@KhalkeionGenos Beachstud90210 Opposition activist. National nudism. Anti-xenoestrogen awareness. Militant radical Hellenism. Free Tibet Cartagena, Colombia

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Slurs & ToS Breaches Nazi Dogwhistles Antisemitism Transphobia Anti-Blackness Homophobia Misogyny Asian Hate Groypers Proud Boys
Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 89
Beachstud90210 @KhalkeionGenos
Want to thank frends for great suBBort these years. Since BAP is back please follow him at @bronzeagemantis We at Club Tropical Excellent will continue our operations on this account but at a somewhat reduced schedule, we enjoy sun for a bit

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Beachstud90210 @KhalkeionGenos
This particular tweet got me so much hate especially from people supposedly “on the right.” There’s a reason fake performative facelord groups don’t want concept of “leaderless resistance” to spread among us. It’s the only thing that will work in the coming troubles. https://t.co/Half2193tI
Beachstud90210 @KhalkeionGenos
These tweets were reported by Marxoods pretending to be on the right. There is a consistency to what entryists fear and hate on here. Please study for reference and understand why things like this set off Pharisaic Biblebanging Third Worldist communitarian “postliberals”

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Beachstud90210 @KhalkeionGenos
This particular tweet got me so much hate especially from people supposedly “on the right.” There’s a reason fake performative facelord groups don’t want concept of “leaderless resistance” to spread among us. It’s the only thing that will work in the coming troubles.

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Beachstud90210 @KhalkeionGenos
Remember to read great philosophers themselves, and not history of philosophy, intellectual thought, genealogies of concepts. Mostly useless. Also often they rest on denial of aristocracy of nature--assume that "history" produced ideas, and not rare, chance men of genius:

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Beachstud90210 @KhalkeionGenos
@AwakenedEldrit3 "That's kayfabe bro. Everyone knows in their wood-paneled secret handshake Elite Bad Guy rooms they are actually praising Nietzsche and talking about their secret eugenic plans tracing back to Moloch"

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Beachstud90210 @KhalkeionGenos
Schopenhauer on the butchery of the German language by Hegelian scribbler-propagandists (the Francis Fukuyamas and professorial regime boosters of their time); such a great outburst, makes me chuckle heheh https://t.co/qoyMFiCYTT
Beachstud90210 @KhalkeionGenos

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Beachstud90210 @KhalkeionGenos
Schopenhauer on the butchery of the German language by Hegelian scribbler-propagandists (the Francis Fukuyamas and professorial regime boosters of their time); such a great outburst, makes me chuckle heheh

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Beachstud90210 @KhalkeionGenos
Schopenhauer attaq ponderous obscurity of writing style, and praise simplicity and naive: https://t.co/hVRuZujHLu
Beachstud90210 @KhalkeionGenos

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Beachstud90210 @KhalkeionGenos
Schopenhauer attaq ponderous obscurity of writing style, and praise simplicity and naive:

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Beachstud90210 @KhalkeionGenos
Schopenhauer attaqs abandonment of Latin as universal language of intellect and research. He adds that "patriotism, if it tries to assert itself in the realm of knowledge, is objectionable and should be expelled." (Most egregious example today is in Chinese national "science")

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Beachstud90210 @KhalkeionGenos
Schopenhauer in talking of what anthropology really is ends up giving you a wonderful reading list. This is only most basic way in which "Schopenhauer as educator" is true; has the best taste, suggestions. He's also right, is why despite advances in genetics, HBD today mostly sux

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Beachstud90210 @KhalkeionGenos
"I don't think it's the *relativism*" https://t.co/DQo90YrGHb https://t.co/JI9C6g4HHy
Beachstud90210 @KhalkeionGenos
"I don't think it's the *relativism*"
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Beachstud90210 @KhalkeionGenos
I may be waiting for you in the alley behind restaurant...in the dark; it is me at night behind the trash bin...I may be outside your window looking up from the street...

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Beachstud90210 @KhalkeionGenos
Caribbean Rhythms episode 125 will come out tomorrow is show on Schopenhauer “eloquence of wrath” and his various rousing attaqs on Hegel and the left of his time …which is the left of always

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Beachstud90210 @KhalkeionGenos
Question for HBD frends: is this selection for inborn altruism, "pathological" or not?

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Beachstud90210 @KhalkeionGenos
The paltry doctrines thrown about now are with few exceptions OBSOLETE given the great commotions of next century. All accept religious or leftist framing that leaves European man UNPREPARED: only thing that matters is if a harsh, uncaring, unhumanitarian morality can be adopted!

