@Psychotika_ Psychotika FEMALE, born with a vagina. Retired trans ultra-liberal fat activist LGBT-thought leader African refugee of the Jewish faith.

Psychotika_'s neighborhood:

Slurs & ToS Breaches Nazi Dogwhistles Antisemitism Transphobia Anti-Blackness Homophobia Misogyny Groypers Proud Boys Patriot Front
Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 59
Psychotika @Psychotika_
@xxclusionary He's so clueless. He doesn't realize that she never wanted to go out on a date in the 1st place. She only said yes because women are conditioned to worry about our safety & she was fearful of rejecting the creepy mentally ill male & angering him. He's a male, he doesn't get it. https://twitter.com/Psychotika_/status/1665098523623170048/video/1

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Psychotika @Psychotika_
@PlanetFitness everyone deserves a space where they feel safe and comfortable... except females? We're only 51% of the population, of course you need to cater your policies to the 1% of mentally ill oppressors using our space to validate their delusion over us, right?

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Psychotika @Psychotika_
@elonmusk @cyndi_rose @stevenmarkryan Twitter is censoring so much I can't even scroll up to see what you're replying to. I'm so let down. Twitter is still run by leftists who hate free speech. I thought Elon would fix this and gone is a voice, but we're still censored.

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Psychotika @Psychotika_
@Phil_Lewis_ I mean, you tried. It didn't need to be reported.

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Psychotika @Psychotika_
You guys, male violence has nothing to do with the fact that they're male. 🤣 I guess if you put all men in dresses you'll reduce violence. You'll just see more crimes committed by large "women" with Adam's apples.

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Psychotika @Psychotika_
How are so many trans people able to get healthy breasts & penises removed with no actual medical need, while so many die because they can't afford healthcare? Trans constantly beg for money, why is their needless surgery prioritized quickly over the taxpayers funding them? https://twitter.com/Psychotika_/status/1653618215115784192/video/1
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Psychotika @Psychotika_
"Girlhood" but he's a woman, right?! Complete with dolls and princess dresses, the fake voice, you know, as real women do. 🙄 #TransWomenAreConMen https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1653617699879043073 https://twitter.com/Psychotika_/status/1653617699879043073/video/1

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Psychotika @Psychotika_
We have reached peak stupidity as a human race when people who have no personality think having labels and disabilities is one.

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Psychotika @Psychotika_
Congrats to #ChrisChan for admitting to raping his mom and congrats to the justice system for letting an admitted rapist out of jail with barely a slap on the hand. Womens' safety has NO VALUE in the United States. None. #TransWomenAreConMen

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Psychotika @Psychotika_
Masturbating while pretending to have multiple personalities isn't a threesome, little lady. https://twitter.com/Psychotika_/status/1653152252289318916/video/1

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Psychotika @Psychotika_
Time to support @bluntpretzels, a company that was actually willing to hire trans identified MALE and deal with all his whining and bullshit and is now watching as he claims he was "unsafe" and tries to get them canceled. #TransWomenAreConMen https://twitter.com/Psychotika_/status/1653131855443492865/video/1

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Psychotika @Psychotika_
Hmmm,I wonder why he's having heart issues.

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Psychotika @Psychotika_
Seriously, you can’t even tell! You probably had a crush on a trans person and didn’t even know it.

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Psychotika @Psychotika_
@FreeStyleDiabet The monitor isn't reliable, every time I go into dangerous numbers, the sensor errors

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Psychotika @Psychotika_
Another TiM recording himself crying so he can get comments from idiots. Narcissism, thy name is tranny. Where is this genocide they keep claiming? I've seen absolutely no indication that it exists. https://twitter.com/Psychotika_/status/1652491993270960128/video/1

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Psychotika @Psychotika_
MtF confirms his transition was about social contagion & online affirmation from all the trans sycophants, announces #detransition and gets threats to his life from the trans community and told his friends refuse to have cis male friends. #TransWomenAreConMen #SexNotGender

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Psychotika @Psychotika_
You guys, misgendering someone is so very violent that you cause them to record video of themselves crying and tantruming TO SHOW YOU how murderously violent you are for not using their pronouns. We need a #PronounCringe hashtag like, yesterday. https://t.co/IZ8CxmO2DY
Psychotika @Psychotika_
: You guys, "they" assume "their" dogs gender and I'm so offended! Also, wtf do you hashtag "gay pet owner".... being gay isn't a personality. Maybe that's why she went from gay to queer to NB to trans... gotta get attention and be "different" somehow when you're boring. 🙄 https://twitter.com/Psychotika_/status/1642340714892734466/video/1

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Psychotika @Psychotika_
You guys, misgendering someone is so very violent that you cause them to record video of themselves crying and tantruming TO SHOW YOU how murderously violent you are for not using their pronouns. We need a #PronounCringe hashtag like, yesterday. https://twitter.com/Psychotika_/status/1642339661405200386/video/1

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Psychotika @Psychotika_
Hey ladies, don't you hate it when you forget to wear a shirt under your jacket that hangs open *just so* when you're posing for pictures?! Oh look, another autogynephile fetishist who appropriates womanhood by wearing it as a hyper sexualized costume. #TransWomenAreConMen

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Psychotika @Psychotika_
I would LOVE even 1/100th of the unearned narcissistic confidence of a troon. https://twitter.com/Psychotika_/status/1631622555239890944/video/1

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Psychotika @Psychotika_
@NarniaPronouns @jakeshieldsajj I'm not even skeletal or sickly at all. I'm strong. Still a bit thick, but I'm not done losing yet.

