@Forms_Respecter 🇺🇬Forms Respecter (0/100 bangers)🇺🇬 Surely I am too stupid to be a man. I have not the understanding of a man. Nowhere

Forms_Respecter's neighborhood:

Slurs & ToS Breaches Nazi Dogwhistles Antisemitism Transphobia Anti-Blackness Homophobia Misogyny Groypers Proud Boys Patriot Front
Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 66
If you see this, post a picture of yourself as a villain.
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Spider Miner @Shamed_Vulture
It seems excessive, but I'm willing to let them try. Let's go with this "tear New York down" plan, I'm in. https://t.co/0b0urxn2YT

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View @Shamed_Vulture

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Orbs are a tool used by mathematicians to bound and constrain the infinite. To take that which is uncomprehendable and bring into the realm of comprehension. How do they do this? Technically, by using a construction known as the one-point compactification. https://t.co/ClTASHo7OL
: Wat means? Simply, take an infinite plane and put a point above the origin. Call this point infinity. Now declare that the farther you go in any direction the closer you get to infinity. Please see this helpful drawing of how to reach infinity.

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View @Forms_Respecter
@Forms_Respecter: Orbs are a tool used by mathematicians to bound and constrain the infinite. To take that which is uncomprehendable and bring into the realm of comprehension. How do they do this? Technically, by using a construction known as the one-point compactification.

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@TaxSlaveDave @bendellwerry I got hit with this one.

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Lenten Marmot @MarmotRespecter
I do think simps should be captured so science can study their deformed brains

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View @TinTinEnjoyer

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@HauntedCosmos_ Episode 4 was great, but I haven't slept through the night since I listened to it.

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@_matthewpearson But it says you'll pass as long as you complete the assignment.

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@Cash_Nicholson @DEFanboy1998 I'll accept that explanation this time. But don't let it happen again!

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Cimmerian Pervert @cimmerian_v
A lot of talk about body counts and trad wives, but no one’s talking about what you really want: A tard wife
She shall be my tard wife, and I shall be her tard husband.

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View @cimmerian_v
@myth_pilot In Buddhist hell, one of the punishments is they turn you fat.

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Bizlet @bizlet7
Without downloading any new pictures, where are you mentally? https://t.co/Ywm8VK8AhZ https://t.co/5Oi0cZBDjS

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This is a projection where it is assumed everything stays as good as it has been. I wonder what the projection will look like 6 months into a severe economic depression. https://t.co/YZRezsShY7
But I've been paying into it. It's my money.

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View @BonifaceOption
So you mean, regularly injecting my face with a deadly neurotoxin could actually be really bad for me? I had no idea... This is actually very interesting, in ways you might not expect.👇 https://t.co/6SXhA1NQgv

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View @Babygravy9
Bizlet @bizlet7
Sorry guys I'm going to have to unfollow a bunch of you in light of the twitter algo being brought to light. https://t.co/T0laZfn1SX https://t.co/reRF3PShyH

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View @bizlet7
Tweet a random picture from your phone with no explanation.
Bjorn Ironskull @BjornIronSkull
Tweet a random picture from your phone with no explanation.

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Women encountering the obvious consequences of the ideology they push:
REDUXX @ReduxxMag
Female students at the University of Wyoming are suing their sorority after it allowed a trans-identified male to join. The suit alleges that Artemis Langford has been "watching" the women undress in the sorority house, sometimes while erect. https://reduxx.info/women-file-lawsuit-against-university-of-wyoming-sorority-over-admission-of-trans-identified-male-who-watches-them-undress/

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Spider Miner @Shamed_Vulture
How do we solve the problem of Public Servants? Make them Public Slaves: The Dēmosioi Solution. It's not controversial to say that an big problem for us is the huge set of people in the US who are directly paid by the Regime. Your Yarvins suggest a buyout, say we just enslave. https://t.co/kOAoJSCwXa

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I only want maximum cognitive dissonance to delegitimize the regime. I want DJT to be *even more popular* than he ever was before just so the fortifications have to be even more absurd. I want normies' brains to implode. https://t.co/EGwe2KxwPC https://t.co/ZlOHgw9nRv https://t.co/KNsiGudG3q

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View @BonifaceOption
@conan_esq "That should be everything for the trip." "Go grab Gary and Kyle." "Why? Those guys suck." "In case we run out of food dumbass." "But if we take them we'll have to feed them too."

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The heist is on. Without downloading any new pictures, post your role in the crew. https://t.co/nSO3ZXyNIx https://t.co/B2WiErlaPK

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"I have no technical ability and I know nothing about computers." An honest line I've used to get more than one computers job https://t.co/oEBENfRIki

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View @knrd_z
@kujikuri @NateAFischer @Aristos_Revenge

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@Chinedu_truther @NHWharfRat @LoFiRepublican

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@NHWharfRat @Chinedu_truther @LoFiRepublican

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Bjorn Ironskull @BjornIronSkull
Aren't like 2/3 of Americans vaxced lol Is the joke about unvaxxed blood being the new doge coin about to become real https://t.co/3z05Md3eAu
@GathererSkull The near future of the unvaxxed:

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View @BjornIronSkull
@claireternal Sleep is for chumps! But the actual answer is something like this:

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Ben Sixsmith @BDSixsmith
Alex Rosenberg's "The Atheist's Guide to Reality" has the most hilariously blunt introduction. https://t.co/SHFdRpyCeG
How retarded do you have to be to put these 2 answers on the same page?

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@FromKulak Also why they don't like fagg0t. My takeaway from the second half is that if I was't so retarded, I could use my retardedness against the system.

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@GmorkOfNothing What if it'a actually aliens and they're just using the ol' weather balloon excuse updated to be more distracting in current year?

