@nrken19 Nrken19 Archeology, History, aDNA, Anthropology. 🇩🇰🇸🇪🇳🇴🇮🇸🇫🇴

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Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 289
Nrken19 @nrken19
Map showing the diaspora in America of each European country in relation to the country's population.

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Nrken19 @nrken19
Map of the word “I” in various languages with their etymologies.

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Nrken19 @nrken19
Facial reconstruction of an Neolithic man from Switzerland based on the skull. Europe was populated by Early European Farmers (EEF) during this period.

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Nrken19 @nrken19
New facial reconstruction of a Viking based on the skull.

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Nrken19 @nrken19
Chart showing the etymologies of the names for Ireland.

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Nrken19 @nrken19
Map of the word “Daughter” in various languages with their etymologies.

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Nrken19 @nrken19
Illustrative comparison between Moorish and Christian towns in medievel Spain.

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Nrken19 @nrken19
Illustration of the fortress town of Theodoro-Mangup in the 15th century, home to the Crimean Goths and the last remnant of the Byzantine Empire - Ukraine.

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Nrken19 @nrken19
Wtf Germany 😂😂

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Nrken19 @nrken19
Interesting that some Catacomb skulls had artificial skull deformation. Evidence shows that this group of IE is associated with the spread of Armenian, Greek and most likely also Albanian languages.

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Nrken19 @nrken19
Facial reconstruction of a man dating to the Levant PPNB period from Palestine - Jericho based on the skull. It is also worth mentioning that samples from this period are often used as a proxy for modeling of modern and ancient populations. Assuming he was part of the the culture

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Nrken19 @nrken19
Interesting chart showing the prediction of IQ of ancient samples.

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Nrken19 @nrken19
Facial reconstruction of medievel Scots from Edinburgh that lived 700 (1300 AD) years ago.

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Nrken19 @nrken19
Two new interesting books will come out this year on linguistics and aDNA. First one is on the the driving forces behind the Indo-European migrations during the 3rd and 2nd millenia BC and other related topics combined with linguistics and genetics.

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Nrken19 @nrken19
Illustration of temple of Venus in ancient Rome. Past and present.

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Nrken19 @nrken19
Artwork depicting Scythian royalty in 400 BC.

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Nrken19 @nrken19
@nrken19: Model of the relevant samples based on averages.

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Nrken19 @nrken19
Artwork depicting a Germanic Vandal family in Africa after crossing Gibraltar in 500 AD

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Nrken19 @nrken19
AlNassr FC @AlNassrFC_EN
History in the making. This is a signing that will not only inspire our club to achieve even greater success but inspire our league, our nation and future generations, boys and girls to be the best version of themselves. Welcome @Cristiano to your new home @AlNassrFC

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Nrken19 @nrken19
Illustration of Canterbury England - central area between 300 and 650 AD Top 300 AD Bottom 650 AD.

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Nrken19 @nrken19
Illustration of showing the baptism of the Kievan Rus.

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Nrken19 @nrken19
Illustration of spectators in the Colosseum of Rome.

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Nrken19 @nrken19
Map showing Paleohispanic inscriptions in the Iberian Peninsula. Red = Celtiberian Blue Iberian Levantine Yellow Southern Iberian Dark pink Greco-Iberian Green Southern Iberian, but doubtful Dark blue Lusitanian Orange South-West

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Nrken19 @nrken19
Map showing the development of agriculture and its spread all around the world. The dark green areas highlight the hotspots of domestication of animals and plants. The light green ones show the reach of prehistoric agriculture. via > Magazine L'Histoire

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Nrken19 @nrken19
New facial reconstruction of Pharoah Ramses II (1303–1213 BC) by Face Lab at Liverpool John Moores University.

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Nrken19 @nrken19
Detailed map of the Parthian Empire in the 2nd Century.

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Nrken19 @nrken19
"The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle tells of a single Norse warrior armed with a Dane axe, who held back the entire English army on a bridge crossing during the battle of Stamford Bridge. He supposedly slayed 40 Englishmen before being killed himself"

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Nrken19 @nrken19
Map of Christian communities in the Roman Empire from 100 to 304 AD.

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Nrken19 @nrken19
Map showing " I believe there is some sort of spiritual nature or force of life.

