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Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 60
Blank @Type_Other
@jsteinbrunner @RichardHakania @monitoringbias For the most part yeah. Looking only at genes and nothing else, a computer will correctly guess what Tracee someone will call themselves 99.9% of the time. Self-identification is pretty strong.

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Blank @Type_Other
@SashaGusevPosts @patrickaturley @dr_appie When self-identified race matches what a computer looking at your genes would guess you'd call yourself >99% of the time, we've got a pretty good handle on things.

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Blank @Type_Other
@ScottAdamsSays @YouTube No criticism on this take. You could, in fact, have gone a lot harder. Check http://poa.st and see how deep the rabbit hole goes.

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Blank @Type_Other
@madeincanada10 @NYTGames If there's a swastika that looks like this I'll give you a thousand dollars.

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Blank @Type_Other
@KevinCJesse Then show how. The comic portrays petty theft as a valid solution worth pursuing. The lesson on display is merely that it was the wrong tool for solving the problem at hand. Here's an example that same idea, but with a solution that isn't abhorrent. Notice there was no backlash?

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Blank @Type_Other
@doritoeubanks @0x49fa98 @erikbrus25 @KarlWeeks29 You're a liar pretending you can't google shit.

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Blank @Type_Other
@RespectElves @PandasAndVidya Best analogy I've seen.

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Blank @Type_Other
@MiamiMoleMan @clickclickkangz @epistasthai "Race has no scientific basis." >Yes it does. "Who cares?"

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Blank @Type_Other
@clickclickkangz @MiamiMoleMan @epistasthai Race isn't real but a computer can guess what race you'll call yourself with 99.9% accuracy. 🤔

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Blank @Type_Other

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Blank @Type_Other
@Steve_Sailer Neat. I recently saw someone claiming African Americans who are ~25% white were getting a 15 IQ bump over pure Africans (huge claim). Tried to estimate via some napkin math how much marginal euro admixture is really contributing--overshot it a bit, but wasn't worlds away either.

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Blank @Type_Other
@FirthQuentin 25% admixture surely helps, but it's a stretch to say that accounts for 15 points. You can compare to blacks without admixture but who are still in developed nations for a fairer look. Idk if anyone's done that for the US, but Barbados is *extremely* black, and far above 70 IQ.

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Blank @Type_Other
@FirthQuentin About 15 points, being a standard deviation, being about 1/6 overlap. Here, I'll timestamp it. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=themyZGgrkI&t=309

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Blank @Type_Other
@Type_Other: @FirthQuentin @0x49fa98 @KarlWeeks29 Not only can big differences amount to small changes, small differences can make big ones; e.g. all dog breeds are considered the same subspecies. Not even just species, but subspecies. This could be included in the above chart, but it'd defeat the point it's trying to make.

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Blank @Type_Other
.@daveexplains Doubling down on the myth that people before the 1900s were dying by 30 in droves. It's almost totally from childhood deaths (half the pop died by age 2). If you made it past childhood, most people actually had pretty normal-length lives, numerous sources agree.

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Blank @Type_Other
@DustaBat @LivingScribe I have theories.

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Blank @Type_Other
@0x49fa98 @_zinniaa__ Like you all can be mad about casting her as Ariel but you can’t meme me into thinking she’s not pretty

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Blank @Type_Other
@McclernanNancy @Superdu63717641 >"I'm too damn lazy to include links with screencaps I post. But if asked for links I will declare my intellectual superiority!" Yes.

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Blank @Type_Other
@McclernanNancy @Superdu63717641 You didn't discredit anything I said. I could find dozens more studies referencing genetic components to behavior. You could even just find them yourself. (you won't) You've clearly never bothered to look into these concepts, so I'm just running the smug anime girl victory lap.

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Blank @Type_Other
@McclernanNancy @Superdu63717641 Where'd I imply it was simple? I only said genetic differences explain some portion of behavior differences, which isn't even controversial, yet you snap at it. What a sad display. It's like I'm ten moves ahead so I can just style on you now. Maybe sleep on it before a rematch.

