@HaddDays days I'll just tell them that I have nothing to say

HaddDays' neighborhood:

Slurs & ToS Breaches Nazi Dogwhistles Antisemitism Transphobia Anti-Blackness Homophobia Misogyny Groypers
Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 82

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days @HaddDays
I understand if you struggle with sins but... #Salafi #Dawateislami #Islam https://twitter.com/HaddDays/status/1653154677834252291/video/1

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days @HaddDays
Mohamed Hoblos and the mawlid. #Islam #mohamedhoblos #dawah https://twitter.com/HaddDays/status/1652291320579227654/video/1

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days @HaddDays
What other Islaam is there, other than what the salaf were upon? #Islam https://twitter.com/HaddDays/status/1651671544186171396/video/1

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days @HaddDays
We only come thru this way once. Stop for a second, look around a little bit... Here we are. Now. Subhaan Allaah. See comments for an explanation of "Do not curse time, for indeed, Allaah is time." https://twitter.com/HaddDays/status/1647764175538511877/video/1

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days @HaddDays
They want us to leave off refutations... #Salafi #salafiyyah https://twitter.com/HaddDays/status/1646673244504612865/video/1

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days @HaddDays
Take your religion serious. #Islam #Salafi #Salafiyyah

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days @HaddDays
#Islam #Muslim #fitness

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days @HaddDays
#Sunnah #Salaf #Islam

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days @HaddDays
@AliDawah1 @FarisHammadi

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days @HaddDays
#Salafi #Salafiyyah #Islam #Quran

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days @HaddDays
@AbuAminaElias I would say my instagram account is pretty reliable... @days_hadd Feel free to follow if youre looking for reminders and knowledge.

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days @HaddDays
#Salaf #Salafi #Salafiyyah

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days @HaddDays
It has always been time to get serious about your religion. Are you getting closer today, or farther away? #Salafi #salafiyyah #Islam #إسلام

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days @HaddDays
double-checked up... on a monday, for no reason

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days @HaddDays
It wont be long until we hear "Babylon the great has fallen"

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days @HaddDays
All the world is a stage. #getoutside #PraiseGod

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days @HaddDays
It's never just monday, it's a miracle. #MondayMorning #MondayMotivaton #mondaythoughts

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days @HaddDays
No explanation needed, no apologies necessary.

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days @HaddDays
pray with faith #دعاء #صباح_الخير

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days @HaddDays
It is reported on the authority of Al-Wakii bin Al-Jarraaḥ: We went out one Eid with Sufyaan Ath-thawrii and he said, “The first thing we will do on this day of ours is to lower our gaze.”

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days @HaddDays
#GodFirst #GodIsGreat #worship

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days @HaddDays
gallons n gains

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days @HaddDays
there is no virtue in weakness ليس في الضعف فضيلة

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days @HaddDays
قدر الله و ما شاء فعل

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days @HaddDays
vampires mirror #monkmode #stoic #stoicism #emptyspace #blankpill

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days @HaddDays
@HaddDays: @DazdarevicSeid @NoobMemer0 another viewpoint of imaam ahmad ibn hanbal (raheem allaah)

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days @HaddDays
Christianity is not going to save the west... If it could have, It would have. That ship has sailed and sank in the ocean of utter hopelessness. Thrown about in the waves of vice-ridden vanity... Islaam is a stronger force against degeneracy.

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days @HaddDays
@abdu_rahman88 @IntrepidMegan @cartoonnetwork

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days @HaddDays
@Drestradamus @DevilBunnyR the word in arabic is "ghool" and its where we get the word "ghoul" it can be translated into a few different meanings but i think they may have twisted this to fit a personal opinion idk... the spirit and "alcoholic spirits" reference does have history in christianity tho

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days @HaddDays
@tomhikesman @kaschuta

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days @HaddDays
mmm sciemce goud...

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days @HaddDays
ive "noticed" this to be the "pattern"

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days @HaddDays
im gettin there lol

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days @HaddDays
@Jetskigrizzly at the absolute very least

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days @HaddDays
"Baseless" part of speech - adjective synonym - cucked antonym - based Example: Did you you hear that soy boy address the liberal audience yesterday about current issues? That guy was so cringe and baseless. spread the word, put it on urban dictionary or something, thanks.

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days @HaddDays
uh... o...k? 😒

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days @HaddDays
first i saw the pic on the left... kept scrolling and saw the pic on the right... then it clicked lol

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days @HaddDays
saw this on the gram lol... he says theres no place like home for him but then proceeds to yell at others because he cant go out... i will eat a handful of dirt right now, wash it down with a raw egg... punch myself in the face and do some burpees... corona be damned lol

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days @HaddDays
now you've really done it...

