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Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 4
Allons @conduit172
@nastymutant I wonder if he will be recommending that the muslim slave trade in white Christians be part of the school curriculum. More relevant would be the role of his (( fellow white people)) in the Soviet terror in the Ukraine.

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Scottish Troglodyte Brain @BrainScottish
The ((Americanisation)) of our culture/politics/sport/language is a long term standardisation process for the whole world. This is why our political leaders and media barons are so fixated on what happens across the pond.
Allons @conduit172
It's also because we have the same ruling ((group)).

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Mantis T @Mantis_T123
Why does no one ever judge MLK by the content of HIS character ?
Allons @conduit172
From what I have read about him he was a stooge and mask for ((others)).

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Allons @conduit172
@PosyHill1 This one too.

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Allons @conduit172
@PosyHill1 From Jacksfield. Made in the original Victorian mold.

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Allons @conduit172
@nigeljc67 Do you know (( who)) owns the Mirror Group?

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Allons @conduit172
@nilus110 The Goyim know in no little part thanks to you. Hang around.

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Allons @conduit172
@douglasmercer33 So they don't stock black joeys or nigger brown shoe polish then. Damn, I can't find them anywhere these days.

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