@manwanderer For Home Ready - ZDS πŸ•†πŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡­πŸ‡· Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently - Henry Ford Occupied

manwanderer's neighborhood:

Slurs & ToS Breaches Nazi Dogwhistles Antisemitism Transphobia Anti-Blackness Homophobia Misogyny Groypers Proud Boys
Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 30

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The angel replied, β€œThe Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the baby to be born will be holy, and he will be called the Son of God." Have a blessed Merry Christmas!!!!!

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@jonzey0 @NickGalatas @edward_Neb @anthony_m_g_ But hey, let's brush the whole community without understanding the history

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@RichyKi63258993 @LionManDan2001 The deceiving has been quite unbelievable. Exactly as you said, if you do the research, you'll really find out (((who's))) behind everything.

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Ted Nugent @TedNugent
A great evil is slowly twisting the reality of right and wrong truth logic and commonsense into some unrecognizable bizarre circus of confused and lost souls who rely on the government to tell them who and what they are. God help us.

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View @TedNugent

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View @Nature_and_Race

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@iFurx @diamond_hfc @wswanderersfc It was great day 6 years ago when you were beaten by a very small club. Here a river of your tears.

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@iFurx @diamond_hfc @wswanderersfc Where's the truth. Where did you obtain it from the Al Hilal fan club. We'll give you a day and trophy. From now on 1st November is Al Hilal Salt day.

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@diamond_hfc @wswanderersfc One thing in history is that WSW won the AFC in 2014 and Al Hilal lost. Here's salt for your tears.

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@20lll0 @TokenWSWFan @r2shed_711 @wswanderersfc Enjoy your trophy's but I'll enjoy beating you in 2014. Here's some more salt to go with your trophy's

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@wswanderersfc For all you Al Hilal fans, you can show you won the AFC last year but you have never beaten WSW.

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FroMo @MultiJamster
@manwanderer @NS_Norden @AlirezaHbahrami @AHart1974 @khamenei_ir What exactly is this supposed to prove? Hitler himself talks about the plan to exterminate the Jews in Mein Kampf. Himmler himself talks about the then on-going extermination of Jews. Are you slow?
@NS_Norden @AlirezaHbahrami @AHart1974 @khamenei_ir Please enlighten me of where he mentions of the exterminations. Have you read it or you believe every what (((google))) tells you?

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@CBankster @BaronStrucker Guns aren't banned in Australia

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After 46 years of communism, the truth slowly starts to come out.

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BoogieBumper @BoogieBumper
I literally just read his tweet in a German accent, and played his press conference with a German military song behind it lol DeBlasio committed hate speech. Confirmed. https://t.co/bw3ueEFc96

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@Nature_and_Race Some more beauty in Sydney, down under

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The lord has risen. May i wish you all a happy and blesses Easter!!!!

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@MartinaMarkota Hey, here's some beautiful art from the right side of politics https://t.co/MWtD2vEiUa
: @MartinaMarkota Here's some more

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@MartinaMarkota Hey, here's some beautiful art from the right side of politics

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Use the Copy image icon, and object detection annotation toggles if present, to grab toxic content. Some of these guesses will be wrong- computer vision is hard!
happy merchant 98%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
happy merchant 100%
star of david 88%
swastika 81%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
swastika 97%
proud boys 71%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
etc 71%
art_other 27%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
swastika 83%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 56%
militarized 37%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
punisher 74%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
aegishjalmur 38%
skull mask 55%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
militarized 47%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
militarized 97%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
critters 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
mspaint style 100%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
etc 62%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
map 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 100%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
etc 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 42%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
etc 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
etc 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 100%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 98%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
etc 86%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
etc 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
etc 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
hitler 28%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 100%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 100%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 88%