@UltraRightSide Daniel C. "God has conferred upon you above all nations great glory in arms"

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Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 6
Daniel C. @UltraRightSide
@liquibaitedx @Italian347

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Daniel C. @UltraRightSide

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Daniel C. @UltraRightSide

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angsty fallen angel @charmonicmajor
@Trad_West_Art Misogyny is not art. I want paintings, music, theatre, and pretty old-fashioned European towns. Not for you to tell me a woman can't be badass warrior. Not the erasure of non-binary and intersex folks.
Daniel C. @UltraRightSide
@Trad_West_Art Shut up f@ggot.

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banthebbc @banthebbc
BOOM Looks like George Orwell is up for the chop too. Next on your book burning list comrades: ☑️Animal Farm ☑️1984 #TasteTheIrony https://t.co/bJsW644Kx8
Daniel C. @UltraRightSide
(((Ben Norton))), proud fellow "Englishman".

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Daniel C. @UltraRightSide
@DerorCurrency The Catholic Church also needs the outside pressure from rulers as a factor to regulate its behaviour. The problem is the splintering of Christendom into multitudes of interpretation. It weakens leaders and nations to (((influences))). It’s a complex world.

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Daniel C. @UltraRightSide
@DerorCurrency The goyim used to have a priest caste that kept their eye on the (((chosen))), to prevent them from spreading their poison, and have influence over the ruler caste. Then along came a Judas, AKA as Martin Luther, and ever since the (((chosen))) just keep on getting more power.

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Daniel C. @UltraRightSide
@hostileholly5w (((Communists))) have been using blacks as n many places to foment revolution. Check Cuba, Venezuela, African countries in the 60’s & 70’s. If Blacks are not available, they turn to subsistence farmers. Now, it has reached the shores of USA and western Europe.

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Katie Herzog @kittypurrzog
Surprise, surprise, white nationalist is thrilled about this hyper focus on race and whiteness https://t.co/hnmzDDWlOv
Daniel C. @UltraRightSide

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E. Michael Jones @EMichaelJones1
More #Censorship from Amazon! They banned all of my books! Amazon has the power of government with no accountability and no due process whatsoever for those suffered as a result of their arbitrary decisions. This needs to be changed! https://t.co/nBoCJbwobb
Daniel C. @UltraRightSide
Dr. Jones, you are a modern day prophet, and hence why (((they))) hate you.

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Daniel C. @UltraRightSide
@DerorCurrency Just imagine the movies Mel Gibson could make if there wasn't such a (((stranglehold))) on what kinda of content is allowed to be shown.

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CCide @chimericide
Daniel C. @UltraRightSide
(((Morgan Cohen)))

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Daniel C. @UltraRightSide
@salty_dawg69 @unseen1_unseen (((“White liberals”))) and (((“white conservatives”)))

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Daniel C. @UltraRightSide
@beirones (((Their))) golems are completely out of control, and it’s glorious to see. They are burning down (((their))) “heroes” that so called “saved” Europe from fascism, lol.

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Daniel C. @UltraRightSide
@BaronStrucker The US is inching its way to another civil conflict. But it's not going to be white v blacks, it's going to be white v white once again, and all based on (((ideology))). If people turned their eyes towards the (((minds))) that have created all the misery.

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Daniel C. @UltraRightSide
@DuchesneRicardo The most crucial mistake was Letting the (((big noses))) immigrate to the US.

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Daniel C. @UltraRightSide
@BaronStrucker Antifa are scum. Ideologues of the worst kind. They are stupid daydreamers filled with grievances from being losers, and this is the opportunity for them to lash and create chaos. They are nothing but (((tools))).

