@rogerahicks Philosopher Kin (& Wat Tyler returned) We are tricked into loving Big Brother, who deceitfully poses as our nation. Born at 311 ppm CO2 in Wembley (NW London) at 100% White (now 10% White). Bridport, Dorset, England

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#DavidAaronovitch & I are enemies. Not from my choice, but from David's, who demonised me as a RACIST, when I tried to engage with him on the issue of race. I just wanted to discuss the issue, but David would have none of it: my "whole schtick was racist", he told me, & that was…

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@MigrationWatch Indeed we have. By the state which claims to be our nation & have our best interests at heart. I conclude that Britain/the UK is not our nation, nor does it have our best interests at heart. This will take a little while to sink in, but sink in it must, if we are to have any…

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@epkaufm Time we changed the name from "noble savage myth" to "evil Whites myth". A myth born of Jewish trauma at the hands of the Nazis & weaponised by #BigBrother & his minions as an ideology of White racial self-denial & self-contempt, which now serves a strategy of divide & rule:

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If humanity is to survive & prosper, it must unite. But HOW? That's the BIG question. Not behind the #NationState, that's for sure, which is an Orwellian construct of lies & deceit designed to facilitate society's self-exploitation to the personal advantage of its elites &…

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@brian_dumpy I'm sceptical too, especially having recognised the existential need for a #SustainabilityRevolution on our finite, vulnerable & overpopulated planet half a century ago, & looked on as it has been consistently ignored, which can have only one consequence: #CivilisationalSuicide.

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@BladeofSpartan @ghunkinking I don't have the time or interest to engage with this issue. Far more important is the nature of the British state:

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@ScipioHadronic @Correction2016 @MillennialWoes It was an insane, Orwellian, thing to do, but Britain & the West deliberately created multi-racial societies, as a strategy of divide & rule. First, we have to recognise, understand & face up to this madness, & proceed from there, in a rational & civilised fashion.

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"I find it hard to forgive an immigrant from America telling my mixed race relatives that they are not properly British & their presence is to be resented." This is #DavidAaronovitch tweeting about #LionelShriver, & well worth unpacking in the light of his enthusiasm for mass…

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@rogerahicks: As I say in the above thread, David has embraced an Orwellian shift in the meaning of "racism", which is what makes me, in his eyes, a "racist". This is no trivial issue, because this Orwellian shift in meaning has also been embraced by the British state & establishment, i.e.…

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The sinking of the General Belgrano - with the loss of how many lives? - was in my view a war crime, for which I am deeply ashamed of my country, although it was hardly the first or worst of Britain's war crimes, which are legend.
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@rogerahicks: If #DavidAaronvitch were just some ordinary guy, his Orwellian moral supremacy would be neither here nor there, but he is in fact a very eminent British journalist with an #OrwellPrize (no less) to his credit, making him a very formidable minion of #BigBrother.

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@prageru I doesn't matter whether it is racist or not. America is NOT a nation, but an Orwellian construct deceitfully posing as a nation, which his how Americans are tricked into loving #BigBrother. No need for torture, as there was with Winston Smith in 1984.

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@ScienceNotDogma I see no prospect of things getting better until we understand our failure, for the past half century, to recognise the existential need for a #SustainabilityRevolution (a term I lifted from #KingCharles's book, Harmony, 2010) on our finite & vulnerable planet, #SpaceshipEarth.

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@prageru America is NOT exceptional, as its founders had intended it to become, but just a bigger, more powerful, clone of Great Britain: a mercenary #PatronState deceitfully posing as a nation, in order to legitimise itself, its ruling elites & the immense power they wield & abuse.

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@epkaufm The madness of mass immigration is rooted in the nature of the mercenary #PatronState which deceitfully poses as our nation, which is how we are tricked into loving #BigBrother. No need for torture, as there was with Winston Smith in Orwell's 1984. Contempt for our own,…

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@vdare They died fighting for #BigBrother, who currently does want open borders, & tricks us into loving him by deceitfully posing as our nation. No need for torture, as there was with Winston Smith in Orwell's 1984.

