@Camulus14 Camulus Pro-white, no guilt, no shame, no apologies! #WhiteLivesMatter #StopWhiteGenocide #TrudeauCorruption #TrudeauWorstPM Communist Occupied Canada

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Slurs & ToS Breaches Nazi Dogwhistles Antisemitism Transphobia Anti-Blackness Homophobia Misogyny Groypers Proud Boys
Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 21
Camulus @Camulus14
@WieDightRingers @redicetv

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Camulus @Camulus14
@hollyanndoan @fdnPETF

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Roosh ☦ @rooshv
The Jewish director of the CDC, Rochelle Walensky, has been replaced by Mandy Cohen, who is also Jewish. She said, “There’s so much of what I do in the health and human services space that’s so aligned with Jewish values of healing the world." https://t.co/TUXXom4FDT
Camulus @Camulus14
It's always about THEM... why can't they just fuck off to israhell

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View @rooshv
Camulus @Camulus14
@CollinRugg @Tesla The time as come to give ourselves peace and security! Nobody else will protect us and our families.

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Camulus @Camulus14
@Iwuzakang33 @Israel HOLOHOAX

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Camulus @Camulus14
@GCIndigenous @CdnHeritage

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Camulus @Camulus14
@RpsAgainstTrump Stfu I don't want your shit on my feed!!

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Camulus @Camulus14
@Taleeb @marcomendicino @PamDamoff

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Camulus @Camulus14
@cafreeland @Knowledgebooks

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mich 🧃 @PatriotMich
Anti-whiteness is deeply embedded in academia and popular culture. But who is behind it? Many anti-white thinkers frame their critiques from the perspective of "fellow Whites." But are they? In this thread, I summarize and list 10 popular AW books and authors. 🧵 (1/11) https://t.co/WFYDmki7FP
Camulus @Camulus14
It's ((them)), always!

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View @PatriotMich
Camulus @Camulus14
@SgtJPonsioen @TransitPolice @TransLink @MVTP_WCPC @OutOnPatrol @swpontario @GOALcfl @GOALny @vancouverpride @PrideDelta As a member of the straight heterosexual community, I say

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Camulus @Camulus14

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Camulus @Camulus14
@TransitPolice @MVTP_DCFurlan @SgtJPonsioen

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Camulus @Camulus14
@liberal_party just like you

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Camulus @Camulus14
@FelixRyoshi @T0mtaru @elonmusk Twitter would lose much more money, usage, and members if it started charging for posting or following other members. Many can't even afford to pay. Also, in the past, people used to publicly speak their minds and debate like this... They just couldn't reach big audiences 😕

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𝐸𝐵 @____bluesman
Is this what it's like to be oppressed? When you can get two giant, multi national junk food corporations to make you special soda made with sugar instead of corn juice for the same price despite corn being directly subsidized to make corn juice by the US government? https://t.co/iFKyGdEtoy
Camulus @Camulus14
: @___ejb___ Still in your face about (((who))) runs the show! I hate them so much now... its real!

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Camulus @Camulus14
@loshoneylive @CBCNews @elonmusk

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Camulus @Camulus14
@JustinTrudeau @POTUS 💩💩💩 you all suck

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Camulus @Camulus14
@_RadicalReality How could you forget our guy, MR Clean...

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Camulus @Camulus14
@bangerang22 @rstreet1319 @Baklava_USA @freeusa52 @fcpsnews (((They))) did it again...

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Camulus @Camulus14
@rstreet1319 @Baklava_USA @freeusa52 @fcpsnews When you have this kind of garbage running things, it's no wonder. They are all anti-white racists

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Camulus @Camulus14
@Ruralman88 @wayotworld I studied a lot on this while doing genealogy research on my family and for others. People doing DNA tests could be matched with people of the same genes. These people live in denial.

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Camulus @Camulus14
@AmericanReaper3 If someone touched my kids...

