@NationalAware National Identity Awareness Grassroots Organization dedicated to raising awareness pertaining to demographics and equipping local activist with effective messaging.

NationalAware's neighborhood:

Slurs & ToS Breaches Nazi Dogwhistles Antisemitism Transphobia Anti-Blackness Homophobia Misogyny Groypers Proud Boys
Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 62
They Hate you. They hate your Ancestors. They hate your Children. They hate your Nation. They want to Destroy your future. It's time you take notice... #AntiWhite

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Armed Africans Rule The Streets of France. By importing Africa, France has become Africa. And this is with a slim Native White French population. In 20 years what does France and Europe look like? It will be an African and Arab continent unless the people of Europe Awaken!… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1674953839038849024 https://twitter.com/NationalAware/status/1674953839038849024/video/1

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500,000 Fighting Age Men walk towards the Libyan Coast as they prepare to invade Europe through Italy. Those of European descent are only 8% of the Global Population. You are the Minority. Your Children are the Minority. Your Grandchildren are the Minority. There is a… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1672285562085036032 https://twitter.com/NationalAware/status/1672285562085036032/video/1

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@PhilipDwyer_MOI The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. #IrelandisFull

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This is an unelected "Nigerian Irish" Politician who represents what he calls 'The New Irish" in Ireland. This is Demographic Replacement and it's occurring across Europe and America. Meanwhile, Nigeria recently just outlawed White people from being in commercials or… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1662937863971807234 https://twitter.com/NationalAware/status/1662937863971807234/video/1

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@Mick_O_Keeffe The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. #IrelandisFull Consider following us.

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@ThoughtsToby The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. #IrelandisFull Consider following us.

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@TwixBandit69 The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. #IrelandisFull Consider following us.

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@AmySpnwench The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. #IrelandisFull Consider following us.

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@RealJamesWoods There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Consider following us.

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@UltraDane There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Consider following us.

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@NatCon2022 There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Consider following us.

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@4Mischief There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Consider following us.

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@RealJamesWoods There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Consider following us.

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@Klaus_Arminius @ArminiusNews There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Consider following us.

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@UltraDane There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Consider following us.

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@AodhanORiordain The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. #IrelandisFull Consider following us.

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Blacks move into White Communities without fear or trepidation, the same cannot be said for Whites in Black neighborhoods. If White Communites treated Blacks this way I wonder if it would make National News? #AntiWhite https://twitter.com/NationalAware/status/1661074073026265088/video/1

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@Cernovich There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White Americans. AntiWhite hate is accepted within our society, our schools teach it and the media promotes it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing.

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@Tomhennessey69 There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White Americans. AntiWhite hate is accepted within our society, our schools teach it and the media promotes it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing.

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@paulmurphy_TD Why are you doing the work of the globalist who wish to irreparably eradicate an Ireland for Irish children? The old "Accuse your enemies of that which you are guilty" tactic isn't going to work. #IrelandisFull

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@MorgothsReview There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White Americans. AntiWhite hate is accepted within our society, our schools teach it and the media promotes it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing.

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@Mstgysgt0 There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White Americans. AntiWhite hate is accepted within our society, our schools teach it and the media promotes it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing.

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@daverich503 @AttorneyCrump There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White Americans. AntiWhite hate is accepted within our society, our schools teach it and the media promotes it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing.

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@UltraDane AntiWhite hate is accepted within our society, our schools teach it and the media promotes it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Consider following us.

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@Mick_O_Keeffe The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. #IrelandisFull Consider following us.

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@LaurenWitzkeDE There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White Americans. AntiWhite hate is accepted within our society, our schools teach it and the media promotes it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us.

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@RealMessageEire The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. #IrelandisFull Consider following us.

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@frantruth The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. #IrelandisFull Consider following us.

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@Ger_Delaney_40 The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. #IrelandisFull Consider following us.

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Politicians and the Establishment Media will tell you The Demographic Replacement of White Americans is just a Conspiracy Theory... All while acknowledging and gloating about Demographic Replacement of White Americans. They are liars... #AntiWhite #Gaslighting https://twitter.com/NationalAware/status/1658596149559689217/video/1

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@4Mischief There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White Americans. AntiWhite hate is accepted within our society, our schools teach it and the media promotes it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing.

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@AntiWhiteWatch1 There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White Americans. AntiWhite hate is accepted within our society, our schools teach it and the media promotes it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing.

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@AntiWhiteWatch1 The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. #IrelandisFull Consider following us.

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@Michael_Yon There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White Americans. AntiWhite hate is accepted within our society, our schools teach it and the media promotes it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing.

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@CPOA1776 All Politics are of the people and all people have an identity despite how desperate some Europeans are to ignore their own identity. All politics are identity politics. The very word polity, is an identifiable political entity – a group of people with a collective identity. A…

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@realJustATheory There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White Americans. AntiWhite hate is accepted within our society, our schools teach it and the media promotes it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing.

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@AntiWhiteWatch1 There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White Americans. AntiWhite hate is accepted within our society, our schools teach it and the media promotes it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing.

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@jeanie31199 The article does not deny what he said, the Washington Post attempts to explain away what we all clearly heard. We don't need the establishment media to tell us what to think when we can hear him for our ourselves. And Tucker Carlson's assessment is accurate.

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@BIPOCracism There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White Americans. AntiWhite hate is accepted within our society, our schools teach it and the media promotes it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing.

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@TheRealZBlog There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White Americans. AntiWhite hate is accepted within our society, our schools teach it and the media promotes it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing.

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@ScottAdamsSays There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White Americans. AntiWhite hate is accepted within our society, our schools teach it and the media promotes it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing.

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@BIPOCracism There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White Americans. AntiWhite hate is accepted within our society, our schools teach it and the media promotes it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Consider following…

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I’m saving this pic for The Next Time somebody posts a pic of somebody getting their ass beat and they ask why nobody is helping. https://t.co/9c5ZYvxIQ6
There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White Americans. AntiWhite hate is accepted within our society, our schools teach it and the media promotes it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. #AntiWhite

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View @imUrB00gieman
Mythinformed @MythinformedMKE
AOC and Ayanna Pressley have been labeling Hero Marine Daniel Penny a murderer and have sided with the Woke claim that the victims on the subway were the aggressors. Now he faces 15 years in prison. Where are the elected Republicans? Why isn’t anyone speaking out? https://t.co/INJTnKQLZt
There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White Americans. AntiWhite hate is accepted within our society. Our children will be a persecuted minority who will be prosecuted for self-defense. #AntiWhite #JusticeSystem

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View @MythinformedMKE
@AntiWhiteWatch1 There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White Americans. AntiWhite hate is accepted within our society, our schools teach it and the media promotes it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing.

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Auron MacIntyre @AuronMacintyre
In our late stage empire the only punishable crimes seem to be political opposition, self defense, and desecration of the pride flag https://t.co/Rilkd5S3a1
There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White Americans. AntiWhite hate is accepted within our society. Our children will be a persecuted minority who will be prosecuted for self-defense. #AntiWhite #JusticeSystem

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View @AuronMacintyre
Marina Medvin 🇺🇸 @MarinaMedvin
Daniel Penny, who received the train crowd's gratitude for saving them from the threats of Jordan Neely, surrenders on a manslaughter charge brought by a Soros DA for daring to exercise his right of self-defense and his right to the defense of others. https://t.co/ANBUxZD77X
There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White Americans. AntiWhite hate is accepted within our society. Our children will be a persecuted minority who will be prosecuted for self-defense. #AntiWhite #JusticeSystem

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View @MarinaMedvin
@Ger_Delaney_40 The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. #IrelandisFull Consider following us.

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Black criminal assaults White woman on public transit on video. No one steps in to do anything. No media attention. No national manhunt to find out who this is, Why? Because the victim is White. If this was a White man assaulting a Black woman, he is fighting every Black on… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1656401503798558720 https://twitter.com/NationalAware/status/1656401503798558720/video/1

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@AntiWhiteWatch1 @NPR @PBS @nytimes There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White Americans. AntiWhite hate is accepted within our society, our schools teach it and the media promotes it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing.

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A nine year old White girl is savagely beaten by a group of Blacks on a school bus. Zero National media coverage. Why? Because the victim is White. The reality... close to 600,000 White Americans are victim of Black violent crime every year most of which is completely ignored… https://t.co/OOzeyMaqQQ https://t.co/5nC2Kv460M
: There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White Americans. AntiWhite hate is accepted within our society, our schools teach it and the media promotes it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing.

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A nine year old White girl is savagely beaten by a group of Blacks on a school bus. Zero National media coverage. Why? Because the victim is White. The reality... close to 600,000 White Americans are victim of Black violent crime every year most of which is completely ignored… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1655962934244253696 https://twitter.com/NationalAware/status/1655962934244253696/video/1

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A White man is violently assaulted and pushed onto the railway tracks by a group of Blacks. Children even take part in the beating. Videos exactly like this one are a daily occurrence and the National news media completely ignores it. #AntiWhite #AntiWhiteViolence https://twitter.com/NationalAware/status/1655598802240249857/video/1

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A White man is viciously assaulted by a black mob as they record it and then leave him on the sidewalk to die. Close to 600,000 White Americans are victims of Black violent crime every year, most of which is ignored by the establishment media despite ample video footage. If… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1653106449092861976 https://twitter.com/NationalAware/status/1653106449092861976/video/1

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A lone White kid is attacked by an entire bus of Blacks. These AntiWhite attacks are ubiquitous, nearly daily but totally ignored by the establishment media. It's no wonder they have lost the trust of the American people. #AntiWhite Perhaps @TuckerCarlson will cover these… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1651407274592591877 https://twitter.com/NationalAware/status/1651407274592591877/video/1

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2 Black girls attack a blind White girl. You won't find this in a single National or Local newscast. Why? But we all know that if the races were reversed, it would be a National news headline and a Nationwide manhunt would be under way for these girls. #AntiWhite https://twitter.com/NationalAware/status/1650989158049935361/video/1

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@dr_duchesne There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Consider following us.