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I love Chanel's photo, with "Do not Feed". Really made me laugh. The photographer had a good sense of, what's the word . . ? This is mine: Central London, 1950.
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The #SocialSciences are as ignorant of their supposed areas of expertise (human nature, society, the state & civilisation) as medieval astronomy was of the heavens & Earth's place & motion within them. This, I suggest, would explain the failures of the #TavistockInstitute. https://t.co/T47MN9u6nz
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@rogerahicks: I have known intuitively, since first seeing photos of our planet, #SpaceshipEarth, taken by Apollo astronauts, that our civilisation needs to instigate a #SustainabilityRevolution & wean itself off fossil fuels, if it is to survive into the next century.

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The #SocialSciences are as ignorant of their supposed areas of expertise (human nature, society, the state & civilisation) as medieval astronomy was of the heavens & Earth's place & motion within them. This, I suggest, would explain the failures of the #TavistockInstitute.

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@BretWeinstein I have always identified with my race, rather than with what has become the multi-racial British state, despite all the stigma & accusations of being a RACIST for doing so. But, of course, the state would stigmatise those who refuse to identify with it as their nation. It is by…

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@Sargon_of_Akkad LuffyDa is denying the existence of Native, indigenous peoples, which is what the British state & establishment do when it comes to Native/indigenous Britons, & is quite Orwellian. It is how we are tricked into loving Big Brother, who deceitfully poses as our nation. No need for…

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@PeterTatchell @RepublicStaff @nomoremonarchs @Nomoreroyals The truth, Peter, is that Britain is Big Brother. It really is, & that has profound consequences.

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@OliviaMLondon @JustStop_Oil @XRebellionUK @InsulateLove @netpol @AmnestyUK @killthebill_1 @metpoliceuk Britain is revealing its deeply Orwellian nature. That's what's next.

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@Sargon_of_Akkad What an Orwellian thing to say is more like it, oozing with newspeak (what "nation"?) & doublethink (Muslim culture has been woven throughout American culture from the very start). It's time the Orwellian nature of the so-called #NationState was recognised & understood.

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The West is in urgent, existential need of a #SustainabilityRevolution, which the #NationState has proved itself incapable of initiating. Unsurprisingly, given that it is an Orwellian construct dedicated to facilitating society's self-exploitation, to the personal advantage of…

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@prageru The lie of American nationhood. Instead of becoming a nation as the Founders had hoped it would, America just became a bigger, more powerful, clone of Great Britain: a mercenary #PatronState deceitfully posing as a nation, in order to legitimise itself, its ruling elites & the…

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@eurorabbit What we all need to recognise is the Orwellian nature of the so-called #NationState, which, by posing as our nation, tricks us into loving Big Brother. No need for torture, as there was with Winston Smith in 1984. America just became a bigger, more powerful, clone of Britain.

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@Westernadvocacy @NoWhiteGuiltNWG @LeesWarhorse Racism is a generalisation of Nazi antisemitism, which has been weaponised as an instrument of socio-political rewards, intimidation & control, just as medieval Christianity was. In order to deal with this madness, which is a civilisational disease, we need to understand it.

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@robmorris123 @Miss_Snuffy It's what we are now sold as #BritishIdentity, but as far as I'm concerned Britain can stick it up its mercenary, #PatronState arse. The #NationState is dead. Long live my White/European #NationRace! The nation state was always an Orwellian construct (since long before Orwell…

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@GalvaniseEdu @Miss_Snuffy When I went to school in the 1950s & 60s, Britain's Orwellian nature was not yet clear to me, or to my teachers. Perhaps you would like to give me your take on British history.

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"Have you ever heard such fu*king nonsense? This is 2023 not 1523. Sometimes I despair of this country. I really do." Prof. Bill McGuire
@ProfBillMcGuire Rather than despairing, we need to understand this nonsense, instead of just putting up with it. It is by deceitfully posing as our nation that Big Brother tricks us into loving him. No need for torture, as there was with Winston Smith in Orwell's 1984.

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@ProfBillMcGuire Rather than despairing, we need to understand this nonsense, instead of just putting up with it. It is by deceitfully posing as our nation that Big Brother tricks us into loving him. No need for torture, as there was with Winston Smith in Orwell's 1984.

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@prageru #AbrahamLincoln, who destroyed the Founders' dream of American nationhood in the Civil War, & put it on the path to becoming just a bigger, more powerful, clone of Great Britain: a mercenary #PatronState deceitfully posing as a nation, in order legitimise itself, its ruling…

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@prageru Good intentions paving the way to hell. But this is only because social scientists fail to understand evolved human nature & how it is perverted & corrupted by civilisation itself.