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Blank @Type_Other
@McclernanNancy @Superdu63717641 It contradicts nothing I said, though. It's neat how you can drop in one breath "There is no argument about genetic components of behavior," then turn around and jump at every peer-reviewed mention of genes influencing behavior as pseudoscientific bunk. Really jogs the noggin.

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Blank @Type_Other
@McclernanNancy @Superdu63717641 And? Do you think discerning how much of a trait difference results from genes requires us to have sequenced the genome? Or that it wouldn't be measurable even if we had ZERO knowledge of which genes were involved at all? How can you believe we ever bred anything historically?

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Blank @Type_Other
@McclernanNancy @Superdu63717641 Did we not know what genes were when that was written? Or are you saying if we were having this conversation 10 years ago, you'd have been convinced? Or that any research has come out since then to discredit it? (source...?) How about 2018? Is that too old, too?

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Blank @Type_Other
@McclernanNancy @Superdu63717641 Because I already had the screenshot from a previous debate with someone snapping at the idea that genes influence behavior like it's some kind of wild claim. Ooo, lookie, more screenshots for you to pretend you can't google.

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Blank @Type_Other
@McclernanNancy @Superdu63717641 If I was able to stumble upon behavior-influencing genes being talked about by accident in a random ass article on obesity, that tells me you didn't even look. Google it next time.

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Blank @Type_Other
@JoshLekach I love this bit, but the meme can't spread well because only people on the right side of the curve understand it. @0x49fa98

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Blank @Type_Other
@raptorilizu @LifeBeL0w @greatdissonance You really wanna play the homicide card? The rape card? The incest card? Trust me pal your hand is shit.

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Blank @Type_Other
@ZachG932 @vgman94 @holzprueghel Do you have a description of the method you used to build your charts out of the surveys they reference (ANES, GenForward, Nationscape)? When I point people to these graphs, they suspect you could've simply made them up, since there isn't an explanation of how to recreate them.

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Blank @Type_Other
@_forest_seeker_ @Aristos_Revenge I hate to break it to you swordfags, but you're dead weight. Sorry, I don't make the rules.

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Blank @Type_Other
@XS1l3nt @lporiginalg He's the one who brought it up without realizing the self own until it was too late--that he goes 5 minutes with a woman before she "gets bored and loses interest." Given the 1-inch erection thing, it should come as no surprise he's a little insecure about it.

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Blank @Type_Other
@Scott_Herfurth @lporiginalg The torso:leg ratio makes him look like an irl Wind Waker character.

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Blank @Type_Other
‼️ @PF_Jung

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Blank @Type_Other
@SovietTeehu: @awake_at_6am @GaskarthXIV @News2mey There's what he said, so I guess you concede now. White liberals are literally the only group that hates their own race.

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Blank @Type_Other
@ManOfNoTribes @GetBetterTweets @ElijahSchaffer

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Blank @Type_Other
@PaleRiding @BobStone3 @ChuckGrassley You're talking to a bot.

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Blank @Type_Other
@legaldumpling @GaiusGuy @meghaverma_art The original was priced far higher, and also used a roller at the end of a pole. Unless you think his decision to go with RGB value 255/58/58 instead of 255/58/59 was more valuable than literal brain surgery, there's no justifying that. Is this worth $70k?

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Blank @Type_Other
@legaldumpling @GaiusGuy @meghaverma_art Because part of appreciating fairness is that similar work done results in similar pay. These are minimum wage levels of both skill and materials. Somebody either drank too much koolaid and grossly overestimated the value, or there's some weird money-laundering scheme going on.

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Blank @Type_Other
@m4rzbars @TetrisJupiter @Leftwatch2 How is "it can be done" is any novel meaning? Das Schweigen is a unique display of hopelessness and resignation. It's very telling that people claiming to see "meaning" in blank walls of color don't sit around listening to a single note. "G is coming up! Is one of my faves."