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@jdubspear The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. #IrelandisFull

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@jdubspear They are fighting to make sure your baby inherits an Ireland that belongs to him or her i.e remains Irish. They are fighting for your baby and all Irish children. Ireland belongs to the Irish, not the world. House the Irish NOT the world.

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@paulmurphy_TD The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. I thought you embraced open borders, you aren't going to invite them in? You want to flood Ireland with third world immigration yet cry foul when a few people show…

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@TheLiberal_ie The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. #IrelandisFull Consider following us.

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@AntiWhiteWatch1 The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. #IrelandisFull Consider following us.

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@DiversityinIre1 The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. House the Irish not the World. #IrelandisFull Consider following us.

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A pregnant white woman is beaten by a group of blacks as she begs "I'm pregnant," the attacker said: "I'll kill your baby too!" 600,000 White Americans are victim of Black violent crime(assault,armed robbery, rape etc.) every year in America, most of which is ignored by the… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1649935486629060609 https://twitter.com/NationalAware/status/1649935486629060609/video/1

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@FreedomsBritish There is one racial group in the UK you are legally allowed to discriminate against, the White British. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Consider following us.

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@CaptainPopp There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Consider following us.

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@JemmingKristin There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Consider following us.

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@AntiWhiteWatch1 There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Consider following us.

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@AntiWhiteWatch1 @JoeBiden There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Consider following us.

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@AshleaSimonBF The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. #IrelandisFull Consider following us.

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@AQuantumCat1 There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Consider following us.

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@SteveMoyross @Mick_O_Keeffe

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@Henrik_Palmgren There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Consider following us.

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@AntiWhiteWatch1 @ScottAdamsSays @elonmusk @DickHammer48 There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Consider following us.

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@Tomhennessey69 There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Consider following us.

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@Steve_Laws_ The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. #IrelandisFull Consider following us.

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@InsaneRealitys There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Consider following us.

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@ChanceDennis90 There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Consider following us.

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@AQuantumCat1 There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Consider following us.

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@FreedomsBritish There is one racial group in the UK you are legally allowed to discriminate against, the White British. AntiWhite hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Consider following us.

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@MattWalshBlog There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Consider following us.

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@AntiWhiteWatch1 There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Consider following us.

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@shannonMBC1 The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. #IrelandisFull Consider following us.

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@AntiWhiteWatch1 There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Consider following us.

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@Worldsource24 There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Consider following us.

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@SharikaSoal84 There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Consider following us.

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@Tomhennessey69 And are proud of it! "Yay we get active!"

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@LaurenWitzkeDE There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Consider following us.

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@wayotworld There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Consider following us.

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@LaurenWitzkeDE There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Consider following us.

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@realstewpeters There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Consider following us.

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@Tomhennessey69 There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Consider following us.

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@UnbiasedCrime There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Consider following us.

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In the upper left hand of this video a White woman is viciously attacked by a Black mob. If this were a Black woman attacked by a White mob, there would be a man hunt for each and everyone of these people by law enforcement and endless national news coverage. We all would know… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1648018496272343075 https://twitter.com/NationalAware/status/1648018496272343075/video/1

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@FrankDeScushin There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Consider following us.

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@CWBChicago There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Consider following us.

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@GoldingBF There is one racial group in the UK you are legally allowed to discriminate against, the White British. AntiWhite hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Consider following us.

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@footbalIfights Meanwhile... There is one racial group in the UK you are legally allowed to discriminate against, the White British. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing.

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@RealMessageEire The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. #IrelandisFull Consider following us.

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@LeftyCrypto There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Consider following us.

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@Steve_Laws_ There is one racial group in the UK you are legally allowed to discriminate against, the White British. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Consider following us.

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@DiversityinIre1 The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. #IrelandisFull Consider following us.

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@FreedomsBritish There is one racial group in the UK you are legally allowed to discriminate against, the White British. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Consider following us.

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@MissMillion06 There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Consider following us.

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@AntiWhiteWatch1 The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. #IrelandisFull Consider following us.

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Group of Blacks attack White woman. The war against Whites is now raging in rural America as the mass exodus from American cities continue. @AntiWhite https://twitter.com/NationalAware/status/1647396381315723266/video/1

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@realstewpeters There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Consider following us.

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@ThoughtsToby The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. #IrelandisFull Consider following us.

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@Claudia_MN07 @gearoidmurphy_

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@ZA_Rebel The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. #IrelandisFull Consider following us.

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@rawsalerts There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Consider following us.

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@gearoidmurphy_ The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. #IrelandisFull Consider following us.

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@AntiWhiteWatch1 @DickHammer48 There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Consider following us.

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@wayotworld There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Consider following us.

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@CoviLeaksCVVAM There is one racial group in the UK you are legally allowed to discriminate against, the White British. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Consider following us.

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@AndyGreensky There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Consider following us.

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@TwixBandit69 The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. #IrelandisFull Consider following us.

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@Tomhennessey69 There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Consider following us.

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@Mick_O_Keeffe The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. #IrelandisFull Consider following us.

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@RealMessageEire The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. #IrelandisFull Consider following us.

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@DiarmaidOCon The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. #IrelandisFull Consider following us.

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@RobertSimpson76 There is one racial group in the UK you are legally allowed to discriminate against, the White British. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Consider following us.

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@AndyGreensky There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing.

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@ThoughtsToby @sinnfeinireland

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@drcjjackson There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@frogNscorpion There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@ThoughtsToby The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. #IrelandisFull Consider following us, we follow back.

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@ThoughtsToby The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. #IrelandisFull Consider following us, we follow back.

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@paulmurphy_TD The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. #IrelandisFull Consider following us, we follow back.

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@carahhmongoose The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. #IrelandisFull Consider following us, we follow back.

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@ShonaMurray_ The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. #IrelandisFull Consider following us, we follow back.

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@Tomhennessey69 There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@GitNigel Well done. Saved. There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing.

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@DissidentSoaps There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@VoWalesOfficial @DaveAtherton20 @StanVoWales @_LivesMatter @JamesHarvey2503 The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. #IrelandisFull Consider following us, we follow back.

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@Unashamed366 There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@SerenaJB3 There is one racial group in the UK you are legally allowed to discriminate against, the White British. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@DrUmarAlQadri The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. #IrelandisFull

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@Unashamed366 There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@EMGisntDone There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@Duchess314 @MuffDvrGOLD The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. #IrelandisFull Consider following us, we follow back.

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@TheMadMan1666 The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. #IrelandisFull Consider following us, we follow back.

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@SerenaJB3 There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@AntiWhiteWatch1 There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@ChanceDennis90 There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@Robert____Jones There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@ManDearSir The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. #IrelandisFull Consider following us, we follow back.

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@B4WeWereEuros There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@BIPOCracism There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@AndyGreensky There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@NsPostingFs There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@FrankDeScushin There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@ChanceDennis90 There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@ThoughtsToby @rodericogorman The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. #IrelandisFull Consider following us, we follow back.

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@valeriekeane53 It will require a complete uprising like we are seeing in France to prevent the complete dispossession of the Irish people and to secure a homeland for Irish children. The Irish have every right to secure Ireland for the the Irish.

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@Tomhennessey69 There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@IrishProtector It will require a complete uprising like we are seeing in France to prevent the complete dispossession of the Irish people and to secure a homeland for Irish children. The Irish have every right to secure Ireland for the Irish.

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@Tomhennessey69 There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@JeffYoungerShow: @JeffYoungerTX

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@ActivePatriotUK It will require a complete uprising like we are seeing in France to prevent the complete dispossession of the Irish people and to secure a homeland for Irish children. The Irish have every right to secure Ireland for the the Irish.

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@PepGavin It will require a complete uprising like we are seeing in France to prevent the complete dispossession of the Irish people and to secure a homeland for Irish children. The Irish have every right to secure Ireland for the the Irish.

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@ChrisHahn411 It will require a complete uprising like we are seeing in France to prevent the complete dispossession of the Irish people and to secure a homeland for Irish children. The Irish have every right to secure Ireland for the the Irish.

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@gearoidmurphy_ It will require a complete uprising like we are seeing in France to prevent the complete dispossession of the Irish people and to secure a homeland for Irish children. The Irish have every right to secure Ireland for the the Irish. This deserves a response from the Irish...

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@Steve_Laws_ It will require a complete uprising like we are seeing in France to prevent the complete dispossession of the Irish people and to secure a homeland for Irish children. The Irish have every right to secure Ireland for the the Irish. This deserves a response from the Irish...

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@ThoughtsToby It will require a complete uprising like we are seeing in France to prevent the complete dispossession of the Irish people and to secure a homeland for Irish children. The Irish have every right to secure Ireland for the the Irish. This deserves a response from the Irish...

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@DVATW The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. #IrelandisFull Consider following us, we follow back.

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@ConMurphyCarlow It will require a complete uprising like we are seeing in France to prevent the complete dispossession of the Irish people and to secure a homeland for Irish children. The Irish have every right to secure Ireland for the the Irish. This deserves a response from the Irish...

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@FrankDeScushin There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@DidoKno It will require a complete uprising like we are seeing in France to prevent the complete dispossession of the Irish people and to secure a homeland for Irish children. The Irish have every right to secure Ireland for the the Irish. This deserves a response from the Irish...

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@NsPostingFs There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@eirenews_ie It will require a complete uprising like we are seeing in France to prevent the complete dispossession of the Irish people and to secure a homeland for Irish children. The Irish have every right to secure Ireland for the the Irish. This deserves a response from the Irish...

