@MLiamMcCollum Liam McCollum Lutheran, Montanan, Libertarian, @Montana_LP media, @MTMisesCaucus org., Hazlitt Fellow @FEEOnline, @LPMisesCaucus Ask An Austrian mngr + some tweets, AFP-MT Laurel, MT

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Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 28
Liam McCollum @MLiamMcCollum
You might be wondering why Fox News would fire Tucker Carlson when it seems terrible for business, considering his outstanding ratings. What explains the phenomenon of companies like Bud Light, Fox News, and Gillette making blatantly terrible business decisions that seem to…

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Liam McCollum @MLiamMcCollum
In January, Tucker Carlson reacted to a video of Zelensky thanking BlackRock, J.P. Morgan and Goldman Sachs for “rebuilding” Ukraine. Tucker Carlson has consistently covered the corruption in Ukraine. He has also said that BlackRock is pushing ESG. Well, in February of this… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1650672150175703041 https://twitter.com/MLiamMcCollum/status/1650672150175703041/video/1

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Liam McCollum @MLiamMcCollum
Remember when the GOP unanimously pulled out of the commission for presidential debates last year due to “biased” debates, and Democrats said it was a threat to democracy, that they were afraid and couldn’t defend their ideas?

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Liam McCollum @MLiamMcCollum
The US House just voted to ban transgender athletes from girls’ sports. Between 1.8-1.4% of U.S. residents aged 13-17 are transgender. Earlier in the year, the House voted against a resolution to pull the United States military out of Syria. The United States has around 900…

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Liam McCollum @MLiamMcCollum
Map of Obama’s 20,000+ bombs dropped in 2016 alone:

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Liam McCollum @MLiamMcCollum
“We have to all remember that the war in Ukraine didn't start last year. It started in 2014.” — Secretary General of NATO Jens Stoltenberg at the 18th Annual NATO Conference today Listen to what he says after. https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1648475814831472643 https://twitter.com/MLiamMcCollum/status/1648475814831472643/video/1

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Liam McCollum @MLiamMcCollum
Today, at the 18th Annual NATO Conference, US Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman said that allies must remain alert for signs Russia could use a tactical nuke in Ukraine. “We have all watched and worried that Vladimir Putin would use what he considers a non-strategic… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1648470176864796679 https://twitter.com/MLiamMcCollum/status/1648470176864796679/video/1

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Liam McCollum @MLiamMcCollum
Great news! Montana’s @RepRosendale and other Freedom Caucus members have demanded answers from the Biden administration by April 21st about the lies pertaining to the Ukraine war exposed in the recent Pentagon leaks:

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Liam McCollum @MLiamMcCollum
"Which has resulted in the greatest number of deaths: lying us into war or Wikileaks’ revelations or the Pentagon Papers?" - @RonPaul In 2010, Ron Paul defended Wikileaks’ release of classified information, the Pentagon Papers, and journalists that expose government lies.… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1648041943388270594 https://twitter.com/MLiamMcCollum/status/1648041943388270594/video/1

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Liam McCollum @MLiamMcCollum
Former CIA Officer Larry Johnson with @Judgenap: The Pentagon docs are controlled leaks; Teixeira was a convenient tool by higher-ups to get a message out that the policy in Ukraine is going south and that the summit between Russia and China historically changed world affairs,… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1647987715076681729 https://twitter.com/MLiamMcCollum/status/1647987715076681729/video/1

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Liam McCollum @MLiamMcCollum
Free @LPMisesCaucus! @elonmusk @TwitterSupport

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Liam McCollum @MLiamMcCollum
Whistleblowers: feel comfortable knowing the New York Times, “the most powerful engine for independent, boots-on-the-ground and deeply reported journalism,” will hunt you down for the FBI

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Liam McCollum @MLiamMcCollum
The Pentagon leaks exposed that the US government knew Ukraine’s defenses would be severely weakened this summer while they were saying the opposite. Lloyd Austin lied. That is why he said he would “turn over every rock” to catch the leaker: a 21-year-old embarrassed the… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1646695092181417984 https://twitter.com/MLiamMcCollum/status/1646695092181417984/video/1

