@HBSpencer_ Herbert Spencer Garden, books, nature.

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Herbert Spencer @HBSpencer_
@AureiaMitford: @AlbionRisingXXI Over exaggerate symptoms. I don’t know if this is still active policy but search what symptoms would require immediate testing.

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Herbert Spencer @HBSpencer_
@songpinganq Metropolis

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Herbert Spencer @HBSpencer_
@tucker_faux @KeithWoodsYT MSM, celebrities, late night talk shows, China, J*ws, bill gates, Soros, Rotschilds, etc all are having a bad time. Things aren't going their way anymore.

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Herbert Spencer @HBSpencer_
@GandalftheWhi19 You are right about that it was a ((())) operation and that I do disavow. But a lion marks the territory it wants. It's a law of nature that I have no problem with.

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Herbert Spencer @HBSpencer_
@RebbeTakes @StefanMolyneux Germans were defending themselves from international communism. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spartacist_uprising https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wilhelm_Liebknecht (((Forces))) were hard at work not only in Russia, but that same overthrow should also happen in Germany. Smart Germans knew what was happening.

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