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@fatima_gunning It will require a complete uprising like we are seeing in France to prevent the complete dispossession of the Irish people and to secure a homeland for Irish children. The Irish have every right to secure Ireland for the the Irish. This deserves a response from the Irish...

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@rutler76 It will require a complete uprising like we are seeing in France to prevent the complete dispossession of the Irish people and to secure a homeland for Irish children. The Irish have every right to secure Ireland for the the Irish. This deserves a response from the Irish…

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@TheLiberal_ie @Mick_O_Keeffe The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. #IrelandisFull Consider following us, we follow back.

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@sarahlmull82 It will require a complete uprising like we are seeing in France to prevent the complete dispossession of the Irish people and to secure a homeland for Irish children. The Irish have every right to secure Ireland for the the Irish. This deserves a response from the Irish…

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@ps1ack There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@DickHammer48 There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@Edwin07011 There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@WilliamA_33 There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@ThoughtsToby No one goes to India and complains about Indians running India. No one goes to China and complains about the Chinese running China. It is only in White European Nations these concepts of White Privilege and Institutional Racism are applied. White Europeans globally must awake…

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@realstewpeters There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@Robert____Jones There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@ThoughtsToby The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. #IrelandisFull Consider following us, we follow back.

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@DFallamhain @defenceforces @PhilipDwyer_MOI The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. #IrelandisFull Consider following us, we follow back.

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@eirenews_ie The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. #IrelandisFull Consider following us, we follow back.

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@whochulainn @defenceforces It will require a complete uprising like we are seeing in France to prevent the complete dispossession of the Irish people and to secure a homeland for Irish children. The Irish have every right to secure Ireland for the the Irish. This deserves a response from the Irish…

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@Robert____Jones There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@TheLiberal_ie The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. #IrelandisFull Consider following us, we follow back.

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@realstewpeters There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@ThoughtsToby @PhilipDwyer_MOI It will require a complete uprising like we are seeing in France to prevent the complete dispossession of the Irish people and to secure a homeland for Irish children. The Irish have every right to secure Ireland for the the Irish. This deserves a response from the Irish…

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@Michael_Yon There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@AndyGreensky There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@AntiWhiteWatch1 There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@Robert____Jones There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@Tomhennessey69 There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@AntiWhiteWatch1 @paraicobrien There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@AntiWhiteWatch1 @Target There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@OffgridIreland The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. #IrelandisFull Consider following us, we follow back.

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@ps1ack The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. #IrelandisFull Consider following us, we follow back.

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@AntiWhiteWatch1 There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@PepGavin The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. #IrelandisFull Consider following us, we follow back.

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@TwixBandit69 @seaninmac The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. #IrelandisFull Consider following us, we follow back.

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@DVATW There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@eirenews_ie The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. #IrelandisFull Consider following us, we follow back.

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@eirenews_ie The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. #IrelandisFull Consider following us, we follow back.

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@AntiWhiteWatch1 There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@ThoughtsToby The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. #IrelandisFull Consider following us, we follow back.

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@Emilio2763 There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@Edwin07011 The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. #IrelandisFull Consider following us, we follow back.

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@Robert____Jones There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@EndWokeness There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@dave24144975 There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@haberortadogu The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. #IrelandisFull Consider following us, we follow back.

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@Klaus_Arminius The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. #IrelandisFull Consider following us, we follow back.

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@NuanceBro There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@ZA_Rebel There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@eirenews_ie The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. #IrelandisFull Consider following us, we follow back.

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@V_its_me_ There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@RealMessageEire The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. #IrelandisFull Consider following us, we follow back.

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@RickTheTank There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@Edwin07011 There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@AntiWhiteWatch1 @nytimes @NPR There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@RealMessageEire The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. #IrelandisFull Consider following us, we follow back.

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@eirenews_ie The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. #IrelandisFull Consider following us, we follow back.

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@theheadsaregone The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. #IrelandisFull Consider following us, we follow back.

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@RealMessageEire The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. #IrelandisFull Consider following us, we follow back.

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@Robert____Jones There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@RangerRex111 There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@Klaus_Arminius There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@TheCynicalHun There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@britishbullybee There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@BarbWinsock @Tomhennessey69 @ScottAdamsSays Few are aware of the demographic reality we face. Globally and across most White European nations a radical demographic shift is occurring. According to the United Nations in a few generations close to 50% of the Global population with be African. You are the minority not them.

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@FrankDeScushin There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@AntiWhiteWatch1 There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@ZeekArkham There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@Emilio2763 There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@Texas_Made956 There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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12 year old boy being kicked and punched by 3 blacks who take pleasure in seeing him beg them. #UK AntiWhite hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools teach it. The mainstream media promotes it. Our Governments make it policy. Our children and grandchildren are… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1638929107382665219 https://twitter.com/NationalAware/status/1638929107382665219/video/1

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@Klaus_Arminius There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@PrisonPlanet There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@Tomhennessey69 @FBI @ScottAdamsSays There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@AntiWhiteWatch1 @MarkDice There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@AntiWhiteWatch1 There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@wayotworld There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@realstewpeters There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@charliekirk11 There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@realstewpeters There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@WokeSlayerr There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@Henrik_Palmgren There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@CrimeInNYC @CNN @CBSNews @NBCNews @ABC There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@JoelWBerry There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@emeriticus There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@JoelWBerry There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@Know_More_News There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@Know_More_News There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@Klaus_Arminius There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@JCAndersonNYC There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@ClownWorld_ There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@desertlife88 There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@HighImpactFlix There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@Robert____Jones There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@BIPOCracism There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@stillgray There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@Klaus_Arminius @ArminiusNews There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@GreenEyedBo13 There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@amuse There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@TheCynicalHun There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@Flora34921110 @POTUS There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@timacheson There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@RightStuff47 There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@Nature_and_Race There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@Tomhennessey69 @ScottAdamsSays There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@HipIsEdo There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@Lauras4T There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@realstewpeters Thus is actually true. The 1st Amendment under attack in Florida. H.B 269 claims that political flyering "leads to littering" a 3rd degree felony punishable by 5 years in prison if the politicians and government deem it "hate". #HB269 Sign Petition https://www.change.org/p/stop-house-bill-269-in-florida?utm_content=cl_sharecopy_35512396_en-US%3A9&recruiter=396846100&recruited_by_id=c6c053a0-6a4c-11e5-aa6b-d7ffaea39aee&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=copylink&utm_campaign=psf_combo_share_initial&utm_term=psf_combo_share_initial&share_bandit_exp=initial-35512396-en-US

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@RayMairead There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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Two White kids are severely beaten by a group of Blacks at a mall in California. There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our… https://t.co/TpuSPa6Wu4 https://t.co/ssulCZfdg4

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Two White kids are severely beaten by a group of Blacks at a mall in California. There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1637940239648935937 https://twitter.com/NationalAware/status/1637940239648935937/video/1

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@Robert____Jones There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@jordanbpeterson @SenSanders @fordnation There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@PoxOnPop The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. #IrelandisFull Consider following us, we follow back.

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@Tomhennessey69 There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@MarioNawfal There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@DVATW The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. #IrelandisFull Consider following us, we follow back.

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@activeasian @LondonBreed There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@B4WeWereEuros There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@Justice_forum The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. #IrelandisFull Consider following us, we follow back.

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@realstewpeters There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@activeasian @LondonBreed There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@RealMessageEire The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. #IrelandisFull Consider following us, we follow back.

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@RealDannyTommo The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. #IrelandisFull Consider following us, we follow back.

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@RealGemmaOD @LeoVaradkar There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@StopAntisemites @AnthonySabatini @LakeGOP 🚨 1st Amendment Under Attack! 🚨 @GovRonDeSantis do you support this? H.B 269 claims that political flyering "leads to littering" a 3rd degree felony punishable by 5 years in prison if the politicians and government deem it "hate". #HB269 Petition https://www.change.org/p/stop-house-bill-269-in-florida?utm_content=cl_sharecopy_35512396_en-US%3A9&recruiter=396846100&recruited_by_id=c6c053a0-6a4c-11e5-aa6b-d7ffaea39aee&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=copylink&utm_campaign=psf_combo_share_initial&utm_term=psf_combo_share_initial&share_bandit_exp=initial-35512396-en-US

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@StopAntisemites @AnthonySabatini @VoteRandyFine 🚨 1st Amendment Under Attack! 🚨 @GovRonDeSantis do you support this? H.B 269 claims that political flyering "leads to littering" a 3rd degree felony punishable by 5 years in prison if the politicians and government deem it "hate". #HB269 Petition https://www.change.org/p/stop-house-bill-269-in-florida?utm_content=cl_sharecopy_35512396_en-US%3A9&recruiter=396846100&recruited_by_id=c6c053a0-6a4c-11e5-aa6b-d7ffaea39aee&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=copylink&utm_campaign=psf_combo_share_initial&utm_term=psf_combo_share_initial&share_bandit_exp=initial-35512396-en-US

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@AnthonySabatini @VoteRandyFine 🚨 1st Amendment Under Attack! 🚨 @GovRonDeSantis do you support this? H.B 269 claims that political flyering "leads to littering" a 3rd degree felony punishable by 5 years in prison if the politicians and government deem it "hate". #HB269 Petition https://www.change.org/p/stop-house-bill-269-in-florida?utm_content=cl_sharecopy_35512396_en-US%3A9&recruiter=396846100&recruited_by_id=c6c053a0-6a4c-11e5-aa6b-d7ffaea39aee&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=copylink&utm_campaign=psf_combo_share_initial&utm_term=psf_combo_share_initial&share_bandit_exp=initial-35512396-en-US

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@Tr00peRR There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@UltraDane There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@MorgothsReview There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@jakeshieldsajj There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@AntiWhiteWatch1 There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@LaurenceTheBird The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. #IrelandisFull Consider following us, we follow back.