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Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 @JackPosobiec
WATCH: BLM protester calls out white Antifa for vandalizing local Starbucks https://t.co/O7ThXtapvt
Daniel C. @UltraRightSide
@Portucale93 (((Antifa)))....blacks have been used everywhere in the western world to incite rioting and social agitation by (((leftists)))

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Test Your Beliefs @YamaNiyamaSatya
@RumorDr @semprescettica This is about politics, not about religion or race.
Daniel C. @UltraRightSide
: @AlainJutel @RumorDr @semprescettica (((Shut up)))

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Tarnseele @Tarnseele
That photo of Evelyn de Rothschild poking Prince Charles isn't photoshopped. https://t.co/DgXgzFVbWf https://t.co/Qau165Cw0I
Daniel C. @UltraRightSide
@samisdat_info Imagine in the old days, when England/UK was truly Christian, and run by warrior kings, what would happen to a (((tribesman))) that would dare to touch the Crown Prince.

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Daniel C. @UltraRightSide
@Mars_Aeturnum @BaronStrucker @TednoShed Yes, because $$$. There is always some of them close to whatever happens to be the center of power so that they can influence it through $$$. The problem with the modern world is the Anglo-American influence, the head of the ((Hydra)) sits there beaming its poison onto the globe

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Daniel C. @UltraRightSide
@AquinasSwiftwo2 @BaronStrucker There's all kinds of movies from those eras that are awesome. "Patton" is one I recommend. Those movies because they were made for audiences that were close to when WW2 took place, had to be more authentic. Now, it's just pure (((bs)) non-stop.

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Daniel C. @UltraRightSide
@inthenow @ClubBayern The American government has (((sold))) their souls. The wars that they fight are just (((cash grabs))) with zero moral value to it. Even the invasion of Afghanistan to capture Bin Laden was of sketchy value.

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Counter-Currents @NewRightAmerica
These idiotic videos don't exactly increase people's confidence in the medical system in a time of plague. Have human beings always been this stupid, or is this just dysgenics & late state liberalism in action? https://t.co/4Cb4HsFijw
Daniel C. @UltraRightSide
(((American Trash Culture Syndrome)))

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Racial Consciousness @Nature_and_Race
If this virus is stacking bodies the way we're being told it is, then how do so many of these medical "professionals" have the time to make these stupid dance videos? https://t.co/6wkV4UGJ3J
Daniel C. @UltraRightSide
It's a reflection of the (((world))) we live in. If you look at pictures from 100 years ago, people hardly smiled in them, now they do dance videos in the midst of a pandemic. These are good people, but they have been raised in a distorted reality, and therefore lack gravitas.

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View @Nature_and_Race
Daniel C. @UltraRightSide
@Pr0m3th3us_ @beirones The "master (f@ggot) race", lolololololol....No wonder achmed and mohammed love colon_izing the nord (rhymes with dork) lands.

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Amos VII @amosvii
Be American: >world super power >Corona test costs 3000$ >Be Tunisian: >third world country >Corona test costs 250$ >Be Czech: >civilized European nation >Corona test costs €25 🇺🇸????????????
Daniel C. @UltraRightSide
@ChildOfEurope I explain: USA = Run by ((($$$))) and for the ((($$$)))

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Daniel C. @UltraRightSide
@1950s_dream @Neam_Nam 1950's America was a Golden Age. Peak modern western civilization. Instead of building upon it, it was all destroyed, and all because of dumb ass brainwashed boomers doing the bidding of the (((the long-noses))).

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The Aureus Press @Trad_West_Art
This is so conceptual and exciting. One for posterity. No price is too great. https://t.co/L3T8mNfUXE
Daniel C. @UltraRightSide
I'm pretty sure a certain (((group))) of people at some point decide to spend money on "modernistic" garbage for the sole purpose of creating the false notion this garbage is art on level with what Europeans have produced through the centuries. Its a war against the west effort

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POSEIDON @JulHansJurgen
Our European "allies" didn't come to help us protect the borders of Greece and Europe. They are here to help the Turks bring into Europe more ISIS soldiers. This is treason! Shame on you Denmark! https://t.co/acIofmuW3F
Daniel C. @UltraRightSide
@MartinHuwite: @ChildOfEurope Not surprised. Northern Euros = Useless, brainwashed (((juice))) stooges. Kick them out of your country just like the islamic hordes. They are not there to help you.

