@fit3m3 Koofi Anon TwigNat🌲🇺🇸 #PressUpGang Percapistan

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Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 88
Koofi Anon @fit3m3
@veronicavatter @NickKristof Would suspect the majority of gun-related deaths suffered by black people are murders and not suicides. Black suicide rate is much lower than white suicide rate. Whites and Asians are much more "neurotic" on average than blacks. (CDC data for men by race)

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Koofi Anon @fit3m3
@NickKristof Since the overwhelming majority of gun mortality is inflicted by (and suffered by) black men, maybe you agree the police should supervise them much more closely than the rest of population. Isn't that just a common sense tradeoff to improve safety?

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Koofi Anon @fit3m3
@WilliamE1863 Something must be done about those Scots-Irish.

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Koofi Anon @fit3m3
@FamedCelebrity @bronzeagemantis Volokh wrote a good article in Feb questioning DOJ's legal argument, but then congratulated them after conviction. It's just a game to people like EV. "Great job manipulating the f*** out of those procedural outcomes, my leftist opponents." He's a bright guy, but not quite human

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Koofi Anon @fit3m3
@sourpatchlyds @dpakman

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Koofi Anon @fit3m3
@AnnCoulter Ron Unz says apparent decline is an artifact of Hillel redefining "Jew" to mean religious believers. Prior definition was more expansive. Would have expected you and @kausmickey to address this explanation. https://unz.com/runz/challenging-racial-discrimination-at-harvard/

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Koofi Anon @fit3m3
@acrimonyand This is my ideology.

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Koofi Anon @fit3m3
@wil_da_beast630 @lporiginalg Wilfred Reilly says that white people will no longer exist in 200 years and "that’s a good thing." Completely unsurprising that he also has the deranged belief that South Africa is a successful black state.

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Koofi Anon @fit3m3
@ScottDinflorida @El_Gabacho_ > Good luck trying to open a Synagogue. Former New Republic editor Peter Beinart explains that Jews enthusiastically support importing Muslims:

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Koofi Anon @fit3m3
Q: Why the focus on manliness [in your books]? Tom Wolfe: "It's something that never leaves the mind and thoughts of every man. Who would win a battle -- an actual physical battle? It hangs over everything."

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Koofi Anon @fit3m3
@euluous Which way, etc.

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Koofi Anon @fit3m3
@blisstweeting Counterpoint

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Koofi Anon @fit3m3
@FistedFoucault Irish humor

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Koofi Anon @fit3m3
@Outsideness @c8h11no2_njoyr @Ly_AlphaF @CovfefeAnon @Amos_5_18

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Koofi Anon @fit3m3
@littletangcat @nrken19 Read a book.

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Koofi Anon @fit3m3
@Roy_Bntz @MattWalshBlog > the best dogs for kids Most dogs, if they bite you, will let go. Once pit bulls decide to attack, they tend more often than other breeds to fight to the death. I've known good/sweet pit bulls. Most are fine. But if they snap, you're in more danger than with other breeds.

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Kiwi Bear @WojteksGrandson
Cops coming to my house rn if I don't tweet again I've been George Floyded
Koofi Anon @fit3m3

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View @WojteksGrandson
Koofi Anon @fit3m3
@owenbroadcast What's going on here? What is this occult symbol?

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Koofi Anon @fit3m3
@GreeneMan6 @_jburden

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Koofi Anon @fit3m3
@adambetweeting @PamelaHensley22

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Koofi Anon @fit3m3
@kunley_drukpa @bryan_caplan Caplan believes homogeneous, high trust societies are bad because they make it easier for non-Caplans to cooperate in a plan to harm Caplans. https://www.econlib.org/archives/2015/10/they_scare_me.html

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Koofi Anon @fit3m3
@BuckStodgers @Patterico Patterico's position was that this stuff wasn't happening, and was just a figment of deranged right-wing imagination. When that argument became inoperable, he shifted to, "maybe it's good that it happened."

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Koofi Anon @fit3m3
@VDAREJamesK Mike Anissimov has entered the chat.

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Koofi Anon @fit3m3
@_MedGold Elon needs to restore the old replies/retweets/likes twitter stats format. Forcing people to quote-tweet garbage accounts to ratio them is lame.