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@DAaronovitch " . . increasingly the main game will be to present in lurid terms the threat to our nation and our women if pro-immigration Labour with Sir Softy at the helm were to take power." Britain is not a nation, & never was. Like America, it had the potential to become a nation, but…

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@prageru This the most important question one can ask, & one I asked myself decades ago, when I realised that our civilisation was committing suicide by failing to instigate a #SustainabilityRevolution on our finite & vulnerable planet, #SpaceshipEarth. I came to realise that ALL…

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@AndrewYang @Fwd_Party It is by deceitfully posing as a nation that Big Brother #NationState tricks its citizens into loving him. No need for torture, as with Winston Smith in Orwellian 1984. America never became the nation its founders had hoped it would, but just a bigger, more powerful, clone of…

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@CaroleBristol @TiceRichard That is what Big Brother Britain wants us all to believe, & if you are happy being one of his loyal minions, you, are free to remain so, notwithstanding that this is how we are enslaved to him & the Matrix of state & capital, & committed to our own self-destruction.

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@RogerHallamCS21 @volker_turk You both fail to understand the Orwellian nature of the #NationState, which is newspeak for a mercenary #PatronState, dedicated to facilitating society's self-exploitation, to the personal advantage of its elites at the expense of society at large & future generations. https://t.co/u0sVwV65ij
: @RogerHallamCS21 @volker_turk

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@RogerHallamCS21 @volker_turk You both fail to understand the Orwellian nature of the #NationState, which is newspeak for a mercenary #PatronState, dedicated to facilitating society's self-exploitation, to the personal advantage of its elites at the expense of society at large & future generations.

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@JMD50403015 @BrnzAgePrincess There is a Jewish question, but it is just part of a much bigger & more important question regarding the nature of the state itself.

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@rogerahicks: @prageru A pathological overreaction, rooted in Jewish trauma, which has been weaponised by #BigBrother & his minions:

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This from the the world's most eminent evolutionary biologist, who shows zero understanding of evolved human nature & how it is corrupted by the state & civilisation itself. He is blinded by the fact that the British state & Western civilisation at large serve him personally…

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@JTSmith1014 This is because we failed to recognise Britain's inherent Orwellian nature. DIVERSITY is newspeak for the #GreatReplacement, which government after government have imposed on us, by dismissing all objections (like those of #EnochPowell) as Racist. The very madness of what has…

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@postcarbonsteve You have no nation, period. And neither do I or anyone else. All we have are Orwellian constructs deceitfully posing as nations, in order to trick us into loving Big Brother. No need for torture, as there was with Winston Smith in 1984.

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@vdare Why? Because it is in the nature of the state itself to betray it's own people, by deceitfully posing as their nation, which is how we are tricked into loving Big Brother. No need for torture, as there was with Winston Smith in 1984. https://t.co/9HP503uQne
: @vdare

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@vdare Why? Because it is in the nature of the state itself to betray it's own people, by deceitfully posing as their nation, which is how we are tricked into loving Big Brother. No need for torture, as there was with Winston Smith in 1984.

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@DAaronovitch And @SarahTheHaider The answer is related to "the strongest argument against DIVERSITY", which is Orwellian newspeak for racial mixing, going to the opposite extremes of the Nazi obsession with racial/ethnic purity & supremacy & weaponised as an instrument of moral supremacy.

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I've not read, or listened to, this book, but the title reminded me of a related story very relevant to our times.
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This is an interesting graphic (assuming its authentic) I've not seen before:

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@ToddMitchem @theskintimmer @prageru I'm not suggesting we kneel down to our tribalism, anymore than we should kneel down to our sexual urges. We need to control them in a rational & civilised fashion. But to deny, suppress or demonise them is madness. Although, with method to it, as a means of socio-political…

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@GoodwinMJ I note with interest that racial supremacy has never been dominant in British society, but moral supremacy has always been dominant, & now, in the age of DIVERSITY, especially so. @epkaufm

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@GoodwinMJ What has happened & is still happening in Britain, is happening EVERYWHERE in the West. For my part, I have ceased to identify with Britain as my nation, because that is NOT what it is, or ever was. It's a mercenary #PatronState deceitful posing as a nation, in order to…

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@ToddMitchem @prageru I agree, we need to unite, but how we go about uniting is decisive. 8 billion people can't possibly unite in a single tribe, nation or race. And the so-called #NationState can't unite its citizens, because it dominates them via a strategy of divide & rule, but which academics…

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@Sargon_of_Akkad It's not your country, Carl, but belongs everyone & anyone whom Big Brother chooses to grant British citizenship to, which now includes millions who are not even European.

