@paperyeshua Paper Jesus Former Christian I finally woke up from the Jewish matrix. I’m here to help you wake up as well.

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
A normal day on the train for white women. Why didn’t this low life get smashed and then arrested. Oh let me guess he’s one of those multiple violent offenders that they let out and run around NY to cause chaos and havoc. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1657343196450508800/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
They project what they are in plain sight.

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi the snake is the main actor in the movie. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1657195550523924480/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi the Torah says your not allow to marry the nations. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1657194842248626179/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi at that day there will be one god with one name. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1657192107042324481/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi one of the reasons why hashem scattered the Jews all over is to multiply the converts. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1657191135029211137/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Mizrachi tells me I must die cause I study the Torah and know all their magical noahide spells. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1657143924824186884/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi brings a great lesson for Noahides or non Jews. https://t.co/Tnp0BZK7pp
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi christians are evil because their idol worshipers. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1657139802565738498/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi brings a great lesson for Noahides or non Jews. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1657138725674000385/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Happy Friday stay away from that Cacodemon Yahweh.

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
@nygee973 @Know_More_News

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Thursday thought: Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our personal growth and freedom. So important to not play a victim, to not lead each day by your feelings. Don’t be that ungrateful bitch of…

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
The Moshiach / Messiah: For The Jews and The Non-Jews (Noahides) https://t.co/6B0M9ORNTa
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
The Moshiach / Messiah: For The Jews and The Non-Jews (Noahides) https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1656444749912371203/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Good news for 🇮🇱 Reconciling gentiles and Jewish law with Michael Brown https://t.co/07k8bcEOx5
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: How do we reconcile Gentile and Jewish views of Law and Torah. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1656443486546145280/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
The Jewish Messiah will be king of the world and has to be recognized as the Jewish King of the world to qualify as the Mosiach. Final Messiah is supposed to bring about the Greater Israel, New World Order, One World Government. The JWO https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1656441273190842370/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Good news for 🇮🇱 Reconciling gentiles and Jewish law with Michael Brown https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1656440697531006977/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
The Law of the Sacrifice - Rabbi Jonathan Cahn on The Jim Bakker Twin Goats of Yom Kippur, it's literally a retelling of the insane Jewish Ritual of Yom Kippur using Human Characters. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1656438802871644162/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Jonathan Cahn Sermon Christianity was a Jewish lead War against Paganism and what's the first commandment in Judaism and in the Noahide Laws: No Idolatry. https://t.co/JtRVWgI99W
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: Stand against your idols that your heritage. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1656430536833859594/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Jonathan Cahn Sermon Christianity was a Jewish lead War against Paganism and what's the first commandment in Judaism and in the Noahide Laws: No Idolatry. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1656430122948341761/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Jesus is coming to bring a sword and rule over the Goyim(nations) He will judge the Goyim(nations) https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1655914728911253504 https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1655914728911253504/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
On today’s episode of crazy Christian’s we have: John Hagee claims a non-believer was dying, not dead yet, screaming that he was in hell and wanted Hagee to pray and save him from the everlasting torment and fire of hell. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1655911776289017857/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Pastor AJ at it again By dying on the cross (but not really, since god is immortal and is supposed to have come back to life three days later), god/Jesus performed "the ultimate sacrifice," opening an avenue to salvation. Died on a cross as a scapegoat for nothing he had done… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1655910253937008642 https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1655910253937008642/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
The Jewish God they made up will bless you if you do nice things for the J’s. It’s all written in the Jewish Bible that Christians worship. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1655902228635369473/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Today’s episode of Christian cringe The Bearded Bible Brothers. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1655573688949911560/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Sunday night worship with John Hagee: The God of Israel is going to destroy you. https://t.co/WfXDfthtRP
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Sunday night worship with John Hagee: The God of Israel is going to destroy you. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1655382856368021512/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
On tonight’s episode of crazy Christians it’s my all time favorite “ The Walmart preacher“ #CrazyExGirlfriend https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1655340856210071556/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Drew Herendez spitz a lot of nonsense. https://t.co/bO7CmNVQjm
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: Drew is playing the kosher satanist narrative he’s following what his Xtian Zionist Boss tells him. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1655214985809633281/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
This is what the Jews call prophecy. The fulfillment of their planned out strategical moves against the non-Jewish world. And the non-jews' response and resistance to the JWO is labeled as Satanic, the Antichrist, Anti-Semitic, Luciferian, Blasphemous, etc. Now even the… https://t.co/hGju9caXv9 https://t.co/rLc0s38EjM
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
This is what the Jews call prophecy. The fulfillment of their planned out strategical moves against the non-Jewish world. And the non-jews' response and resistance to the JWO is labeled as Satanic, the Antichrist, Anti-Semitic, Luciferian, Blasphemous, etc. Now even the… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1655212415133294593 https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1655212415133294593/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
New drug store in 🇨🇦 🍁 #jerrymartin

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
@truth_analyzer: @RealFreeSkies @Know_More_News

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Happy Friday Twitter World from the worlds most famous beach.

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Never mistake knowledge for wisdom. One helps you make a living; the other helps you make a life. Learn how to be always in the moment, there is no past or future it’s all about staying present. Don’t let your issues change your level of consciousness,seek your answers daily…

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
AJ confesses he loves the OT, Book of Leviticus. Says Christianity is Jewish and you can't have Christianity without the Jewish Patriarch Abraham, who is the founder of all three major monotheistic religions. Also lies and says the ADL is not run by "real Jews" they are "secular… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1654111524212834305 https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1654111524212834305/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Crowder says he is obsessed with Truth and follows it up saying the God of Israel created the world and Jesus was his one and only son, Also there is no way to be redeemed outside of accepting Jesus. Also uses the Jewish Stolen Valor talking point that "Judeo-Christianity created… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1654110766545481728 https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1654110766545481728/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Paper J is looking to get lean and mean for the summer of 2023.

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
The supremacy of Gods chosen people is written right there for you to read, but Christians will just ignore it and enable this to continue on. @Know_More_News https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1653709070107287553/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
On today’s episode of crazy Christians. The Jim Baker scam continues: Miracle blanket It’s been prayed over They are so anointed Such an act of faith For $1000 you will get a miracle. You know christianity is such a scam when you have these characters involved in conning the… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1653421873437331460 https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1653421873437331460/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
God saves his people last. https://t.co/sqPo9dPUmB
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: They are here to bless the world. The end https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1653391807705759744/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Your heritage is all the same it’s Jewish. https://t.co/0cdF4NTcQC
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Everything the Jewish people are in flesh and blood, the believer is in spirit. https://t.co/2KFKGGkfd0
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: Your heritage is all the same it’s Jewish. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1653389111342800901/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Rabbi Jonathan Cahn Why Israel Matters. https://t.co/wITiynZ2zJ
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: Everything the Jewish people are in flesh and blood, the believer is in spirit. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1653387791101841409/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Rabbi Jonathan Cahn Why Israel Matters. https://t.co/wITiynZ2zJ
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
John Hagee on the Michael Alan Weiner show aka Savage. https://t.co/KVSGyAHKJD
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
You shall not murder. https://t.co/1v3qdxx1qO
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: “Christian Cringe Alert” Welcome to the lake of fire. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1653077215993643008/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Bible studies with Paper Jesus Judgment Day are you ready. https://t.co/wlXv3bxrLA
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
If Christians only knew what Chabad Lubavitch thought about them. As Netanyahu says the safest place for Christians is Israel.@Know_More_News https://t.co/fPEEj2M3t2
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: Conquering the nations thanks to Christians. @Know_More_News https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1652823390695088128/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
If Christians only knew what Chabad Lubavitch thought about them. As Netanyahu says the safest place for Christians is Israel.@Know_More_News https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1652823004219428864/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Being a good noahide.@Know_More_News https://t.co/jCPfRRPTxq
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: Hollywood pushing the Noahide laws. @Know_More_News https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1652822420699357185/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
The end time agenda to become willing slaves. @Know_More_News https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1652819447764119555/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
The cycle of the Jayish matrix.

