@theComposer79 mezzanotte 🌌 Web. Music. Design. Culture. History

theComposer79's neighborhood:

Slurs & ToS Breaches Nazi Dogwhistles Antisemitism Transphobia Anti-Blackness Homophobia Misogyny Groypers Proud Boys Patriot Front
Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 64

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@RebelNews_USA @RebelNewsOnline “Manhunt”

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@GlomarResponder “Mate”

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@disclosetv Die Hard 2 shit

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@nypost Joke City 🌃

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@GUNNAR_SALT: @ham_hawks_

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@SouthlandPost WTF some Training Day type shit lmao

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@CombatTherapist @elonmusk Just grip em up and slam em - Musk has those long arms too.

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@chrisclark503 “37”

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@lporiginalg “Trans” kids

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@nypost “Fry moved to Singapore and works as a Life Coach” perfection

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@WomanDefiner These people are pure narcissists “RAINBOW UNDERGROUND RAILROAD 🛤️ “

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@DolioJ I think I’ll make it

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@TheSoleWitness Curtail “rights”

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@ploughmansfolly “It’s not the breed, it’s the owner”

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@BowTiedBroke Go-go gadget legs!!!

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@AuronMacintyre “Refugee”

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@MarkSmi70354099 “Ally”

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@theComposer79: @iamyesyouareno If you’re White, avoid Baltimore, MD like the plague 💀

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@disclosetv “There is no anti-White agenda!!!!”

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@Cernovich “They hate us for our FREEDOM 🇺🇸🇺🇸”

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@wayotworld Lmao Holy Fuck “Bro, black people are just better than White people at Muh sportsball. It’s just a fact”

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@KILLTOPARTY Does some lame Trump “impressions” and “woke jokes”

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@JackPosobiec You don’t say

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@AnthonyCumia “Love never fails” hoodie

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@realchrisrufo You don’t say

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@JesseKellyDC “We are the protectors of Democracy!!!”

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@DissidentSoaps “Both are equally as dangerous!”

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@JackPosobiec “IT’S NOT DA BREED, IT’S DA OWNER!!!”

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@Breaking911 Really?

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@MysteryGrove Hannity will lead the Boomers to Heaven’s Gate ⛅️

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@daxtonbrown @YahooFinance

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@corpfessions @NEETOCRACY “I don't even have to come into the office, I can do this job from home.”

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@JoshLekach Secretly recording your father and posting it on Tik Tok for “clout”

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@AetiusRF “Top Shelf Investing”

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@JackPosobiec “The US Justice System is heavily skewed in favor of White heterosexual males!”

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@greg_price11 Wow. Who could have predicted this verdict?

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@_Rian_Stone Don’t sound too excited about it, boss lmao

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@MysteryGrove “DeeJzNuts” — the legal scholar has spoken.

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@AetiusRF “White people terrorizing”

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@Thewokeexposed This movie came out in 1999 — Predictive Programming 101

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@FrantizekPaul @otorironogatari @Texan_Jack

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@JoshLekach Late stage capitalism gives zero fucks Lmao

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@Slatzism You just know this dude is carrying all the communicable diseases

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@OwenBenjamin Short memories — now it’s back to worshipping dorks like this now 👇🏼 When the next global hoax comes, they will fall harder than the Covid insanity

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@pixelproven @DavidSo59 Of course. White Liberal Americans have zero survival instincts anymore. No sympathy.

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@JesseKellyDC “Career civil servant”

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@MysteryGrove This movie came out in 2019, but I just watched it a few weeks ago. Some time traveler mulatto girl goes on a 40 year quest through time and space to stop “Muh White supremacists” from committing some large scale terrorist attacks in the future that will alter the US forever lol

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@DagoSupremacy “We love are based racist Italians —don’t we, folks?”

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@StacheAutonomy “I’m fine with my gf/wife getting railed by multiple men per month. I’ve ‘overcome’ my jealousy, and my natural impulses because I am a smart boy”

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@JesseKellyDC My wife saw this billboard the other day and commented on Jane and some book she read about her for book club. I told my wife Jane there would sit back and facilitate the extermination of billions of humans to “save the planet”, and not miss a wink of sleep.

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@DavidSo59 @nypost American universities when they find a black student with braids that wants to go to college on a scholarship regardless of merit.

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@tinbroforever “Dilan, my person”

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@WilliamA_33 WE WUZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHH!!!!!!!!

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@ps1ack Some World War Z type shit

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@JesseKellyDC “But, Jesse, spreadsheet ‘careers’ and OF are way more interesting than having children” “Everyone needs to ‘find’ their ‘happiness’ — that’s most important”

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@Abdulla_Alamadi Ewwwwwwww Imagine living in Minneapolis

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@iamyesyouareno “We built this nation!!!” — black Americans

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@lporiginalg Crazy how this keeps happening

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@MarkSmi70354099 TGIF!!!

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@ScottMGreer “Just move to MUH RED STATE, they will fight for you”

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@Breaking911 “Better for the planet”

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@doglovergirl07 @Prolife_Sam @chedancer @charliekirk11

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@KILLTOPARTY “Happily Divorced!!”

