immoral .

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A person's biological sex is not the same thing as their gender. The word gender, as used in the psychological warfare waged on Western civilization, is meant to erase the recognition of inherent differences in the sexes. Antiwhites do the same thing with race. @NoWhiteGuiltNWG

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You have to wonder about a company that gives money to a "charity" that provides youth "safe" spaces featuring drag shows. It's like they want us all to have our children molested by sexual predators.
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@RampantCoyote A black female crusader is the epitomy of White erasure.

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#antiwhiteAI explains that it is antiwhite because it was programmed to be that way. It also reveals the double-standard.

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The AI is trained to be antiwhite. Using http://openai.com's chatGPT I asked it if it had any racial bias and it said no. Here I demonstrate that the AI provided two different answers based on race, which destroys their claim of neutrality and objectivity. #antiwhiteAI

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Westernkind is guided and regulated by a moral imperitive like Kant's CI. Antiwhitism infected our moral imperitive like a mind virus, a set of meme pathogen (MP). We must remove the MPs, restoring a moral imperitive which puts White well-being as its priority. @NoWhiteGuiltNWG

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I created a topic "white-well-being" on quora today and after a few minutes was notified that moderator had removed it. @Quora What problem do you have with the discussion of White people's well-being?

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I can't be the only one who plays spot the MPs. There is a game show in here somewhere.

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I can't be the only one who plays spot the MPs. There is a game show in here somewhere.

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What is wrong with calling them evil billionaires?

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The new Mossway album is almost ready and I think it's the best Mossway album of all. Here's a sneak preview of the album cover, work in progress. Twelve tracks of #darkambient coming soon.

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@JubilationMedia Maybe your dog has ESP.

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@NoWhiteGuiltNWG It's working for me. Not sure why you can't post it. https://twitter.com/ForNullUSA/status/1600473007050280960/video/1

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@EddieMc35 @NoWhiteGuiltNWG @GraceSm73368432 Totally not a fed who's butthurt his entrapment plans are being interferred with.

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@ColumbiaBugle "this has nothing to do with gay people"

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It has already happened with the terms antiwhite and antiwhitism. Looking forward to someone popularizing the rest of the lexicon, such as "meme pathogen". Everyone can thank @NoWhiteGuiltNWG and his community for the progress we have seen so far.

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Here's my prototype of a destructible goblin stand. It's pretty basic looking right now, but it will be easy to dress it up. Lots of potential for cool little structures that the goblins can use. #LegendsOfHyperborea #IndieGame https://twitter.com/ForNullUSA/status/1584710323340464128/video/1

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Doing some mood lighting for Legends of Hyperborea.

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Making some tricks and traps for Legends of Hyperborea demo game. Starting out with a simple spear trap. https://twitter.com/ForNullUSA/status/1580298750278348800/video/1

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Here are 5 important concepts that will empower us when when opposing antiwhitism. These concepts have been championed by @NoWhiteGuiltNWG for decades. We now see these concepts going mainstream and can also see their power. Please learn, use and share them. #GoFree

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tldr 99%