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Mario Nawfal @MarioNawfal
Transgender people have been recognized for thousands of years through various cultures. What made the issue so polarizing today?

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View @MarioNawfal
Hernan Cortes @CyberPunkCortes
Your last saved photo is what they’re looking at. https://t.co/gC4Ram6NBy

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View @CyberPunkCortes
@GmorkOfNothing "All warmongers on both sides will be killed." "So the next [constellation of power] is likely to be better." "for at least for several next generations people will prefer peace and cooperation to war."

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@bendellwerry The whole story of Jacob and Esau is hilarious. Literally both of them during the soup episode:

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Dr Charlotte Proudman @DrProudman
If a straight white cis woman popstar did what sam smith did there would be no problem. People just don’t like that Sam is queer, plus sized and unapologetic about it. Case in point: - Christina Aguilara in Dirrty - Miles Curys in Wercking Ball - Madonna in Like a Prayer
No wonder this tweet is so retarded.

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View @BorjomiDrinker
Spider Miner @Shamed_Vulture
Good morning, my Monday energy is very good today. https://t.co/dsSfWHARRR

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View @Shamed_Vulture

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@d08890 Partly because until probability theory was presented measure theoretically I thought it was mumbo jumbo; and partly because I lent it out, forgot about it, and never got it back.

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@Forms_Respecter: @GathererSkull Also, why would he use such an amateur hour picture? At least crop it or something.

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@tubman_onlyfans That's not what I was thinking.

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Definitely a Human @DefinitelyaHum5
Alright it's 44 today. @Forms_Respecter you better believe I'll be watching your elbow angle Cc: @Chlotharone; @StimmyPete If you would like to be added to the pushup mailing list please indicate such in the replies

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Definitely a Human @DefinitelyaHum5
Alright it's 44 today. @Forms_Respecter you better believe I'll be watching your elbow angle Cc: @Chlotharone; @StimmyPete If you would like to be added to the pushup mailing list please indicate such in the replies https://t.co/YbHS0w0pxL
@KKDD69420 @Chlotharone @StimmyPete Now geometry is involved?!

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View @OGRolandRat
StarBard @StarBarduous
Which one would you rather fight? https://t.co/zoWOU5vodB
This one.

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View @Shamed_Vulture

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Spider Miner @Shamed_Vulture
Who would win in a fight, nekkid normal woman or a midget man? https://t.co/HWgW1LgoGa
Wtf the Romans get tiddy midget fights and we just get this guy.

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View @Shamed_Vulture

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@goathroat420 @bobdaduck @JessicaValenti

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WIDE DOG @WideDogArt
@Forms_Respecter you see those empires that had great cities didn't last for all of human history. Therefore all society should be agrarian https://t.co/b3Ydqy3i9S
Bro you don't understand bro. We need to save the cities bro. There's so much to do there bro. Bro everywhere else is boring. It will be different this time bro. I swear bro we'll save them this time bro.

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Keith Humphreys @KeithNHumphreys
Men are overrepresented among 1 Heads of state, CEOs, billionaires and 2 Prisoners, the homeless, drug overdose fatalities A good theory of sex,gender, and society has to explain both 1&2.

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Pericles 'Perry' Abbasi @ElectionLegal
He drinks a Whiskey drink He drinks a Vodka drink He drinks a Lager drink He drinks a Cider drink https://t.co/v7nGgzzzoK

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Bjorn Ironskull @BjornIronSkull
@MogTheUrbanite If we're being honest, she's a handsome white boy away from being a God, family, country Republican
@GathererSkull @MogTheUrbanite

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View @BjornIronSkull
Upstate Federalist @upstatefederlst
Seems like the upstate counties might be holding their results until the city's done. https://t.co/8F0lVJQ2QN

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Arminius_Licht @Arminius_Licht
When I was dating (objectively the worst time in my life), this song was popular. When it would come on in the clubs and bars, people would boo to the point of it having to be turned off. I always liked it. Never bothered me. https://t.co/gLfjInbvyf

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ib @lndian_Bronson
Truly hysterical. The anxiety and fear she feels about not "having a future" is because she's unmarried and doesn't have a cute little chubby baby to swaddle up and fuss over. No baby and all this extra, undirected energy. Tragic! https://t.co/vRBw9t36lE

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View @lndian_Bronson

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View @GraduatedBen
Evan @EvanPlatinum
Garbage Ape looking like the Ur-Chud must be one of nature's cruelest ironies
The algorithm speaks:

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Silenced on Site @77_steeze
unpopular opinion but Garbage Ape is a hard Would for me
The algorithm speaks:

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Pericles 'Perry' Abbasi @ElectionLegal
I could make you a microcelebrity overnight

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swastika 51%

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klan hood 89%
ss bolts 55%

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firearm 74%

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pepe 65%

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toons other 44%
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tldr 99%

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art_other 99%
gigachad 92%

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gigachad 100%

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anime 99%

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art_other 52%
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gigachad 66%
joker 63%

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face 98%

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art_other 56%
militarized 42%

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art_other 99%

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toons other 78%

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proud boys rooster 54%

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firearm 30%

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face 99%

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art_other 65%

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critters 99%

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tldr 99%

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toons other 45%

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hitler 29%

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hitler 29%

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Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 97%

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face 42%
art_other 28%

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hitler 28%

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tldr 37%

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tldr 100%

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toons other 86%

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tldr 100%

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mspaint style 100%

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tldr 99%

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tldr 98%

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toons other 99%

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art_other 97%

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tldr 97%

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art_other 46%

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Classifier 20221028131014

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 94%

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Classifier 20221028131014
toons other 99%

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Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 67%
militarized 32%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 46%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014

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Classifier 20221028131014
critters 95%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
critters 99%

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Classifier 20221028131014
etc 76%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 28%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
toons other 98%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 100%