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@ClimateDad77 You are on the right path, which I started down many years ago, trying to understand the madness of government failure to instigate the #SustainabilityRevolution on which the very survival of humanity itself depends, & which I always associate with the attached photo. It's no…

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@prageru RACISM has lost its original meaning of contempt or hatred for someone or some group on account of their race of ethnicity (the classic example being Nazi antisemitism), which underwent an Orwellian shift to mere prejudice, which EVERYONE is full of & comes with being human.…
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@Wera_Hobhouse Half a century ago, when I was still a young man, we were warned about the existential need for a #SustainabilityRevolution, which would involve weaning ourselves off fossil fuels. And we had only recently acquired this photo of our planet taken from lunar orbit to bring the…

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@rogerahicks: This photo of our planet was taken from lunar orbit just a few short years before I personally became aware of the existential need for a Sustainability Revolution, which it very much brought home to me, & I assumed at the time to everyone else. Only, I was wrong. Instead of…

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@TheNewCentrePa1 " Government should serve", you say, & who would disagree? Only, government is an institution of the state, the primary purpose of which is to facilitate society's self-exploitation, to the personal advantage of its elites & favoured clients, which includes…

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@wil_da_beast630 What about your right to participate, along with everyone else, in the plundering & spoiling of our finite, vulnerable & overpopulated planet, #SpaceshipEarth?

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Why does the British state & establishment deny the importance, even the very existence, of Race, & demonise any dissent as RACIST? It's because Britain is an Orwellian construct, deceitfully posing as a nation, in order to trick citizens into loving Big Brother. No need for…

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@C_Kavanagh Quite the contrary, financial success is one of the rewards one receives for loving Big Brother. No need for torture, as there was with Winston smith in Orwell's 1984.

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@mysteriouskat DIVERSITY is our strength! springs to mind. Which is indeed a strength - to Big Brother & his minions.

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Britain is dominated by two forms of POWER, as were England & Scotland before their union in 1707. 1) The power of the sword & money/property, on the one hand, embodied in the aristocracy, & 2) The power of the Word & moral authority, embodied in state & academic/formerly Church…

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Here's an example of a hateful tweet, from Mike, but because he's Black & I'm White, I guess it's OK. I'm not asking for it to be removed or for Mike to be suspended. He's not threatening to kill me, just suggesting that I kill myself. Most of the hateful responses I get are… https://t.co/NoNAdX0Tta https://t.co/ARPCNgmMDj
: This is the guy who has been most hateful towards me, telling me "my whole schtick is racist", because I'd rather his granddaughter didn't marry a Black guy, which apparently puts me on a par with #AdolfHitler.

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Here's an example of a hateful tweet, from Mike, but because he's Black & I'm White, I guess it's OK. I'm not asking for it to be removed or for Mike to be suspended. He's not threatening to kill me, just suggesting that I kill myself. Most of the hateful responses I get are…

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@rogerahicks: @prageru Actually, it's spread over a few Twitter threads, so here are some more:
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@rogerahicks: @prageru
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@EricRWeinstein @dpakman The problem, Eric, is America itself, which is not the nation you assume it to be, but like EVERY #NationState, an Orwellian construct, deceitfully posing as a nation, which is how we are tricked into loving Big Brother. No need for torture, as there was with Winston Smith in…

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@whhemp @Gegenbeispiel @PlH14482853 @LozzaFox You need to stop behaving like a spoiled child & start heeding reality, i.e. the fact that we live in a finite, vulnerable & overpopulated planet, #SpaceshipEarth.

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@EPoe187 Teaching people to love their country is to teach them to love the state & #BigBrother. No need for torture, as there was with Winston Smith in 1984. Thus are we enslaved - rich & poor, Black & White, high & low IQ alike - to #BigBro & the Matrix of state & capital.

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@rogerahicks: What is this fundamental flaw in social science theory? It is the assumption that the purpose of the state is to serve society at large & thus to equate it with a nation, which is like assuming the Earth to be stationary at the centre of the universe. To academics in general…

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#AntiRacism really is a religion, but not in any positive sense we associate with established religions. It serves a system of socio-political rewards, intimidation & control, as do established religions, but that's ALL it does, in the context of a DIVERSE, multi-racial, society. https://t.co/yNmvICtV3B
: DIVERSITY really is a strength - but only to #BigBrother & his minions.