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Kenneth Copeland and his Israeli family. KCM and their support to the Jewish nation. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1652378033028775938/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
The Truth About Money Rabbi Daniel Lapin on Jewish Financial Principles. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1651919317183746048/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
The Jewish mission of converting the nations to prepare for the Jewish world order and the Messianic age thanks to Christian’s and Christianity. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1651918313222557697/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Torah is the 5 books of Moses and is fictionalized story of Jewish history and Jewish crimes and lies. God creates the world based on what? killing the Egyptian firstborns, incest, geriatric pregnancies, gentile mutilating, child sacrificing, slavery, plundering, pillaging,…

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
How To Be A Righteous NOAHIDE - Rabbi Yaron Reuven Part 6 https://t.co/HHIF6ae2eZ
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: How To Be A Righteous NOAHIDE - Rabbi Yaron Reuven Part 7 The End Slave https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1651866232658731009/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
How To Be A Righteous NOAHIDE - Rabbi Yaron Reuven Part 5 https://t.co/biziGrS4vV
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: How To Be A Righteous NOAHIDE - Rabbi Yaron Reuven Part 6 https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1651865677974609922/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
How To Be A Righteous NOAHIDE - Rabbi Yaron Reuven Part 4 https://t.co/oNqiqYWMqM
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: How To Be A Righteous NOAHIDE - Rabbi Yaron Reuven Part 5 https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1651865184959356930/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
How To Be A Righteous NOAHIDE - Rabbi Yaron Reuven Part 3 https://t.co/SCFU2YXWt4
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: How To Be A Righteous NOAHIDE - Rabbi Yaron Reuven Part 4 https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1651864997809606656/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
How To Be A Righteous NOAHIDE - Rabbi Yaron Reuven Part 2 https://t.co/2hVRJlhACA
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: How To Be A Righteous NOAHIDE - Rabbi Yaron Reuven Part 3 https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1651862109641211908/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
How To Be A Righteous NOAHIDE - Rabbi Yaron Reuven. https://t.co/iPnZ15VxZx
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: How To Be A Righteous NOAHIDE - Rabbi Yaron Reuven Part 2 https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1651861939373449217/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Part 8 Israel’s companies in Florida. https://t.co/8UASyWWDkS
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Part 7 praying the Hurricane away. https://t.co/d6bOfjbWEU
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
DeSantis baptized his kids with the water from the Sea of Galilee. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1651625962671419392/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi on Controversy Over Metzitzah B'Peh Oral Suction with Brit Mila. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1651586221074677762/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi On Universal Noahide Code Part 5 https://t.co/hDqZaCuEMs
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi On Universal Noahide Code Part 6 https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1651585207819022339/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi On Universal Noahide Code Part 4 https://t.co/e9OIQxDtoc
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi On Universal Noahide Code Part 5 https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1651584972627615745/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi On Universal Noahide Code Part 3 https://t.co/B6cOmNxyEE
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi On Universal Noahide Code Part 4 https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1651583717742133248/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi On Universal Noahide Code Part 2 https://t.co/DEPGd7ZGNF
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi On Universal Noahide Code Part 3 https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1651582934841798659/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi On Universal Noahide Code. https://t.co/DTaFPBw753
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi On Universal Noahide Code Part 2 https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1651582178168303618/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
This is why my kids don’t go to public school. Don’t want them around these animals. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1651391406265495552/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
The speculation of what the original eucharist was. @JRE_Clips @BrianMuraresku https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1651244064782573568/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Fun Hebrew fact:

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Happy Wednesday stay away from that cacodemon Yahweh.

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
One of the reasons given for why a lamb’s blood was used is that the Egyptians worshiped the lamb as part of their pantheon, the Jews specifically chose to sacrifice that animal to offend their hosts. Could it be that the Jews are actually the instigators of their own so-called… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1651017363217694723 https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1651017363217694723/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Half the world believes the Torah is the word of God and the God of Israel is the one True god of the universe thanks to their Torah-Guided Psyops of Christianity and islam. Judaism for the non-Jew. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1651016649208733696/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Rabbi Moshe Shulman: What is a Noahide Part 11 https://t.co/JUnwXJeGc8
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Rabbi Moshe Shulman: What is a Noahide Part 12 https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1651011985956298752/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Rabbi Moshe Shulman: What is a Noahide Part 10 https://t.co/hf6l8fImBo
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Rabbi Moshe Shulman: What is a Noahide Part 11 https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1651011822823038982/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Rabbi Moshe Shulman: What is a Noahide Part 9 https://t.co/fBNkE0NHwS
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Rabbi Moshe Shulman: What is a Noahide Part 10 https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1651011669533814784/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Rabbi Moshe Shulman: What is a Noahide Part 8 https://t.co/1d7hOfr8pc
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Rabbi Moshe Shulman: What is a Noahide Part 9 https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1651011445524447233/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Rabbi Moshe Shulman: What is a Noahide Part 7 https://t.co/Fvcww693f6
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Rabbi Moshe Shulman: What is a Noahide Part 8 https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1651011303903821824/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Rabbi Moshe Shulman: What is a Noahide Part 6 https://t.co/oNELJYX6fi
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Rabbi Moshe Shulman: What is a Noahide Part 7 https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1651011127319445505/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Rabbi Moshe Shulman: What is a Noahide Part 5 https://t.co/Eel6UE8apK
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Rabbi Moshe Shulman: What is a Noahide Part 6 https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1651010919109910529/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Rabbi Moshe Shulman: What is a Noahide Part 4 https://t.co/PejqJcVo5d
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Rabbi Moshe Shulman: What is a Noahide Part 5 https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1651010765980147714/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Rabbi Moshe Shulman: What is a Noahide Part 3 https://t.co/qOXh1tp2DR
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Rabbi Moshe Shulman: What is a Noahide Part 4 https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1651010632538357764/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Rabbi Moshe Shulman: What is a Noahide Part 2 https://t.co/LGpFPKtSee
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Rabbi Moshe Shulman: What is a Noahide Part 3 https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1651010472059994118/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Rabbi Moshe Shulman: What is a Noahide? https://t.co/WaHqMCB6aB
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Rabbi Moshe Shulman: What is a Noahide Part 2 https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1651009913752018952/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
They don’t like you very much “Gentiles will like the dust at the Jews feet”

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
It’s a law of nature, it’s built into the fabric. @Know_More_News https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1650808514716082176/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Now available on Amazon The Desert Trilogy such a great story on how to genocide the non Jewish world.

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
The nonsense will never stop if we keep allowing this nonsense to happen. #pedoawarness

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
They tell you it’s a law of nature to be hated. @Know_More_News https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1650431876165771264/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Ok snakes made all the animals stop talking. So sad people can’t get out of this J-wish matrix.

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Friendly group of Supremist.

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
How Paul hijacked Christianity and tricked the gentiles into becoming Christians. @Christcucks2 https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1649961246576263168/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Everyday we see these situations happening. Stay safe out there…

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Glad the energy drink is Kosher 😂

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
The matrix is too deep Christian’s can’t get out of it. They will kill their own for the god of the Israel.

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Sounds like a great Friday night party.

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
@bruhhhwtff @c_ban_ @Know_More_News

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Cutting the blood covenant with everyone’s favorite not a real Christian pastor Kenny C 😂 https://t.co/qOfyrbBsbJ
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Cutting the blood covenant with everyone’s favorite not a real Christian pastor Kenny C 😂 https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1649135970329980935/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Lord jealous will curse you and your family if you don’t believe in him. What a loving God. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1649029725845700609/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Christianity 101 a blood ritual sacrificing cult. https://t.co/JZ8KSJsiQO
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Christianity 101 Jesus was king of the Jews. https://t.co/Yt0DABn8pa
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Christianity 101 a blood ritual sacrificing cult. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1649022774180999173/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Christianity 101 Jesus Jewishness. https://t.co/hkiEO5XC1g
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Christianity 101 Jesus was king of the Jews. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1649018981615820802/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Christianity 101 The natural branches of the olive tree are the Jewish people. The wild branches that are grafted in are the Goyim. https://t.co/uyQrcSGWNN
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Christianity 101 Jesus was Jewish. https://t.co/iRKpx7pUHr
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Christianity 101 The natural branches of the olive tree are the Jewish people. The wild branches that are grafted in are the Goyim. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1649012613936828417/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
I know Christians he’s not a real Christian, I know he’s not interpreting Gods word correctly. He’s just a fringe pastor reading out of the same nonsense book you worship. The book that is full of contradicts is unhistorical, unscientific words put to paper to dupe you into…

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
The command of God is to have the gentiles enslaved by the Noahide laws. https://t.co/8nCmNb3jof https://t.co/tZBQsL1e9R
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
"If America will interfere and not allow the Jewish People, to have Eretz Yisrael, the same will happen to her (empire will fall like Turkey, England, France, and Russia)" https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1648955970473607174/video/1

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Last Anti Communist @LastAntiMason
The guy that woke up a year ago thanks to some Adam Green videos thinks Christians are worse than the people running around calling themselves Jews https://t.co/ESXJNpfJRs
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Says the guy that believes in magical J-ws and worships a book full of contradicts is unhistorical, unscientific words put to paper to dupe you into believing all this nonsense. Yeah your the smart one 😜all Christians are J$ws worshiping the a Jewish rabbi and bowing to the god… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1648953792858136577

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Joseph Prince loves the blood of the lamb. https://t.co/zDlN2MuBNa
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
In the blood is life Joseph Prince puts the blood of Christ over his children. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1648866284010889216/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
@DeroDealer @Know_More_News Owen doesn’t like anyone that calls him out he blocked me a few months ago.

