@pterodactyl1984 pterodactyl I cannot understand why the sheeple keep on voting for their own destruction in the West even after we have left the cliff edge

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pterodactyl @pterodactyl1984
HIAS do not even bother to hide their agenda, as they know no-one dares criticise them or refer to the final outcome - which is minority white nations being set upon by the new majorities, who the the politicians let in. The hatred of the ((rich)) is > their own self interest
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pterodactyl @pterodactyl1984
@VFreedoms Exactly - the foreigners lured over here are not our enemy (except for groomers & criminals) - the white traitors ((& allies)) who invited them with OUR money are our enemy. The foreigners actually 'love' their homelands. Only £ keeps them here. Send wh traitors to 3rd world too.

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pterodactyl @pterodactyl1984
@Finalblossom44 @Henrik_Palmgren @redicetv @LanaLokteff We really need geographical separation (a bit like Texas has started)so that the whites ((& allies)) who seek the demise of the wt race can all live together & invite Africa & any other nation they wish to join them, & those of us who do not want this can live in our own areas.

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EveryWordDid9/11 @EveryWorDid911
zionism did 9/11
pterodactyl @pterodactyl1984
The((elite))strongly want the terrs to stop their acts in the West for now, as this would make ppl wake up and object to mass immig. They want them to kick off in the future, when there are more of them, but not now. So, ((elite)) would not have wanted 9/11 lest it woke the ppl.

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View @EveryWorDid911
pterodactyl @pterodactyl1984
@KeithWoodsYT The left were actually doing very well with slowly, slowly ((as the Js prefer)) but just could not wait & wanted white downfall in their own lifetimes & got carried away.A lot of the maj are finally waking up (although waking a few decades earlier would have saved a lot of grief)

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pterodactyl @pterodactyl1984
@RealWriteWinger .. and more ppl are learning about this, thanks to sites like yours, possible only since the internet arrived. The line of the graph of the informed will increase until the left &((their allies)) are able to control the internet. Unlike other media, internet is hard to control

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pterodactyl @pterodactyl1984
@douglasmercer33 Those who stir it up can find one day they go too far and have to face consequences. There are plenty of arabs just poised & ready to drive them into the sea for Islm, & one day ((their)) white 'friends' who are now preventing such an attack might decide to stop helping them.

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pterodactyl @pterodactyl1984
@Marquis72099279 @douglasmercer33 Or, Trump was made an offer that he could not refuse. Just because a restaurant owner in 1930s New York gave $ to the local mafia does not mean the restaurant owner really wanted to, & his smiles to the mafia boss were false. ((There are some ppl who you must not offend))

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pterodactyl @pterodactyl1984
Re 'hating us'. Who would invite over those who hate us to share our properties & land & wealth? It can only mean white ppl who hate w ppl are now in charge of the authorities, working in collusion with ((any other foreign tribe)) that also hates us. Ppl need to wake up quickly.
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pterodactyl @pterodactyl1984
@MAGANONSTOP: @AmaraAlphaLove @JorritKuiper @StefanMolyneux If we do not sort out the enemy-within whites who invited them all over, and who now egg them on via the MSM, and if we do not also sort out other ((enemy within)) then our problems will never go away.

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pterodactyl @pterodactyl1984
@AlbionIsForever And all Western countries have democracy, & W ppl who are so stupid that they listen to their Left, who have taken over their MSM & governments & schools, and, by listening to their Left ((& allies)), the W.ppl vote accordingly for their own destruction & feel virtuous about it.

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pterodactyl @pterodactyl1984
@DhammaFarmer: @Redtjern @SBrownloe @RGoldblatzberg Tommy has been (('befriended')) as has K Hopkins, and only sees their nice side, but his heart is in right place, & the fact that the DM writes fake news stories about him proves he must be doing something right. He is a major recruiter for the Right as Red Ice Wolf-Age says

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pterodactyl @pterodactyl1984
@MikePsJuice The whites who took a knee can go to Wakanda, along with those who are now living in the US etc but call Africa 'my homeland'. These whites cannot object, as they love the 3rd world, especially Africans ((their financiers can go too)).

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pterodactyl @pterodactyl1984
@TOOEdit Dissenting whites are too small a proportion to stop he self-destruction of white countries by their own enemy within whites, the enemy-within's ((allies)), and their imported racist tribes.

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pterodactyl @pterodactyl1984
@SiderioV @GerardBattenUK Trump is heavily outnumbered. One against many. Like a Western where the town sheriff takes on the baddies single-handedly whilst the cowardly townsfolk do not help. ((Trump has to avoid upsetting a certain rich group, just as a restaurant owner in 1930 must not upset mafia))

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