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zoey! @zozothebobo
@Type_Other @TetrisJupiter @Leftwatch2 Sometimes the meaning is simply that it can be done. It's playing with colour and shapes and thats it. It's not about interpreting meaning given by the artist (unless there is context known about the artist) its about analyzing the effect it has on you.
Blank @Type_Other
@m4rzbars @TetrisJupiter @Leftwatch2 Part of the "effect it has on you" is a subconscious acknowledgement of the skill necessary to produce something. One of these took a lot more skill than the other, and there's no escaping how your brain knows it.

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Blank @Type_Other
@legaldumpling @GaiusGuy @meghaverma_art Let's not act like deciding the color on the right was anything like painting the image on the left. That's where claims of pretentiousness and fake-valuations come in. Know what happened to the guy who ate the $120K banana? Nothing, because it wasn't really worth that much.

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@meghaverma_art Right wingers: "only photorealism of some person standing there is art!" The left: "anything that invokes a thought or emotion is art. For example, this toilet, by its mere existence makes the right have a hear attack and fear the collapse of civilisation. This is therefore art"
Blank @Type_Other
@meghaverma_art Nobody's saying only realism should be considered art. That's a retarded objection. They're saying we should stop pretending abstract art pieces are all displays of skill, since they usually aren't. They're usually things children at age 5 paint.

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Blank @Type_Other
@ArchonOf The humor's in the "how to comfort your man" instruction pic includes obliviously resting a nice-sized chest over his face. It's like a gf going "He loves walking with me after the rain," and the pic has the bf looking up her skirt via puddle. You accidentally recreated a joke.

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Blank @Type_Other
@ArchonOf Twitter probably ate my reply, but that's not the innocuously true point he's making. Pretty sure this is.

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Blank @Type_Other
@enhanced_vibes @JackPosobiec "Poor reasoning to say the guy with gun feared for his safety." If someone's threatening you with violence and coming in swinging, you don't fear for your safety?

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Blank @Type_Other
"Twitter's not full of bots" yet somebody with a thousand followers can't get a single like. Sure. 👌🏻 What a shitshow this site is.

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Blank @Type_Other
@HeatherGilligan You were told that your behavior was disgusting. This is normal social correction, like you farted in an elevator and everyone informed you it was gross. When people don't face such corrections, they go mad like inmates in solitary confinement. Accept the lesson and be normal.

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Blank @Type_Other
@harkov311 @PrisonPlanet Cool. Think about why one of them got a golden casket, memorial statues, and numerous city blocks burned in his name. The "current thing" meme is about how the media can so easily redirect what to make people angry about and what to make people ignore. Hear the dog not barking?

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Blank @Type_Other
@ActualKahuna @StrikeoftheMind @fauxcanard @Kicksbuttson

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Blank @Type_Other
@TurboQuokka @Iron_Mechanic @Hillarymark @BadMedicalTakes Naxalt.

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Blank @Type_Other
@araek42 @IamAdamKuhn @yegg @DuckDuckGo Think again.

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Blank @Type_Other
@jawn_117 "You were only right by accident. I'm still smarter than you."

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Blank @Type_Other
@CommissionerIs Imagine having to explain a marginally spicy meme collection.

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Yukio Koharu @Yoshino_Mishima
Race doesn’t exist... except for the Jewish race, which is great and you should love them!! Leftcaths are something else https://t.co/64f1EMeYDb
Blank @Type_Other
@KazeNishizumi It always confused me that Christians in general aren't always trying to convert jëws they know. Do they think God's making some unspoken exception for their whole rejecting-Christ thing?

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Blank @Type_Other
@VoldelegVeitje @DerKamerad_ I assume twitter just automatically checks for who uses the term often, since so many people have been self-censoring lately. J*ws? Jéws? ]ews? Js? Juice? Jays?

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Blank @Type_Other
@BroFraternal @hereliesthighs Is there a list for what words twitter will bump down a comment for? Fag? Nigger? Wop?

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art_other 73%

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etc 76%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

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tldr 99%