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Blocked my another triggered Christian so much for love thy enemy 😂.

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Prager says if there is no god there is no difference between good and evil. The moral god of Israel has to tell us murder is wrong. https://t.co/5hBGNFA2u6
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Prager is glad Chabad takes this stuff seriously. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1648737439555387428/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Dennis Prager on Important Jewish Values. https://t.co/PbcqZFHIR5
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Prager says if there is no god there is no difference between good and evil. The moral god of Israel has to tell us murder is wrong. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1648736406427009029/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Have the courage to break free.

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Christians get the most triggered and spew so much hate when you don’t believe in their nonsense. @Know_More_News https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1648646362043490304 https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1648646362043490304/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Even a child can figure out this nonsense. @Know_More_News #Christianity https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1648632196985495552/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
That’s about right.

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Such a loving couple.

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Christian’s just wash the gay away in the blood. @Know_More_News https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1648109409208344579/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Don’t worship the God of Israel you will be destroyed, are you listening America? https://t.co/HlkUxy1UPv
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
She’s a gentile, she’s entitled to nothing. https://t.co/Rew2nL7NaO
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Don’t worship the God of Israel you will be destroyed, are you listening America? https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1648088111941931009/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
All your money belongs to god. https://t.co/MB5hehUsMD
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
She’s a gentile, she’s entitled to nothing. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1648087437950828546/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Every knee shall bow and every tongue will confess. https://t.co/D3gEodGUl6
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
You’ve been theologically conquered. @Know_More_News

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Gods promise to Israel and his unbreakable covenant with his chosen people. https://t.co/sCdv3giGhG
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Anti-semitism is a sin. https://t.co/suij7XmtB0
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Gods promise to Israel and his unbreakable covenant with his chosen people. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1648078563793330176/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Daniel the prince of prophets. God showed him the plan. https://t.co/wjhMs2dLEZ
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Making Israel the head of all nations. https://t.co/gsrLYM6wRC
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Daniel the prince of prophets. God showed him the plan. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1648076657914257413/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Jerusalem’s Lead Role in God’s Plan. https://t.co/qQKhwQ3cmu
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Earths last empire by John Hagee. https://t.co/coFPFTmjvB
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Well said my brother. @annunakkki

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
There was never a historical Jesus by David Fitzgerald. https://t.co/JMuHadMaYi
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
There was never a historical Jesus by David Fitzgerald Part 2. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1647990006722576385/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
@Dezikr1 I live in nature

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Jesus subverted the nations

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Christianity is the biggest psyop. https://t.co/7gTlCFbONQ
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Christianity is the biggest psyop Part 2. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1647427270670204929/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
The God of 🇮🇱 sounds like a swell guy murders you if you work on the sabbath. Crazy Christian believes are simply insane. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1647406193504051200/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Interesting group 🇮🇱

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
@bipolarsarah @Know_More_News Yes he’s GOAT

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Solid habits build a solid character. In times of change leveling up and becoming the best version of yourself is essential.

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Let love rule…

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
The best analog to make says Ben Shapiro is “God making love to the J$ws” or the J$ws making love to God. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1646839283116908544/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
@Phomishap @Themostbased098 @Nondual8 The Romans made up the God of Israel? Sorry your that dumb maybe pray for a brain oh wait praying doesn’t work so your fucked.

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Crazy story time with Kenny Copeland. The greatest teaching rabbi Saul. https://t.co/vqmrU9Iox8
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Crazy story time with Kenny Copeland. The greatest teaching rabbi Saul. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1646679887300775936/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
This Is Why Jewish People Are So Important to God! Jonathan Bernis with Sid Roth. https://t.co/nyNB5S2iWp
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
This Is Why Jewish People Are So Important to God! Jonathan Bernis with Sid Roth Part 2. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1646604751180648460/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
This Is Why Jewish People Are So Important to God! Jonathan Bernis with Sid Roth. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1646604532774850566/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
God loves everyone but he chose the J$ws. Not surprising since they made up all this nonsense. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1646552422846693385/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Circumcising the nation, you can’t get away from the blood with JP and Ben S. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1646520219115073538/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
It’s funny Kid Rock didn’t mind drinking bud lite with a drag queen back in the day. Why the sudden change of mind? https://t.co/OcBs14r6L8
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Robert is such a class act

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
It’s funny Kid Rock didn’t mind drinking bud lite with a drag queen back in the day. Why the sudden change of mind?

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Christianity and it’s Jewish roots. https://t.co/RotMpY6imD
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
It’s so great all these Jewish "conservative thought leaders" By the way this fraud Shapiro left something out of the golden calf story: Exodus 32 https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1646315168954032128/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Christian’s are so delusional that they need a slave master so they can live their life,without the God of Israel they would be nothing what a pathetic and weak mindset. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1646256582382985216/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Early Christians didn’t even believe in the resurrection of Yahweh but brainwashed gullible Christian will just go alone with the narrative. They defend all this nonsense with bible quotes written by magical J$ws. Quoting a book that is full of contradicts is unhistorical,… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1646181647182622720 https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1646181647182622720/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Christians dupes will believe anything. Wake up and use that brain that your fake God gave you 😂 @Know_More_News https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1646109149292363776/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
I became an atheist after I finally read and study the Bible. After 40 years of just going along with this Jewish matrix. I started to think for myself and use reasoning and logic to finally come to my decision to stop believing in magical j$ws that talk to god through… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1645873539457712128 https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1645873539457712128/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Believing in j-wish nonsense doesn’t give you morals Christians. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1645810053897699328/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
They try to change the narrative but all you have to do is read their books.

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
@twutterswimmer Oh ok

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Sacrificing his blood for Yahweh. It’s always about the blood🩸 https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1644843744007520256/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
@FitzInfo @CfoCreative

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Alex wants to know who you getting in bed with Jesus or Satan, I’m not into gay sex thanks. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1644832842373906433/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Joey O says the blood speaks for you. https://t.co/z1WlZcw8Xf
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Joey O says God told Cain the voice of your brothers blood is crying out to me. The blood will always be speaking for 2000 years Jesus blood still speaks. https://t.co/ViFKfrAibx
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Joey O says that as long as you stay under yahweh’s blood you’ll be safe. https://t.co/i6hJ7f1M20
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Joey O says God told Cain the voice of your brothers blood is crying out to me. The blood will always be speaking for 2000 years Jesus blood still speaks. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1644824343090720773/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Joey O says by faith we can put the blood on our children on our house on our finances. We can put the blood everywhere. https://t.co/Z4t7cFpuQX
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Joey O says that as long as you stay under yahweh’s blood you’ll be safe. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1644820107372249089/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Joey O says that we are under the better covenant no more relying on blood of bulls and goats cause now we can rely on the blood of Jesus the scapegoat. https://t.co/MmO092VR0O
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Joey O says by faith we can put the blood on our children on our house on our finances. We can put the blood everywhere. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1644818926960885761/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Joey 0 No mistake you’ve made is too much for this blood. https://t.co/TMeKxvGnqP
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Joey O says that we are under the better covenant no more relying on blood of bulls and goats cause now we can rely on the blood of Jesus the scapegoat. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1644818196778631168/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Joey O telling you about the power in the blood. https://t.co/GOUSC7ckFz
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Joey 0 No mistake you’ve made is too much for this blood. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1644816904522014721/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Happy Good Friday and just enjoy God’s master plan of redemption of the world and for all non j-ws to fulfill the prophecy to be destroyed. Great job Christian shills.

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
@Bob10473100 Go worship your Jewish rabbi and quote more nonsense from the book wrote by magical J$ws.

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
@Bob10473100 Did you get your Jesus doll for Good Friday ?