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Liam McCollum @MLiamMcCollum
Col. Douglas Macgregor with @Judgenap: The Pentagon leaks exposed lying on the scale we haven’t seen since the Pentagon Papers; Americans need to know that people in this government at every level have lied to them since the beginning https://twitter.com/MLiamMcCollum/status/1646690921055150080/video/1

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Liam McCollum @MLiamMcCollum
Listen to how happy Victoria Nuland was today to acknowledge that the US is a co-belligerent in the war she helped start in 2014: https://twitter.com/MLiamMcCollum/status/1646615997577678849/video/1

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Liam McCollum @MLiamMcCollum
The priorities of the US government and corporate press are abundantly clear. They will “turn over every rock,” as Sec. Austin put it, to find a leaker responsible for exposing the corrupt operation in Ukraine, but will never investigate US war crimes exposed in Wikileaks,… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1646593403680096256 https://twitter.com/MLiamMcCollum/status/1646593403680096256/video/1

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Liam McCollum @MLiamMcCollum
ChatGPT didn't kill itself

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Liam McCollum @MLiamMcCollum
The Senate voted 9-86 yesterday on Senator @RandPaul’s amendment to repeal the 2001 Authorization for Use of Military Force. Earlier this month, the House voted 103-321 on @mattgaetz’s Resolution to withdraw troops from Syria. In December, Senator Sanders caved to White House…

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Liam McCollum @MLiamMcCollum
@elonmusk @WSBChairman @BillyM2k @WatcherGuru The Fed saying the banking industry is "sound and resilient" (they started the fire):

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Liam McCollum @MLiamMcCollum
Lindsey Graham asked Secretary of State Blinken if the US would turn Putin over to the International Criminal Court if he came to the US. Blinken said, “I have to look at the laws. As you know, we are not actually a party to the ICC.” In 2002, John Bolton submitted a letter to… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1638614804800868353 https://twitter.com/MLiamMcCollum/status/1638614804800868353/video/1

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Liam McCollum @MLiamMcCollum
The Fed after saying that the US banking system is "sound and resilient" in today's FOMC statement:

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Liam McCollum @MLiamMcCollum
@financialjuice @CaitlinLong_ The Fed (they started the fire):

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Liam McCollum @MLiamMcCollum
There should be pins that say “inflation,” “sanctions,” “dollar supremacy,” “Syria,” “Libya,” “Iraq,” and “unipolar world.” And the other BRICS nations should be standing behind Putin and Xi.

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Liam McCollum @MLiamMcCollum
I interviewed @profstonge last week about the 2023 banking crisis and the genuine threat posed by Central Bank Digital Currencies. In this clip, we discuss the Uniform Commercial Code being introduced nationwide, which appears to lay the groundwork for CBDCs. Montana’s SB 370… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1637885678255214592 https://twitter.com/MLiamMcCollum/status/1637885678255214592/video/1

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Liam McCollum @MLiamMcCollum
I interviewed @profstonge last week about the 2023 banking crisis and the genuine threat posed by Central Bank Digital Currencies. In this clip, we discuss the Uniform Commercial Code being introduced nationwide, which appears to lay the groundwork for CBDCs. Montana’s SB 370… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1637885032059617281 https://twitter.com/MLiamMcCollum/status/1637885032059617281/video/1

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Liam McCollum @MLiamMcCollum
When the Biden Admin says “the world” and “the west” is united against Russia, this is what they mean

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Liam McCollum @MLiamMcCollum
The great @DanMcKnight30 from @TroopsHomeUS just spoke about Montana’s Defend the Guard Act fight on @TuckerCarlson Tonight with @willcain guesthosting. One tiny correction: The Montana House let it fail by eleven votes the first time. However, it looks like they might have a… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1636907924105887744 https://twitter.com/MLiamMcCollum/status/1636907924105887744/video/1

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Liam McCollum @MLiamMcCollum
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Liam McCollum @MLiamMcCollum
“This is one of the easiest bills to get behind.” Retired Lt. Col. Darin Gaub joined me to discuss why he supports Montana’s Defend the Guard Act (HB 527) and why @RrestoreLiberty and the @MTFreedomCaucus endorse it. HB 527 is being heard in committee next Monday. #mtnews… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1628921532260167680 https://twitter.com/MLiamMcCollum/status/1628921532260167680/video/1