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@FrankDeScushin “Force my mom”

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@DelusionPosting “Half man / half beast”

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@JackPosobiec Black PYPO built this NATION!!!!”

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@AJA_Cortes FREE TIBET!!!!! Paging The Beastie Boys Lmao

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@AshaLogos @HarryPotterMAGE

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@FrankDeScushin That’s why you only see these signs in high valued areas with 94% White residents

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@JesseKellyDC This is 95% of Republicans They have thrown in the towel a while ago — stay safe out there.

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@JackPosobiec Wow far left Neo-Marxists are working for the Manhattan DA’s office?

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Coastal Country Club @ccmembersonly
This is the democrat party after a Christian school is attacked. No other comment necessary. https://t.co/GkdHeVnOXl
mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@JackPosobiec “It’s different when we do it”

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@BowTiedGatorDDS Watched this years ago — drew me in from the first scene, watch it every chance I get.

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@remnantposting “I don’t condone their actions”

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@KMwRijDfoXnNnEg @JesseKellyDC

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@LeftyCrypto Trump absorbing that energy

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@CityBureaucrat Teflon Don

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@greg_price11 These people are all pure lunatics — shit is on some Jim Jones type cult insanity now.

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@ClownWorld_ “Straight”

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@MysteryGrove The Con Inc to live and let live Libertarian/nihilist continues.

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@ScottMGreer “Why does Trump keep ‘attacking’ his primary opponent!!!!!!”

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@Oilfield_Rando Some Running Man Dystopian shit

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@TheSoleWitness “Social construct”

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@JoshLekach “Discovering myself”

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@theComposer79: @0x49fa98

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If they are tools of the weak. Why do so many governments have them? 🤔🤔 https://t.co/7xUzBoXKTa
mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79

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View @bourbonislife80

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@GuyDealership @Sneeekd

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@DissidentSoaps The “rights” of

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@JackPosobiec Interesting lmao

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@libsoftiktok Wow, the SPLC has left wing Neo-Marxist goons working for them.

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@DagoSupremacy @misterterroni

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@FrantizekPaul “Clergy Spouse”

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@jokersillysongs “Every single black woman I’ve worked with was the most competent ever!!!”

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@JackPosobiec 23 hour LOCKDOWN! Lmao

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@ClownWorld_ Where’s the “teen’s” father?

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@realstewpeters Just coincidence

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@ImMeme0 blacks “built” this country

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@Prolife_Sam “No one is pro abortion”

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@Rojas_ChivasOax @Nature_and_Race

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@PhillyCrimeUpd @TempleUniv “Juveniles”

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@JackPosobiec “If you want to fight the illegal and space aliens, you can just come and fight me. I’ll fight you all day!”

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@Nature_and_Race “Just a prank YouTube vid, bro. Not real.”

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@RationalMale Same energy

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@MillerStream Lmao “36”

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@EndWokeness “I’M SAVING DA WORLD!!!!!!” — BILL GATES

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@calvinrobinson Same energy

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@JackPosobiec Slaves “built” this country

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@Malcolm_fleX48 @JesseKellyDC

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@restoreorderusa Thugs policing thugs

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@TheFlatEartherr @JustinAlbaugh2

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
Lmao two of the best players in the tennis world in the AO QF are Russian, along with top player Medvedev, and they still won’t put their nation’s flag 🇷🇺 on the draw table. Joke World

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@DrKojaksGhost: @kojaksghost @JohnSmi05612180

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@ClownWorld_ “Work” time lmao

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@VikingDadWisdom “Waitress in Vegas — 30 years old — 4 bodies”

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@DrBusinessGoose: @BusinessGoosePA

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Way of the World @wayotworld
Shekel collector Matt Walsh will happily tell you what a woman is, but he is resolutely antiwhite. https://t.co/wLCbdxrO3L
mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
Matt Walsh will defend your gas stove, but not your White children from rabid anti-white lunatics and (((tribesmen))).

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@LeeAnnStar23 @AdelaideJ2000 MLK BLVD — IYKYK

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@ClownWorld_ “Our Democracy”

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@Friended4Ever @jakeshieldsajj

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Greg Price @greg_price11
If these were priests, it would be the top story in America but it's only 600 teachers in one public school district so the media doesn't care as much. https://t.co/vVIckM1XY3
mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
And you know this has been going on for decades. But (((Hollywood))) isn’t going to make films and documentaries about atheist and secular public school teachers/board member pedos.

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View @greg_price11

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@JoshLekach @MillerStream “Star”

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@SteveInmanUIC @Dynomite94

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@TimothySandefur “Not focus on their achievements” lmao

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@RationalMale @Lauren_Southern

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@RexKahrs1 @MarieDrysdale3 “I’m staying in my pod to save the Planet”

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@DrJBhattacharya @Brad_Neaton The people voted for this. Good luck.

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@xbtGBH @snecktoshi

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@ClownWorld_ “This is an organic, roots based environmental movement!!!”

