@baltic_dan Dan Baltic Author of NUTCRANKR: https://t.co/n5e2N5fuFf… Co-Host of New Write @NewWritePod Ruler of Baltic State: https://t.co/WdqF8ytaMN The Literary Holy Land

baltic_dan's neighborhood:

Slurs & ToS Breaches Nazi Dogwhistles Antisemitism Transphobia Anti-Blackness Homophobia Misogyny Asian Hate Groypers Proud Boys Patriot Front
Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 58
Dan Baltic @baltic_dan
Early European Farmers HATE him. He removes Longhouses with this one weird trick!

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Dan Baltic @baltic_dan
Smogbros did we get too cocky

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Dan Baltic @baltic_dan
@clayfoxwriter @Cosmopolitan @dominos

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Dan Baltic @baltic_dan
@ThoughtClub3 @SeriousPIace

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Dan Baltic @baltic_dan
When you’re enjoying your copy of NUTCRANKR

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Dan Baltic @baltic_dan
@bloatinus @NewWritePod

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Dan Baltic @baltic_dan
@jacoburowsky @extradeadjcb

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Dan Baltic @baltic_dan
Me: a bit of a Hemingway-like figure, the type of man who would travel to tropical island to write NUTCRANKR 2, mysterious and very cool

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Dan Baltic @baltic_dan
@Grimtrove A classic in management technique

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Dan Baltic @baltic_dan
@EdselFordEdsel @mama4mito @Sir_T_Hatt

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Dan Baltic @baltic_dan
The NUT Army Grows
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Dan Baltic @baltic_dan
In the 90s, this was considered “mid”. Every Applebees had a girl who looked like this

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Dan Baltic @baltic_dan
Yes hello. Apologies for the hiatus, but the NUT MAN is enjoying some Caribbean Rhythms

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Dan Baltic @baltic_dan
If you’re under 6’, this is your default setting. Ready for war

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Dan Baltic @baltic_dan
I reckon I can’t imagine getting so worked up about a bicycle. I like to walk places, anyways. Clears the mind

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Dan Baltic @baltic_dan
> let’s see you at 19 Dan Baltic was *always* a Chad

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Dan Baltic @baltic_dan
Without downloading any new images, post your war face
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Dan Baltic @baltic_dan
When they arrest you for owning too many copies of NUTCRANKR

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Dan Baltic @baltic_dan
Accurate rendering of single 36 year old woman vacationing in Paris by herself

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Dan Baltic @baltic_dan
NUTCRANKR is beating Thomas Pynchon and Kurt Vonnegut. They were worthy adversaries, but my Nut Buddies were TOO STRONG

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Dan Baltic @baltic_dan
Thank you, Nut Buddies! NUTCRANKR now almost cracking the top 100 satires on kindle. But it still only has 7 reviews. We can do better than that…review that NUT!!!!! https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0BLP7F98W/ref=tmm_kin_swatch_0?ie=UTF8&qid=&sr=

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Dan Baltic @baltic_dan
When you try to bring your copy of NUTCRANKR to the coronation

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Dan Baltic @baltic_dan
I’ll take a man down to the train station but I’ll never choke a man on the subway. The marginalized deserve our compassion

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Dan Baltic @baltic_dan

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Dan Baltic @baltic_dan
We’ve almost abolished the family, Jack. And that’s a fact

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Dan Baltic @baltic_dan
@Kairon404 @NewWritePod

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Dan Baltic @baltic_dan
@MutantDespiser @NewWritePod

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Dan Baltic @baltic_dan
Sorry, but like many New Yorkers, I’ve spent all of my money on NUTCRANKRs

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Dan Baltic @baltic_dan
You start a fight with anyone on this subway system, you gotta fight me. That’s the rules, son

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Dan Baltic @baltic_dan
@IlliterateWand1 @MysteryGrove

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Dan Baltic @baltic_dan
I reckon a man’s got a right to speak his mind on the subway, even if you don’t much like what he’s got to say

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Dan Baltic @baltic_dan
@surfbrainwaves @Kevin16452254

