@VervTheVaryag Verv Orthodox Christian, theomimetic diarchist, techno-agrarian traditionalist. 미국인 이고 정교회 신자입니다. 신격화적 양두정치주의자 & 테크노농업 정통주의자. Republic of Korea

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Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 69
Verv @VervTheVaryag
Korea's first lady looking like a 20-something during her official visit to the memorial of a child killed by a drunk driver.

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Verv @VervTheVaryag
Absolutely nasty stat there Miami should have this

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Verv @VervTheVaryag
What I remember about this is in the video he started offering the woman's dog treats as he was arguing with her, knowing it would cause a panic being that the first thing you'd think was that the guy saying "youll regret it" was trying to hurt the dog.

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Verv @VervTheVaryag
Imagine spending your entire adult life overweight - never knowing what it would be like to be found as passably attractive by the majority of the population because you have decided to carry a fat gut with you everywhere you go.

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Verv @VervTheVaryag
Not sure what kind of pose Trudeau is striking here but, honestly, it's kind of a charitable guy move... "Maybe if I spread my legs out far I will not tower over this bro."

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Verv @VervTheVaryag
Dumping surplus products on a country and undercutting local industry and supply lines is basically an act of warfare. [From Zeinhan's The Accidental Superpower]

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Verv @VervTheVaryag
This should make the rounds every few years - absolutely hilarious when the CIA starts marketing drone warfare & imperialism to Brooklyn hipsters & left coast progressives.

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Verv @VervTheVaryag
한국의 독자들은 우크라이나에게 무기를 주는 것에 관심이 없나 봐요. 한국의 우파라도 반대하는 것 같아요. 미국우월주의시대의 끝이 보입니다.

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Verv @VervTheVaryag
Just saw one of those crazy family photos: Two retired parents; three adult children who are 35+; zero grandchildren to be seen. Has the same vibe as the Korean funerary picture.

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Verv @VervTheVaryag
Just two decades of US policy -- US policy ('democracy,' 'globalism') has truly amazing marketing to be able to do all of this and still lecture the rest of the world on how their countries should be run & telling people who's on "the right side of history."

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Verv @VervTheVaryag
@6ukima9 Looked at her shirt and it made me think of this - bet they have a similar shape and hardness, too.

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Verv @VervTheVaryag
As a Christian I should not enjoy this headline & accompanying picture as much as I do.

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Verv @VervTheVaryag
It's wild that the source of Saigon's drinking water originates on the Tibetan plateau....

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Verv @VervTheVaryag
A significant amount of the high life expectancy map in blue is in Minnesota, the Dakotas, Iowa, Wisconsin, parts of Nebraska, Idaho, Utah... This isn't just about wealth - it correlates highly with small town homogeneous areas.

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Verv @VervTheVaryag
Prompt fixed for total win: https://t.co/td1X9tLQCN https://t.co/2n8OPp4FYz
Verv @VervTheVaryag
: This one also is good in its own way:

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Verv @VervTheVaryag
Prompt fixed for total win:
Verv @VervTheVaryag
I wanted to get a neon bust of Plato with potentially some added retro elements; "cheese punk" was just just an add on... Nonetheless... Neon Plato Retro Fashion Cheese Punk was not a total failure of a prompt.

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Verv @VervTheVaryag
I wanted to get a neon bust of Plato with potentially some added retro elements; "cheese punk" was just just an add on... Nonetheless... Neon Plato Retro Fashion Cheese Punk was not a total failure of a prompt.

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Verv @VervTheVaryag
@VervTheVaryag: Interestingly enough, polls back in 2006 show that only 45.1% of Koreans believed in 'continuing' the death penalty system, but this number recovered dramatically to around 70% in 2012.

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Verv @VervTheVaryag
@VervTheVaryag: Kim Jae-gyu (pictured), of course, was also executed assassinating the Korean President. He would be executed two months later by hanging - this is likely because he was then the Director of the Korean Central Intelligence Agency, and thus subject to civilian law.

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Verv @VervTheVaryag
Kim Jae-gyu (pictured), of course, was also executed assassinating the Korean President. He would be executed two months later by hanging - this is likely because he was then the Director of the Korean Central Intelligence Agency, and thus subject to civilian law. https://t.co/aicrtEXAR7
Verv @VervTheVaryag
: Pictures of Kim immediately after his execution were shared in the media - this included a picture of his exposed chest, a practice done to verify that he was no longer breathing. He was also unceremoniously photographed laying dead on the execution chamber's floor.