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Racial Consciousness @Nature_and_Race
This is why it's so difficult to combat the destruction of White countries. Look at how young these traitors are indoctrinating our children with their poisonous propaganda. The system knows full and well the power of infecting a developing mind. https://t.co/pbfzfFYWtU
Daniel C. @UltraRightSide
The parents are complicit in this sheat. Plus, this is the UK, the worst anti-white country on the face of the earth, and literally, the head of the (((juice))) propaganda machine. Their self-immolation is divine justice at work.

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Racial Consciousness @Nature_and_Race
In the video below, Jews openly admit that they intend to declare war on White Nationalism. So if you're White and believe you have a right to a homeland of your own, Jews intend to declare war on you. Why is it always Jews who are the most opposed to White self-determination? https://t.co/9CxIRFyRkA
Daniel C. @UltraRightSide
What you are inside, manifests itself on the outside as well, one way or another. The majority of people in the video are ugly with strange disjointed faces. Freaks, f*ggots, and many of the (((chosen))) fall into this pattern on a regular basis.

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Racial Consciousness @Nature_and_Race
This guy really did have a strong intuition, pertaining to how the future would unfold. https://t.co/MZuhs9ajMa
Daniel C. @UltraRightSide
The problem with the USA is: 1) (((The long noses)))

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Los Angeles @LisaBritton
Dads are gone. Male teachers are gone. Now they want males coaches gone, too. Wow. "The more boys can be coached by women, the less toxic masculinity" you will see, Gallimore said. https://t.co/cj7iwPSTg4
Daniel C. @UltraRightSide
@Know_More_News Written by (((Elisa Strauss))).

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View @LisaBritton
"Fear, finger-pointing, and militaristic action against the virus are unproductive. We may be better off adjusting to a new normal of periodic outbreaks." The Cathedral appears to be mutating into something overtly hostile to continued human existence. https://t.co/tPeoOxum4o
Daniel C. @UltraRightSide
What (((they))) don’t want is people coming together for keeping the alien out. Hence, open borders for refugees, illegal immigrants, terrorists, and now, infectious disease carriers. Closing borders may give the goym wrong ideas.

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View @17cShyteposter
Daniel C. @UltraRightSide
@Czakal (((Dr. Moss))) is a fellow white person. Will normies ever wise up to the relentless propaganda.

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Racial Consciousness @Nature_and_Race
Are men not entitled to their relationship preferences? Why should men be FORCED to date Liberal, Progressive, Feminist, "woke", women? Men have a right to refuse to date Leftist, anti-White women. Got a problem with that? Too bad. That's your f*king problem, not ours. https://t.co/4FsTU6sAPb
Daniel C. @UltraRightSide
(((Vicky Spratt)))

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Racial Consciousness @Nature_and_Race
This is a f*king cult. https://t.co/dyin1lB6e3
Daniel C. @UltraRightSide
Bet the one holding the camera is a member of the (((tribe))). None of these degenerate media pieces are done randomly.

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Daniel C. @UltraRightSide
@vatkan12 @robinhanson Nothing has changed from then until now. (((They))) continue to behave in the same manner.

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Daniel C. @UltraRightSide
@Bill_Dawal @frenly_nation @BaronStrucker All of those “Catholics” are paid stooges of the tribe, (((Bill Dawal))).

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Daniel C. @UltraRightSide
@ShamanOfThe (((Music Executives))) will not allow it.

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Daniel C. @UltraRightSide
@Nature_and_Race Everything and anything the US does in the Middle-East turns into sheat. I used to think it was due to incompetence, but now I realize its all by (((design))).

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Daniel C. @UltraRightSide
@DerorCurrency I think it comes down to (((their))) inability to create beauty. Nearly all the cultures of the world create beautiful works of art, poetry, music, food, architecture, etc. A peoples aesthetics is a reflection of their character/soul, and the (((tribe's))) is very ugly.