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Liam McCollum @MLiamMcCollum
The great @raymcgovern (who served as a CIA analyst from 1963-1990 under JFK to Bush Sr.) argued before the UN Security Council today that the war in Ukraine was provoked and that the US sabotaged the Nord Stream pipelines. McGovern also warned about the serious nuclear threat… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1628522655673643008 https://twitter.com/MLiamMcCollum/status/1628522655673643008/video/1

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Liam McCollum @MLiamMcCollum
@elonmusk @jordanbpeterson @POTUS An audio clip from the leaked 2014 call between Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland and the US Ambassador to Ukraine discussing who should make up the government of Ukraine after the Maidan coup: https://t.co/s1I6fqVMKo
Liam McCollum @MLiamMcCollum
: @elonmusk @jordanbpeterson @POTUS In the clip, Nuland says Yatsenyuk is the guy who should lead Ukraine after the coup but says he should consult with Oleh Tyahnybok “on the outside” frequently. Who is Tyahnybok? The leader of the Svoboda party (formerly the Social-National Party). John McCain met with both…

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Liam McCollum @MLiamMcCollum
@elonmusk @jordanbpeterson @POTUS An audio clip from the leaked 2014 call between Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland and the US Ambassador to Ukraine discussing who should make up the government of Ukraine after the Maidan coup: https://twitter.com/MLiamMcCollum/status/1628451816647057415/video/1

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#Agenda47: Here is how we stop the demented Warmongers and Globalists from profiteering off endless wars. It’s time to end their reign of terror and bloodshed! https://t.co/aJacIpKQHx
Liam McCollum @MLiamMcCollum
I know where to start

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View @TrumpWarRoom
Liam McCollum @MLiamMcCollum
Great news! The @MTFreedomCaucus adopted the Defend the Guard Act as a priority bill. The committee hearing for HB527 is next Monday at 3 pm in the House Energy, Technology, and Federal Relations committee. #mtpol #mtleg #mtnews

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Liam McCollum @MLiamMcCollum
“America’s so corrupt even our Peace Prize winners are war criminals. @BarackObama won a Peace Prize and then he immediately ramped up the war in Afghanistan, started bombing Libya, put a hit on Osama bin Laden, dropped 26,000 bombs on Syria” - @jimmy_dore at @RageAgainstWar_ https://twitter.com/MLiamMcCollum/status/1627458429253226498/video/1

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Liam McCollum @MLiamMcCollum
The great @DanMcKnight30 just gave this incredible speech at the @RageAgainstWar_ rally about @TroopsHomeUS and the Defend the Guard effort across the country. Watch the rally here: https://www.youtube.com/live/CxMVU2-uM1U?feature=share The Defend the Guard Act has a committee hearing in Montana on Feb. 27th!… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1627376618166706177 https://twitter.com/MLiamMcCollum/status/1627376618166706177/video/1

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Liam McCollum @MLiamMcCollum
Tucker Carlson is an American hero for talking an audience filled with right-wingers like my grandparents out of supporting war with Russia @TuckerCarlson @ReadeAlexandra @RageAgainstWar_ @LPNational https://t.co/POWqInavEc https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1626994213249507329 https://twitter.com/MLiamMcCollum/status/1626994213249507329/video/1

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Liam McCollum @MLiamMcCollum
With all this UFO discourse, remember when Krugman suggested the government could fake an alien invasion to stimulate the economy or something https://twitter.com/MLiamMcCollum/status/1624582583517323269/video/1

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Liam McCollum @MLiamMcCollum
A resolution in support of the war in Ukraine and Article 5 of NATO was introduced in a Montana legislative committee today. #mtpol The US is currently going down a dangerous path, racing toward war on many fronts. We need diplomacy now. Listen to my testimony in opposition: https://twitter.com/MLiamMcCollum/status/1620240198549524480/video/1

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Liam McCollum @MLiamMcCollum
Did anyone think this wouldn’t happen? They are not slowing down. They reject diplomacy. There is no off-ramp. You are forced to believe they want World War III or nuclear war.

