@BGao100 尼好 New Britain, PA

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Slurs & ToS Breaches Nazi Dogwhistles Antisemitism Transphobia Anti-Blackness Homophobia Misogyny Groypers Proud Boys
Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 4
尼好 @BGao100
@Holbornlolz We have to import third world shitskins to enhence the crime rate!

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尼好 @BGao100
@Mr_Corona56 @OhMandy56

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尼好 @BGao100
@Okamithegodly: @CatboyTruelife ok尼哥

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尼好 @BGao100
@__AngryGoy__ @BaronStrucker Shitskins can’t even live without whites.

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尼好 @BGao100
@VaccWork: @TheyWantU Those shitskins wanna live with white people so bad

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尼好 @BGao100
@BubetteS I guess the next step is nordic capital like Oslo. Every white country would be enriched with those shitskins eventually.

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尼好 @BGao100
@Urbanus_Crusade It couldn’t prevent shitskins from pouring into white country.

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Ian Miles Cheong @stillgray
Monkeys are smart enough to only take one when there’s plenty and not fight over them, so why aren’t humans? https://t.co/8Hqr4xTmZ1
尼好 @BGao100
Shitskins are not human but parasites.

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View @stillgray
尼好 @BGao100
@OhComfy: @ComfyCrush Shitskins don’t have any power.

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Rich 🐺 @heywildrich
Yes, White nations. You know, just like there are African nations, Asian nations, Arab nations, Latin nations, a Jewish nation. White people too are a people with the right to retain their heritage and culture and people - free from outside influence. https://t.co/NkQU3iIRri
尼好 @BGao100
@LuciusSulla2 But those shitskins can’t even build their own civilizations.

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View @heywildrich
尼好 @BGao100
@Zgoombag: @Z_Goombag @OdinsWanderer It’s already been happening after all those low IQ shitskin make up 17% of population.

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尼好 @BGao100
@PoliticalKathy @JoeySalads Go back where you belong chingchong shit skin

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尼好 @BGao100
@Urbanus_Crusade Why those shitskins all obsessed with living with whites.

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尼好 @BGao100
@Urbanus_Crusade We must prevent shitskins form stealing it

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尼好 @BGao100
In conclusion shitskins are afraid of cold weather.

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View @HarmlessYardDog
尼好 @BGao100
@vamber42 @StefanMolyneux Shitskins are obsessed with big government.

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尼好 @BGao100
@LanaLokteff This is an era that everyone even shitskin subhuman can bully white men.

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saira rao @sairasameerarao
Donald Trump is a rapist, a white supremacist, a fascist who cages children. He hates Muslims, Jewish people, trans people, non-white people, poor people, disabled people, women. He’s a pathological liar. By not impeaching, the Democratic Party co-signs all of the above.
尼好 @BGao100
What’s wrong with loving your own people, shitskin?

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尼好 @BGao100
@liangweihan4 Shitskin bn all wanna live in with white people.

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尼好 @BGao100
@lydiazhj sand nigger的地方比欧洲大多了,白左真是脑癌晚期了,引进这一帮垃圾

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尼好 @BGao100
@WillDavisDC: @WillDavis_14 @DailyCaller One day white people wakes up will deport the spics niggers all

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