@soloilviso Sam Brazorf 🇮🇹🍿 Pan-westerner. Sensible centrist. North Italy

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Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 25
@KarrollKarl @irgarner Liar

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@CapCamarat65 @iggyiggy011 Šibenska Katedrala iz početka XVI st.

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@antoniodes85 @MarcoFattorini "bombardati per 9 anni"

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@Giuseppeiacobe3 @ImolaOggi Zelensky è presidente dal 2019. Questo grafico riporta il numero di civili morti durante il conflitto in Ucraina, sia nei territori controllati da Kiev che tra le cosiddette repubbliche popolari create da Mosca:

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@PhoenixYungblud @kireeveyd @DissidentRite @RichardBSpencer

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@KSLV13 @Halleran_MD @NickSrejic @KanekoaTheGreat Liar. There have been 3.3k civilian deaths of which 90% in the first two years of war.

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@ComradeBroski @HaraldinChina @HijoleCabron @yarko Liar

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@damienhfx @John_nghiwete @kiborocket @WarMonitors So it becomes as radioactive as natural uranium found in nature? Lmao

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@Notmeandmeagain @ThatIsntASlinky @mayor_pete69 @LucasTulha @upholdreality Yes, in Southern Serbia very near to Kosovo, in areas predominantly inhabited by Albanians. If NATO wanted to poison Serbs why bomb those areas?

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@HotForNATO @DSnapper55 @mtracey Those areas were majority Ukrainian in 2001 census and were occupied by russian troops and paramilitaries in 2014. Since then in those areas there hasn't been rule of law. The story of 14k civilians killed is a lie.

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@CJlegalBeagle @DSnapper55 @mtracey Merkel never said that. That's russian propaganda twisting her words. As for Minsk that's bs. Russia never respected it.

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@SNBrown1980 @DerekPederson3 @CathyYoung63

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@LucaRome2 @HSkelsen @dariodalb10 Nessuno vuole mettere missili in Ucraina né tantomeno in altri paesi

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Without downloading new pics, where's your mental health at?
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@marisa28279190 @acca_demia @rusembitaly Ma che cazzo dici, informati. Questo grafico mostra il numero totale di morti civili in Ucraina dal 2014 al 2021. Prima che i russi organizzassero l'occupazione di alcune città del donbass l'ucraina non aveva sparato 1 colpo di fucile.

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@HerrGlanz @HartreeFock @rusembitalia Ma che cazzo ripeti la stronzata sugli 8 anni di donbass

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@vksrossii @WatkinsCB65 Liar. "Shelling civilians non stop"

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Some people live in a different world https://t.co/0O9Su9e3CI https://t.co/o31h0RczAr
Some people live in a different world
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@saudev001 @eliasboat @thatdayin1992 Liar

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@BusinessGamesAI @MyLordBebo You can't be serious. If you are armed you're not a civilian, you're a combatant. Civilians don't learn to use advanced weaponry overnight. Also, you consider all civilian casualties as victims of Kiev forces. This is hilariously dishonest. This is UN stats:

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@tartantiger75 @CrispianWheldon @EmilyThornberry @ByDonkeys Both sides were shellinf each other, and most of the conflict was in 2014-2015. From 2016 to 2021 it was freezed.

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@gio1974db @EmilyThornberry @ByDonkeys Such thing never happened.

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@DraganaMila @Alex98739153108 Ovo sto kazes je neistina. Nije bilo ubistava nad rusima, lrekini s tom pricom.

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@kinnell2 @amekkukekk @visegrad24

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@1stAmendment777 @WoodenBowier @visegrad24 Liar :)

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@ionuteo @dariodelcolle Grottesco La verità sui morti civili è questo grafico:

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@AreYouWell_8 @SassiItalyTours @thatdayin1992 @Nd21Rdl Liar

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@buylows @initforthegains @Koen19935821 @GonzaloLira1968 Liar. These are the numbers for all of Ukraine

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@buylows @initforthegains @Koen19935821 @GonzaloLira1968 Liar.

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@Meekee76 @semanthos @ricwe123 Nope. There weren't "8 years of bombing" as if UA shelled their own citizens for sport. 14k is the total amount of victims in all of Ukraine from 2014 to 2021 including both soldiers and civilians. This graph is about the civilians:

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@Radovan891 @strikan4 @avucic

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@eXXo59 @Bu39159456 @DiegoFusaro Qua il grafico coi morti civili ambo le parti:

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@desmobandit1098 @Bu39159456 @DiegoFusaro Perché non è vero. 14 mila è il numero totale dei morti sia civili che militari ambo gli schieramenti dal 2014 al 2021 in tutta l'ucraina. Il totale dei civili è 3400. Questo il grafico:

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@Natas_ha6897 @Alesa2022 @DiegoFusaro "circondati"

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@PrometheusPm @franksa08816899 @McFaul Liar

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@Dpol_un @McFaul You started the war in Ucraine in 2014. This is the total number of civilians killed on both sides.