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
CJB breaks down what we can look forward to in the end times. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1643986449157750784/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
My crazy Dad at it again, making crazy trump videos. #Trump2024 @Know_More_News https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1643943354235797504/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Seems kind of gay. I’d rather burn in hell with the fifth and the garbage. Praise Hashem.

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Crazy wildfire by the crib today.

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Happy Holy Week hump day

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
This weekend are you ready for the resurrection of Trump? No more super Jesus, Trump is your Messiah Goy. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1643587219708342273/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Just in time for the weekend. #easter

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
If you don’t worship the God of Israel then your wicked and will be destroyed in their end times fairly tail. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1643263499743772675/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Good job Christians for bring the Torah to the world. #Christians https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1643246118644350976/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Gods promises to shatter all nations with Israel.

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
The messianic age where all Nations will bow and recognize the God of Israel and his chosenites. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1641444677206560771/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
It’s just God’s master plan of redemption of the world and for all non j-ws to fulfill the prophecy to be destroyed. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1640487618600108034/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Worshipping a J-wish lamb. @Know_More_News https://t.co/eJw4YtdFal
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Waking up from the j-wish matrix. @Know_More_News https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1639989302212849667/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Copeland loves the chosen people. @Know_More_News https://t.co/FFl6AXXph1
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Worshipping a J-wish lamb. @Know_More_News https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1639988072229093376/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Jesus the healer, I guess he forgot about all the children dying from horrible diseases. @Know_More_News https://t.co/eb4w12lvQa
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Copeland loves the chosen people. @Know_More_News https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1639987042573594628/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Christians are obsessed with the blood. @Know_More_News https://t.co/r65eXMbA2o
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Jesus the healer, I guess he forgot about all the children dying from horrible diseases. @Know_More_News https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1639985986854612992/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Give me the blood, that precious blood of Jesus. @Know_More_News https://t.co/DxP2yKb227
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Christians are obsessed with the blood. @Know_More_News https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1639985140825833473/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Christians always making excuses. @Know_More_News https://t.co/L0dpecjXsl
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Give me the blood, that precious blood of Jesus. @Know_More_News https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1639984328653385730/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Being a slave to yahweh @Know_More_News https://t.co/zORvDGSjQp
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Christians always making excuses. @Know_More_News https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1639983558541312000/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
The crazy Christian rituals. @Know_More_News https://t.co/vA1NgyROrA
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Copeland and the power of the blood. @Know_More_News https://t.co/bIb8gWHVfq
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
The crazy Christian rituals. @Know_More_News https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1639980033237299202/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
A J-wish cult has taken over the world. @Know_More_News https://t.co/mPrag4XFrh
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Copeland and the power of the blood. @Know_More_News https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1639978010576138245/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Religion makes good people very evil. @Know_More_News https://t.co/hKiyPzeoCx
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
A J-wish cult has taken over the world. @Know_More_News https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1639977427802763264/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Q-Tards part 3 Trump the Messiah. https://t.co/cVOAuKBlNr
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Religion makes good people very evil. @Know_More_News https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1639976882681552898/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Q-Tards part 2 worshipping Trump as a king. https://t.co/6BghyVgFah
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Clips from a couple of weeks ago when I was hanging out with my Viking brother Adam on his show @Know_More_News Q-Tards part 1 https://t.co/BivRMApZka
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Q-Tards part 2 worshipping Trump as a king. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1639976067296378880/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Clips from a couple of weeks ago when I was hanging out with my Viking brother Adam on his show @Know_More_News Q-Tards part 1 https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1639975484569055233/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Surprisingly honest summary of how European Pagans were fooled into going around the world spreading the “Word of the Jewish God” and destroying their native pagan objects, temples, and idols in favor of this Jewish God. Of course this guy this catholic, so he sees this forced… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1639695150921261058 https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1639695150921261058/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
@Bob10473100 @rulebritannia88

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
@Bob10473100 @rulebritannia88 I wonder how much self control they had when God command them to have all the virgins. Such a moral and just god. Keep worshipping a j-wish god and a j-wish messiah.

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
These crazy mega prophets are at it again. Julie Green has received a message from God that he will block indictments of Trump. Not a cult at all. #Trump #trumpprohets https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1639633736521203714/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Christians are the sacrificial lamb. Stay away from that Cacodemon Yahweh that wants to rule over you. #Christianity

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Bob @Bob10473100
@paperyeshua Genesis 1:27 So ((God created man in his own image,)) in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. Mark 12:31 The second is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ ((There is no other commandment greater than these.”)) That's a command! https://t.co/X5KRTKixPV
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
I don’t take commands from a God that chose the j-ws to rule over me. Stay away from the Cacodemon Yahweh.

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Happy Thursday This world is going to push you in trying to make you according to them, make sure that you remain the exact constant, and do not change yourself just for the sake of others.

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Every Christian is really a Jew. Christians worship a jewish rabbi. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1637886240740483072/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
The gentiles just don’t get it,they need the oracles of god from the jews to understand how to worship the god of Israel through the power of the blood. Oh the blood praise Jesus 🩸. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1637882540705869824/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Nothing to see here.

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Happy Sunday Get after your day.

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
The blood changes everything. Christianity is a blood magic cult. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1637263197852794883/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Happy Friday Twitter fam. Hope everyone has a great one💪💪

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Russian fighter jet forces down US drone over Black Sea. #Russia https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1636111460362321921/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Story time with Kenneth Copeland Part 1 The Chosen ones. https://t.co/Glu9GVQRdJ
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Story time with Kenneth Copeland Part 2 the covenant. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1635697067707203602/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Had to go to a Dr appointment today and Yahweh is everywhere .

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Behold oh Israel the lord our god is one. The is no other god but the god of 🇮🇱 https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1635342148945207297/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
So amazing that magical J’s Bible prophecy is so accurate. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1635340458724589568/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
God is in heaven calling Russia like a dog. https://t.co/PZktWWsnTT
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: God takes great vengeance on all that persecutes his chosen people. No lambs blood over the door he will destroy you. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1635339207815360513/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
When the anti-christ comes https://t.co/sPxHx8ZBbq
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: God is in heaven calling Russia like a dog. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1635337786596409347/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
The world will know that I am god and my people, the Jewish people will know that he’s the defender of his holy chosen covenant people. https://t.co/nW7hCW79IJ
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
God is going to smash the gentiles like a potter with a rod of iron smashes a potters vessel. https://t.co/XZjMzt7sjf
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: The world will know that I am god and my people, the Jewish people will know that he’s the defender of his holy chosen covenant people. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1635336571716255745/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
The wrath of the God of 🇮🇱 https://t.co/Xw7ccgVRbI
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: God is going to smash the gentiles like a potter with a rod of iron smashes a potters vessel. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1635334326916386817/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Watch out for those motherships. I think the super hero Jesus is on one. #Aliens https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1634515242838360067/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Magical goats that carry your sins in this blood magic cult. Jesus came as the final Yom Kippur. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1634399368580149249/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Part 4 Worshiping the God of Israel https://t.co/9U1hGT9HXx
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: Part 5 Israel’s coming redemption you will worship no other gods but the god of Israel. The End https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1634280575757439006/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Part 3 Disowning their own traditions. https://t.co/chQQuFtTdc
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Part 2 How the God of 🇮🇱 moved in. https://t.co/vyk2MYs6Gb
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Judaizing the world with Paula Fredriksen

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Happy Friday hope everyone is having a great one and getting after their day. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1634201197945970695/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
The world must discover the kosher Jesus. https://t.co/AdEPge0usT
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Paul brought in a new religion called Christianity. https://t.co/urh3CWfyfS
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Jesus ask for a sword https://t.co/n6DuSQchP7
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: Paul brought in a new religion called Christianity. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1633967348137746436/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
A capital offense to say you’re the Jewish king. https://t.co/Rz51XtoECC
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Jesus hates Rome. https://t.co/V1fF7hz3f9
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: A capital offense to say you’re the Jewish king. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1633964249574785026/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
The mystery of the messiah, anyone can be him. https://t.co/4Fx6Bi4bDx
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Jesus is retelling the teachings of Judaism. https://t.co/EGIPlhMsAI
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: The mystery of the messiah, anyone can be him. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1633960827039498241/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Jesus and his Talmudic teachings. https://t.co/tRfMwT82wA
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: Jesus is retelling the teachings of Judaism. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1633956172326658050/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
The sermon on the mound came from Jewish sources. https://t.co/kPv4YITyO1
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Jesus born a Jew but remember as a Christian. https://t.co/ppDYFbp3oO
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: The sermon on the mound came from Jewish sources. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1633952979899363334/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
The Christian Anti-semitism Narrative. @Know_More_News https://t.co/4EKrKO9UOe
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: @Know_More_News The Christian Anti-semitism Narrative Part 2 @Know_More_News https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1633790925141950466/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Florida pushing the Anti-semitism because of the GDL feds pushing the narrative for them. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1633788370873733123/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
The Quest for the Holy Foreskin Part 1 https://t.co/5Nj5K45aqZ
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
@LastAntiMason @Know_More_News Yes so controlled