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@patrice10706380 The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. #IrelandisFull Consider following us, we follow back.

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@scalyonee1977 @Oprah There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@WilliamA_33 There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@PymPurnell There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@TonemanLives There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@porcelain_yin There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@NatCon2022 There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@TonemanLives There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@wayotworld There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@Robert____Jones The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. #IrelandisFull Consider following us, we follow back.

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@Robert____Jones There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@NickGriffinBU The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. #IrelandisFull Consider following us, we follow back.

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@Tomhennessey69 @ScottAdamsSays There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@AntiWhiteWatch1 There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@GemmaHeaney1 The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. #IrelandisFull Consider following us, we follow back.

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@DVATW There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@Correction2016 The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. #IrelandisFull Consider following us, we follow back.

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@RealBlackIrish There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@Texas_Made956 There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@DVATW The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. #IrelandisFull Consider following us, we follow back.

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@irishdailymail The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. #IrelandisFull Consider following us, we follow back.

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@Texas_Made956 There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@RealMessageEire The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. #IrelandisFull Consider following us, we follow back.

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@porcelain_yin There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@AntiWhiteWatch1 There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@Jklunden The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. #IrelandisFull Consider following us, we follow back.

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@Jklunden The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. #IrelandisFull Consider following us, we follow back.

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@Robert____Jones There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@ManDearSir The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. #IrelandisFull Consider following us, we follow back.

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@patrice10706380 The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. #IrelandisFull Consider following us, we follow back.

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@TrueNeutral000 The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. #IrelandisFull Consider following us, we follow back.

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@DaveAtherton20 The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. #IrelandisFull Consider following us, we follow back.

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@irelandeye32 The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. #IrelandisFull Consider following us, we follow back.

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@hermannkelly The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. #IrelandisFull Consider following us, we follow back.

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@sashisawesome @MacConRaoi7 There is this fringe minority of Irish who want deprive Irish children of the only homeland they have because they would rather virtue signal to let others know how good they are, to be Anti Irish is not a virtue but a vice. #IrelandisFull

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@sashisawesome @MacConRaoi7 Meanwhile, Africans declare Africa belongs exclusively to the 1.5 Billion Black Africans. Imagine claiming an entire continent... while deriding the 5 million Irish for claiming a small island exclusively for the Irish. #IrelandisFull https://twitter.com/NationalAware/status/1636166708992851969/video/1

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@MacConRaoi7 The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. #IrelandisFull Consider following us, we follow back.

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@TheLiberal_ie The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. #IrelandisFull Consider following us, we follow back.

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@ActivePatriotUK The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. #IrelandisFull Consider following us, we follow back.

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@hermannkelly @NWCI @IrishTimes @IrexitFreedom

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@hermannkelly @NWCI @IrishTimes @IrexitFreedom The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. #IrelandisFull Consider following us, we follow back.

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@BenGilroyIRL The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. #IrelandisFull Consider following us, we follow back.

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@Mick_O_Keeffe The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. #IrelandisFull Consider following us, we follow back.

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@Mick_O_Keeffe The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. #IrelandisFull Consider following us, we follow back.

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@ThoughtsToby The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. #IrelandisFull Consider following us, we follow back.

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@FenlonESA @Mick_O_Keeffe @onekannon @JenRational Meanwhile, Africans declare Africa belongs exclusively to the 1.5 Billion Black Africans. Imagine claiming an entire continent... while deriding the 5 million Irish for claiming a small island exclusively for the Irish. #IrelandisFull https://twitter.com/NationalAware/status/1635463334748123139/video/1

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@Mick_O_Keeffe @onekannon @JenRational The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. #IrelandisFull Consider following us, we follow back.

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@ThoughtsToby The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. #IrelandisFull Consider following us, we follow back.

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@JeffYoungerTX There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@B4WeWereEuros There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@Livefromreality @Illadelph80_ @Change

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@wayotworld There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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Mother of the boy who was strangled on a school bus speaks out. No action was taken by the school and her son was the one who had to leave the school. AntiWhite hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we… https://t.co/I2jUdSsMSA https://t.co/nyTK7dObTW

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Mother of the boy who was strangled on a school bus speaks out. No action was taken by the school and her son was the one who had to leave the school. AntiWhite hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1634388839711088640 https://twitter.com/NationalAware/status/1634388839711088640/video/1

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@NoVA_Campaigns @colorbrocklips @fcpsnews There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@AsraNomani @fcpsnews @WinsomeSears @JasonMiyaresVA There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@GovRonDeSantis 🚨 1st Amendment Under Attack! 🚨 @GovRonDeSantis do you support this? H.B 269 claims that political flyering "leads to littering" a 3rd degree felony punishable by 5 years in prison if the politicians and government deem it "hate". #HB269 Petition https://www.change.org/p/stop-house-bill-269-in-florida?utm_content=cl_sharecopy_35512396_en-US%3A9&recruiter=396846100&recruited_by_id=c6c053a0-6a4c-11e5-aa6b-d7ffaea39aee&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=copylink&utm_campaign=psf_combo_share_initial&utm_term=psf_combo_share_initial&share_bandit_exp=initial-35512396-en-US

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@tomaskenn 🚨 1st Amendment Under Attack! 🚨 H.B 269 claims that political flyering "leads to littering" a 3rd degree felony punishable by 5 years in prison if the politicians and government deem it "hate". #Florida #HB269 #Petition #StopHB269 Sign the Petition. https://www.change.org/p/stop-house-bill-269-in-florida?utm_content=cl_sharecopy_35512396_en-US%3A9&recruiter=396846100&recruited_by_id=c6c053a0-6a4c-11e5-aa6b-d7ffaea39aee&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=copylink&utm_campaign=psf_combo_share_initial&utm_term=psf_combo_share_initial&share_bandit_exp=initial-35512396-en-US

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@SpeechUnion 🚨 1st Amendment Under Attack! 🚨 H.B 269 claims that political flyering "leads to littering" a 3rd degree felony punishable by 5 years in prison if the politicians and government deem it "hate". #Florida #HB269 #Petition #StopHB269 Sign the Petition. https://www.change.org/p/stop-house-bill-269-in-florida?utm_content=cl_sharecopy_35512396_en-US%3A9&recruiter=396846100&recruited_by_id=c6c053a0-6a4c-11e5-aa6b-d7ffaea39aee&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=copylink&utm_campaign=psf_combo_share_initial&utm_term=psf_combo_share_initial&share_bandit_exp=initial-35512396-en-US

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@TheCynicalHun 🚨 1st Amendment Under Attack! 🚨 H.B 269 claims that political flyering "leads to littering" a 3rd degree felony punishable by 5 years in prison if the politicians and government deem it "hate". #Florida #HB269 #Petition #StopHB269 Sign the Petition. https://www.change.org/p/stop-house-bill-269-in-florida?utm_content=cl_sharecopy_35512396_en-US%3A9&recruiter=396846100&recruited_by_id=c6c053a0-6a4c-11e5-aa6b-d7ffaea39aee&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=copylink&utm_campaign=psf_combo_share_initial&utm_term=psf_combo_share_initial&share_bandit_exp=initial-35512396-en-US

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@DissidentSoaps 🚨 1st Amendment Under Attack! 🚨 H.B 269 claims that political flyering "leads to littering" a 3rd degree felony punishable by 5 years in prison if the politicians and government deem it "hate". #Florida #HB269 #Petition #StopHB269 Sign the Petition. https://www.change.org/p/stop-house-bill-269-in-florida?utm_content=cl_sharecopy_35512396_en-US%3A9&recruiter=396846100&recruited_by_id=c6c053a0-6a4c-11e5-aa6b-d7ffaea39aee&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=copylink&utm_campaign=psf_combo_share_initial&utm_term=psf_combo_share_initial&share_bandit_exp=initial-35512396-en-US

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@The_Westernist @RonDeSantisFL 🚨 1st Amendment Under Attack! 🚨 H.B 269 claims that political flyering "leads to littering" a 3rd degree felony punishable by 5 years in prison if the politicians and government deem it "hate". #Florida #HB269 #Petition #StopHB269 Sign the Petition. https://www.change.org/p/stop-house-bill-269-in-florida?utm_content=cl_sharecopy_35512396_en-US%3A9&recruiter=396846100&recruited_by_id=c6c053a0-6a4c-11e5-aa6b-d7ffaea39aee&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=copylink&utm_campaign=psf_combo_share_initial&utm_term=psf_combo_share_initial&share_bandit_exp=initial-35512396-en-US

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@USA_Anne711 🚨 1st Amendment Under Attack! 🚨 H.B 269 claims that political flyering "leads to littering" a 3rd degree felony punishable by 5 years in prison if the politicians and government deem it "hate". #Florida #HB269 #Petition #StopHB269 Sign the Petition.l https://www.change.org/p/stop-house-bill-269-in-florida?utm_content=cl_sharecopy_35512396_en-US%3A9&recruiter=396846100&recruited_by_id=c6c053a0-6a4c-11e5-aa6b-d7ffaea39aee&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=copylink&utm_campaign=psf_combo_share_initial&utm_term=psf_combo_share_initial&share_bandit_exp=initial-35512396-en-US

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@BIPOCracism There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@Pro__Trading 🚨 1st Amendment Under Attack! 🚨 H.B 269 claims that political flyering "leads to littering" a 3rd degree felony punishable by 5 years in prison if the politicians and government deem it "hate". #Florida #HB269 #Petition #StopHB269 Sign the Petition. https://www.change.org/p/stop-house-bill-269-in-florida?utm_content=cl_sharecopy_35512396_en-US%3A9&recruiter=396846100&recruited_by_id=c6c053a0-6a4c-11e5-aa6b-d7ffaea39aee&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=copylink&utm_campaign=psf_combo_share_initial&utm_term=psf_combo_share_initial&share_bandit_exp=initial-35512396-en-US