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View @VervTheVaryag
Verv @VervTheVaryag
The last high profile execution by firing squad that I was able to track down was that of Park Heung-ju, a Colonel who famously helped Kim Jae-gyu during the assassination of Pres. Park Chung-hee. https://t.co/JOgag10zh9
Verv @VervTheVaryag
: Park was convicted of shooting & killing one of the President's bodyguards on the orders of Kim Jae-gyu, and was executed by firing squad on March 6th, 1980 - here he is being walked to the place of execution.

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View @VervTheVaryag
Verv @VervTheVaryag
was executed for the 28th Infantry Division shooting massacre in which he killed 8 and wounded 4 in 1985. Korea still censors information about perpetrators & victims to this day, requiring a special ruling for the information to go public. https://t.co/q7BNe4kwaY
Verv @VervTheVaryag
: The last high profile execution by firing squad that I was able to track down was that of Park Heung-ju, a Colonel who famously helped Kim Jae-gyu during the assassination of Pres. Park Chung-hee.

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Verv @VervTheVaryag
@VervTheVaryag: was executed for the 28th Infantry Division shooting massacre in which he killed 8 and wounded 4 in 1985. Korea still censors information about perpetrators & victims to this day, requiring a special ruling for the information to go public.

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Verv @VervTheVaryag
Interestingly enough, the group included 5 women - the most famous of which was a woman who killed five people via poison to escape gambling debts. https://t.co/qQGu3iAH7P
Verv @VervTheVaryag
: All but two of the executed inmates were murderers - the two who weren't were convicted of burglary & serial rape. They were members of the gang of four, pictured below, and often raped women in front of their own children during 90+ break-ins.

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View @VervTheVaryag
Verv @VervTheVaryag
@VervTheVaryag: The final execution also included Kim Yong-jae who, in 1991, "because he hated people" and wanted to kill everyone drove to Yeoido (where the capital building in Seoul is) and began driving over people, injuring 21 & killing 2 children.

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Verv @VervTheVaryag
(1/16) of South Korea & Capital Punishment -- The death penalty still exists, but it hasn't been carried out since December 30th, 1997, when 23 criminals were executed all together on the same day. https://t.co/6Uvzb05M9b
Verv @VervTheVaryag
: Interestingly enough, the group included 5 women - the most famous of which was a woman who killed five people via poison to escape gambling debts.

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View @VervTheVaryag
Verv @VervTheVaryag
(1/16) of South Korea & Capital Punishment -- The death penalty still exists, but it hasn't been carried out since December 30th, 1997, when 23 criminals were executed all together on the same day.

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Verv @VervTheVaryag
In Korea, there were 720 murders in 2020, and 711 of these cases were prosecuted. Not sure what the conviction rate is, but I am guessing it is quite high - compare this to urban centers in the US where solving less than half of murders is pretty common.

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Verv @VervTheVaryag
The name 'Chaddus' goes very hard.

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Verv @VervTheVaryag
For all the folks in the diaspora.

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Verv @VervTheVaryag
Unironically inspiring.

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Verv @VervTheVaryag
Me: "Oh man, is that bubblegum boy?" Korean coworker: "Yes."

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Verv @VervTheVaryag
Tried to post a link to a report from infobrics that pionts out that 30% of all arable land in the Ukraine is owned by three American megacorporations and was politely informed that this content is banned... lol.

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Verv @VervTheVaryag
Literate medieval goth girls with bipolar disorder and internet access be like "Tell me you've got a melancholic - sanguine temperament without telling me you've got a melancholic - sanguine temperament."

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Verv @VervTheVaryag
I had always thought the love-shot was a distinctly Korean feature of drinking life but here's an English photographer and a Greek local doing one in Corinth back in 1903.

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Verv @VervTheVaryag
There will be young couples doing this unironically for trad points... And they aren't wrong.

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Verv @VervTheVaryag
Big brain takes

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Verv @VervTheVaryag
This speaks volumes.
Quoted tweet unavailable

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Verv @VervTheVaryag
@VervTheVaryag: @AugustusBenle One of the men who was immortalized raising the flag on Iwo Jima, Ira Hayes, was a Pima Indian and lifelong alcoholic who died of alcohol related causes. He had also helped identify some of the men who were also there raising the flag.

