@seaspace1200 Self Censoring Coward Hypersensative to future negative events.

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Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 3

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Self Censoring Coward @seaspace1200
@AnnCoulter The (((people))) who run the country wouldn’t let him.

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Lauren Chen @TheLaurenChen
Have the media always been this deceitful and we're just now becoming aware of it? Or have they actually gotten worse within the past 15 years?
Self Censoring Coward @seaspace1200
The question is are the (((ruling class))) confident it’s too late for us to do anything about it or are they losing their touch.

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Horse Lady Cornfield @TanyaCornfield
@JensLar60182854 I had no idea until getting active on twitter in 2016. I literally thought them victims and felt bad for them. Their tweets and actions are quite opposite of "victim" but more like "predator". Very eye opening for me! But yes, I guess they have always been anti-White!
Self Censoring Coward @seaspace1200
@JensLar60182854 It was discovering the holohoax for me.

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3rd Positionist @3Positionist
The entire #HunterBiden situation boils down to this; (& nothing else matters) (((They))) have tapes on EVERYONE JUST LIKE WE EXPECTED This is a warning to everyone else A “mysterious laptop” can appear at any moment with your shit on it We have you 🔐 Signed Mossad 🇮🇱
Self Censoring Coward @seaspace1200
I wonder what (((their))) beef was with him?

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Indigenous Norwegian Europa @NorwegianEuropa
The White Man Behind Black Lives Matter https://t.co/hJOH0pej8S via @YouTube https://t.co/tLVv5F9Xvw
Self Censoring Coward @seaspace1200
@JosephsEddy @YouTube It’s always interesting to know what our (((fellow white men))) are about.

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@HormetcAesthetc People here are praising a person who shot 3 unarmed protesters-- one in the head, one in the chest, & "almost blowing one's arm off"-- while giving the salute of a literal hate group. Did I just stumble into Nazi Twitter?
Self Censoring Coward @seaspace1200
@HormetcAesthetc It was self defense watch the videos. Not everyone that is anti (((Marxist))) is a Nazi.

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This is what fascism looks like... modern day brown shirts demanding you salute them with a fist in the air. https://t.co/TaEmHZE808
Self Censoring Coward @seaspace1200
@species_x (((Marxism)))

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@big_fielder @JackPosobiec Although I agree,they would've been even more successful in their marxist goal if they hid the creators of BLMs divide & conquer plans more than they did.Which would've meant their fascism would've been even more widespread & destructive & less ppl would've researched into it imo
Self Censoring Coward @seaspace1200
@ReplaceRgbNow: @KickRGbOutSoon @big_fielder @JackPosobiec (((Marxism)))

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Adam Green - Know More News @Know_More_News
Why do celebrities trend every time they criticize J*ws? https://t.co/6HslSd3GGn
Self Censoring Coward @seaspace1200
I’m starting to become suspicious of the motivation behind J3wish behavior.

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Self Censoring Coward @seaspace1200
@reconquistaII @asuacor @Nature_and_Race @NorthStarrBear @ghood4life You want to go with the label (((they))) claim to be and not the one (((they))) insist they aren’t?

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