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@BerryRazi 🚨 1st Amendment Under Attack! 🚨 H.B 269 claims that political flyering "leads to littering" a 3rd degree felony punishable by 5 years in prison if the politicians and government deem it "hate". #Florida #HB269 #Petition #StopHB269 Sign the Petition. https://www.change.org/p/stop-house-bill-269-in-florida?utm_content=cl_sharecopy_35512396_en-US%3A9&recruiter=396846100&recruited_by_id=c6c053a0-6a4c-11e5-aa6b-d7ffaea39aee&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=copylink&utm_campaign=psf_combo_share_initial&utm_term=psf_combo_share_initial&share_bandit_exp=initial-35512396-en-US

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@SteveDeaceShow 🚨 1st Amendment Under Attack! 🚨 H.B 269 claims that political flyering "leads to littering" a 3rd degree felony punishable by 5 years in prison if the politicians and government deem it "hate". #Florida #HB269 #Petition #StopHB269 Sign the Petition. https://www.change.org/p/stop-house-bill-269-in-florida?utm_content=cl_sharecopy_35512396_en-US%3A9&recruiter=396846100&recruited_by_id=c6c053a0-6a4c-11e5-aa6b-d7ffaea39aee&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=copylink&utm_campaign=psf_combo_share_initial&utm_term=psf_combo_share_initial&share_bandit_exp=initial-35512396-en-US

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@MsPicklesP @SteveDeaceShow 🚨 1st Amendment Under Attack! 🚨 H.B 269 claims that political flyering "leads to littering" a 3rd degree felony punishable by 5 years in prison if the politicians and government deem it "hate". #Florida #HB269 #Petition #StopHB269 Sign the Petition. https://www.change.org/p/stop-house-bill-269-in-florida?utm_content=cl_sharecopy_35512396_en-US%3A9&recruiter=396846100&recruited_by_id=c6c053a0-6a4c-11e5-aa6b-d7ffaea39aee&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=copylink&utm_campaign=psf_combo_share_initial&utm_term=psf_combo_share_initial&share_bandit_exp=initial-35512396-en-US

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@DeSantisFandom @RonDeSantisFL 🚨 1st Amendment Under Attack! 🚨 H.B 269 claims that political flyering "leads to littering" a 3rd degree felony punishable by 5 years in prison if the politicians and government deem it "hate". #Florida #HB269 #Petition #StopHB269 Sign the Petition. https://www.change.org/p/stop-house-bill-269-in-florida?utm_content=cl_sharecopy_35512396_en-US%3A9&recruiter=396846100&recruited_by_id=c6c053a0-6a4c-11e5-aa6b-d7ffaea39aee&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=copylink&utm_campaign=psf_combo_share_initial&utm_term=psf_combo_share_initial&share_bandit_exp=initial-35512396-en-US

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@SteveFranssen @Nvcvlear_Energy Not surprised... They are also taking away Free Speech in Florida. H.B 269 claims that political flyering "leads to littering" a 3rd degree felony punishable by 5 years in prison if the politicians and government deem it "hate". #HB269 https://www.change.org/p/stop-house-bill-269-in-florida?utm_content=cl_sharecopy_35512396_en-US%3A9&recruiter=396846100&recruited_by_id=c6c053a0-6a4c-11e5-aa6b-d7ffaea39aee&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=copylink&utm_campaign=psf_combo_share_initial&utm_term=psf_combo_share_initial&share_bandit_exp=initial-35512396-en-US…

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@RealIrishCONS There is this fringe minority of Irish who want deprive Irish children of the only homeland they have because they would rather virtue signal to let others know how good they are, to be Anti Irish is not a virtue but a vice. #IrelandisFull Consider following us, we follow back

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@NewUnion76 There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@FireflyLight___ There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@VoteRandyFine @RepMikeCaruso @vickiforflorida 🚨 1st Amendment Under Attack! 🚨 H.B 269 claims that political flyering "leads to littering" a 3rd degree felony punishable by 5 years in prison if the politicians and government deem it "hate". #Florida #HB269 #Petition #StopHB269 Sign the Petition. https://www.change.org/p/stop-house-bill-269-in-florida?utm_content=cl_sharecopy_35512396_en-US%3A9&recruiter=396846100&recruited_by_id=c6c053a0-6a4c-11e5-aa6b-d7ffaea39aee&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=copylink&utm_campaign=psf_combo_share_initial&utm_term=psf_combo_share_initial&share_bandit_exp=initial-35512396-en-US

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@LadyEnigma_93 The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. #IrelandisFull Consider following us, we follow back.

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@NationalAware: Meanwhile, Africans declare Africa belongs exclusively to the 1.5 Billion Black Africans. Imagine claiming an entire continent... while deriding the 5 million Irish for claiming a small island exclusively for the Irish. #IrelandisFull https://twitter.com/NationalAware/status/1622399893670174722/video/1

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Africans declare Africa belongs to the 1.5 Billion Black Africans. And Ireland belongs to the Irish, a global minority of only 5 million. The Irish are awakening to this genocidal scheme of mass immigration. Ireland will remain Irish. #Irelandisfull #KeepIrelandIrish https://twitter.com/NationalAware/status/1620849386665447425/video/1

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@GraceSm73368432 There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Anti-White hate is accepted within the mainstream, our schools even teach it. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow us, we follow back.

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@noelkelly The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. Attempting to deny the Irish their fundamental right to self preservation is genocide. #IrelandIsFull Consider following us, we follow back.

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@IrishNational1 The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. Attempting to deny the Irish their fundamental right to self preservation is genocide. The Irish will fight this genocidal scheme of mass immigration. #IrelandIsFull

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@Mick_O_Keeffe The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. Attempting to deny the Irish their fundamental right to self preservation is genocide. #Irelandisfull Consider following us, we follow back.

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@jonnyg0156 The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. Attempting to deny the Irish their fundamental right to self preservation is genocide. Irish Children deserve a homeland. Consider following us, we follow back.

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🚨YOU are the MINORITY🚨 White Europeans from America to Europe have been lied too. You are not the majority but a global minority of only 8%. You are the minority. 92% of the world is Non-White. Those you call minorities are the majority. #MinorityScam https://twitter.com/NationalAware/status/1615116750550360067/video/1

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🚨YOU are the MINORITY🚨 White Europeans from America to Europe have been lied too. You are not the majority but a global minority of only 8%. You are the minority. 92% of the world is Non-White. Those you call minorities are the majority. #MinorityScam https://twitter.com/NationalAware/status/1615114559504670720/video/1

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@griptmedia The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. Attempting to deny the Irish their fundamental right to self preservation is genocide. Irish Children deserve a homeland. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@ServeOnlyGod The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. Attempting to deny the Irish their fundamental right to self preservation is genocide. Irish Children deserve a homeland. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@DonaldClarke63 The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. Attempting to deny the Irish their fundamental right to self preservation is genocide. Irish Children deserve a homeland. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@RealIrishCONS @RTEOne The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. Attempting to deny the Irish their fundamental right to self preservation is genocide. Irish Children deserve a homeland. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@AntiWhiteWatch1 There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Public school curriculums include CRT, a theory designed to teach hatred for Whites. Our children will be a persecuted minority if we do nothing. Follow, we follow back

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@Independent_ie The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. Attempting to deny the Irish their fundamental right to self preservation is genocide. Irish Children deserve a homeland. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@paddymacc1 The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. Attempting to deny the Irish their fundamental right to self preservation is genocide. Irish Children deserve a homeland. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@BligheDerek The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. Attempting to deny the Irish their fundamental right to self preservation is genocide. Irish Children deserve a homeland. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@BLAIMGame The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. Attempting to deny the Irish their fundamental right to self preservation is genocide. Irish Children deserve a homeland. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@TheLiberal_ie The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. Attempting to deny the Irish their fundamental right to self preservation is genocide. Irish Children deserve a homeland. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@TheLiberal_ie The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. Attempting to deny the Irish their fundamental right to self preservation is genocide. Irish Children deserve a homeland. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@cacgodeo The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. Attempting to deny the Irish their fundamental right to self preservation is genocide. Irish Children deserve a homeland. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@TheDon66666 The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. Attempting to deny the Irish their fundamental right to self preservation is genocide. Irish Children deserve a homeland. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@NHP_UK The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. Attempting to deny the Irish their fundamental right to self preservation is genocide. Irish Children deserve a homeland. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@ThoughtsToby The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. Attempting to deny the Irish their fundamental right to self preservation is genocide. Irish Children deserve a homeland. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@gearoidmurphy_ The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. Attempting to deny the Irish their fundamental right to self preservation is genocide. Irish Children deserve a homeland. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@smcdermott2020 @ConorKane6 @jenoconnell @LeCheileDND @CommWorkIreland @INARIreland @kclr96fm The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. Attempting to deny the Irish their fundamental right to self preservation is genocide. Irish Children deserve a homeland. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@LaurenceTheBird The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. Attempting to deny the Irish their fundamental right to self preservation is genocide. Irish Children deserve a homeland. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@Mick_O_Keeffe The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. Attempting to deny the Irish their fundamental right to self preservation is genocide. Irish Children deserve a homeland. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@CilComLFC The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. Attempting to deny the Irish their fundamental right to self preservation is genocide. Irish Children deserve a homeland. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@UnitedARacism @IrishTimes @irishexaminer @Independent_ie @thejournal_ie @rte @LeCheileDND The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. Attempting to deny the Irish their fundamental right to self preservation is genocide. Irish Children deserve a homeland. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@RealGemmaOD The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. Attempting to deny the Irish their fundamental right to self preservation is genocide. Irish Children deserve a homeland. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@patrice10706380 The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. Attempting to deny the Irish their fundamental right to self preservation is genocide. Irish Children deserve a homeland. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@IrexitFreedom @IrishTimes The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. Attempting to deny the Irish their fundamental right to self preservation is genocide. Irish Children deserve a homeland. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@hermannkelly @ImeldaMunster @sinnfeinireland @fiannafailparty @FineGael The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. Attempting to deny the Irish their fundamental right to self preservation is genocide. Irish Children deserve a homeland. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@StephHanlon5 @wlrfm @kclr96fm @thejournal_ie @LeCheileDND @UnitedARacism The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. Attempting to deny the Irish their fundamental right to self preservation is genocide. Irish Children deserve a homeland. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@david_bellew78 The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. Attempting to deny the Irish their fundamental right to self preservation is genocide. Irish Children deserve a homeland. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@RuairiTraderIRL The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. Attempting to deny the Irish their fundamental right to self preservation is genocide. #IrelandisFull Consider following us, we follow back.