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Verv @VervTheVaryag
Pop density of the ROK

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Verv @VervTheVaryag
@Disavow_reality It's a very Christlike quality - and Andy Warhol was a Catholic who would even have his artwork subsequently honored with an exhibition at the Vatican.

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Verv @VervTheVaryag
How do we know it's not a poison sword? [Cryptic shitposting attempt]

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Verv @VervTheVaryag
Absolutely wild #Vikings #Giants

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Verv @VervTheVaryag
@Kaltencvnt @Grumpenfella @PeakeyTheThjrd @grayzonewarlord There is a recent frame-by-frame showing of the video and the man who initially surrendered can be seen grabbing and pulling an object in the final frames before the shooting begins, most speculating that he was then reaching for a gun... And that actually the real last straw

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Verv @VervTheVaryag
@MichelUzbek @archisoteric Here is St. John Chrysostom's commentary:

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Verv @VervTheVaryag
Sanctuary cities for gun owners have arrived.

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Verv @VervTheVaryag
Hollywood convinces people that the only time they experience conservatism is some false memory in which old people forbid them from listening to hip music & dancing. However, they do not believe they have experienced liberalism when their car is broken into by a meth head.

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Verv @VervTheVaryag
Prince Harry's shenanigans show us how in every Englishman there is the undefiled ancestor of the hillbillies - this sounds harsh, but I mean it as a compliment. The true potential of the Englishman has yet to be unlocked. We've seen only glimpses of what he's capable of.

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Verv @VervTheVaryag
@Panindependent ... and he showed so much potential back in the day.

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Verv @VervTheVaryag
제가 84년 인데 호주의 인구가 지난 38년동안 60% (10,000,000명) 늘어났고 카나다의 인구가 65% (13,000,000명) 늘어났습니다.

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Verv @VervTheVaryag
@prince_salina There will be no lack of youthful feminine energy in the house then... Not exactly my cup of tea but I'll make sure her choreography is tight.

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Verv @VervTheVaryag
@IliaOrthodox Hello my friend God bless

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Verv @VervTheVaryag
Literally trying to plant the idea in people's heads that they are living in a constant state of emergency because evil right wingers have organized already to shoot them. This is the real undermining of democracy.

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Verv @VervTheVaryag
Very brazen algorithm right here.

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Verv @VervTheVaryag
Billie Paul is, of course, a girl. These people all need to be stopped.

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Verv @VervTheVaryag
@8bit_frog @CervosRising He is on rumble with similar but slightly higher view counts, and he is doing best on Bitchute (attached) but let's also remember he syndicates a podcast through his own website that might be quite popular because he always pumps that link.

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Verv @VervTheVaryag
Well over half of the people in Qatar are from the Indosphere.

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Verv @VervTheVaryag
This really does have Phantom of the Opera vibes.

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Verv @VervTheVaryag
No idea what is out at 'Hoor's Place' in the middle of the Amazon and internet searches are not telling me anything... I'm officially intrigued. I gotta go there & investigate.

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Verv @VervTheVaryag
Same energy.

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Verv @VervTheVaryag
Historical population of Dhaka -- from a modest city of 335k to a bustling metropolis of 21.7 million... From the size of Stockton, California to bigger than NYC in 70 years.

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Verv @VervTheVaryag
@JYLewis3 @davonebeard My man! Your kid is 100x more likely to get abused by a public school teacher than a Priest.

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reichsadler 48%

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anime 99%
star of david 71%

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firearm 99%

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hitler 29%

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anime 39%

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hitler 27%

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tldr 99%
us flag 79%

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etc 33%
star of david 29%

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map 59%

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art_other 99%

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tldr 100%

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toons other 63%
happy merchant 33%

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mspaint style 73%

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art_other 99%

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map 93%

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art_other 77%

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tldr 99%

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art_other 99%

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etc 70%

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bar graph 100%

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etc 93%

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map 100%

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map 99%

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toons other 60%

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toons other 99%

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bar graph 99%

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art_other 98%

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art_other 68%
militarized 26%

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art_other 43%

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bar graph 99%

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bar graph 72%
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art_other 87%

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critters 98%

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tldr 99%

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art_other 34%
mspaint style 34%

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tldr 33%

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art_other 98%

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tldr 93%

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logos_flags_graphics 92%

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etc 28%

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etc 71%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

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Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
logos_flags_graphics 38%