@rofujones GODwithUS DMV

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GODwithUS @rofujones
The same tired fuckin lines by these chicken hawk senators! ITS NOT OUR JOB TO POLICE THE WORLD. (((Their))) purpose is to destroy freedom and inflict death and destruction.
Senator Joe Manchin @Sen_JoeManchin
WATCH: In my lifetime, I have never seen the United States of America in a more just war. Our purpose is to defend freedom and fight for democracy, and that's why we’re supporting Ukraine every step of the way as they defend their country & their way of life. https://twitter.com/Sen_JoeManchin/status/1646540534549213186/video/1

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GODwithUS @rofujones
Yea ok China infiltrated the media! No it’s (((Jews))) + [D] + Communist = Destruction of Our Nation!
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GODwithUS @rofujones
What a “Cohencidence”! 🤔
Roosh ☦ @rooshv
Why are so many impeachment witnesses against Donald Trump Jewish? It must be a coincidence. There's no way it could be some kind of Jewish-backed coup against the President of the United States. https://twitter.com/BOOMER4K/status/1204112274656358401

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GODwithUS @rofujones
On June 8 1967......???? These Cucks can’t allow these kinds of questions. The (((OWNERS))) DONT approve!
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