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Koofi Anon @fit3m3
@Agonzo1 @AmFirebrand @JackPosobiec As of 10-27, about $3 million.

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Koofi Anon @fit3m3
@babyloo1960 @HISgalAL > why can’t we point out that he is white? Perfectly fine to identify shooter as white. But journalists much more commonly identify race of perp when he's white than when he's black. Liberals are happy with that bias for some reason. https://freebeacon.com/media/yes-the-media-bury-the-race-of-murderers-if-theyre-not-white/

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Koofi Anon @fit3m3
@EricOrcadian @Steve_Sailer

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Koofi Anon @fit3m3
@florenceisagale @catturd2 Trump's Treasury Department published a proposed rule in 2020 that would have made this illegal. Biden's Treasury Department naturally withdrew the rule because they want banks to punish political enemies.

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Koofi Anon @fit3m3
@blackintheempir @baronitaigas

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Koofi Anon @fit3m3
@robinhanson @Steve_Sailer > the current year momist mindset The rule of Sarumom and his AWFL minions.

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Koofi Anon @fit3m3
@KhalkeionGenos "It is the part of a kind-natured man to take care of worn-out horses when...they are grown old. The Athenians, when they built their Hecatompedon, turned those mules loose to feed freely, which they had observed to have done the hardest labor." - Plutarch (Life of Marcus Cato)

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Koofi Anon @fit3m3
@antiartificial @MidwesternBoat @MrBurnsLovesU No ideology involved, just female confusion.

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Koofi Anon @fit3m3
@Ivetz_ @BillCandlemaker

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Koofi Anon @fit3m3
@johnny_wet_fart @NormieMacdonald @CityBureaucrat They hated HVAC technician because he told the truth.

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Koofi Anon @fit3m3
@GParachutist @clairlemon @eugyppius1

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Koofi Anon @fit3m3
@pmarca @CityBureaucrat Amazon removed kindle version of "Ordeal of Civility" and has had the book "under review" for months, so I assume they're in the process of banning it. A few used copies selling there for $100+. Still available at Internet Archive though. https://archive.org/details/TheOrdealOfCivilityFreudJohnMurrayCuddihy

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Koofi Anon @fit3m3
@Citizen09372364 @LandsharkRides Tyler Cowen getting pwnt by his wife is my favorite exchange ever on this subject.

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Koofi Anon @fit3m3
@phil49472744 @CityBureaucrat Guy on right fantasizes about travelling back in time and confronting Nietzsche.

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Koofi Anon @fit3m3
@Steve_Sailer George Washington's supernormal health and virility caused his genome to spread to the rest of the American population through osmosis. Scientific examination of Revolutionary remains confirms this. They all wound up looking like him.

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Koofi Anon @fit3m3
https://t.co/Ahfy94j0Ii marks the death of Queen Elizabeth with a picture that conveys nothing but love and respect for this remarkable woman. Great choice @DarrenJBeattie. https://t.co/4WbIsPJ0mk
Koofi Anon @fit3m3
: Imagine transforming nice photo of sweet old lady to make her look shriveled and maniacally carnivorous, like maybe she eats babies.

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Koofi Anon @fit3m3
http://revolver.news marks the death of Queen Elizabeth with a picture that conveys nothing but love and respect for this remarkable woman. Great choice @DarrenJBeattie.

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Koofi Anon @fit3m3
@kausmickey @RyanGirdusky Imagine thinking it's a good idea to let women vote.

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Koofi Anon @fit3m3
@mattyglesias Advocating the addition of 670 million immigrants to swamp the native majority demographic because you think Ultra MAGAs plan to pogrom you. ^^ The lowest form of tribal narcissism. Is it too much to ask you not to treat every white gentile in America like a potential murderer?

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Koofi Anon @fit3m3
@St_Rev More accurate, but still cooler than either deserves. https://twitter.com/fit3m3/status/1555541796792537091/video/1

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Koofi Anon @fit3m3
@LoliverCromwell "Question and answer is not a civilized form of conversation." Quote is from "Clarissa Oakes," one of the Aubrey-Maturin books.