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Daniel C. @UltraRightSide
@MartinHuwite: @ChildOfEurope Be sceptical of anything you read in the (((news))), and even moreso if its coming from (((Anglo))) sources.

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Daniel C. @UltraRightSide
@MartinHuwite: @ChildOfEurope Lol...Finland is an irrelevant country who has accomplished literally nothing in the whole history of the west. Those degenerates in the picture are pawns of the (((tribe))) and hence why they deliberately paired up two men, white and black, under a cross. Clown world.

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Recovering Vegan @VeganRecovering
We ate meat as kids in the 1960s in USA. Beef liver was in school lunches! Hunting and fishing was normal. (So was wild meat.) Kids played outside and walked to school. Nobody had allergies Almost nobody was fat. What happened?
Daniel C. @UltraRightSide
(((Advertising))) plus (((Hollywood)))

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Daniel C. @UltraRightSide
@DerorCurrency (((Anglos)))

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Racial Consciousness @Nature_and_Race
What makes Jews so damned special that literally all of our elected officials just fall all over themselves trying to earn their approval? It's almost as if Jews have way more power and influence than anyone wants to admit... https://t.co/DpsCuypwSS
Daniel C. @UltraRightSide
You know the answer, which is $$$. Democracy is a joke, because inevitably becomes corrupt since everyone is for sale. The moment politicians get money from (((donors))) they are forever in their pockets.

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Racial Consciousness @Nature_and_Race
Goddamn White people... Running around, saving animals from suffering and death. I swear, the love and compassion White people have for helpless animals must be genetic or something. https://t.co/18p0f4GhUg
Daniel C. @UltraRightSide
The world can only become a better place if white people are in charge of it. But white people need to be God fearing, stoic, and disciplined to be given that leadership. If they embrace the (((tribe))), then it’s all downhill.

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Racial Consciousness @Nature_and_Race
Liberals/Progressives are at least honest about being the enemy. Conservatives have proven to be worse than an honest & open enemy. Conservatives have proven themselves to be traitors. Wolves in sheep's clothing. Conservatives & Liberals serve the same masters. https://t.co/CLV8A1w8CU
Daniel C. @UltraRightSide
Conservatives need to be split into boomers, retarded “Christian” zionists, Libertarian assholes that would sell their mother, and then (((conservatives))).

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Daniel C. @UltraRightSide
@wilhelmschriner @RussianBotFren @craigcrimes @RichardBSpencer (((Wilhelm Schriner)))

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Daniel C. @UltraRightSide
@Tzar31726351 @Nature_and_Race Sure comrade (((Tzar))). Defending Muslims, with a Stalin avatar, while claiming to be pro-white race, ahahahahahahaha....

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In 2019 we thought we'd have robots, flying cars and superhumans Instead we have - Pampered bitches - Fake meat - Depression everywhere - Ubiquitous obesity - And a population addicted to their fake social media image What the hell happened?
Daniel C. @UltraRightSide
@KetoAurelius (((What happened)))

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Justin C Scott @iamjustincscott
Weirdest thing about American culture? 👇
Daniel C. @UltraRightSide
(((American Culture)))

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Paul Joseph Watson @PrisonPlanet
Dead men tell no tales. https://t.co/P4IBcEfc7t
Daniel C. @UltraRightSide
(((USA))) is the great Satan.

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Bernie Sanders @BernieSanders
Greed is the religion of the billionaire class. And a nation based on greed will not survive morally, economically or politically. That is why we fight to take power back from the billionaires and put it in the hands of the people, where it belongs.
Daniel C. @UltraRightSide
Ahahahaha....(((Bernie Sanders)))

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Brian Krassenstein @krassenstein
Ok everyone. I just deleted my old email “account” like I promised below, even though Donald Trump Jr. is still going to be indicted in my opinion. You can stop sending me threatening direct messages now. https://t.co/AP7oeWnwdb
Daniel C. @UltraRightSide

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