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
How the Vatican Might Have Secretly Stolen Jesus' Foreskin. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1633120534740205570/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
The Japanese don’t want the Jews to take over their country. @Know_More_News https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1633110447409831938/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Buying a kings daughter with 100 foreskins another believable Bible story. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1633026346573021185/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
The biblical blood covenant God’s holy plan for mankind. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1632896114033565699/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
The chosen people the apple of gods eye. Israel will live forever as all nations will be destroyed. Christians welcome and support these end times and being destroyed they love it. https://t.co/D40aYDC87c https://t.co/GH46yJvR02
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
The chosen people the apple of gods eye. Israel will live forever as all nations will be destroyed. Christians welcome and support these end times and being destroyed they love it. https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1632549654226169857 https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1632549654226169857/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
The roots support you Christians, you don’t support the root. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1632453678941478912/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
When gentiles do acts of kindness to the Jewish people the Jewish god will blessed them with miracles. It’s what the book the jewish people wrote says. The Bible commands you to bless 🇮🇱.

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Anti-semitism is a sin and it’s Dams the soul. To see evil and not call it evil is evil. This is why I call out the Bible cause it’s just that EVIL. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1632434030732877824/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
We have a debt of gratitude to the Jewish people because they gave us the word of God, ever word wrote by Jewish hands. Remember salvation is of the Jews. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1632429540361347079/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Christians celebrate this Jewish holiday of blood magic. https://t.co/7U3KwMOfTe
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Most sacred Jewish holiday. Blood magic sacrifices to the god of 🇮🇱. https://t.co/Iv8mX5Z9Ld https://t.co/G8QXae0A7G
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: Christians celebrate this Jewish holiday of blood magic. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1632417085815914501/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Most sacred Jewish holiday. Blood magic sacrifices to the god of 🇮🇱.

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
The blessing of blessing 🇮🇱 https://t.co/CU0gTgdFzH
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: When the gentiles serve the Jews the heart of Yahweh is moved. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1631270912484864002/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
I’m a sucker 😂😂😂

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua This happened at my friends school last week. A 6-foot-6 Florida high-schooler pummeled a female school employee, leaving her unconscious after she confiscated his Nintendo Switch, according to police and video surveillance of the attack. The attack… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1629802867321126912 https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1629802867321126912/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
The CJB remix of lies the Twitter version. @Know_More_News @annunakkki https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1629630413101576195/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
CJB meltdown i’m working on a collage soon to be released.@Know_More_News @annunakkki https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1628839443644788738/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
@GeraldNance4 @Know_More_News https://t.co/IBkVHLjOHT
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: @GeraldNance4 @Know_More_News Such an intellect to post nonsense like this.

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
@GeraldNance4 @Know_More_News

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
The New Testament just goes along with the Old Testament. @Know_More_News https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1628481225496166402/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
CJB is a bitter old man if it wasn’t for @Know_More_News no one would even know who you are or even buy your books. You been doing the work for 30 years and still have no platform. Thanks for showing everyone your true colors.

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
The horrible abuse that took place. https://t.co/r0OawwQWJP
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: Just a normal family Is it normal for a single gay man to adopt 9 kids? BTW his real name is Jeffrey Lujan Vejil. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1628338944122265600/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
The redemption is serving the God of 🇮🇱 together. @Know_More_News https://t.co/0BeGXjeaW1
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
The redemption is serving the God of 🇮🇱 together. @Know_More_News https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1627986148076277760/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Seems like a great God

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Maybe not an atheist but you’ll definitely wake up from the J$ws matrix if your actually able to be reasonable and have reason.

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
It’s that day Christians time to pay the cacodemon yahweh so you can get into the jewish heaven and become a Noahide slave. https://t.co/vPkptOAnoU
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
I meant Noahide slaves google. They disguise it as laws but read the 613 mitzvot and see what’s in store for the gentiles.

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
It’s that day Christians time to pay the cacodemon yahweh so you can get into the jewish heaven and become a Noahide slave.

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Nothing to see here.

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Israel is god’s stopwatch https://t.co/dYRdCvg9AR
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
The nations that blessed 🇮🇱 were blessed by god but the ones that cursed 🇮🇱 they were cursed by god. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1626488666477535234/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
I go with the B option.

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
I’m glad my parents didn’t do this to me or cut the end of my Dick off. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1626249895647535105/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
It’s funny, because I’m up every day between those hours and I think I must be missing God’s call and my enemies are still in bed sleeping so I’m good. Christians need to stop worshiping their enemy that cacodemon Yahweh. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1626249066068815873/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Have you ever wondered why the Jewish people are so great? It’s because they have a blessing over them by a spiritual authority their father. 2.6% of the population but they win about 80% of the Pulitzer Prize awards. It’s because having that anointing of the special blessing… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1626247291257380864 https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1626247291257380864/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
It’s that simple the main character to the jewish story. The God of Israel and his rabbi son. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1626244713668923393/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
How you present yourself and who you really are are two different things. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1626236206873993220/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
You will be judge on how you treat the Jews. https://t.co/gNuwGVR955
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
The right hand is the greater blessing,the left hand is the lesser blessing. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1625982713193762816/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Owen studies this all the time. https://t.co/g8N801DPJC
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Owens here for the truth and he’s part J$ws to. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1625981572192079874/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Owen has a hard time answering questions. “God was a lonely boy sitting around drawing cartoons”. https://t.co/jvtmn6H2z4
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Owens definition of a prophet. “Paul was a prophet”. https://t.co/a394paAmFX
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Owen has a hard time answering questions. “God was a lonely boy sitting around drawing cartoons”. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1625979851701190661/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
God loves Owen https://t.co/f9zI9f9bPG
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Owens definition of a prophet. “Paul was a prophet”. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1625978498639593474/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Debating on a fictional God creating a fictional Jewish character name Jesus. https://t.co/MuiCgHtHQo
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
This what you get when you have two Christian’s arguing about the Trinity. 2 grown men arguing over Jewish fairytales. https://t.co/3UG2ib0v10
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Debating on a fictional God creating a fictional Jewish character name Jesus. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1625973448164999168/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
This what you get when you have two Christian’s arguing about the Trinity. 2 grown men arguing over Jewish fairytales. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1625846353447333890/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Ben gets a little excited when they talk about blood sacrifices. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1625796338708279296/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
The blood of Jesus cleanses all our sins. Washed in the blood. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1625621426500771840/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Christianity is a reflection of Judaism from a different angle. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1625611035217371139/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
When you bless the Jewish people, it opens the doors to supernatural blessings in your life. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1624938359507279872/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Trump has done more for 🇮🇱 than any other president. This is why they call him the King of 🇮🇱 https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1624372650884702209/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
When you truly analyze the Bible you can see that it’s just nonsense. The greatest trick ever played was when the J$ws tricked all the Gentiles to worship their God talk about mind control. #thegreatestpsyop

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
The Bible mandate to bless 🇮🇱 https://t.co/VEGVU77CNG
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: The god of 🇮🇱 will bring the nations to his feet. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1623282010348220421/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Blessing the apple of Gods eye. https://t.co/25LD2gBhZd
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Funny how that works.

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
God breathed into dirt and man became a living soul. Sounds legit 🫤 https://t.co/LtL3oBG6C7
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
God breathed into dirt and man became a living soul. Sounds legit 🫤 https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1622172881634398208/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Simple explanation.