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Nrken19 @nrken19
Map showing attitudes towards dark skin in Europe.

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Nrken19 @nrken19
Tabel showing the estimated population during the Viking age in the modern Nordic countries.

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Nrken19 @nrken19
A more clear picture (stats) showing the height of Vikings during the Viking age. The shortest were 170 CM and the tallest 190 CM
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Nrken19 @nrken19
Virtual 3D reconstruction of a Viking house in (Wood Quay, Dublin, Ireland) from 9th century AD

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Nrken19 @nrken19
Map showing UK regions with highest percentage of Viking descendants. Possibility is high if the surnames end in "Son" such as "Göransson"

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Nrken19 @nrken19
Reconstruction of a Etruscan man based on the skull. All credits @a2_dante

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Nrken19 @nrken19
Illustration of a Iron Age Celtic settlement in Schwarzenbach Austria made by the Institute for Archaeological Prospection and Virtual Archaeology.

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Nrken19 @nrken19
Map of belief in hell.

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Nrken19 @nrken19
Map showing the percentages of Blacks in Europe (2020)

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Nrken19 @nrken19
What a development. Size comparison of the pleistocene wolf head found in Siberia and the head of a modern gray wolf.

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Nrken19 @nrken19
Forensic reconstructions of the Romanov sisters.

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Nrken19 @nrken19
Ilustration of Roman Legion Latrines.

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Nrken19 @nrken19
Map of France in 999 AD.

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Nrken19 @nrken19
Chart showing distance and admixture in medieval Iberians

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Nrken19 @nrken19
New detailed map showing the territorial expansion of the Roman Republic from 260 - 30 BC.

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Nrken19 @nrken19
Colored depiction of the Scythian golden comb.

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Nrken19 @nrken19
Comic map of Europe by Fred W Rose from 1899.

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Nrken19 @nrken19
Artistic reconstruction of a Mesolithic Western European Hunter Gatherer female from France.

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Nrken19 @nrken19
Depiction of how Moors of Sicily might have looked liked. The work is done by New York University and Tisch School of the Arts.

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Nrken19 @nrken19
Reconstructed face of an elderly athlete from ancient Rome.

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Nrken19 @nrken19
Map showing the crime statistics rate per 100.000 in Germany, Italy, and France based from 1896.

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Nrken19 @nrken19
Map showing the territorial evolution of Poland throughout it's history.

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Nrken19 @nrken19
The Anglo-Saxons week days compared with modern English.

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Nrken19 @nrken19
Updated map of the spread of farming in Western Eurasia.

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Nrken19 @nrken19
Map showing the war of Justinian the great against the Roman pagans.

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Nrken19 @nrken19
Short video attempting to show WHG ancestry through different periods. https://twitter.com/nrken19/status/1597995175724580866/video/1

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Nrken19 @nrken19
Map of robbery rate in Europe.

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Nrken19 @nrken19
Reconstruced face of a ancient Roman athlete from a bust. Credits to Kruklidis.

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Nrken19 @nrken19
Various swastika artifacts from different regions and cultures dating to the Bronze Age.

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Nrken19 @nrken19
Reconstruction of Terentius Neo and his wife (fresco from Pompeii).

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Nrken19 @nrken19
Map showing the Prevalence multiple sclerosis and it's assocation with Steppe/IE ancestry.

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Nrken19 @nrken19
Illustration of the Sumerian house.

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Nrken19 @nrken19
Poster of alleged/propeganda on German territorial claims produced for British schools from 1917.

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Nrken19 @nrken19
“Niger has the highest total fertility rates in the world (6.7 births per woman) while other countries in this region also have extremely high TFR: Mali (5.7), Chad (5.6), Nigeria (5.2), the Gambia (5.1), etc. (World Bank, 2020)”

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Nrken19 @nrken19
Map of the transition in the rightwing spehere in Germany from 1990 to 2013.

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Nrken19 @nrken19
Map of European langauges difficulty with categories from easy to differcult..

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Nrken19 @nrken19
Map of highest share of immigrants in 2020.

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Nrken19 @nrken19
Map of the orient in 165 BC with various empires/kingdoms.