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days @HaddDays
#GTAOnline #PlayStation5 #XboxSeriesX #GamingNews #Xbox #XboxSeries #PlayStation #GTA6 #GrandTheftAutoV https://twitter.com/HaddDays/status/1334400235515367425/video/1

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days @HaddDays
I tried several times over the years with this guy. I cant do it. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt tho.. Im semi convinced that hes acting dumber than he is as part of a gimmick or something. I tried watching with guests that I would prolly enjoy but he ruins it...so nope.

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days @HaddDays
aw shoot... here țhęý come... quick just put this on... shhh...

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days @HaddDays
reason number 666 why i dont care about covid...

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days @HaddDays
having trouble falling asleep... scrollin through social media like...

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days @HaddDays
#PositiveVibes #YouCanDoIt #LetsGo #Believe #NeverGiveUp

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days @HaddDays
@Gabrielviteri17 @bejn565 @Krystacat92 naa... no they dont bro... stop believing the (((media))) syrians are some of the most polite people ive ever met, very soft spoken and well mannered...not everyone is like the refugees (((they))) show on tv... and white or light skinned arabs in the levant are not a "minority"

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days @HaddDays
@Gabrielviteri17 @bejn565 @Krystacat92 The Levant region includes Syria, Jordan, Palestine and Lebanon... and maybe small parts of Turkey... I've met plenty of people from these regions that look whiter than me (blonde hair, blue eyes)

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days @HaddDays
@Gabrielviteri17 @bejn565 @Krystacat92 The last name Smith, is thought to be related to the words Sham (Syria and The Levant) and Semite, and Shem... One of Noahs sons... There is plenty of info out there about the Arab Irish connection and its very fascinating

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days @HaddDays
@Gabrielviteri17 @bejn565 @Krystacat92 ذ SyriAns ArEnt WhiTe... around 1/3 of the native Irish today migrated from the Levant Area, and Anatolia... There is a definite Irish Arab connection, especially to the Arabs of this specific region...

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days @HaddDays
Imagine if you will, hypothetically, just for a moment... that this is as far right as you can go... imagine thinking sister shaqueero is "right wing" lol

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days @HaddDays
@beethule: @yja_fr @heathenwoods833 Some suggest that "white" people have a long and rich history in that region, of ancient Babylon and Mesopotamia... The Levant, Egypt... etc... https://twitter.com/HaddDays/status/1331269426126217217/video/1

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days @HaddDays
@beethule: @yja_fr @heathenwoods833 Ive known a few Palestinians and Syrians that looked whiter than me. Blonde hair, Blue Eyes. Especially from that region. Have you ever heard of Anatolia? at least 1/3 of the now native Irish migrated from The Levant in the bronze age. Some Pharoahs had a lot of European DNA...

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days @HaddDays
@beethule: @yja_fr @heathenwoods833 been looking a little more into it and yeah i do believe that Europeans arent just white, theres Celtic, Slavic, Germanic, Mediterranean but as for Bosnia. theyre definitely caucasian. looks like anywhere else in Europe. they just dont follow christianity which isnt a requirement

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days @HaddDays
@TrinTurambar4 @Gror_longbeard @yja_fr @OfThuringian since you wanna show cartoon pics of space... can you name any one of these "planets"

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days @HaddDays
@TrinTurambar4 @Gror_longbeard @yja_fr @OfThuringian should be a curve there somewhere, if the mainstream math is correct. 25,000 miles in circumference so... 8 inches per square mile... yup... nope... not there...

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days @HaddDays
oof... savage stratagem

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Use the Copy image icon, and object detection annotation toggles if present, to grab toxic content. Some of these guesses will be wrong- computer vision is hard!

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
swastika 68%

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skull mask 82%
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pepe 79%
proud boys 81%

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etc 86%
joker 76%

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joker 58%
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hitler 28%
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anime 92%

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anime 95%

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militarized 93%
hammer and sickle 67%

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mspaint style 36%
pepe 36%
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anime 69%
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militarized 57%

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joker 54%

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toons other 99%

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art_other 96%

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art_other 53%

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art_other 99%

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art_other 49%

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face 99%

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face 76%

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art_other 98%

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art_other 29%

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toons other 87%

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etc 61%
toons other 37%

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etc 99%

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tldr 99%

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art_other 61%

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mspaint style 100%

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star of david 89%

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star of david 99%

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mspaint style 93%

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critters 99%

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tldr 46%

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logos_flags_graphics 90%

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tldr 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
face 65%

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art_other 39%

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mspaint style 99%

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tldr 100%

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mspaint style 57%
happy merchant 27%

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tldr 99%

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tldr 99%

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tldr 97%

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tldr 99%
us flag 86%

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star of david 70%

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tldr 99%

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etc 86%

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tldr 99%

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mspaint style 74%
klan hood 25%

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tldr 100%

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art_other 77%

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tldr 100%

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logos_flags_graphics 90%

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tldr 99%

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tldr 99%

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art_other 67%

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tldr 99%

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art_other 98%

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art_other 100%

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etc 99%

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tldr 99%

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etc 94%

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tldr 100%

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art_other 99%

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mspaint style 100%

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tldr 100%