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Great public school bus ride home with teenager beating on a young girl and her 9 year old brother. Dam white supremacy. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1621817518959493120/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
No place freer than Israel in the Middle East. https://t.co/PmnmrhkWG8
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
You can not touch his people and you can not touch his land. https://t.co/RBfy5QNxjk
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: No place freer than Israel in the Middle East. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1620768068145405955/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
God is a Zionist https://t.co/9FF8t8gtGQ
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: Christians are pro 🇮🇱 and they don’t vote for people that support BDS. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1620760983638798336/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
God is a Zionist https://t.co/9FF8t8gtGQ
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: You can not touch his people and you can not touch his land. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1620760495035924481/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
If you don’t stand with 🇮🇱 god won’t bless you. https://t.co/pM0vKW0b73
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Oh that’s right I forgot he’s not a real Christian. #christian https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1620749418738716672/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Christians will be judged on how they treated Zion. https://t.co/XPqCP8xzc1
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: If you don’t stand with 🇮🇱 god won’t bless you. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1620659784667242499/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Fall in love with Jesus says the pastor that was cheating on his wife of 21 years with his secretary. Such great role models Christian have. I know he’s not a real Christian I get it cause there are no real Christian. Escape from the Jewish matrix. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1620582985199411200/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
40 years of believing in J-wish fairy tales was enough for me. Time to wake up Christians and stop believing in J-wish super hero’s that are going to fly out of the sky and save you. Say no to yahweh.

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Movie night in March

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Mr Rogers was giving us the heads up on what the future holds.@Know_More_News https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1620019153196445697/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Saved the world with his blood. https://t.co/zaedYg5lsh
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: Nothing but the blood, the blood, the blood. Did I mention BLOOD. I blood of Jesus. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1619478614759862273/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Worshipping the light of the world. https://t.co/CMcA4ZneAE
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Does your church have a good reputation with the Jewish people? https://t.co/3gIGfZEcez
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
The birth right. https://t.co/WN4175aZ8k
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: Does your church have a good reputation with the Jewish people? https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1619474763906449410/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
The lion of the tribe of Judah is going to rule the world with a rod of iron. https://t.co/YIoG5HGY5S
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
The lion of the tribe of Judah is going to rule the world with a rod of iron. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1619473247803969536/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Happy Saturday and remember not to believe in magical J-ws.

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Every knee will bend. https://t.co/aFEOQsXK4O
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: Paganism where are all these pagan churches at? https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1619094091995967488/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Offering up the children sounds familiar. https://t.co/hq4DSZhfx2
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Christians are the main obstacle to Gods plans coming to fruition. https://t.co/AfkG31ZpA3
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: Offering up the children sounds familiar. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1619091387408093184/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Christians are the main obstacle to Gods plans coming to fruition. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1619090817196638215/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
John Hagee is the 7 million dollar man.

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Blotting out the memory, Israel lives, Israel lives. https://t.co/XRtJhMgafO
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: When a gentile does something good for a Jew it moves God’s heart. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1618797124329832448/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Egypt was the womb of Israel. https://t.co/h7o5sfdOhZ
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: Blotting out the memory, Israel lives, Israel lives. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1618796409725280256/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
You are saved by the blood of Christ. https://t.co/9eG2CDidbM
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Only the J-ws cut off the ends of their dicks, sound like a fun group. https://t.co/ptcSMAJppa
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
God loves his chosen people. https://t.co/sGIrVCBdlk
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: Only the J-ws cut off the ends of their dicks, sound like a fun group. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1618788886515425280/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
God controls the circumstances of your life, so you better pay him. https://t.co/voma80hcHH
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
God measures your income and needs your money. I like Gods that don’t ask for 💰 #brokegod https://t.co/QMYykoaPhb
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: God controls the circumstances of your life, so you better pay him. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1618785441309921282/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
God measures your income and needs your money. I like Gods that don’t ask for 💰 #brokegod https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1618785093946068995/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
God is blessing nations that bless Israel and cursing ones that don’t. It’s in the Bible so it’s true says Rabbi Hagee. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1618784589157380098/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
The blood of the cross will save you. https://t.co/RkCnEIoMBC
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: Christians have authority over demon spirits. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1618782653473488896/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
He’s the only God, the God of 🇮🇱. https://t.co/vUnSWhJzGr
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Christians united for 🇮🇱 https://t.co/r7eCuGFlAQ
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: The God of 🇮🇱 is in charge of planet earth. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1618435440452997120/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
God is Using Israel as a Catalyst for Global Revival. https://t.co/SKNZTzDogX
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
The superhero Jesus will never turn his back on you,only at the very end when he destroys you that’s how this j-wish movie ends.
Religa-Watch @ReligaWatch
Christian simps love Yahweh ⁦@Know_More_News⁩ https://twitter.com/ReligaWatch/status/1616572057055264769/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Christians are ever so proud in their Jew the Jesus. They have become the ultimate Jewish slave following exactly what the chosen ones have written down for them. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1618007776583909379/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
It’s embarrassing that I had an invisible friend for 40 years. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1617674471925743617/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
The god of 🇮🇱 will always except the blood of the lamb. https://t.co/NAZbIMq9Dc
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: God is the author of the death penalty. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1617673039533182982/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Yom Kippur set free by the shedding of blood. https://t.co/IWRiQWnjrz
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: The god of 🇮🇱 will always except the blood of the lamb. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1617672099170234368/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Jesus is going to be the judge of the earth someday. https://t.co/S8C3QkRJbD
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: Jesus the Jewish rabbi will send you to hell. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1617670221728481280/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Planning the 3rd temple https://t.co/t6SmJT6jPR
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: Jesus is going to be the judge of the earth someday. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1617669623939493888/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Never forget God’s love for Jerusalem. It’s Gods City. https://t.co/bpH0y6uU1n
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Gods love for 🇮🇱 https://t.co/jWbfT94SFQ
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: Never forget God’s love for Jerusalem. It’s Gods City. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1617667878207229953/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
To deny Christianity is anti-Semitic. https://t.co/CaHCF6Wm4M
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: The prophet held baby Jesus in the air. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1617666679189942276/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Know your role Christian’s. https://t.co/9poCzuD2Jd
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Without the J-ws Christian’s would have nothing. https://t.co/BsUQsYIGYe
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
The blood of Jesus is the only way to salvation. https://t.co/e1NIodd9uY
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
For the blood of Jesus Christ. https://t.co/5AlVDw3zk6
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: The blood of Jesus is the only way to salvation. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1617563648578433025/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Pray before you eat Christians https://t.co/zYgP1lgkPa
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: God told her to to finish up her projects. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1616536209622269952/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Jail time for questioning, this tells you all you need to know. https://t.co/HJEim0H5iE https://t.co/0YIIeHCe6G
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
The blood is going to flow from the bridal of the horse and God will annihilate the nations. https://t.co/v3JvCdu68C
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: God will crush this nation if we don’t fight for 🇮🇱 https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1616403186230693889/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
The Flag of 🇮🇱 will be flying high when the messiah comes. https://t.co/REZgz7QhGj
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: The blood is going to flow from the bridal of the horse and God will annihilate the nations. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1616397443217620992/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
The Flag of 🇮🇱 will be flying high when the messiah comes. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1616393020240265216/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Christians are falling into line. @Know_More_News https://t.co/Ie1l7aam1H
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: The pope says inside every Christian is a Jew. @Know_More_News https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1612981207158906885/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
The footstool @Know_More_News https://t.co/0fjxDTZqAE
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: Christians are falling into line. @Know_More_News https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1612960669388742656/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Jesus is reigning over the gentiles. @Know_More_News https://t.co/AfrqRYRCba
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Conquering the gentiles within. @Know_More_News https://t.co/mZ2UQZTYh0
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: Jesus is reigning over the gentiles. @Know_More_News https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1612949082993209344/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
The original controlled opposition @Know_More_News https://t.co/ZYBTnmPwYs
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: Conquering the gentiles within. @Know_More_News https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1612947569746841601/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
The deception @Know_More_News https://t.co/wsKnqh1mfo
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: The original controlled opposition @Know_More_News https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1612944014113705989/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Jesus is the scapegoat @Know_More_News https://t.co/F6DpFewzFU
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Peter and Paul the secret agents. @Know_More_News https://t.co/k1mXE7U0wR
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
One authority through Christianity @Know_More_News https://t.co/IRUkEbaJIX
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: Peter and Paul the secret agents. @Know_More_News https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1612927830043643906/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Conquering the nations. @Know_More_News https://t.co/fJQwT108Oi
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: One authority through Christianity @Know_More_News https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1612924388399104000/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
The Jesus deception @Know_More_News https://t.co/MJfmO7Ccdx
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: Conquering the nations. @Know_More_News https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1612923194431737857/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Christian triggered during a debate and rage quits. @Know_More_News https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1612855848128188430/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
The God of the Torah annihilated humans. Such a loving God. https://t.co/jweh7PFH3n
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
HaGra was a Lithuanian Jewish Talmudist, halakhist, kabbalist, and the foremost leader of misnagdic Jewry of the past few centuries. Know as the Gaon Vilna. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1612806440577531906/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
The fruit isn’t ripe yet, Jesus isn’t kosher. @Know_More_News https://t.co/SaxfZl3NMs
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: Jesus is the fruit that’s not ready to eat.@Know_More_News https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1612605874459009024/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
The twin serpent @Know_More_News https://t.co/uE8RHq11E6
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: The fruit isn’t ripe yet, Jesus isn’t kosher. @Know_More_News https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1612603132894412800/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
God gave them 🇮🇱 it’s their land since the Bible says so. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1612599641526206464/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
In their own words