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Koofi Anon @fit3m3
@DavidSharp84 @TrevorSutcliffe @ScottMGreer > The real America still existed in the 90s. It was a glorious, prosperous time. America was already dead, an ambulatory corpse stumbling forward only through inertia. A wealthy corpse with a fabulous estate, but the soul had departed. Saint Bork saw what was happening.

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Koofi Anon @fit3m3
@ScottMGreer @LatinxPutler Same guy said in 2019 that there's "no anti-white bias in US," now wants to reimagine the '90s. I know he's updated some views to comport with reality but when people who are this spectacularly wrong don't own mistakes & explain why they changed mind, I find them untrustworthy.

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Koofi Anon @fit3m3
@LatinxPutler Matt Walsh in 2019: There is no anti-white bias, and if you ask me about this, you're a troll. https://t.co/wHRjmmR3EA
Koofi Anon @fit3m3
: @LatinxPutler

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Koofi Anon @fit3m3
@KhalkeionGenos: @LatinxPutler Matt Walsh in 2019: There is no anti-white bias, and if you ask me about this, you're a troll. https://twitter.com/fit3m3/status/1547668962518847488/video/1

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Koofi Anon @fit3m3
@Steve_Sailer > Continetti can’t overlook “the slanderous charge of dual loyalty” that Kirk made in 1988 Mickey Kaus on "dual loyalty." First two from 2008, third from 2003:

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Koofi Anon @fit3m3
@CityBureaucrat They chose the wrong color for the committee report binding and it's going to mess up his whole system.

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Koofi Anon @fit3m3
@AnglesonWalter John Derbyshire on Boris Johnson (Dec 2019):

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Koofi Anon @fit3m3
@fit3m3: @CovfefeAnon @LoFiRepublican

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Koofi Anon @fit3m3
@ConservativeLA @CathyYoung63 White people lecturing black people about "racism" will never stop being funny. Dave Chappelle says hi:

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Koofi Anon @fit3m3
@JustinHousman @Johartz @ajrodz @DoLesbiansTip @mjs_DC Don't shoot the messenger.

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Koofi Anon @fit3m3
@TheBaldCardinal @schiz0enjoyer

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Koofi Anon @fit3m3
@acrimonyand "You haven't changed the political arrangement of your country, therefore you're just living an online fantasy" is a pitifully stupid thing for anyone on dissident right to say. But he just deleted a couple min ago, so maybe he realizes that now.

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Koofi Anon @fit3m3
@ClarkeMicah > a violent mob invaded the seat of constitutional government in January 2021

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Koofi Anon @fit3m3
@WraithTE @ALTONPHOTO @SmarkersVic @legitjdl "The overall crime rate throughout Appalachia is about two thirds the national average, and the rate of violent crime is half the national average." https://theweek.com/articles/452321/appalachia-big-white-ghetto

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Koofi Anon @fit3m3
@wayne_marrs @frequentbuyer1 @therecount Thank you for protecting us from the scary bad people.

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Koofi Anon @fit3m3
@Spottedcanine Guess what his neighborhood looks like.

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Koofi Anon @fit3m3
@KhalkeionGenos: @LatinxPutler > individualism is the root cause of modern “degeneracy.” It's one cause.

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Koofi Anon @fit3m3
@BeyondReason12 @UpCuntryMarcher > what’s wrong with Martyrmade?

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Koofi Anon @fit3m3
@dombydigdug @LatinxPutler he gnaw

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Koofi Anon @fit3m3
@Isegoria 21st century journalists writing about American Nazis in the Reagan era.

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Koofi Anon @fit3m3
@pancreas_thief_ Jeff Cooper identified "the cathedral" decades before Mencius Moldbug. Yarvin must credit! #nrx

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Koofi Anon @fit3m3
@JoshKraushaar: @HotlineJosh > bariweiss.substack Good piece by Kriegman, but there's something incongruous about Bari Weiss selectively posturing as an opponent of cancel culture. I don't understand why people who should know better give her a pass on lunatic rhetoric like this.

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militarized 27%

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bar graph 91%

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tldr 51%

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art_other 99%

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tldr 84%

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mspaint style 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
toons other 96%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 96%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
bar graph 100%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
bar graph 76%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
circle slash 61%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%