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Liam McCollum @MLiamMcCollum
The Supreme Court decided Roe v. Wade 50 years ago today. During the 2012 debates, Rick Santorum claimed Ron Paul wasn’t pro-life enough for believing abortion was a state issue. After the Dobbs decision, Paul’s view still holds up. https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1617221622372651010 https://twitter.com/MLiamMcCollum/status/1617221622372651010/video/1

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Liam McCollum @MLiamMcCollum
Happy Lysander Spooner Day! Today is his 215th birthday. Drop your favorite Spooner quotes below:

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Liam McCollum @MLiamMcCollum
Europe, too
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Liam McCollum @MLiamMcCollum
Correction: If Germany has truly learned from its history, it should avoid any direct or indirect conflict with Russia

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Liam McCollum @MLiamMcCollum
Hillary Clinton suggests the US should fund an insurgency in Ukraine using the “Afghanistan model,” in which the US backed the mujahideen in Afghanistan to defeat the Soviets in the 80s, but then acknowledges it had “unintended consequences” (2/28/22) https://twitter.com/MLiamMcCollum/status/1578094810635698176/video/1

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Liam McCollum @MLiamMcCollum
Here’s @scotthortonshow talking to University of Montana students about how our state is designed to serve as a human shield or “nuclear sponge” for the elites in the coastal cities who are now risking nuclear war with Russia #mtpol https://twitter.com/MLiamMcCollum/status/1526310747705266176/video/1

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Liam McCollum @MLiamMcCollum
The Taliban spokesman got a question about freedom of speech and he said the question should be asked to US companies like Facebook who claim to promote it while still censoring https://twitter.com/MLiamMcCollum/status/1427658106054406149/video/1

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Liam McCollum @MLiamMcCollum
“For these people, the issue is not just the manner of the exit, but the fact of the exit ... well these people are incredibly wrong” - @MattWalshBlog with this extremely surprising good take today. Some of you libertarians might enjoy this: http://youtu.be/-Qvy5Xi3MdQ https://twitter.com/MLiamMcCollum/status/1427410850873151492/video/1

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Liam McCollum @MLiamMcCollum
“If Afghanistan is unable to mount any real resistance to the Taliban [after 20 years], there is no chance that one more year, five more years, or 20 more years of US military boots on the ground would’ve made any difference” https://twitter.com/MLiamMcCollum/status/1427364419839807496/video/1

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Liam McCollum @MLiamMcCollum
So @NPR decided to roll out warhawk @AmbJohnBolton to talk about Afghanistan today, but 2/3 of veterans support bringing the troops home and he doesn’t speak for them. Here’s a clip from my old interview w @DanMcKnight30 from @TroopsHomeUS talking about this guy https://twitter.com/MLiamMcCollum/status/1427324627198496786/video/1

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Liam McCollum @MLiamMcCollum
Trump can’t be blamed for this poor withdrawal from Afghanistan because Biden broke his original May 1 Doha Agreement. The @nytimes reported yesterday that the Pentagon urged Biden to leave earlier and at a safer time. Biden broke the deal for symbolism and risked lives

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Liam McCollum @MLiamMcCollum
Took this video at Rev21. Ron Paul is trending now and @ThomasEWoods is all of us libertarians pissed at Republicans cuz they could've had him in 2008 and 2012 https://twitter.com/MLiamMcCollum/status/1427133727470018563/video/1

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Liam McCollum @MLiamMcCollum
Again, Republicans could’ve had this guy as their nominee in 2008 and 2012 https://twitter.com/MLiamMcCollum/status/1427101515844444163/video/1

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Liam McCollum @MLiamMcCollum
@MLiamMcCollum: Here’s @scotthortonshow talking about this very thing back in May. Biden broke the deal and risked American lives. The media omitted that from the narrative. Here’s the full interview: https://youtu.be/E9CNvyJq_vE https://twitter.com/MLiamMcCollum/status/1427082719268245504/video/1

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Liam McCollum @MLiamMcCollum
@InTheLionsDen_ @AhamadNooh President Carter’s signature does

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Liam McCollum @MLiamMcCollum
@jack did it again

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