@dr_october dr_october The doctor is a former teenager from Kentucky.

dr_october's neighborhood:

Slurs & ToS Breaches Nazi Dogwhistles Antisemitism Transphobia Anti-Blackness Homophobia Misogyny Groypers
Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 9

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dr_october @dr_october
From my book "The Unattended Vegetable Stands of Podunk County, Indiana".

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dr_october @dr_october
@btsportcricket Americans reading the replies to this mystifying tweet:

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dr_october @dr_october
@Epiwhisper has anyone posted this yet?

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dr_october @dr_october
I'm with you on the overall issue, but fake evidence doesn't help the truth. Here's the front page of the April 24 1945 issue of the Evening Independent:

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dr_october @dr_october
@MysteryGrove arrived today!

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dr_october @dr_october
@SheElf_1 "Black" is an awful fancy word for a nigger.

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dr_october @dr_october
@njqll @Tsaristwolf

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dr_october @dr_october
@MysteryGrove This is me looking for them.

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dr_october @dr_october
@toomuchsandwich That's a hard-working nigger.

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dr_october @dr_october
@KeithMillerMor1 @Smirking17 Judging by the insignia and name tag, the nigger might be an employee of a hospital foodservice contractor.

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dr_october @dr_october
@BenedictCarter6 I believe it was Jesse Jackson in the late 70s, early 80s when he was the race-baiter-in-chief. IIRC the purpose was to give our niggers the same perceived self-esteem they believed "Irish-American" & "German-American" gave Whites.

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“stop posting all the videos of whites getting jumped & beaten, it’s not doing anything and we don’t need rage“ Yes we do Keep posting them Spread them far & wide. The average normie needs to see the pattern In fact saw a normie one day say “ these are all looking the same “
dr_october @dr_october
A nigger once said, "Silence is violence." Keep posting them, don't be silenced.

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dr_october @dr_october
@Xnulluser10: @nulluser10 No protests, no violence, no niggers, all municiple & county cops are White.

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dr_october @dr_october
@Selina75717077 Mistake #1: driving slower than 50mph through nigger territory.

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redfish @redfishstream
Photo of an African American civil rights protester being harassed by a white mob during a sit-in at a segregated drugstore lunch counter in Arlington, Virginia, taken 60 years ago this month. https://t.co/iU8MU7r4TB
dr_october @dr_october
Oddly enough, the nigger isn't being curb-stomped or hit in the head repeatedly. Hell, there isn't even 400-pound 90% naked female ready to twerk her smelly ass in his face. Looks like a pretty civilized encounter.

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dr_october @dr_october
@ajdhenry @Artemis08806319 The word y'all are looking for is niggers.

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dr_october @dr_october
Is there a guide to pill colors? It seems a blackpill could refer to enlightenment about niggers (skin color) or about the NSDAP (the prominent black in its red-white-black iconography).

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dr_october @dr_october
@somefellow6 @mtprospectcardr All we have is a nigger's word that she did any of the things he's accusing her of. It's basically "Hi, I'm a nigger here to destroy your life in a way that's a little more genteel than knocking you unconscious and stomping your head."

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dr_october @dr_october
I thought for a moment I'd like to retweet every tweeted video of a nigger attacking a White person but if I did my feed would be nothing but niggers attacking White people, and who wants that?

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dr_october @dr_october
@Hel_UnderworldG At this point the only way back to a peaceful country is to expel the jews and niggers.

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dr_october @dr_october
Wait til English niggers realize what fabulous prizes they'll win from their Jew masters when they start desecrating the ancient churches.

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dr_october @dr_october
Does anyone else have the feeling that this is anticipated by the (((enemy))) to be the final war against civilization?

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dr_october @dr_october
In the part of the country I grew up in, we had a distinction between civilized Christian people, whites and blacks, vs the scum of white trash and niggers. If a White child failed to "Sir" and "Ma'am" the old Black couple down the street, there was hell to pay at home.

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