@anonkommando anonkommando Anti-Marxist. Anti-Egalitarian. Pro-Tradition. Pro-White.

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Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 14
anonkommando @anonkommando
@KaliSurfWave @FailureProdigal @ErikIsland3 Yep.

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anonkommando @anonkommando
@KBTXRusty Kyle seems to disagree.

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He's gotten so bad at name calling that he has to invent a new word "sanctus" so that he doesnt have to admit he cant make a clever name for RDS. How long before he just gives up and tries to co-opt Deathsantis? https://t.co/Ids74Amnzu
anonkommando @anonkommando
That goes for Trump too.

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View @MarkFaceBk
He's gotten so bad at name calling that he has to invent a new word "sanctus" so that he doesnt have to admit he cant make a clever name for RDS. How long before he just gives up and tries to co-opt Deathsantis? https://t.co/Ids74Amnzu
anonkommando @anonkommando
RDS? Deathsantis? First I've ever heard of these. I just call him a kike shill.

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View @MarkFaceBk
anonkommando @anonkommando
@darkdemonia89 @MrAndyNgo @forestservice

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anonkommando @anonkommando
@mikeofpol Probably gonna go that way, but rn I just need to get this laptop running and put together.

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E. Michael Jones @EMichaelJones1
Kanye just blew one of the greatest political opportunities in American history. Instead of announcing he was going to work with Elon Musk to provide anti-ADL hate speech replatforming protection, Kanye ranted about Nazis for three hours on Alex Jones. (1/2)
anonkommando @anonkommando
With utmost respect, Dr. Jones, shut up nerd. We love you, but you missed your chance. Let this insane "African" with money alone. He's a bull in a china shop, and there's no use critiquing him. Just observe the outcomes and work from there.

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E. Michael Jones @EMichaelJones1
Kanye just blew one of the greatest political opportunities in American history. Instead of announcing he was going to work with Elon Musk to provide anti-ADL hate speech replatforming protection, Kanye ranted about Nazis for three hours on Alex Jones. (1/2)
anonkommando @anonkommando
Let's stop pretending Jewishness and Judaism isn't an excuse for their real political power, which is controlling international finance, media, governments, academia, etc.

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E. Michael Jones @EMichaelJones1
Kanye just blew one of the greatest political opportunities in American history. Instead of announcing he was going to work with Elon Musk to provide anti-ADL hate speech replatforming protection, Kanye ranted about Nazis for three hours on Alex Jones. (1/2)
anonkommando @anonkommando
Apparently this is the world's most powerful symbol right now.

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anonkommando @anonkommando
@sygtrigger @demontage2000 @Outsideness https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2021/05/11/jewish-americans-in-2020/ Apparently it's the most important thing to being Jewish.

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anonkommando @anonkommando
@ohJuliatweets 1) you forgot Anglican, Catholic, Lutheran, and Orthodox homeschool moms. 2) see your own retweet. We're keeping our kids away from you perverts.

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anonkommando @anonkommando
@PoliticalAnt @GeorgePapa19 @timodonnell14

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anonkommando @anonkommando
@AETC_Commander: @AETCcommandteam it's called freedom of speech, you communist phqqt. Facebook isn't reserved to those under the UCMJ, it is even open to American civilians, and this is a violation of our right to criticize, and mock, our government.

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anonkommando @anonkommando
@PowerpuffBlue2: @FinTwitDipshits @PunchableFaceVI What is it with all these chosenites trying to disuade normal, everyday people from buying this stonk?

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anonkommando @anonkommando
@EyesOnTheRight and its ilk are and have always been stooges for the capitalists they claim to oppose.

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anonkommando @anonkommando

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anonkommando @anonkommando
@AndyMelb28 @Mike_Pence That's not a hammer and sickle.

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anonkommando @anonkommando
@disclosetv FUCK THE MSM!

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Brendan Gutenschwager @BGOnTheScene
“He took down an armed gunman” Hannah Gittings, girlfriend of Anthony Huber - one of the victims of the Tuesday night Kenosha shootings - speaks out at the site of the shooting. #KenoshaShooting #Kenosha #KenoshaShooter https://t.co/7kgidRnjgx
anonkommando @anonkommando

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B1GTrojan @OGormain
@anonkommando @jeffmason1 @realDonaldTrump Good luck with this ruling over you unrestrained, Western Man. https://t.co/UwEFwoYvzJ
anonkommando @anonkommando
@jeffmason1 @realDonaldTrump Jewish puppets are Jewish puppets, regardless of their political affiliation.

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Count Waiblingen @CountWaiblingen
@MikePsJuice First thing you learn in politics is a "week is a lifetime." It's possible for Trump to win. Will he? We'll see.
anonkommando @anonkommando
@MikePsJuice It's not. He has no energy behind him. No one that helped to generate that energy trusts him. And it serves him right. He trusted the Chosenites.

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Jerry James Stone @jerryjamesstone
@thehill Fuck that bigoted ban. #NoBanNoWall
anonkommando @anonkommando
@thehill How do you feel about open borders for Israel, (((Mr. Stone)))?

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anonkommando @anonkommando

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anonkommando @anonkommando
I'd like to see Trump cut another $3M so the Chosenites can kvetch en masse about a real six million for once.
Richard Spencer @RichardBSpencer
How could Trump cut essential government services like the Holocaust industry? http://forward.com/fast-forward/374308/trump-budget-cuts-3-million-from-holocaust-museum/

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anonkommando @anonkommando
@NicholasPell we got @scrowder to come out full 1488 GTKRWN. Spader's been to Hollywood. Shouldn't be hard to redpill.

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anonkommando @anonkommando
@Piotr14Tra @Lauren_Southern compared to other recent (((BLM))) protests, Charlotte has far less agitation. Good ol fashion race riot.

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The Alex Nowrasteh @AlexNowrasteh
Trump is against legal immigration too. https://t.co/ywJbQLPdXN
anonkommando @anonkommando
@CatoInstitute classical liberalism is a European concept. Nonwhites don't care. I doubt the chosenite author cares either.

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View @AlexNowrasteh
anonkommando @anonkommando
@NationalistHero everyone disgusted by GOP and LP is altright these days it seems. Even chosenites.

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anonkommando @anonkommando
@NationalistHero everyone disgusted by GOP and LP is altright these days it seems. Even chosenites.

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Dinesh D'Souza @DineshDSouza
Somehow no one thinks to ask Hillary to justify her endorsement by this group https://t.co/zqtN6iikjK
anonkommando @anonkommando
@marylovefreedom I don't think you'd like how much the answer would (((echo))).

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