@MichiganWave Dr President-Elect Turning Point Tim Buktu Nationalist. For Strong Borders between Nations, & Self-Determination of the Founding Stocks within Nations. Anti-Scale, Anti-Corruption. Gab: @polarvortex42 In the North, On the Shore

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Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 10
@DissidentSoaps Many daunting pics of Petare out there. Bit reminiscent of parts of Sao Paulo. The claustrophobia & grit must be intense. Get the impression the access is only by narrow alleys, so bikes & motorcycles would be the main way. Prob motorbikes w/o mufflers. Noise & Fumes

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@VDAREJamesK Indeed. Public Square Christianity has been pretzeled into something which is net harmful to most Christians. Open Society & Suicidal altruism propaganda as the hack to intimidate. This meme but also used by some nominal Christians with animus against older stock Americans.

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@lemurdaze @davidcrockettfa It's clear now that 1962-87 books & essays on WASP decline were a form of anti-White triumphalism or cultural, demographic revenge porn. Peter Schrag in particular has an early life & resume which shows a motive of hatred towards NW European Protestants in general.

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Ben Braddock has argued that Meloni is first trying to coordinate with North Africa, Libya to halt the migrant flows on the south side of the Med. If the flows don't stop by late March, I'd say Meloni is a faker. She's now enabling Libya to slam the door per this angry NGO post
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This guy is most certainly an Anti-White subversive and hall monitor for the Neocons. His main mode will be to tone police the broader Right, and support the Uniparty's long running "War on Noticing"; to continue shaming Whites away from pattern recognition & self-preservation

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Wise post from Vox Day yesterday. Be on guard for gammas, pathological personalities & for crabs-in-a-bucket types. If u get active in dissident politics, you'll find that 1 in 50 are antisocial misfits. They're naive but stubborn, can't calibrate & have thin skins. Avoid!

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@OGRolandRat @BellaWallerstei She's the Tory party version of a Malcolm Rifkind-Barbara Roche hybrid. IOW mass immigration for out-group psychotherapy. With flim flam pretexts thrown up to soothe the rubes.

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logos_flags_graphics 99%

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etc 94%

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art_other 27%

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art_other 37%
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star of david 79%

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etc 99%