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Psychotika @Psychotika_
@jakeshieldsajj I've lost 200lbs. Friends are now telling me to regain weight. 🙃

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Psychotika @Psychotika_

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Psychotika @Psychotika_
A female celebrity gets pregnant or gains a few lbs-media: "OMG! A girl got fat!" Dude gains weight and degrades himself dressing like a pot roast- media: "yaaaasssss queen!" Male privilege.
Pop Crave @PopCrave
Sam Smith looks amazing for PERFECT Magazine. 📸: Zhong Lin

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Psychotika @Psychotika_
@NotTodayJoe @mkolken @Navient This is a private loan, but thank you for knowing everything, especially when you don't.

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Psychotika @Psychotika_
My 3yo daughter always says "I want to be a fire fighter boy." She's not trans,she just doesn't see women represented as FFs on TV She didn't know girls could be FFs! I brought her to meet female FFs, this was her face when they walked in:

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Psychotika @Psychotika_
@SaraAAtkins Masks don't work. How silly that you're still afraid of Covid. Those of us who were smart enough to not get vaccinated are happy, healthy, and have forgotten covid exists. Only weak minded people who fall for BS still worry about covid.

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Psychotika @Psychotika_

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Psychotika @Psychotika_
@hulu why are you letting a child predator narrate your shows? Eri Erlick ADMITS to running an under ground network dedicated to giving illicit drugs to children to transition them without their parents or doctors knowledge. That's a federal crime.

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Psychotika @Psychotika_
Everyone should go to Hulu and tag this episode as predatory, play his game right back at him.

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Psychotika @Psychotika_
@Dr_Bry_So_Fly Heck yeah!

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Psychotika @Psychotika_
When sooooper smart people like @123rpb_ don't understand sarcasm.

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Psychotika @Psychotika_
Child me would be sad about this. I liked one of their songs. Adult me is proud that pathetic washed up delusional misogynist gender cult idiots with tiny dicks under their dresses fear my voice and authentic REAL womanhood @Ianhwatkins

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Psychotika @Psychotika_
Lolol @ianhwatkins is pathetic.

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Psychotika @Psychotika_
@AmosFromWV You're welcome

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Psychotika @Psychotika_
I watch "One Magic Christmas" with my kids each year as that's a tradition from my childhood. This was the first year my kids were old enough to realize that @MarySteenburgen is also the mom in Elf & the (edited-kid safe-TV) version of Step Brothers. Their minds were blown! 😁🥰

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Psychotika @Psychotika_
Two and a half men

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Elon Musk @elonmusk
@Tattytats @AmoneyResists I can’t tell
Psychotika @Psychotika_
@Tattytats @AmoneyResists Won't you please think of the Twitter employees who only make 6-figures for a living???

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View @elonmusk
Psychotika @Psychotika_
Prohibition Kitchen brags about a male in womanface. Reviews pour in.

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Narwitz @SophiaNarwitz
I genuinely dont care if someone is gay, trans, asexual, nonbinary, or whatever else. As long as you dont hurt others, you do you, even if it’s weird The only folks I detest are those who wield their identities like a bludgeon/shield. It’s the weaponization of traits that I hate
Psychotika @Psychotika_

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View @SophiaNarwitz
Psychotika @Psychotika_
This is real. These people need to be committed. They are not adults, they're ridiculous.

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Psychotika @Psychotika_
@jimmyjohns $40 for only two lunches, and so far "freaky fast" is at an hour with no delivery in sight. Slow and over priced. Never again.

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happy merchant 98%

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happy merchant 88%

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happy merchant 37%
skull mask 93%

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punisher 59%
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anime 90%
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tldr 83%

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firearm 79%
joker 55%

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face 74%

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militarized 52%

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critters 87%

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art_other 43%

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art_other 27%

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critters 99%

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art_other 99%

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art_other 70%

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anime 34%

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logos_flags_graphics 97%

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star of david 26%

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hitler 29%

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hitler 29%

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art_other 96%

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critters 47%
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art_other 94%

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mspaint style 76%

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anime 26%
star of david 25%

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logos_flags_graphics 39%
toons other 28%

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tldr 48%
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tldr 99%

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face 76%

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tldr 97%

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bar graph 83%

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art_other 78%

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art_other 79%

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art_other 99%

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map 95%

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tldr 98%

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tldr 98%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 97%