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@rogerahicks: #AntiRacism really is a religion, but not in any positive sense we associate with established religions. It serves a system of socio-political rewards, intimidation & control, as do established religions, but that's ALL it does, in the context of a DIVERSE, multi-racial, society.

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Venus & Jupiter from bedroom window just under & hour ago. The 2nd shot I got after zooming in on them, which made me laugh, so thought I'd include it.

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@rogerahicks: When I say that #BigBro has imposed himself on us, the truth is that he ALWAYS has, ever since the very first states were founded. Orwell's 1984 was based on 1930s fascism & communism, which Britain subtly avoided becoming like. But he is there & in control nevertheless.

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@peterboghossian Human beings are inherently prejudiced about everyone & everything, & since RACISM underwent an Orwellian shift in meaning from a generalisation of Nazi antisemitism to simple racial or ethnic prejudice, it has become a modern, secular replacement for #OriginalSin

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@rogerahicks: @EPoe187 @monitoringbias @ImHardcory It is the same pressure, I'm sure, that is now preventing you from doing your job, in understanding the social psychology of RACISM & its abuse as a socio-political cudgel:

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@EPoe187 DIVERSITY is not just a sacred value, but Orwellian newspeak for the age-old strategy of divide & rule, created & exploited by academics themselves:

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@EPoe187 Civilisation now represents an artificial environment that far too many individuals are exploiting to their own, personal, advantage, at the expense of society at large & future generations, beginning with our own children & grandchildren.

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@EPoe187 It will lead nowhere without us recognising the Orwellian nature of the so-called #NationState, including Western "democracies".

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My thanks to Sunder Katwala for reminding me of this exchange of tweets in which #DavidAaronovitch describes me as "a genuine racist". David is a very eminent British journalist & intellectual, who has been awarded an #OrwellPrize, no less, & whose journalism I admired.

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@rogerahicks: What was blinding them? I asked myself. And around 2008 I recognised what it was, which is the very nature of the state itself, which deceitfully poses as our nation. So simple, but evidently very difficult for most people to recognise.

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@rogerahicks: It permeates present-day British & Western civilisation in much the same way that medieval church ideology did, with its notion of #OriginalSin, which only submission to church ideology & authority could save the individual from eternal damnation for.

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@MigrationWatch British parliamentary "democracy" is a farce that is betraying Native Britons to the madness of mass immigration & the Orwellian ideology of post-racial multiculturalism & DIVERSITY. We need to oppose & defeat #BigBrother British state & establishment.

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@AlanHarvey67 @ChanLPfa @TDSB_North_A I'd rather be called a "racist" than love/identify with #BigBrother, which is how we are enslaved to #TheMatrix of state & capital.
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I like to preserve exchanges such as this, in which the person I'm engaging with ends up blocking me.

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@Sargon_of_Akkad He is speaking from the view of pseudo-nationhood, where patriotism is a declaration of love for #BigBrother.

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@ChanLPfa I was born into an entirely White society, which has been transformed by mass immigration from the 3rd world, which the British state & establishment expects me & every other Native Briton to adapt to. You seem to be experiencing something very similar in Canada.

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@rogerahicks: We are in deep shit, & unless we (esp. academics) quickly recognise & develop an understanding of this, we will drown in it. I recognised it long ago & have had some success in developing an understanding of it.
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@marnedawgmoon2 @Henrik_Palmgren @MikeHudema We were warned in the early 1970s that our mercenary, rapacious, grossly materialistic, growth- & fossil-fuel-dependent economy was inherently unsustainable on our finite, vulnerable & overpopulated planet, #SpaceshipEarth.

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@eurorabbit "Institutional Anti-Whitism" really is the issue, & has been for decades. It began as an overreaction to the evils of Nazism, #JimCrow, slavery & empire, which was weaponised by #BigBrother & his minions as an instrument of socio-political rewards, intimidation & control.

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The underlying problem lies with the state itself, the primary purpose of which is not to serve society at large, as we are taught, but to facilitate its self-exploitation, to the personal advantage of its elites, at the expense of society at large & future generations. https://t.co/pxQYtVVT23
: Why have the academics we look to as authorities on understanding society, the state & civilisation failed to recognise this? Academics are themselves favoured clients & employees of the mercenary #PatronState, which deceitfully poses as our nation. That's why.