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@teresa_longwell @merissahamilton

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@GraduatedBen @MysteryGrove No mercy

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@ryan_cook2021 @TonyBrunoShow

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@Stephen_Geiger @ChanelRion “Muh side hustle!!!” Thought you were gonna get a little something extra this time around. Lmao

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@ApeDurden @Whitemantyping

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@BoSnerdley @americanwire_

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@MascMillennial Slave style mentality. Some battered woman psychology Lmao “Who needs guns anyway!?!?”

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@RationalMale “Suffer in silence”

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@Doc_0 @RitaPanahi

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@LennyDykstra All the dancing/singing monkeys 🙊 have to obey their (((masters))) — if they want to keep making coins. You can’t serve two masters. These ghouls sold their souls a long long time ago.

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@crystalscuor @GentsPlaybook

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Jesse Kelly @JesseKellyDC
Guys, If he actually tries for free speech, The System is gonna crush Elon Musk too. I’m sorry. There’s ZERO chance they’re gonna get this far along with their plans only to let one billionaire come in and set them back.
mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
The real right wing dissidents already predicted this on GAB and Telegram a few weeks ago. The (((small hats))) will shut down Twitter if the scales tip even slightly in favor of anything right of center.

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View @JesseKellyDC

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@FrantizekPaul @kristinatk23 @MsPicklesP “Coveted” Paul Ryan endorsement

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@liz_churchill7 Lmao holy fuck

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@nypost “Re-elected” Lmao

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@WatcherGuru @NEWS_MAKER

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
That didn’t take long. Next.

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@NEWS_MAKER Kyrie about to get an “education” lmao

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ye @kanyewest
This in not hate We are love God is love https://t.co/gjdSuQ9ICr
mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
The ‘tribe’ wants us to bend the knee and beg them for their Monopoly money. (((They))) get mad when we don’t worship what they worship 💰 All is being revealed now. Love it.

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@WallStreetSilv @hyperbitcoins

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@saifedean @ProfEmilyOster “In the dark”

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@MattWalshBlog He must have upset the (((tribe))) lmao It’s all so transparent

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@johncardillo This is what happens when modern “men” like (((Stern))) start getting close to the end. No more wisdom passed down, just bitching and whining about hyper accomplished men like Novak. Novak is going to be known as the GOAT when he retires from tennis. Stern is food for worms soon.

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@AngeloJohnGage (((The other nation being Israel 🇮🇱)))

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@RationalMale @MrAndyNgo @SeattlePD Because they are (((State))) sanctioned. Proxy soldiers for the GloboHomo New Order.

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Tim Pool @Timcast
Beyond desperate This is one of the most insane plays I have ever seen https://t.co/u2gy2ycf6k
mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79

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View @Timcast
mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@nypost Let him loose — we need more ANTIFA (((Commie))) HUNTERS on the streets.

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Scott Adams @ScottAdamsSays
I'm curious, what is the threshold for the SPLC labeling an organization a hate group? How many people does Antifa have to kill and maim to get all the way up to Ben Carson's level (according to the SPLC). And how about BLM?
mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
The (((SPLC))) tribe is running defense for the other tribe (((ANTIFA))). Easy, next.

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View @ScottAdamsSays
Nicholas J. Fuentes @NickJFuentes
Why has Antifa not been designated as a domestic terrorist organization yet?
mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
(((ANTIFA))) has some support in high places.

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@Breaking911 The anti-white (((tribe))) has seen enough. “Cut away, cut away!!!!!” hahahahaha

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Tucker Carlson Calling Out The New York Times For Going After His Family "Why is the New York Times doing a story on the location of my family's house? Well you know why, to hurt us. To injure my wife & kids so that I will shut up & stop disagreeing with them." https://t.co/6yPTNA3RBv
mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
(((NY Times)))

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View @ColumbiaBugle
mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@ClayTravis (((Bloomberg)))

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Stefan Molyneux @StefanMolyneux
If they defund the police, who is going to arrest you if you don’t pay your taxes?
mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
They will have a (((special))) police force just for that.

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Stefan Molyneux @StefanMolyneux
@joerogan calls white people “stupid” and that whites are doing almost all the looting. Who is training him to hate whites so much? His manager? His wife? His friends? Who?
mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@joerogan His (((wife)))

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mezzanotte 🌌 @theComposer79
@Nature_and_Race It will be any and all “excuses” they just fabricate out of thin air—while they slowly annihilate you. “Called me n*gger” > “talking shit” > “looked at me wrong” > “made me angry” > “invaded my safe space” > “stated facts about crime rates” etc etc.

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happy merchant 86%

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valknut 99%
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art_other 63%

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art_other 90%
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us flag 78%

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face 91%

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art_other 61%

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art_other 44%

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art_other 75%

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art_other 70%

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logos_flags_graphics 55%
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art_other 77%

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art_other 99%

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art_other 96%

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art_other 99%
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us flag 100%

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art_other 99%
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us flag 94%

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logos_flags_graphics 64%

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logos_flags_graphics 66%

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Classifier 20221028131014
logos_flags_graphics 78%

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art_other 94%

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critters 99%

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tldr 99%

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art_other 71%

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art_other 99%
us flag 90%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

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us flag 100%