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@mullally_elaine The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. Attempting to deny the Irish their fundamental right to self preservation is genocide. #IrelandisFull Consider following us, we follow back.

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@paulmurphy_TD @CaseyPeterJ The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. Attempting to deny the Irish their fundamental right to self preservation is genocide. #IrelandisFull Consider following us, we follow back.

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@ThoughtsToby The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. Attempting to deny the Irish their fundamental right to self preservation is genocide. #IrelandisFull Consider following us, we follow back.

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@thisislaurat The British are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to self preservation, to preserve their nations and people. Attempting to deny the British their fundamental right to self preservation is genocide. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@grahamHmoore The British are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to self preservation, to preserve their nations and people. Attempting to deny the British their fundamental right to self preservation is genocide. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@thisislaurat The British are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to self preservation, to preserve their nations and people. Attempting to deny the British their fundamental right to self preservation is genocide. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@BligheDerek @Ginosocialist The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. Attempting to deny the Irish their fundamental right to self preservation is genocide. #IrelandisFull Consider following us, we follow back.

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@ChrisHahn411 The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. Attempting to deny the Irish their fundamental right to self preservation is genocide. #IrelandisFull Consider following us, we follow back.

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@AntiWhiteWatch1 There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Public school curriculums include CRT, a theory designed to teach hatred for Whites. Our children will not only be a minority, but a persecuted minority. Follow us.

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@AntiWhiteWatch1 There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Public school curriculums include CRT, a theory designed to teach hatred for Whites. Our children will not only be a minority, but a persecuted minority.

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@AntiWhiteWatch1 The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. Attempting to deny the Irish their fundamental right to self preservation is genocide. #IrelandisFull Consider following us, we follow back.

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@BligheDerek @Ginosocialist The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. Attempting to deny the Irish their fundamental right to self preservation is genocide. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@GodLovesYou2000 There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Public school curriculums include CRT, a theory designed to teach hatred for Whites. Our children will not only be a minority, but a persecuted minority.

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@jeanandanto The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. Attempting to deny the Irish their fundamental right to self preservation is genocide. #IrelandisFull Consider following us, we follow back.

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@DiarmaidOCon The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. Attempting to deny the Irish their fundamental right to self preservation is genocide. #IrelandisFull Consider following us, we follow back.

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@Henrik_Palmgren Since it would get media coverage, "White Europeans are 8% of the Global Population and White European Americans will soon be a minority in America. You, the so called elite and the mass media have lied too and deceived the average White, European American into believing...

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@hermannkelly The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. To deny the Irish their fundamental right to self preservation is genocide. They are wanting to eradicate the Irish people. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@lockie2003 The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. To deny the Irish their fundamental right to self preservation is genocide. Why are these young people embracing the genocide of their own people? Disturbing.

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@michaelpbreton There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Public school curriculums include CRT, a theory designed to teach hatred for Whites. Our children will not only be a minority, but a persecuted minority.

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According to President Joe Biden as of 2017 White European Americans are an absolute minority in America and will forever remain a minority. And not only are you a national minority but you are also a global minority. White Europeans are only 8% of the world population. https://t.co/sIEN4X0P7B
: There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Public school curriculums include CRT, a theory designed to teach anti White hate. Our children will not only be a minority, but a persecuted minority if we do nothing.

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According to President Joe Biden as of 2017 White European Americans are an absolute minority in America and will forever remain a minority. And not only are you a national minority but you are also a global minority. White Europeans are only 8% of the world population. https://twitter.com/NationalAware/status/1613737719728857088/video/1

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@GemmaHeaney1 The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. Attempting to deny the Irish their fundamental right to self preservation is genocide. #IrelandisFull Consider following us, we follow back.

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@pb4p @UnitedARacism @bridsmithTD @RBoydBarrett @Ginosocialist @HazelPBP @AdriennePBPA @MelisaHalpin The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. Attempting to deny the Irish their fundamental right to self preservation is genocide. #IrelandisFull Consider following us, we follow back.

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@ShayLe61 @bridsmithTD @HazelPBP @gazmogazmo23 The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. Attempting to deny the Irish their fundamental right to self preservation is genocide. #IrelandisFull Consider following us, we follow back.

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@HazelPBP The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. Attempting to deny the Irish their fundamental right to self preservation is genocide. #IrelandisFull Consider following us, we follow back.

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@thehotash1 The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. Attempting to deny the Irish their fundamental right to self preservation is genocide. #IrelandisFull Consider following us, we follow back.

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@gearoidmurphy_ The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. Attempting to deny the Irish their fundamental right to self preservation is genocide. #IrelandisFull Consider following us, we follow back.

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@TheLiberal_ie The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. Attempting to deny the Irish their fundamental right to self preservation is genocide. #IrelandisFull Consider following us, we follow back.

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@LOCthedreamer1 The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. Attempting to deny the Irish their fundamental right to self preservation is genocide. #IrelandisFull Consider following us, we follow back.

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@RealGemmaOD The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. Attempting to deny the Irish their fundamental right to self preservation is genocide. #IrelandisFull Consider following us, we follow back.

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@CaseyPeterJ The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. Attempting to deny the Irish their fundamental right to self preservation is genocide. #IrelandisFull Consider following us, we follow back.

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@gearoidmurphy_ The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. Attempting to deny the Irish their fundamental right to self preservation is genocide. #IrelandisFull Consider following us, we follow back.

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@IrexitFreedom The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. Attempting to deny the Irish their fundamental right to self preservation is genocide. #IrelandisFull Consider following us, we follow back.

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@TheLiberal_ie @MalachySteenson The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. Attempting to deny the Irish their fundamental right to self preservation is genocide. #IrelandisFull Consider following us, we follow back.

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@ThoughtsToby The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. Attempting to deny the Irish their fundamental right to self preservation is genocide. #IrelandisFull Consider following us, we follow back.

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@fatima_gunning The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. Attempting to deny the Irish their fundamental right to self preservation is genocide. #IrelandisFull Consider following us, we follow back.

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@corvid__22 The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. Attempting to deny the Irish their fundamental right to self preservation is genocide. #IrelandisFull Consider following us, we follow back.

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Biden and Mexican President Celebrate your Demographic Replacement 🚨🚨 Biden called for the use of foreign labor to fill jobs in the U.S, regardless of the economic impact on Americans wages and rents. We are on track to see 10 million illegals invade the US under Biden Admin.

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@thehotash1 The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. Attempting to deny the Irish their fundamental right to self preservation is genocide. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@GraceSm73368432 There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Public school curriculums include CRT, a theory designed to teach hatred for Whites. Our children will not only be a minority, but a persecuted minority.

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@Mick_O_Keeffe The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. Attempting to deny the Irish their fundamental right to self preservation is genocide. Mass Immigration is a genocidal scheme, fight back. Follow us, we follow back.

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@IrexitFreedom The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. Attempting to deny the Irish their fundamental right to self preservation is genocide. The Irish will fight this genocidal scheme of mass immigration. #IrelandisFull

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@greenshame The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. Attempting to deny the Irish their fundamental right to self preservation is genocide. The Irish will fight this genocidal scheme of mass immigration.

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@ThoughtsToby The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. Attempting to deny the Irish their fundamental right to self preservation is genocide. The Irish will fight this genocidal scheme of mass immigration.

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@sarahlmull82 The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. Attempting to deny the Irish their fundamental right to self preservation is genocide. The Irish will fight this genocidal scheme of mass immigration. #IrelandisFull

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@DFallamhain The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. Attempting to deny the Irish their fundamental right to self preservation is genocide. The Irish will fight this genocidal scheme of mass immigration. #IrelandisFull

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@ServeOnlyGod The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. Attempting to deny the Irish their fundamental right to self preservation is genocide. The Irish will fight this genocidal scheme of mass immigration. #IrelandisFull

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@paulmurphy_TD The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. Attempting to deny the Irish their fundamental right to self preservation is genocide. The Irish will fight this genocidal scheme of mass immigration. #IrelandisFull

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@Elle98759673 The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. Attempting to deny the Irish their fundamental right to self preservation is genocide. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@Elle98759673 The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. Attempting to deny the Irish their fundamental right to self preservation is genocide. The Irish will fight this genocidal scheme of mass immigration. #IrelandisFull

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@ChrisHahn411 The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. Attempting to deny the Irish their fundamental right to self preservation is genocide. The Irish will fight this genocidal scheme of mass immigration. #IrelandisFull

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@ThoughtsToby The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. The people of Ireland taking a stand are an inspiration to other European people across the west. Continue this fight for Irish children, they deserve a homeland.