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Beachstud90210 @KhalkeionGenos
Team sports, modern--clothmos...mercenary hiring of foreigners to represent "nation." Commercial, populist, played by and appealing to gyno-males... Individual sport, ancient--NUDE! For display of individual biological supremacy, "native stocks"; spirit-intoxicated, aristocratic

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Beachstud90210 @KhalkeionGenos
“One man is ten thousand if he is best”

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Beachstud90210 @KhalkeionGenos
"Rule by many is not good, let there be one ruler, one king..."

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Beachstud90210 @KhalkeionGenos
So apparently this guy or Milo is currently wearing a gorilla suit on Alex Jones and impersonating a monkeyfux phat beats performer in a continuing effort to smear Trump. Suggest ignore clown show after this and not get distracted from humiliating D’Santis from running https://t.co/Moy3yQAtqP https://t.co/ixNUrsPyzq
Beachstud90210 @KhalkeionGenos
So apparently this guy or Milo is currently wearing a gorilla suit on Alex Jones and impersonating a monkeyfux phat beats performer in a continuing effort to smear Trump. Suggest ignore clown show after this and not get distracted from humiliating D’Santis from running
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Beachstud90210 @KhalkeionGenos
“The Ephesians would do well to ACK themselves, every grown man, and leave the city to beardless lads; for they have cast out Hermodoros, the best man among them, saying: ‘We will have none who is best among us; if there be any such, let him be so elsewhere and among others.’”

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Beachstud90210 @KhalkeionGenos
“The best want one thing above all others, everflowing fame among mortals. But the many stuff themselves like livestock.”

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Beachstud90210 @KhalkeionGenos
It's meaningless to say "this is the attitude that LED to mass immigration" even if that were true (it's not). At moment you find yourself in, there's already a glut of Oaxacans & co. so a kid doing slave work with Mexrobots and being abused by sheboon is what happens right now.

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Beachstud90210 @KhalkeionGenos
"...But by teaching never will you make the bad man good..." -Theognis of Megara

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Beachstud90210 @KhalkeionGenos
Neal Ellis man of power. The right and good by nature is the advantage of the stronger. https://twitter.com/KhalkeionGenos/status/1595251175548506119/video/1

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Beachstud90210 @KhalkeionGenos
It's happening. Avatar Vishnu. Trials in stadiums.

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Beachstud90210 @KhalkeionGenos
"The wise man knows many things by nature, while those who have only learned chatter with raucous and indiscriminate tongues in vain like crows against the divine bird of Zeus..."

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Beachstud90210 @KhalkeionGenos
General Villas Boas, ex-commander of the Brazilian military, published this statement last night in support of the massive continuing protests in that country. Frends there seem to think it is significant. Anyone care to translate it? Media continues to hide the protests

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Beachstud90210 @KhalkeionGenos
Gotta love contemporary academic "ancient history"; I can imagine how her puccy felt when she wrote "WHATEVER THAT MAY MEAN" You see it's nothing at all if all your kings, your gods and your warrior class are named in one-generation-removed Sanskrit, it's just "some contact"

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Beachstud90210 @KhalkeionGenos
Machiavelli on Ferdinand of Aragon...how does this make you feel?

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Beachstud90210 @KhalkeionGenos
"A man with inborn glory has great weight. But he who has only learned is a man in darkness..."

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Beachstud90210 @KhalkeionGenos
I compared that salt of the earth Bearded Working Man with Wife to Jonah Goldberg because Goldberg made verbatim the same dumb point years ago. Conservacuck self delusion isn’t truer when repackaged in flannel by henpecked drone just because takes instagram photos of IKEA project

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Beachstud90210 @KhalkeionGenos
Is this an activism

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Beachstud90210 @KhalkeionGenos
Here is Herodotus' famous passage "nomos is king among men": THE example he uses for the Greks is cremation. One of their most cherished rites, and as such it was most faithfully practiced by aristocracy. The bone studies RE ancient Greece are based on deviant or lowcaste samples
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Beachstud90210 @KhalkeionGenos
If they win GOP first act must be making Trump Speaker of the House and impeaching Baidan + Gamal Harris. Otherwise they're not serious. The people want serious entertainment and trolling, not "governance." Thank

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Beachstud90210 @KhalkeionGenos
Nicolas Poussin, "Autumn" 1660

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Beachstud90210 @KhalkeionGenos
Reminder that this is about the usual breed of my "haters" ("hatiz" to put it in the language of their people). In case you don't know who this is, it is facelord Baked Alaska, ex Buzzfeed Journalist, Federal informant, and apparently "the future of the right" https://twitter.com/KhalkeionGenos/status/1585479835962441730/video/1

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Beachstud90210 @KhalkeionGenos
@LokiJulianus is this true? Recommend switch from refried beans to black eyed pea with cured pork

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Beachstud90210 @KhalkeionGenos
Steve Sailer antagonist David Simon has crossed too many lines; Sailer has given word to Malibu "locals only" nationalist bodybuilders: and now in tunnels underneath the Baltimore subways this is the last thing Simon sees