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
You must respect us this is the common narrative. @Know_More_News https://t.co/aBpQmJy2MM
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
They demand respect @Know_More_News https://t.co/HezlEey39A
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: You must respect us this is the common narrative. @Know_More_News https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1612580598677372928/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Christians need to wake up and realize they have been duped to worship a religion made up by J$ws @Know_More_News https://t.co/GL548VGgiG
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
They target everyone. @Know_More_News https://t.co/CYIJzmmTB7
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: Christians need to wake up and realize they have been duped to worship a religion made up by J$ws @Know_More_News https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1611904061187440640/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
They created Christianity to convert all the Gentiles from their pagan idol worship to Noahides.@Know_More_News https://t.co/bkRjFvTx1Z
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Christianity is a deception. @Know_More_News https://t.co/TYSlruBivr
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: They created Christianity to convert all the Gentiles from their pagan idol worship to Noahides.@Know_More_News https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1611654181928009728/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Special unique suffering status. @Know_More_News https://t.co/ydxBkJTbQf
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: Christianity is a deception. @Know_More_News https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1611652561483726850/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
The controlled opposition is Christianity @Know_More_News https://t.co/nNlRrMiB8p
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: Special unique suffering status. @Know_More_News https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1611521080279138305/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
@undotres @thethwarter @Know_More_News

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
The Line New wonders of the world. A 9 million person prison city,sounds like a great spot in the Saudi Arabia desert. #theline https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1609882669600616450/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
The oracles of god are trusted in them. @Know_More_News @ReligaWatch @annunakkki https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1609734608723009537/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
If 2022 was a person:

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
On to world domination.

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Happy New Years PJ

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Trump and some of his friends. #EpsteinClientList

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
I used to talk to an imaginary friend for 40 years and then I woke up to all these J-wish nonsense. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1608267824132419585/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Paul converting gentiles to Noahides and Peter is the secret agent to the J’s. @Know_More_News https://t.co/ZxpA5Qhbo6
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: The greatest story ever told the Abrahamic conspiracy. @Know_More_News https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1608255645840547842/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
They love to push the Roman conspiracy.@Know_More_News https://t.co/lFTdVug5Fx
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: Paul converting gentiles to Noahides and Peter is the secret agent to the J’s. @Know_More_News https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1608255184072851456/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
It’s all a script @Know_More_News https://t.co/7J1s9bb9jI
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: They love to push the Roman conspiracy.@Know_More_News https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1608251252089180162/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Christianity is built out of the Jewish midrash. @Know_More_News https://t.co/2tlNrgYiRj
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
How they came up with the Jesus myth. @Know_More_News https://t.co/hzxMFZ5XJj
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: Christianity is built out of the Jewish midrash. @Know_More_News https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1608249183097720832/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
The Saul character his teacher Gamaliel.The Talmud calls Gamaliel the top Pharisee in all Judaism and Christians worship him as a saint. Stuck in the J-wish Matrix.@Know_More_News https://t.co/e99dOM5HLv
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: How they came up with the Jesus myth. @Know_More_News https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1608248583228166145/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Worship their god and serve them. @Know_More_News https://t.co/8gEWF0E15l
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: The Saul character his teacher Gamaliel.The Talmud calls Gamaliel the top Pharisee in all Judaism and Christians worship him as a saint. Stuck in the J-wish Matrix.@Know_More_News https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1608244653475921920/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
It’s all J-wish @Know_More_News https://t.co/3UaQYdRNfD
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: Worship their god and serve them. @Know_More_News https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1608242562112049152/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
The conversion was Christianity.@Know_More_News https://t.co/6DSHD3VkRm
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Anybody that opposes their religion is evil.@Know_More_News https://t.co/5EyD9KHTcU
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: The conversion was Christianity.@Know_More_News https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1608240638322958337/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Jesus was a J @Know_More_News https://t.co/z2W4jLlZoE
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: Anybody that opposes their religion is evil.@Know_More_News https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1608240154673836033/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Reminding the goy they worship a J. https://t.co/WQDnv80On8
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
They want you to know you’re worshiping a j-w. The love to hate Jesus but in the end they love him.@Know_More_News https://t.co/wIdndDnfbW
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
They want you to know you’re worshiping a j-w. The love to hate Jesus but in the end they love him.@Know_More_News https://t.co/wIdndDnfbW
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Christianity is controlled opposition thread. Saul pushed the agenda of Christianity.@Know_More_News https://t.co/uSfRih08VR
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: They want you to know you’re worshiping a j-w. The love to hate Jesus but in the end they love him.@Know_More_News https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1608235091754635264/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Christianity is controlled opposition thread. Saul pushed the agenda of Christianity.@Know_More_News https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1608234212691255296/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Always playing the victim. @Know_More_News https://t.co/3kG7OmCY8H
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: Justice to the nations, their plan all along. The end @Know_More_News https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1606751253069021184/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
The blueprint to the Abrahamic conspiracy.@Know_More_News https://t.co/vXZfpi8BQm
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: Always playing the victim. @Know_More_News https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1606750009193553920/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Can’t know their books https://t.co/sfmge8rnk6
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: The blueprint to the Abrahamic conspiracy.@Know_More_News https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1606749731048361985/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Christian tranny porn sinners. @Know_More_News https://t.co/s3PT1vsSe0
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: The light over the dark @Know_More_News https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1606747871692431361/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Brainwashing fear into Childrens minds. @Know_More_News https://t.co/Na2LY8IMnw
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: Christian tranny porn sinners. @Know_More_News https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1606745061949054978/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Christianity is trauma based mind control @Know_More_News https://t.co/QKbRB4ATpI
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: Brainwashing fear into Childrens minds. @Know_More_News https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1606743581565255681/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
All the nations will be converted. https://t.co/XQkksPFhQO
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: Christianity is trauma based mind control @Know_More_News https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1606292466520363009/video/1

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gwu77 @gwu771954
God is not a Jew. https://t.co/nYhPpYlI4c
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Hence the God of Israel that chose the J-ews 😂. It’s all a made up J-wish fairy tail.

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
The Template of Christianity. @Know_More_News https://t.co/kvjFcHWqye
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Abrahamic Cult Thread conquering the nations through Christian. @Know_More_News https://t.co/35td233sXH
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: The Template of Christianity. @Know_More_News https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1606271441573330944/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Abrahamic Cult Thread conquering the nations through Christian. @Know_More_News https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1606270997669318660/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
The grind doesn’t care if your tired Happy Wednesday💪💪