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Julia Hanigsberg @Hanigsberg
If you’re my friend - and a white woman - I may have a present for you. #WhiteWomen #Race2Dinner #DeconstructingKaren https://t.co/PgXwZhZ065
Camulus @Camulus14
Takes a (((BERG))) to spread more anti-white material!! Racist c[]n!

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Camulus @Camulus14
@Lemniscatte 1/2 Betrayal, yes. But I never had much faith in it all, just hope that maybe something great would come out of it. In the end Trump was still more interested in making deals and treaties in the middle-east for the benefit of Israel and the joos.
Camulus @Camulus14
: @Lemniscatte 2/2 I mean his adviser and son-in-law is a joo. And Trump was back-stabbed by these same joos in the end! The only good things that came out of it is Trump finally made the people lose trust in the MSM and build part of the wall. Thats it!

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View @Camulus14
Camulus @Camulus14
@Noillietten: @Lemniscatte 1/2 Betrayal, yes. But I never had much faith in it all, just hope that maybe something great would come out of it. In the end Trump was still more interested in making deals and treaties in the middle-east for the benefit of Israel and the joos.

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Camulus @Camulus14
@ReadyFighterOne @JoeRudyard that smile at the end made me think of this 👇🏻

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Camulus @Camulus14
@chris_koci @shomaristone its the state of DC flag! 🤦🏻‍♂️What a dumb ass!

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Camulus @Camulus14
@immiserabelle: @jewish_bisexual @USPoliticsPoll of course you are...

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Camulus @Camulus14
@USPoliticsPoll ...you guys already did a poll like this and removed it when it didn't satisfy you!

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Camulus @Camulus14
@kaitking_ @JustinTrudeau FYI In China people have been wearing masks for the last 10+ years because of smog. That sure didn't stop the spread of covid-1984 or any other airborne viruses! This is just a way to have more monitoring and control of the population! I will not comply! #FakePandemic

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Camulus @Camulus14
@LibsNoFun @Terrenc43516485

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Camulus @Camulus14
@european_lady And the contradiction prize goes to?? The old ((chosen one)) fart with the glasses!

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Camulus @Camulus14
yep! I just saw this after login and WOW 259K and counting
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NO! Hell NO! This “lady” can NOT be TRUSTED! How many in OUR govt are OWNED by China? China is “a country growing into a respectable nation amongst other nations” It would be a "huge mistake” to hold China accountable for spread of COVID- #SenFeinstein https://t.co/1BQfugiexE
Camulus @Camulus14
its obvious if you know the who's who in politics!((Feinstein)) should tell you all you need to know WHY she is pro-China!

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Camulus @Camulus14
@OhComfy: @ComfyCrush Because they were taught(brainwashed) that law, order and justice are indications of white supremacy? Even thought most lawyers and judges are members of ((the tribe)) and hate white people!🤷🏻‍♂️

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Camulus @Camulus14
@BeachMilk Space Mice

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Pax Christus @paxchristus0
"This stranglehold has got to be broken or this country is going down the drain." They were right. https://t.co/Xp3JHWoCfk
Camulus @Camulus14
Look at this... well, well, well! Looks similar to what is going on and ((who)) is behind it all, Made me think of this little gem 😉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TRE9vMBBe10

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Camulus @Camulus14
: #JewishPrivilege officially hit 120K+ before being taken off after some jew whined and cried holohoax to twatter! 🤡

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Camulus @Camulus14
@BulgarianLion17: @Dimo_K_17 @BettieWhite_ Like this #JewishPrivilege

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Camulus @Camulus14
@OhComfy: @ComfyCrush ((Bernstein))

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Camulus @Camulus14
Good for ((them)) but not for us... typical! ((They)) are the infiltrators in our countries, remember that!
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Camulus @Camulus14
What is currently trending in Canada? oops

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Ben - 🎙 @Benmsx
@TJFrancisLive To all involved - you get one each https://t.co/zZI2yQDLxt
Camulus @Camulus14
@TJFrancisLive And I send them all one of these

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View @Benmsx


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