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Beachstud90210 @KhalkeionGenos
We goin death con

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Beachstud90210 @KhalkeionGenos

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Beachstud90210 @KhalkeionGenos
Extremely brutal Danish male model prepares for the final dismemberment of Poland and a new world order established in Europe, under Scandinavian and Finnish suzerainty. Alliance considered with Italy. Simultaneous hydrogen bomb explosions reported Kinshasa, Nairobi

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Beachstud90210 @KhalkeionGenos
Estonian supremacist David Laid looks wistfully at camera. Knows that current events in Europe are only prelude to a new dismemberment of Poland, a new partition. This time the rise of the Finnic and Ugric peoples. The century of the Finnish man.

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Beachstud90210 @KhalkeionGenos
Forest satyr lost in thought by streams woods outside Puerto Aysen. Contemplates nearby hidden stash of 25 Exocet armed with tactical nuclear warheads.

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Beachstud90210 @KhalkeionGenos
"Hello anon welcome to Bali. We just finished setting up two wannabe 'swole left' moffugin wholesome leftist communitarian powerlifters. They are now mulch in the Saraswati temple waters. Wanna join us on our next adventures?"

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Beachstud90210 @KhalkeionGenos
Unusual face Irish leprechaun type bodybuilder posts bathroom selfie before prepare major chimpout rampage in Boston convention center realtors conference

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Beachstud90210 @KhalkeionGenos
Reason for compassion toward all animool but not other hueman is: Ideas or species are different gradations of the manifestation of the Will in phenomenal world. But the "gradation" (or species) of man is not set and decided like that of other animool. Therefore must be purified. https://t.co/C9Fg0EFkdX
Beachstud90210 @KhalkeionGenos
: "But what could I mean, in affect, immediate....my innate disgust at man's faulty quality of reason and his lying and stupid nature; which I would like to see eliminated in favor of a higher and polar instinct, the polar gaze of a gyrfalcon, sublime in sight and perception..."

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Beachstud90210 @KhalkeionGenos
Reason for compassion toward all animool but not other hueman is: Ideas or species are different gradations of the manifestation of the Will in phenomenal world. But the "gradation" (or species) of man is not set and decided like that of other animool. Therefore must be purified.

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Beachstud90210 @KhalkeionGenos
I am consider going mainstream, forming real-life group. It would be the American Ba'ath PAC with an attendant social action group called the Fedayeen White King. Do you think this is the path forward

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Beachstud90210 @KhalkeionGenos
What are the chances this Nordstream event isn't sabotage but result of maintenance in that area having been transferred to a crew of USA Tampa sheboon naval operators + local Polak Wakanda engineers? https://twitter.com/KhalkeionGenos/status/1574934582927183872/photo/1

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Beachstud90210 @KhalkeionGenos
It wasn’t even anything so grand. It was day to day spirit crushing bureaucratic tyranny that elevated the worst in society and gave them power to harass with malice with no recourse…the equivalent of sheboon secretaries or Travis Browns w total power over physics professors etc
The rigid adherence to deranged Lysenkoist/Stakhanovite principles of organisation which inevitably lead to industrial failure and persistent famines coupled with the constant threat of random and capricious purges of course had nothing to do with anyone fleeing the USSR. https://twitter.com/LGBTFeednSeed/status/1566680014514528256

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Beachstud90210 @KhalkeionGenos
You walk with gril in forest late night...and from behind spruce HE appear...wat you do?

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Beachstud90210 @KhalkeionGenos
I need burrito green chille do you lyk this

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Beachstud90210 @KhalkeionGenos
I like this FLEX from a ruler, should be used today also. "He lied..."

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Beachstud90210 @KhalkeionGenos
#HandsomeThursday death of Sarpedon #VivaLaMuerte

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Beachstud90210 @KhalkeionGenos
I want to see the use of tacticool nukes in Europe soon. Let there be an orgy of redemptive physical fire for those who lack it inside them! Putler should also punish the Serbs and Bulgarians for their inconstant support

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Beachstud90210 @KhalkeionGenos
recording nao

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Beachstud90210 @KhalkeionGenos
Russian crew sent to San Diego special operational group

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Beachstud90210 @KhalkeionGenos
Would you die for him

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Beachstud90210 @KhalkeionGenos
Frantz Fanon would watch up to 8 movies a day and sit in front row shouting at the screen

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Beachstud90210 @KhalkeionGenos
Interesting clip from Alain Soral on how certain supposedly progressive social movements were in fact the tools of employers and wageslavery. This is good to troll certain people with, but I don't know if full truth: I don't know if economic explanation is true in end https://twitter.com/LatinxPutler/status/1441035160040914944/video/1

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