@Margare95858160 Margaret becker Diversity is no strength. A path to peace is the recognition that cultures and identities should flourish separately.

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Slurs & ToS Breaches Nazi Dogwhistles Antisemitism Transphobia Anti-Blackness Homophobia Misogyny Groypers Proud Boys Patriot Front
Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 8
RTÉ News @rtenews
Holocaust survivors living in Ireland have warned of the rise of far-right extremism. They gathered in Dublin this evening to mark the annual International Holocaust Memorial Day | More: https://t.co/E5EAM2qXTW https://t.co/W8np2I2wn4
Margaret becker @Margare95858160
There's a reason jews feel threatened by ethnic homelands: they don't feel safe there, they want to flood it with migrants. They don't care that they are wiping the nation and its people off the face of the earth. After all, they're the chosenites

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Margaret becker @Margare95858160
@fmaravilphd @DK33088 @NBCNews Who is the only racial group in america who will be surveilled, doxxed, arrested, fired, and barred from education if they organize to defend themselves from mass discrimination in academia and employment? Meanwhile, imagine being given millions for this:

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Margaret becker @Margare95858160
Guaranteed (((fellow white))) Every time, folks
Why can't Republicans just accept that the "whiteness" they so very cherish will be bred out of the human race?

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Margaret becker @Margare95858160
@DeclineandF @AdamKinzinger

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Margaret becker @Margare95858160
@DeclineandF @AdamKinzinger

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Margaret becker @Margare95858160
@DeclineandF @AdamKinzinger

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Margaret becker @Margare95858160
@newrepublic @lehmannchris (((lehman))) just pattern noticing

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Margaret becker @Margare95858160
@AnnCoulter (((Cohen.)))

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Margaret becker @Margare95858160
@CrownedGemini85: @Steven11886236 @URorch @nypost

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Jolyon Rubinstein @JolyonRubs
It’s time we taught British people, in British schools, about what the British Empire did in Iraq, Palestine, Israel, Yemen & Afghanistan. It’s hard to impossible to understand what going on in the Middle East without knowing the colonial roots.
Margaret becker @Margare95858160
(((rubinstein))) It's always the same message from the chosenites: Whites should hate themselves and their nations.

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Carlo Magno @Charlemagnecarl
@MrAndyNgo @benshapiro A small nation surrounded with its enemies and yet always comes out victorious. The 6 days war was the most epic victory.
Margaret becker @Margare95858160
@MrAndyNgo @benshapiro The israeli ethnostate comes out victorious because it siphons American blood and treasure to defend itself yet chosenites run media campaigns in the west equating any sniff of white identity with evil

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ACLU of Missouri @aclu_mo
"This ain't hate, this is our reality." @RepSheenBean speaking in opposition to #HB1141 which would ban teaching critical race theory and trans kids from playing sports in Missouri schools. Sign the petition to stop this #moleg bill: https://t.co/Bp4TlGXdhZ https://t.co/Nd1mIa926E
Margaret becker @Margare95858160
@RepSheenBean I teach my kids that a ((certain ethnic group of chosenites)) are racial supremacists, and wherever you find anti-white hatred and discrimination, this group is typically behind it

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Margaret becker @Margare95858160
@RapUp If that's appropriation, this is pathetic theft:

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