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@rogerahicks: The underlying problem lies with the state itself, the primary purpose of which is not to serve society at large, as we are taught, but to facilitate its self-exploitation, to the personal advantage of its elites, at the expense of society at large & future generations.

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@rogerahicks: Like ancient Greece & Rome before it. It's what ALL civilisations, not first destroyed by some rival, ultimately do, & there's an evolutionary explanation for it, which your brother, Bret, fails to recognise, his #EvolutionaryLens being distorted by his #AmericanPatriotism.

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@IcyLemons @eric85978221 @Henrik_Palmgren @timjacobwise DIVERSITY is indeed a strength - for #BigBrother & his minions. https://t.co/MzJsMgqVjv
: @IcyLemons @eric85978221 @Henrik_Palmgren @timjacobwise

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@IcyLemons @eric85978221 @Henrik_Palmgren @timjacobwise DIVERSITY is indeed a strength - for #BigBrother & his minions.

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@TheChiefNerd @BretWeinstein @patrickbetdavid @PBDsPodcast Bret is close to the truth, I think, but is prevented by his #AmericanPatriotism, which distorts his #EvolutionaryLens, from seeing the whole truth, which is the Orwellian nature of the state itself. All states, including America.

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@steveinpursuit Humans evolved to trust their tribal/national leaders, which made good, evolutionary sense. Only, our original tribes & nations were replaced long ago by a mercenary #PatronState that corrupts evolved human nature & society with it. @BretWeinstein

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@rogerahicks: There is method & purpose to this madness, however, which recognising & understanding would help us overcome:
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@jonkay I can't help feeling that Canada, like Britain & America, has fallen prey to an ideology of divide & rule:

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@MrMatthewTodd To say that society is "broken" is to imply that it was once whole, which was never the case. If we want to fix society, we need to understand this, along with the fact that it IS working, as it always has, for society's elites, including the academics we look to as authorities.

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What is Britain? From an evolutionary perspective, it's an artificial environment to be exploited to one's own personal advantage, which includes one's immediate family. In this regard, the British state plays a deceitful & quite Orwellian role:

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@BuenoForMiami I only have any real experience of living I Britain & Germany, but I guess any western "democracy would do. The problem is, there's no future for young people, because of how we are plundering & spoiling our finite, vulnerable & overpopulated planet, #SpaceshipEarth.

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@apmassaro3 I would describe Russia as a mafia state. Which, of course, it has always been, & as too, to a lesser, but still very significant, extent are western "democracies".

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@jonkay The whole point for creating a DIVERSE, multi-racial society, was to facilitate society's control by #BigBrother & his minions.

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@monitoringbias @epkaufm Yet more evidence for how DIVERSITY strengthens society - I don't think. DIVERSITY is a strength for #BigBrother & his minions, who now dominate Britain, which I explain in the attached text.

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@david_r_morgan @ShibInuit Obviously, it is not a coincidence, but in the very nature of the state itself:
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@Sargon_of_Akkad @ClarkeMicah @jordanbpeterson Britain is not a failed state - not yet, but a failed nation. In fact, there are no nations, just mercenary patron states deceitfully posing as nations, which is how #BigBro tricks us into loving him. No need for torture, as there was with Winston Smith in 1984.

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@rogerahicks: Bridport, still in Christmas garb, complete with half Moon & Jupiter (I presume), & yet another West Bay sunset, from last Thursday.

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This is the promenade that extends west from Bridport Harbour/West Bay towards Eype. The high tide & high winds sent up fountains of stray as waves crashed onto the rocks. A sight to behold & enjoy on the last day of the year. I was caught by a few, but had my waterproofs on.

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@rogerahicks: @Sargon_of_Akkad @ClarkeMicah This ideology is not only pathological, but also serves our elites as an excellent instrument of socio-political intimidation & control, much as medieval church ideology once did, which is why it is so difficult to dislodge & cure.

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From my parody account.
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@Sargon_of_Akkad @ClarkeMicah Unless we unite, we will fall. The English/British have never been united, except under false pretences, but have alway been dominated by elites using a strategy of divide & rule, which now looks like this:

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@Henrik_Palmgren When we recognise the true nature of the state & those who run it. The point is, we have to do so in a rational, peaceful, legal & civilised fashion.

