@firetheships Ship Burner There is no alternative New York, NY

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Slurs & ToS Breaches Nazi Dogwhistles Antisemitism Transphobia Anti-Blackness Homophobia Misogyny Groypers
Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 7
Ship Burner @firetheships
Wait til this bitch sees the tolerance of the “poor world”

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Ship Burner @firetheships
@PNACstreetgang It is pretty depressing though when you look at similar permanent installations elsewhere tbh E.g., plaza de España

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Ship Burner @firetheships
@firetheships: @hairtoucher There are lots of videos online of J*wish and White libs surrounding violent hoodlums as the cops try to arrest/subdue them at protests. They act flabbergasted when this quickly turns into a resisting arrest or fleeing/eluding charge for them.

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Ship Burner @firetheships
@davidcrockettfa In a former age, to be American was to be Promethean. In a different way it still is, with the eagle eating our collective liver—we are gnawed at by the culture distorter, the sower of self-doubt and oikophobia.

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Ship Burner @firetheships
Every New Yorker has a fake J*w ex gf with a gentile mother

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Ship Burner @firetheships
@leaacta we've got a lot to work on

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Classifier 20221028131014
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