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Nrken19 @nrken19
Chart showing the percentage of Amerindian ancestry in modern Mexicans estimated using 300,000 SNP 13% are >87.5% Amerindian 14% are 75% to 87.5% Amerindian 45% are 50% to 75% Amerindian 24% are 25% to 50% Amerindian 3% are 12.5% to 25% Amerindian 1% are 4% to 12.5% Amerindian

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Nrken19 @nrken19
The Utroba Cave, in the Rhodope mountains in Bulgaria is apperently carved by hand more than 3000 years ago.

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Nrken19 @nrken19
“Like Yamnaya, the vast majority of Afanasievo males belong to R1b Z2103. 79% belong to R1b Z2103. 14% belong to Q1b. 7% belong to R1b L51. *Close brother of Z2103.” https://twitter.com/nrken19/status/1593943152108486657/video/1

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Nrken19 @nrken19
Map showing conquests of imperial Russia through different periods.

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Nrken19 @nrken19
The Viking trading town of Hedeby (Old Norse: Heiðabýr) flourished between the 8th and 11th century.

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Nrken19 @nrken19
Description of the Nuragic village in Tiscali, an Bronze Age settlement that was built inside a crater, Italy - Sardinia.

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Nrken19 @nrken19
Map of the Frankish Empire from 481-814 AD.

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Nrken19 @nrken19
Map of Italy before the Roman conquest in about 400 BC.

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Nrken19 @nrken19
@Sonnenmensh @ugroyp Not the first time that something specific comes out from there. Seems to be the case for this one as well.

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Nrken19 @nrken19
The Five thousand years of history of domestic cat in Central Europe

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Nrken19 @nrken19
Depiction of Cimmerians and their clothes.

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Nrken19 @nrken19
Facial reconstruction of a medievel Swedish man who died as a results of the Battle of Gotland in 1361. Cause of death was from a injury caused by a axe.

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Nrken19 @nrken19
Map of the pagan areas in the Eastern Roman Empire at the time of Justinian.

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Nrken19 @nrken19
Neanderthal extinction may have been caused by sex, not fighting “Neanderthals (left) and Homo sapiens (right)” Boned themselves into extinction https://phys.org/news/2022-10-neanderthal-extinction-sex.amp

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Nrken19 @nrken19
Map of the Balkans in 1389 AD.

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Nrken19 @nrken19
Facial reconstruction of an medieval Scottish woman dated from 1200 - 1400 AD.

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Nrken19 @nrken19
For some it’s very visible while for others not so much.

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Nrken19 @nrken19
Reconstructed face Greek physician Hippocrates.

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Nrken19 @nrken19
Reconstruction of a Yamnaya chieftain (updated)

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Nrken19 @nrken19
Artwork depecting a Sarmatian.

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Nrken19 @nrken19
Map showing the geographic expansion of the Indo-European word for 'three' according to the new recent homeland theory.

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Nrken19 @nrken19
Ethnographic map of the Russian Empire by Eckert & Kiepert from 1862.

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Nrken19 @nrken19
Model of the samples. https://t.co/6dg0nlChc3
Nrken19 @nrken19
: Average with Black_fortress.

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Nrken19 @nrken19
Map of genetic distance to Turkey_Aegean_Bodrum_Halikarnassos to modern populations. 323-31 BC.

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Nrken19 @nrken19
Aryāṃśa @arya_amsha
The descendants of the Scythians live on amongst us, though they changed their language and religion. The Bashkirs, a Kipchak Turkic ethnic group from Central Asia, are the closest population to most Ancient Scythians/Sakas. https://twitter.com/arya_amsha/status/1572987620992626694/photo/1

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Nrken19 @nrken19
Map of the world’s most liveable cities. Vienna [99.1) took the top spot for the third time in five years. Two others, Copenhagen [98; and Zurich [96.3, make it into the top five.” At the bottom of the list are Istanbul (57.7;), Baku (58.3;), and Bucharest (65,)

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Nrken19 @nrken19
Principal Components Analysis of present-day genomes from northwestern Europe. IE = Northern Ireland & Ireland, WA = Wales, SC = Scotland, ENG = England, NL = Netherlands, GER = Northern Germany, DK = Denmark, NO = Norway, SE = Sweden, BE = Belgium, FR = France.