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Christians need a scapegoat to get over their worthlessness. @Know_More_News https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1605526917733441537/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: Peeling back the layers of the Bible, and realizing there is no God. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1605371564626681856/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Waking up from the Christian delusion thread When you become healed from the religious delusion your life is so much better. https://t.co/khNKnk2zuz https://t.co/6FuOHue5DP
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Waking up from the Christian delusion thread When you become healed from the religious delusion your life is so much better. https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1605368386351136769 https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1605368386351136769/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Jesus is the hero of the story the end. @Know_More_News https://t.co/EZq5C7aeN9
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: Peter is the secret agent of Judaism . @Know_More_News https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1605364851391737857/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
The angel of death @Know_More_News https://t.co/NKzYu3aoEw
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: Jesus is the hero of the story the end. @Know_More_News https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1605364309529624576/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Jesus will become the defender of Israel.@Know_More_News https://t.co/aSiT3TxTpH
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Obsessed by their fake God Yahweh @Know_More_News https://t.co/XNfMzlzRTv
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: Jesus will become the defender of Israel.@Know_More_News https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1605361631046864897/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
The plan to covert the Gentiles. @Know_More_News https://t.co/Vxf5tjTnHO
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: Obsessed by their fake God Yahweh @Know_More_News https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1605186482972397568/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
The charade is over wake up Gentiles. @Know_More_News https://t.co/kQjJnukV9o
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: The plan to covert the Gentiles. @Know_More_News https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1605170164042854400/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Theological warfare propaganda they fooled everyone and took over the world. @Know_More_News https://t.co/Q0Kg89AHLE
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: The charade is over wake up Gentiles. @Know_More_News https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1605023918603091968/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
The destruction of the temple was God’s plan. @Know_More_News https://t.co/QMxzlnwsqZ
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: Theological warfare propaganda they fooled everyone and took over the world. @Know_More_News https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1605021371154632704/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
It was through the Septuagint the god of Israel would conquer the west. @Know_More_News https://t.co/BWSQ2HFYEN
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: The destruction of the temple was God’s plan. @Know_More_News https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1605019472011608064/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Subdue the world through Rome. https://t.co/2fsIfJ0CyU
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: It was through the Septuagint the god of Israel would conquer the west. @Know_More_News https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1605018251246948353/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Destroy Edom its always been the plan. @Know_More_News https://t.co/XDBjHxNgrl
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Christians brought the Torah to the world more than the J-WS did. @Know_More_News https://t.co/MbwfMNxxJp
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: Destroy Edom its always been the plan. @Know_More_News https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1604915878079913984/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
They speak for God @Know_More_News https://t.co/sd3v1Od8Og
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: Christians brought the Torah to the world more than the J-WS did. @Know_More_News https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1604842591346118661/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
They created christianity @Know_More_News https://t.co/mOGWU7VsUq
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Christianity came from them. @Know_More_News https://t.co/nklgnwI7RH
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: They created christianity @Know_More_News https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1604840594668412930/video/1

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View @paperyeshua
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Ruling the world,the Christian deception.@Know_More_News https://t.co/EZUK7u3dxT
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: Christianity came from them. @Know_More_News https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1604813917318152193/video/1

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View @paperyeshua
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
The light onto the nations @Know_More_News https://t.co/sV0U1tkHYt
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: Ruling the world,the Christian deception.@Know_More_News https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1604813034513383425/video/1

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View @paperyeshua
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
All the nations are blessed through Abraham. https://t.co/j8Wme74JSL
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: The light onto the nations @Know_More_News https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1604811690494902273/video/1

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View @paperyeshua
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Why the J-WS love Jesus thread. https://t.co/zfGEm7w1gY
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
: All the nations are blessed through Abraham. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1604793308210921475/video/1

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View @paperyeshua

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
@paperyeshua: @unban_ye @OrdoEquesFurvus

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Historical program of Toffee and the gorilla. The J-ws story of Jesus. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1604137906985123840/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Do the rabbis get flagged for talking about their views about the Goy?

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
The mind is a terrible thing to waste.

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
This teacher 😂

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Christians elevate this by believing in this supremacy nonsense.@Know_More_News https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1602260190669291521/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
The ADL is such a great group of humans.

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View @paperyeshua
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
I’ve been hearing this a lot lately. https://t.co/LrBk1L35RO
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua

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View @paperyeshua
Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
I’ve been hearing this a lot lately.

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
No supremacy here.

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
They don’t really hold back how they feel.

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
We are just the sheep,they are the stars of the show.@Know_More_News https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1600940899432734720/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
The power of being in your own story.@NoWhiteGuiltNWG @Know_More_News https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1600670753476820992/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Adam drops some bombs for Jason. @Know_More_News @NoWhiteGuiltNWG https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1600655695304871936/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Positive vibes to my Twitter Fam. Smash your goals each day by aligning your actions with what you want to achieve💪#mindset https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1600649511486967808/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Ye’s Law naming them ruins you. @NoWhiteGuiltNWG @Know_More_News https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1600460101386575872/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
from 2001 has re-emerged showing Netanyahu talk about how Israel intentionally strikes Palestinians “painfully” as well as brag about how he deceived the US to break the Oslo Accords and Americans will always support Israel if it faces backlash https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1600231802999697409/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Happy Monday Twitter Fam😆

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Hope everyone’s having a great Sunday and staying away from the Cacodemon Yahweh 🙏

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
To rule over the nations the plan is in full effect.@Know_More_News https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1598621925357633541/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Fulfilling their plan Nick is the new Alex Jones. @Know_More_News https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1598375401646338048/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
What @jordanbpeterson and @benshapiro promote. What they really think of gentiles, but the Christians will still support people that hate them. @Know_More_News https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1598297410203418624/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
It’s always the same narrative with these Christians calling Adam a fed and a Jew just shows they have no logical argument and have to resort to name calling. @Know_More_News https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1597361432181415937/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Most pro 🇮🇱 governor #DeSantis

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Wake up and smell the coffee. Things are not like they seem.

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Happy Hump Day Get up and get after your day.

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Hope everyone had a great day and got their workout in. Paper Jesus is watching you 😂

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Three theories of the Kennedy assassination with Laurent Guyenot and @Know_More_News https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1595206616223195136/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Vinnie Paz dropped a new album. Love the name🔥

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
My take on the CJB drama. I will always support and have the back of my friend Adam Green. @Know_More_News https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1594497576492998656/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Was this an intentional attack on the police? Was someone trying to send a message? https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1594339815046234112/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
This was the red flag that CJB was not a nice person and can flip at a moments notice. He reminds me of a group of people that are just irrational and think they are chosen by God. CJB is very knowledgeable but lacks the skills to articulate and communicate effectively. https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1593928452394344449/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Just so everybody knows CJB invented Judaism his name stands for Complete Jewish Bible. He is the only one that knows everything. Make sure you praise is name or he will block you on Twitter 😂.

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
It’s sad people don’t have the social skills to communicate and they let their ego destroy their life. These people always grow old and die alone.

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
They want you gone, it’s in their books the Torah which Christians ignore and apologize for.@Know_More_News https://twitter.com/paperyeshua/status/1590763466713108480/video/1

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Paper Jesus @paperyeshua
Jews the unspeakables

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Use the Copy image icon, and object detection annotation toggles if present, to grab toxic content. Some of these guesses will be wrong- computer vision is hard!
ss bolts 71%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
happy merchant 88%
ss bolts 69%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
happy merchant 85%
punisher 84%
swastika 66%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
militarized 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
happy merchant 53%
militarized 36%
valknut 93%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
toons other 72%
anime 27%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
swastika 65%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
proud boys us flag 97%
hitler 60%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 81%
pepe 89%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 79%
star of david 89%
star of david 89%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
stars and bars 86%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
aegishjalmur 57%
tldr 38%
threep 62%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
militarized 37%
etc 35%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
patriot front 76%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
logos_flags_graphics 32%
anime 27%
joker 79%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 91%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
swastika 36%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 83%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
pepe 48%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
militarized 95%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
critters 99%
skull mask 71%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
proud boys 26%
skull mask 69%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 89%
firearm 65%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
etc 44%
art_other 34%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
militarized 63%
art_other 29%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
anime 55%
toons other 35%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
militarized 53%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
firearm 34%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 99%
star of david 89%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
star of david 96%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
anime 35%
logos_flags_graphics 32%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 97%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
logos_flags_graphics 79%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 47%
star of david 89%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 100%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
hitler 29%
star of david 89%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 98%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
critters 82%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 100%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
toons other 77%
star of david 81%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
star of david 89%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 100%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 83%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
etc 60%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 100%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
hitler 29%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 38%
critters 31%
star of david 75%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 88%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
critters 89%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
etc 97%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 81%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
etc 34%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 29%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 83%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 39%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
hitler 29%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 100%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 98%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 94%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 38%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 77%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
etc 60%
art_other 36%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 59%
critters 26%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
etc 98%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 93%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 58%
toons other 40%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
map 47%
art_other 37%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 79%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
critters 39%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
critters 55%
art_other 44%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
toons other 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 91%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
etc 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
toons other 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 98%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 96%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 100%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
etc 81%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
toons other 62%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 53%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 98%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 83%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
etc 63%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 96%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 90%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
logos_flags_graphics 96%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 100%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 45%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
etc 43%
logos_flags_graphics 33%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 100%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 100%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 89%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 51%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
mspaint style 100%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 97%
star of david 83%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 100%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 95%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
map 50%
mspaint style 49%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 96%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 69%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
us flag 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
critters 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
etc 61%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
star of david 77%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 99%