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@AodhanORiordain The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. Attempting to deny the Irish their fundamental right to self preservation is anti white. The Irish will fight this genocidal scheme of mass immigration. #IrelandisFull

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@Maria111316 @AodhanORiordain The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. The Irish will fight this genocidal scheme of mass immigration. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@thehotash1 The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. Attempting to deny the Irish their fundamental right to self preservation is anti white. The Irish will fight this genocidal scheme of mass immigration. #IrelandisFull

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@AntiWhiteWatch1 We are a global minority, we will soon be a minority in America, we must organize against anti white hate and stop this! National Identity Awareness is a grassroots organization dedicated to raising awareness pertaining to demographics. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@RonFilipkowski Protecting children who are a global minority from anti white hate is good. National Identity Awareness is a grassroots organization dedicated to raising awareness pertaining to demographics. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@apmcdonnell The Irish are an extreme minority group on this planet. They have every right to preserve Ireland for the Irish. You denying the Irish that fundamental right to self preservation makes you anti white. The Irish will fight this genocidal scheme of mass immigration. #IrelandisFull

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@ActivePatriotUK National Identity Awareness is a grassroots organization dedicated to raising awareness pertaining to demographics and equipping local activist with effective messaging.

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@NHPUKOfficial Grassroots activism is the way forward. Think locally, Act locally. National Identity Awareness is a grassroots organization dedicated to raising awareness pertaining to demographics and equipping local activist with effective messaging. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@KateKadisha The Irish must fight against this genocidal scheme of mass immigration! National Identity Awareness is a grassroots organization dedicated to raising awareness pertaining to demographics and equipping activist with effective messaging. Consider following us, we follow back

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@Mick_O_Keeffe The Irish must fight against this genocidal scheme of mass immigration! National Identity Awareness is a grassroots organization dedicated to raising awareness pertaining to demographics and equipping activist with effective messaging. Consider following us, we follow back

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This is a printable version. The Irish must fight against this genocidal scheme of mass immigration! National Identity Awareness is a grassroots organization dedicated to raising awareness pertaining to demographics and equipping activist with messaging. #IrelandisFull

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@Robert____Jones The Irish must fight against this genocidal scheme of mass immigration! National Identity Awareness is a grassroots organization dedicated to raising awareness pertaining to demographics and equipping activist with effective messaging. Consider following us, we follow back

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@mullally_elaine The Irish must fight against this genocidal scheme of mass immigration! National Identity Awareness is a grassroots organization dedicated to raising awareness pertaining to demographics and equipping activist with effective messaging. Consider following us, we follow back

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National Identity Awareness stand with the brave Irish men and women taking to the streets to defend their nation. The Irish must fight against this genocidal scheme of mass immigration. Irish children deserve a homeland that they can call their own. #WeStandWithIreland

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@TheLiberal_ie The Irish must fight against this genocidal scheme of mass immigration! National Identity Awareness is a grassroots organization dedicated to raising awareness pertaining to demographics and equipping activist with effective messaging. Consider following us, we follow back

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@thehotash1 The Irish must fight against this genocidal scheme of mass immigration! National Identity Awareness is a grassroots organization dedicated to raising awareness pertaining to demographics and equipping activist with effective messaging. Consider following us, we follow back

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@TheLiberal_ie The Irish must fight against this genocidal scheme of mass immigration! National Identity Awareness is a grassroots organization dedicated to raising awareness pertaining to demographics and equipping activist with effective messaging. Consider following us, we follow back

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@RealMessageEire National Identity Awareness stand with the brave Irish men and women taking to the streets to defend their nation. You are an inspiration to all of us. The Irish are an extreme global minority. Irish children deserve a homeland that they can call their own. #WeStandWithIreland https://t.co/Qxu3FDqoPc
: @RealMessageEire Consider following us on Twitter, we follow back.

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@ChrisHahn411 The Irish must fight against this genocidal scheme of mass immigration. Irish children deserve a homeland that they can call their own. Consider following us on Twitter, we follow back.

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@Klaus_Arminius The Irish must fight against this genocidal scheme of mass immigration. Irish children deserve a homeland that they can call their own. Considering following us, we follow back.

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@AlizeeScassel National Identity Awareness stand with the brave Irish men and women taking to the streets to defend their nation. The Irish must fight against this genocidal scheme of mass immigration. Irish children deserve a homeland that they can call their own.

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@hermannkelly National Identity Awareness stand with the brave Irish men and women taking to the streets to defend their nation. The Irish must fight against this genocidal scheme of mass immigration. Irish children deserve a homeland that they can call their own.

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@greenshame National Identity Awareness stand with the brave Irish men and women taking to the streets to defend their nation. The Irish must fight against this genocidal scheme of mass immigration. Irish children deserve a homeland that they can call their own. #WeStandWithIreland

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@noreward_norisk National Identity Awareness stand with the brave Irish men and women taking to the streets to defend their nation. The Irish must fight against this genocidal scheme of mass immigration. Irish children deserve a homeland that they can call their own. #WeStandWithIreland

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@RealMessageEire National Identity Awareness stand with the brave Irish men and women taking to the streets to defend their nation. You are an inspiration to all of us. The Irish are an extreme global minority. Irish children deserve a homeland that they can call their own. #WeStandWithIreland

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@RealMessageEire National Identity Awareness stand with the brave Irish men and women taking to the streets to defend their nation. You are an inspiration to all of us. The Irish are an extreme global minority. Irish children deserve a homeland that they can call their own. #WeStandWithIreland

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@jj_talking National Identity Awareness stand with the brave Irish men and women taking to the streets to defend their nation. You are an inspiration to all of us. The Irish are an extreme global minority. Irish children deserve a homeland that they can call their own. #WeStandWithIreland

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@RealGemmaOD @GardaTraffic National Identity Awareness stand with the brave Irish men and women taking to the streets to defend their nation. You are an inspiration to all of us. The Irish are an extreme global minority. Irish children deserve a homeland that they can call their own. #WeStandWithIreland

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National Identity Awareness stand with the brave Irish men and women taking to the streets to defend their nation. You are an inspiration to all of us. The Irish are an extreme global minority. Irish children deserve a homeland that they can call their own. #WeStandWithIreland

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@AntiWhiteWatch1 @nytimes @NPR This is how brazen they are, just imagine when we are a minority? National Identity Awareness is a grassroots organization dedicated to raising awareness pertaining to demographics and equipping local activist with effective messaging. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@spirebeam15517 @SamsSamsson6 @sinnfeinireland It's Demographic Replacement, another word for it is genocide.

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@Edwin07011 National Identity Awareness is a grassroots organization dedicated to raising awareness pertaining to demographics and equipping local activist with effective messaging. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@AodhanORiordain If you are Irish..YOU ARE A GLOBAL MINORITY! It's natural, normal and healthy to stand up for your people and nation especially when they are a global minority while importing global majorities and deceitfully calling them "minorities" Where is his business so we can support it?

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@NationalPartyIE If you are Irish... YOU ARE THE MINORITY! This is an invasion! National Identity Awareness is a grassroots organization dedicated to raising awareness pertaining to demographics and equipping local activist with effective messaging. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@KaiCCL Conservatism, for the last 60 years has done absolutely nothing to stop or prevent you and your children from becoming a dispossessed, persecuted minority group in a nation your forefathers founded and built.

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@B4WeWereEuros If you are Irish... YOU ARE THE MINORITY! This is an invasion! National Identity Awareness is a grassroots organization dedicated to raising awareness pertaining to demographics and equipping local activist with effective messaging. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@RealMessageEire If you are Irish... YOU ARE THE MINORITY! This is an invasion! National Identity Awareness is a grassroots organization dedicated to raising awareness pertaining to demographics and equipping local activist with effective messaging. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@greenshame If you are Irish... YOU ARE THE MINORITY! This is an invasion! National Identity Awareness is a grassroots organization dedicated to raising awareness pertaining to demographics and equipping local activist with effective messaging. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@sarahlmull82 If you are Irish... YOU ARE THE MINORITY! This is an invasion! National Identity Awareness is a grassroots organization dedicated to raising awareness pertaining to demographics and equipping local activist with effective messaging. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@DaveAtherton20 @Breakingservice If you are Irish... YOU ARE THE MINORITY! This is an invasion! National Identity Awareness is a grassroots organization dedicated to raising awareness pertaining to demographics and equipping local activist with effective messaging. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@LadyEnigma_93 If you are Irish... YOU ARE THE MINORITY! This is an invasion! National Identity Awareness is a grassroots organization dedicated to raising awareness pertaining to demographics and equipping local activist with effective messaging. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@RealGemmaOD @JoanCollinsTD If you are Irish... YOU ARE THE MINORITY! This is an invasion! National Identity Awareness is a grassroots organization dedicated to raising awareness pertaining to demographics and equipping local activist with effective messaging. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@KevMinogue If you are Irish... YOU ARE THE MINORITY! This is an invasion! National Identity Awareness is a grassroots organization dedicated to raising awareness pertaining to demographics and equipping local activist with effective messaging. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@vanhoa2272 If you are Irish... YOU ARE THE MINORITY! This is an invasion! National Identity Awareness is a grassroots organization dedicated to raising awareness pertaining to demographics and equipping local activist with effective messaging. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@RealGemmaOD If you are Irish... YOU ARE THE MINORITY! This is an invasion! National Identity Awareness is a grassroots organization dedicated to raising awareness pertaining to demographics and equipping local activist with effective messaging. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@RealMessageEire God bless these men and woman taking a stand!! We need this throughout the west!! National Identity Awareness is a grassroots organization dedicated to raising awareness pertaining to demographics and equipping activist with effective messaging. Consider following us.