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Dan Baltic @baltic_dan
@HiawathasGhost @DisgracedProp

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Dan Baltic @baltic_dan
@Howlingmutant0 @luso_brendan

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Dan Baltic @baltic_dan
@HiawathasGhost @TPropositi

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Dan Baltic @baltic_dan
Too much Ridin’ the Tiger and not enough ridin’ that John Deere

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Dan Baltic @baltic_dan
This was mid in the 90s

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Dan Baltic @baltic_dan
@HaouYagami873 @LvivTyler

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Dan Baltic @baltic_dan
He pulls a knife, you give him your money. He sends one of yours to the hospital, you beg the police not to arrest him! That's the Chicago way

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Dan Baltic @baltic_dan
@tr_hudson @based_fyodor @mdvnsn

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Dan Baltic @baltic_dan
I support free speech as much as the next man, but Dan Baltic has gone too far. His substack, The Baltic State, isn’t a safe place for…well…for anyone. Shut it down https://danbaltic.substack.com/

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Dan Baltic @baltic_dan
You call it a “Weimar” Bud Lite? I reckon I don’t usually drink imported but I’ll make an exception to support this important social cause

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Dan Baltic @baltic_dan
@HaouYagami873 It means Dasha works for you

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Dan Baltic @baltic_dan
@bizlet7 @thekinocorner

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Dan Baltic @baltic_dan
I’m Greg and Logan, the two Chads. This test strikes me as very accurate

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Dan Baltic @baltic_dan

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Dan Baltic @baltic_dan
@maliburoadmovie @AmazonHelp

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Dan Baltic @baltic_dan
@portal_patrol_ @Det_Wolfman

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Dan Baltic @baltic_dan
The primal moment. Your will is all you have left. You *must* protect your copy of NUTCRANKR

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Dan Baltic @baltic_dan
A birthday present arrived today from @PassagePress. A work of art

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Dan Baltic @baltic_dan
Addressing emergency meeting of executives at 4:00am on the eve of the bank's collapse, Baltic was characteristically philosophical: "I'm here for one reason and one reason alone: To promote NUTCRANKR. Effective immediately, you must all...get that NUT!!!!!!!!!!

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Dan Baltic @baltic_dan
@HaouYagami873 @kautzmania @NewWritePod

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Dan Baltic @baltic_dan
@maliburoadmovie Who do you think took the video

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Dan Baltic @baltic_dan
@BasedMaterialsm But for the Heroes of Fourth Turning…two chicks at the same time

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Dan Baltic @baltic_dan
I reckon a man can win as much as he wants

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Dan Baltic @baltic_dan
@brettmaverick_ @Martpoasting @m_tron99

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Dan Baltic @baltic_dan
@based_fyodor @unahimbo @tr_hudson @AdmiralBoreal @plzcallmechrist

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Dan Baltic @baltic_dan
“I reckon a woman can have two husbands”

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Dan Baltic @baltic_dan
A chocolate factory? That’s chaos. That’s the unknown

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Dan Baltic @baltic_dan
NO CHEATING your last saved celebrity picture is your therapist so who is it?
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Dan Baltic @baltic_dan
Michael and Fredo

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swastika 60%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

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militarized 79%
joker 74%

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face 42%
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firearm 68%
star of david 87%

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art_other 48%
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militarized 54%
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art_other 57%
critters 26%

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etc 39%
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critters 69%

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etc 92%

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art_other 76%

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art_other 62%

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etc 58%

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art_other 96%

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etc 83%

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toons other 40%

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art_other 99%

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logos_flags_graphics 70%

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tldr 99%

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hitler 25%

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art_other 61%
militarized 32%

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tldr 99%

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art_other 70%

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art_other 89%

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art_other 99%

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Classifier 20221028131014

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art_other 98%

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tldr 98%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

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art_other 89%

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art_other 90%

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tldr 88%

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tldr 99%

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etc 99%

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star of david 57%

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toons other 95%

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hitler 29%

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tldr 82%

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etc 99%

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art_other 99%

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art_other 99%

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etc 34%

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etc 95%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
etc 77%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 42%