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@__Average_Joe__ @shaw_sandy I had the same experience with my former MP, @Wesstreeting. I have since moved away, but he is still an eminent Labour politician. Instead of representing, or even discussing my concerns with me, he blocked me, for broaching the taboo issue of DIVERSITY.

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@kennymxu America's founders, who envisaged a White, European nation on American soil, would be horrified at what has become of America. They knew that multi-racial nationhood was a BIG no-no, but #BigBrother state prevailed in the Civil War & ever since.
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@Law3579 @SredyAhmed @HandyGandy3 @NDoxing @growingtotruth Did you read the text I attached about the power-political purpose of DIVERSITY, which is quite Orwellian - just not as Orwell himself had envisaged it? Our civilisation will destroy itself resisting this madness, as it must.

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@TheFieryBones @auntiewillow @ChanLPfa In moderation perhaps, but not on a massive scale & when used as an instrument of socio-political intimidation & control, as it is in the West today.

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@HdxAcademy @GlennLoury @CityJournal Asians are, on average, cleverer than Whites, & Whites, on average, cleverer than Africans. Why can't we just accept that, as the Catholic Church, after a very long delay, accepted the Copernican world view? America is a #PatronState: thus the patronisation.

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@SquipFitch @Law3579 @growingtotruth Racism, i.e. racial prejudice, is a modern, secular replacement for #OriginalSin, which our cognitive elites, as in medieval times, have weaponised as an instrument of socio-political intimidation & control:

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@Sargon_of_Akkad This is where DIVERSITY (Orwellian newspeak for racial & ethnic mixing, which goes to the opposite extremes of Nazi ideology of racial/ethnic purity & supremacy) was always bound to lead.

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@rogerahicks: I'm not defending White supremacy, but I do defend #WhiteNationalism, shared race being a natural foundation stone of national identity, which #BigBrother state denies & demonises.
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@elonmusk @BillyM2k We shouldn't be trying to create a single narrative, which is what the medieval church attempted to do, & we know where that led. National narratives are Orwellian. They are how Big Brother tricks us into loving him. No need for torture as there was with #WinstonSmith in 1984.

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@EzraDrissman The Civil War was NOT fought primarily to free Black slaves, but to preserve the Union & power of the federal state, which it has been abusing ever since, not least in taking America into WW1, thereby helping to pave the way for the rise of Nazism, WW2 & the Holocaust.

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@rogerahicks: I'm not angry with the offending immigrants, so much as with the British authorities & politicians (mainly Labour) who imposed this Orwellian & moral-supremacist ideology on the country in pursuit of their own power-political interests:

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@DrDebraSoh The biggest lie, Debra, which in my experience almost everyone swallow whole, is the one that equates state & nation. This is how #BigBrother tricks us into loving him. No need for torture, as there was with #WinstonSmith in Orwell's 1984.

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@rogerahicks: The problem with the status quo is that it is inherently unjust, inhumane & UNSUSTAINABLE on our finite, vulnerable & overpopulated planet, #SpaceshipEarth. In attempting to sustain the unsustainable, we are plundering & spoiling our planet. It's as simple as that.

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@SwipeWright @elonmusk Gender ideology has a vital role to play in opening our eyes to the similarly Orwellian & moral-supremacist ideology of post-racial multiculturalism, DIVERSITY, Inclusion, AntiFascism & Antiracism that has dominated the West for decades: https://t.co/CuG64txM9x
: @SwipeWright @elonmusk

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@SwipeWright @elonmusk Gender ideology has a vital role to play in opening our eyes to the similarly Orwellian & moral-supremacist ideology of post-racial multiculturalism, DIVERSITY, Inclusion, AntiFascism & Antiracism that has dominated the West for decades:

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Caught him (or her) on camera! The culprit responsible for littering the path to my garden with moss & dirt, which I have to sweep up at regular intervals. https://t.co/hxIrmIUxOR
: I'm adding these two shots of the iconic (for #Bridport) #ColmersHill, which is just out of sight behind that warehouse, which I was able to capture a few weeks ago when my kitchen roof was being renewed & there was scaffolding in place.

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Caught him (or her) on camera! The culprit responsible for littering the path to my garden with moss & dirt, which I have to sweep up at regular intervals.

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@SophieRunning @ManduReid @WEP_UK ". . holding two different opinions while clearly preferring one . ." This is called Orwellian doublethink & illustrates just how Orwellian (not just) British society has become - or, perhaps, always was.

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Democracy & reason prevail, & #BigBrother & his minions are not happy.

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