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@Rojas3299 @ladyonorato Ma non è corretta l'analogia. Totalmente campata in aria.

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@68ttino @byoblu A odessa c'è stato uno scontro tra hooligan, non erano chierichetti. I bombardamenti nel donbass erano ambo le parti e quasi totalmente finiti dopo il 2015. Qua il grafico con i morti civili in Ucraina (non solo nel donbass occupato dai russi):

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@cbliddell Truman is an english surname.

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@Alex721611413 @GerosaLorenzo @pbecchi Informiamoci

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@Eliamonterosso @GerosaLorenzo @pbecchi

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The absolute state of wignats. Imagine believing this.

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@AntiWhiteWatch1 @RepMTG Lies. There weren't 14k ethnic russians getting killed in the donbas.

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@marcus17929760 @Roman89865438 Skoro svih zrtava od 2016 naovamo su zbog mina koje su ostale na terenu

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@korisnikaime @Goddess_Of_42 @blackintheempir Liar

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America is a communist country.

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I'm not a fan of Klaus Schwab, but this stuff makes me think about the danger of outright fake news. Correct information is the foundation of social order. If guillible people are lied to to rile them up, they are capable of anything.
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@StevenS16337473 @CraigUmniy @eugah @bneeditor "8 years of bombing"

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@JWCtheone @samponev @SpokespersonCHN

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@KingCito25 @Alvinalovegood @Klaus_Arminius left-wing whites and j3ws rule over the masses and punish whoever writes "hate-facts"

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@milan_ser @Dyscopia @man_norwegian

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@matt7gh @MarcoFattorini Basta cazzate. Morti civili in Ucraina dal 2014 al 2021.

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@svinjadebela120 @bgU1C3hCnms3NNk @omojblog

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@awesome_siesta @TimHermansson @MaxBlumenthal

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@Carlos_Laredo @olesya_on @WHCiii @Joy85695845 @TIME You're spreading lies.

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@swickes86 @tppotter9 @visegrad24

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@rotkvarija9 @MirkovicRadonja

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smisser @agarthancritter
@PatternNoticer @rievaulx_ The same to you, organize with nationalists in your area instead of sittning infront of the computer Like Patriot Front, NJP, nsc 131 and many more are doing! https://t.co/hQouJ6lSVU
@PatternNoticer @rievaulx_ They are psychopaths who endlessly talk about how j3wz are bad

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View @agarthancritter
@Danijela071 @johnnyjmils How do you explain this?

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@EwertTed @theshgofdfw @johnnyjmils

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@ilGIANNON123 @greycatblackcat @Nonsonoaffarit6 @jacopo_iacoboni Falso

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@goran0038 @Roza1944 @SremackiSrbin @Nigel_Farage

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@petar67 @ivans96710013 @vladika_backi Nisu.

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@petar67 @vladika_backi Fail

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@ZoomAmericano @ramblyhermit @Hydra03011976 northerners vote for the right in much higer percentages. southerners are our niggers: always complaining and getting gibs. They even fake blindness to get welfare lmao

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@geegimoto @JoeBiden you mean jewish run antifa and groids?

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@Sissyjames9 @BlessUSA45 @LarryBi49782328 people? they're niggers

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@DeeAtz @CaraNIelsen20 @RealJustinBaker @livesmattershow niggers value property over life. That's why they commit so many armed robberies. Then some of them get shot by the police, blacks riot and dumb leftists like you justify them

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@alfonso3220 @hamicuia_ @Breaking911 also known as niggers

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@Christa0003 @nullaindustries @DonaldJTrumpJr Every day blacks kill, beat, rob, white people and you think it's not about race. J*ws promote open borders, race mixing and demonize european people but it's not about race....you're so delusional

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@Interse61123862 @RichardBSpencer He is saying this is a conflict between whites, blacks are the mob used by the left (j*ws and anglo political-intellectual elites). Whites are not all together in 1 team. He's not saying race has no part in the conflict.

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@tjoef1 @scrowder this is what happens when you have a racial group with very low IQ and j*ws who incite them into rioting

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@CJdouces @DonaldJTrumpJr @juliaioffe she has (((connections)))

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@DavidWohl @realDonaldTrump (((David Wohl)))

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@parallaxoptics (((kaufman)))?

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