@3amlowdown 3AM Lowdown Observations for the late night audience on the strange, UFOs, paranormal & other-worldly events. I produce videos, tweet & retweet sightings. I follow back! ✨ The Earth circa 1980s

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Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 5
3AM Lowdown @3amlowdown
@BreitbartNews Their God is male / female.

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3AM Lowdown @3amlowdown
@mr_pschmitt @realstewpeters

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3AM Lowdown @3amlowdown
@RobertJPeters Go live with these "young people". They chose poverty and prefer to be segregated. https://twitter.com/3amlowdown/status/1648329852036980737/video/1

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3AM Lowdown @3amlowdown
@AliensOnEarth_ Look it up. "They" have been pushing climate change for 50 years. It was devised to put the blame on and tax the consumer. Alleviating the oil companies for repairing Mother Earth for the damage they did. https://twitter.com/3amlowdown/status/1587459639121219584/video/1

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Joe Biden @JoeBiden
Our president is not above the law. Justice serves the people — it doesn’t protect the powerful.
3AM Lowdown @3amlowdown
How's that China thing going for you sellouts? The Goyim know.

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Jeffrey Goldberg @JeffreyGoldberg
"6MWE" -- a slogan on T-shirts seen at the Capitol yesterday. It stands for, "Six Million Wasn't Enough." Nice friends you have there, Jared.
3AM Lowdown @3amlowdown
How about 20 million Christians / Russians slaughtered in Russia by Bolshevik Jews to create communism. Hey bud, the Goyim know.

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3AM Lowdown @3amlowdown
@IzraelJesus @DianeBohallGray Praying for the antichrist to come. The Goyim know the evil they've done.

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toons other 62%