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Nrken19 @nrken19
Viking food: beef cooked in beer, served with turnips and hazel butter. From a venue at the Viking longhouse at Stiklastadir

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Nrken19 @nrken19
Global prevalence of consanguinity.

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Nrken19 @nrken19
Map of Slavic archaeological finds and place names in Germany.

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Nrken19 @nrken19
Map of the Urartian Kingdom at it's highst peak. Credits @Abdulhady333 https://t.co/2DxT8hMx9E
Nrken19 @nrken19
: Model of the samples.

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Nrken19 @nrken19
Map of the Urartian Kingdom at it's highst peak. Credits @Abdulhady333

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Nrken19 @nrken19
ADMIXTURE analysis of ancient populations from Central, North, and East Asia. A total of 2,456 modern and ancient individuals are used.

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Nrken19 @nrken19
The Genetic Echo of the Tarim Mummies in Modern Central Asians https://t.co/U0RjmrTXqN https://t.co/5yGdwwLsuS
Nrken19 @nrken19
: Admixture model for various populations.

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Nrken19 @nrken19
The Genetic Echo of the Tarim Mummies in Modern Central Asians https://academic.oup.com/mbe/article/39/9/msac179/667559

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Nrken19 @nrken19
Chart showing the FST genetic distance between Andronovo (Proto-Indo-Iranian) to various modern and ancient populations.

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Nrken19 @nrken19
Map showing the spread of the plague in Europe, 1346 - 1353 AD.

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Nrken19 @nrken19
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Nrken19 @nrken19
Map of Copper Age Y-DNA haplogroups.

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Nrken19 @nrken19
Map of Bronze Age Y-DNA haplogroups.

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Nrken19 @nrken19
Map of Mesolithic Y-DNA haplogroups.

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Nrken19 @nrken19
Map of genetic distance to Russians from Rostov-on-Don from the Southern part to modern populations with labels.

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Nrken19 @nrken19
Reconstruction of an Early European Farmer belonging to the Globular Amphora culture (3400-2800 BC).

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Nrken19 @nrken19
Explainer: Chart showing the Basics of DNA and Genetic Systems.

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Nrken19 @nrken19
@AquaPaadre This sample is like other LBA/EIA samples and they don't plot with these reddish populations.

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Nrken19 @nrken19
Map of genetic distance to the Minoan samples new + old to modern populations with labels.

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Nrken19 @nrken19
Map of genetic distance to the new Anatolia_Mugla sample(s) to modern populations with labels.

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Nrken19 @nrken19
Chart showing the position of Greek dialects.

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Nrken19 @nrken19
Map of genetic distance to the Mycenaeans with new and old samples combined to modern populations with labels.

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Nrken19 @nrken19
Ethnolinguistic map of Europe by Johan Carl Ausfeld from 1810.

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Nrken19 @nrken19
Map of traditional Scythian-occupied region East of Ukraine. Gates Added.

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Nrken19 @nrken19
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Nrken19 @nrken19
Interesting model of the new Medieval Albanian samples.

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Nrken19 @nrken19
Chart showing the skin, hair, eye color among various anicent populations such as: Steppe Eneolithic, Azerbaijan Neolithic, Steppe Maykop, Armenia Neolithic and the Yamnaya/IE cluster.

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Nrken19 @nrken19
Map of Germanic tribes, in 50 AD.

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Nrken19 @nrken19
Map of India in the Vedic Age, 1500 BC-500 BC.

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Nrken19 @nrken19
@Sonnenmensh Good time to expand it further IMHO

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celtic cross 68%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

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mspaint style 83%
sonnenrad 67%

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etc 99%
gadsden snake 63%

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fasces 74%

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totenkopf 99%

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mjolnir 61%
vegvisir 56%

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golden dawn 94%

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art_other 95%

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skull 94%

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swastika 88%
skull mask 79%

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etc 50%
gadsden snake 43%
hitler 71%

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hitler 30%
sonnenrad 68%

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logos_flags_graphics 64%

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etc 88%
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art_other 59%
etc 39%
hitler 62%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

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face 86%

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gigachad 62%
joker 59%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

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face 51%
art_other 40%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 70%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
face 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

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logos_flags_graphics 64%
etc 27%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
face 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
logos_flags_graphics 91%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
gigachad 75%
skull mask 74%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 92%
anime 73%