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@Klaus_Arminius Multiculturalism and diversity destroy European Nations. National Identity Awareness is a grassroots organization dedicated to raising awareness pertaining to demographics and equipping local activist with effective messaging. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@thehotash1 Multiculturalism and diversity destroy European Nations. National Identity Awareness is a grassroots organization dedicated to raising awareness pertaining to demographics and equipping local activist with effective messaging. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@RealGemmaOD Multiculturalism and diversity destroy nations. National Identity Awareness is a grassroots organization dedicated to raising awareness pertaining to demographics and equipping local activist with effective messaging. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@sarahlmull82 Multiculturalism and Diversity destroy nations. National Identity Awareness is a grassroots organization dedicated to raising awareness pertaining to demographics and equipping local activist with effective messaging. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@eurorabbit Multiculturalism and diversity destroy nations. National Identity Awareness is a grassroots organization dedicated to raising awareness pertaining to demographics and equipping local activist with effective messaging. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@greenshame He is right... National Identity Awareness is a grassroots organization dedicated to raising awareness pertaining to demographics and equipping local activist with effective messaging. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@NHPUKOfficial National Identity Awareness is a grassroots organization dedicated to raising awareness pertaining to demographics and equipping local activist with effective messaging. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@TheLiberal_ie Multiculturalism and diversity destroy nations. This must be stopped. National Identity Awareness is a grassroots organization dedicated to raising awareness pertaining to demographics and equipping local activist with effective messaging. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@EvaVlaar Beyond Alarming. National Identity Awareness is a grassroots organization dedicated to raising awareness pertaining to demographics and equipping local activist with effective messaging. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@AshwiniSahaya @BBCBreaking @cnnbrk @jihadwatchRS @AlinejadMasih @unwomenchief @unicefchief @TarekFatah @Martina @UN Multiculturalism and diversity destroy nations. This must change. National Identity Awareness is a grassroots organization dedicated to raising awareness pertaining to demographics and equipping activist with effective messaging. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@AntiWhiteWatch1 This is disgusting. This much change. National Identity Awareness is a grassroots organization dedicated to raising awareness pertaining to demographics and equipping local activist with effective messaging. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@ClownWorld_ National Identity Awareness is a grassroots organization dedicated to raising awareness pertaining to demographics and equipping local activist with effective messaging. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@ActivePatriotUK National Identity Awareness is a grassroots organization dedicated to raising awareness pertaining to demographics and equipping local activist with effective messaging. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@VeteranTakeBack National Identity Awareness is a grassroots organization dedicated to raising awareness pertaining to demographics and equipping local activist with effective messaging. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@thisislaurat National Identity Awareness is a grassroots organization dedicated to raising awareness pertaining to demographics and equipping local activist with effective messaging. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@itsalljstracism National Identity Awareness is a grassroots organization dedicated to raising awareness pertaining to demographics and equipping local activist with effective messaging. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@BIPOCracism National Identity Awareness is a grassroots organization dedicated to raising awareness pertaining to demographics and equipping local activist with effective messaging. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@TwixBandit69 National Identity Awareness is a grassroots organization dedicated to raising awareness pertaining to demographics and equipping local activist with effective messaging. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@AntiWhiteWatch1 National Identity Awareness is a grassroots organization dedicated to raising awareness pertaining to demographics and equipping local activist with effective messaging. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@Nigel_Farage National Identity Awareness is a grassroots organization dedicated to raising awareness pertaining to demographics and equipping local activist with effective messaging. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@AntiWhiteWatch1 A precursor of things to come. Just imagine how bad it will be once we are a minority. National Identity Awareness is a grassroots organization dedicated to raising awareness pertaining to demographics and equipping local activist with effective messaging. Consider following us

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@ActivePatriotUK Godspeed from America. National Identity Awareness is a grassroots organization dedicated to raising awareness pertaining to demographics and equipping local activist with effective messaging. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@VeteranTakeBack National Identity Awareness is a grassroots organization dedicated to raising awareness pertaining to demographics and equipping local activist with effective messaging. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@TheLiberal_ie @theliberal Godspeed from America. National Identity Awareness is a grassroots organization dedicated to raising awareness pertaining to demographics and equipping local activist with effective messaging. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@AntiWhiteWatch1 Just imagine how we will be treated as minorities? National Identity Awareness is a grassroots organization dedicated to raising awareness pertaining to demographics and equipping local activist with effective messaging. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@nvnomoreira National Identity Awareness is a grassroots organization dedicated to raising awareness pertaining to demographics and equipping local activist with effective messaging. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@ghostpenmag National Identity Awareness is a grassroots organization dedicated to raising awareness pertaining to demographics and equipping local activist with effective messaging. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@EvaVlaar National Identity Awareness is a grassroots organization dedicated to raising awareness pertaining to demographics and equipping local activist with effective messaging. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@BIPOCracism National Identity Awareness is a grassroots organization dedicated to raising awareness pertaining to demographics and equipping local activist with effective messaging. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@LOCthedreamer1 National Identity Awareness is a grassroots organization dedicated to raising awareness pertaining to demographics and equipping local activist with effective messaging. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@TaraBull808 National Identity Awareness is a grassroots organization dedicated to raising awareness pertaining to demographics and equipping local activist with effective messaging. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@itsalljstracism National Identity Awareness is a grassroots organization dedicated to raising awareness pertaining to demographics and equipping local activist with effective messaging. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@its_the_Dr National Identity Awareness is a grassroots organization dedicated to raising awareness pertaining to demographics and equipping local activist with effective messaging. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@artislife14 National Identity Awareness is a grassroots organization dedicated to raising awareness pertaining to demographics and equipping local activist with effective messaging. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@AmyMek National Identity Awareness is a grassroots organization dedicated to raising awareness pertaining to demographics and equipping local activist with effective messaging. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@Lambrettaman6 National Identity Awareness is a grassroots organization dedicated to raising awareness pertaining to demographics and equipping local activist with effective messaging. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@Jenny1andonly National Identity Awareness is a grassroots organization dedicated to raising awareness pertaining to demographics and equipping local activist with effective messaging. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@FallonFianna @BBC National Identity Awareness is a grassroots organization dedicated to raising awareness pertaining to demographics and equipping local activist with effective messaging. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@artislife14 National Identity Awareness is a grassroots organization dedicated to raising awareness pertaining to demographics and equipping local activist with effective messaging. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@AntiWhiteWatch1 Demographic Replacement is REAL! National Identity Awareness is a grassroots organization dedicated to raising awareness pertaining to demographics and equipping local activist with effective messaging. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@artislife14 National Identity Awareness is a grassroots organization dedicated to raising awareness pertaining to demographics and equipping local activist with effective messaging. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@thisislaurat National Identity Awareness is a grassroots organization dedicated to raising awareness pertaining to demographics and equipping local activist with effective messaging. Consider following us, we follow back.

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There is one racial group in the USA you are legally allowed to discriminate against, White European Americans. Public school curriculums include CRT, a theory designed to teach hatred for Whites. Our children will not only be a minority, but a persecuted minority.

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@BritishDems National Identity Awareness is a grassroots organization dedicated to raising awareness pertaining to demographics and equipping local activist with effective messaging. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@AntiWhiteWatch1 @AntiWhiteWatch1 keep up the good work! National Identity Awareness is a grassroots organization dedicated to raising awareness pertaining to demographics and equipping local activist with effective messaging. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@TomCottonAR And this is the result... National Identity Awareness is a grassroots organization dedicated to raising awareness pertaining to demographics and equipping local activist with effective messaging. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@BIPOCracism @BIPOCracism keep up the good work! National Identity Awareness is a grassroots organization dedicated to raising awareness pertaining to demographics and equipping local activist with effective messaging. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@nwgclips @NoWhiteGuiltNWG Exactly right. National Identity Awareness is a grassroots organization dedicated to raising awareness pertaining to demographics and equipping local activist with effective messaging. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@monitoringbias National Identity Awareness is a grassroots organization dedicated to raising awareness pertaining to demographics and equipping local activist with effective messaging. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@RealGemmaOD National Identity Awareness is a grassroots organization dedicated to raising awareness pertaining to demographics and equipping local activist with effective messaging. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@libsoftiktok National Identity Awareness is a grassroots organization dedicated to raising awareness pertaining to demographics and equipping local activist with effective messaging. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@ActivePatriotUK National Identity Awareness is a grassroots organization dedicated to raising awareness pertaining to demographics and equipping local activist with effective messaging. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@Emilio2763 National Identity Awareness is a grassroots organization dedicated to raising awareness pertaining to demographics and equipping local activist with effective messaging. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@NoWhiteGuiltNWG Maybe Trump will announce White Europeans as a minority. Biden is already on record announcing it unofficially. Maybe then, we White Europeans will get our own special plan like Trump puts together for Latinos and African Americans? Consider following us, we follow back.

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@JamesBradleyCA National Identity Awareness is a grassroots organization dedicated to raising awareness pertaining to demographics and equipping local activist with effective messaging. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@BIPOCracism National Identity Awareness is a grassroots organization dedicated to raising awareness pertaining to demographics and equipping local activist with effective messaging. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@ActivePatriotUK @RishiSunak National Identity Awareness is a grassroots organization dedicated to raising awareness pertaining to demographics and equipping local activist with effective messaging. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@The_Westernist National Identity Awareness is a grassroots organization dedicated to raising awareness pertaining to demographics and equipping local activist with effective messaging. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@HarmlessYardDog National Identity Awareness is a grassroots organization dedicated to raising awareness pertaining to demographics and equipping local activist with effective messaging. Consider following us, we follow back.

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@monitoringbias National Identity Awareness is a grassroots organization dedicated to raising awareness pertaining to demographics and equipping local activist with effective messaging. Consider following us, we follow back.

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swastika 57%

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hitler 29%

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tldr 98%

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face 97%

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tldr 99%

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bar graph 100%

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hitler 29%

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tldr 67%
totenkopf 29%

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tldr 100%

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tldr 99%

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bar graph 100%

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toons other 96%

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bar graph 100%

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art_other 99%

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tldr 100%

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map 99%

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tldr 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

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art_other 95%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

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tldr 97%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 99%