@KYCE54 K. PharmD Pharmacist. Father. Business Enthusiast. Somewhere

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Slurs & ToS Breaches Nazi Dogwhistles Antisemitism Transphobia Anti-Blackness Homophobia Misogyny Groypers Proud Boys
Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 3
Katja Willson @KatjaWillson
What else do they have in common? https://t.co/FGkMV5lkXJ
K. PharmD @KYCE54
@K8Willson @WeThePeople021 ((()))

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I’ve been dreaming of this moment. https://t.co/MIqVZu7YRt
K. PharmD @KYCE54

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K. PharmD @KYCE54
@Harley_Ride @ketchmeifucan ((())) benefiting ((()))

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zerohedge @zerohedge
so @ryancohen was dumping BBBY stock all day yesterday, long BEFORE he filed his form 144 https://t.co/OFhJhLvOTl
K. PharmD @KYCE54
@super_trades @ryancohen ((()))

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unusual_whales @unusual_whales
Goldman Sachs, $GS, and Bank of America, $BAC, to cover fees for legal abortion, per BI.
K. PharmD @KYCE54

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Elon Musk @elonmusk
Just dropping some friends off at the pool
K. PharmD @KYCE54
No one got it MUSK!!!! ((JOHN PODESTA)) Wink wink

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K. PharmD @KYCE54
@CodeMonkeyZ @LLinWood ((())). Epstein works for them MO...S

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US Rebel @USRising1776
It's now come out that GeneraI Mattis was secretly subverting America & working for an organization that operates on behalf of China. The name? The Cohen Group. These people & their servants like Mattis are a p a r a s i t e, and preparing to change hosts once they destroy 🇺🇸 https://t.co/CwFPHSrA6c
K. PharmD @KYCE54
: @USRebellion1776 (((cohen))). Always

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An0maly @LegendaryEnergy
What's it called when you're told your ethnicity is inherently bad, standing up for yourself is racist, you were never a victim in history, but the most powerful people who run a lot of major banking & media are forever the victim who get to replay history in their favor forever?
K. PharmD @KYCE54
At some point calling out the truth can’t be labeled racist, because it’s the only way to solve the problem. ((They)) claim supremacy yet also claiming victimhood. Is it inferiority or superiority complex?! Cognitive Dissonance at its finest!!!!!

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Joel Rubin @JoelMartinRubin
Donald Trump obstructed Congress & abused his power. He says he'll prove that he's innocent. But he won't. No evidence exists to exonerate him. We Americans reject Constitutional subversion. Its time for Republicans to use facts. Not Kremlin talking points. https://t.co/EEK8PVc20E
K. PharmD @KYCE54

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Don Winslow @donwinslow
And the list is growing: The Washington Post: Impeach Los Angeles Times: Impeach Boston Globe: Impeach Orlando Sentinel: Impeach Philadelphia Inquirer: Impeach USA Today: Impeach
K. PharmD @KYCE54
@PreetBharara (((impeach)))

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David Corn @DavidCornDC
What did *they* tell you was in the report? https://t.co/IPzqLbabur
K. PharmD @KYCE54

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K. PharmD @KYCE54
@AngeloJohnGage ((()))) sure does

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Bill Kristol @BillKristol
July 4th is a "liberal" holiday, marking when in the course of human events we acted to secure freedom. Thanksgiving is a "conservative" holiday, acknowledging gratitude to what is above us. The spirit of independence and of thanksgiving together constitute the spirit of liberty.
K. PharmD @KYCE54

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K. PharmD @KYCE54
@EvilHillaryPics @V8POW ((()))

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Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 @JackPosobiec
Exclusive -- Nunes to Sue CNN, Daily Beast over Fake News Attacks https://t.co/J2ndTaUhdS
K. PharmD @KYCE54
Hate to say it ((()))

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