@KingBolingbroke Bolingbroke The King hath many marching in his coats.

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Slurs & ToS Breaches Nazi Dogwhistles Antisemitism Transphobia Anti-Blackness Homophobia Misogyny Groypers Proud Boys
Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 81
Bolingbroke @KingBolingbroke
Finally getting around to this.
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Bolingbroke @KingBolingbroke
@KingBolingbroke: Internalize Shakespeare and you will have an arsenal of beauty and truth against some of the greatest woes of philosophy and politics in our decaying modern world. Shakespeare is not the Way (that title is taken), but he points to the Way if you have eyes to see. 22/22

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Bolingbroke @KingBolingbroke
@KingBolingbroke: When one looks at the kind of critiques of Christian civilization found in Hamlet, Macbeth, the Tempest, and others the overwhelming sense one gets is not of an outsider throwing stones, but of a friend helping the faith and world he loves to improve and survive. 20/

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Bolingbroke @KingBolingbroke
@KingBolingbroke: Tempest: in his famous epilogue to the play of spirits Prospero warns of the evanessence of this world. That everything passes away like false images and spirits made of air, thin air. But, this applies to his understanding of politics, not life as such. 17/

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Bolingbroke @KingBolingbroke
@KingBolingbroke: Macbeth: Shakespeare gives examples of too extreme gentleness in rule (the Christian Duncan) and too extreme cruelty (the pagan Macbeth) with a new ruler balancing the extremes (the prudent Malcolm). 13/

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Bolingbroke @KingBolingbroke
@KingBolingbroke: Hamlet: the prince fails in politics because his theological education halts action when it is most called for. He wants to inflict eternal as well as mortal punishment on Claudius, and therefore fails to bring him to justice when it is most possible. 10/

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Bolingbroke @KingBolingbroke
@KingBolingbroke: Through this medium Shakespeare combats modernity: corrects Machiavelli while assimilating his insights, preempts Nietzsche by grasping the logical conclusion of modernity, defeats the postmoderns by supplying for the weaknesses that led to them, all with intentional beauty. 7/

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Bolingbroke @KingBolingbroke
Nietzsche, the finisher, revealed and lamented the logical conclusion of modernity: the death of God and all objective meaning. He offered a creative vitalism in response. He’s incredibly popular, but has not successfully pulled us out of our widespread nihilist descent. 4/ https://t.co/fOfdyC0P4q
Bolingbroke @KingBolingbroke
: Post modernists, the rebels, sought to transcend modernity by deconstructing the very premises on which reality is founded. This unsound approach, of course, wrecks on the shoals of its own hubris and absurdity, but it’s ripples can still be felt everywhere. 5/

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View @KingBolingbroke
Bolingbroke @KingBolingbroke
Machiavelli, the founder, brought out “realism” in politics, rejecting lofty aims in favor of “effectual truth.” His influence changed politics forever. His observations are brilliant and ESSENTIAL, but fundamentally immoderate. 3/ https://t.co/clJOOTtFd4
Bolingbroke @KingBolingbroke
: Nietzsche, the finisher, revealed and lamented the logical conclusion of modernity: the death of God and all objective meaning. He offered a creative vitalism in response. He’s incredibly popular, but has not successfully pulled us out of our widespread nihilist descent. 4/

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View @KingBolingbroke
Bolingbroke @KingBolingbroke
@KingBolingbroke: Machiavelli, the founder, brought out “realism” in politics, rejecting lofty aims in favor of “effectual truth.” His influence changed politics forever. His observations are brilliant and ESSENTIAL, but fundamentally immoderate. 3/

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Bolingbroke @KingBolingbroke
The problems of the denatured rationalism of modern politics can only be solved poetically, returning consciously to human nature Shakespeare saw, and foresaw, the dangers of modernity and offered medicine for our disease: a vital, prudent Christian politics. 1/

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Bolingbroke @KingBolingbroke
@chripian @CCrowley100

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Bolingbroke @KingBolingbroke
Leave nuance to the academics. Your enemies have none and it’s your responsibility to stand firm against their vile slander. Unflinching piety in support of ancestral greatness.
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Bolingbroke @KingBolingbroke
I do not approve of any form of tennis shoes or modern takes on dress shoes with business or formal wear. Stop it. You look stupid. Sloppy. Ugly. Please just get a pair of oxfords or loafers. And put your phone in your jacket pocket while your at it.

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Bolingbroke @KingBolingbroke
Entering the tutelage of @corsair21c

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Bolingbroke @KingBolingbroke
“A little water clears us of this,” I remind myself as I clean the giant pile of cacao powder I spilled on the floor

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Bolingbroke @KingBolingbroke
Does King Lear deny creation Ex Nihilo when he twice proclaims the sentiment "nothing comes from nothing"?

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Bolingbroke @KingBolingbroke
I prepare Mother’s Day (giant) steaks with dry brine. I implement the wire rack, on advice from @SpiritofPines

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Bolingbroke @KingBolingbroke
White boy summer has begun

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Bolingbroke @KingBolingbroke
Some thugs (my lovely children) defaced my property with graffiti (drew on the screen using sidewalk chalk)

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Bolingbroke @KingBolingbroke
And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.

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Bolingbroke @KingBolingbroke
Mfw word print studies reveal most of you are puppets run by @kentbanishearl https://t.co/909PczxhyL
Bolingbroke @KingBolingbroke
: Me deleting my account after discovering that the whole GC is just @AncPhi from 10 different accounts.

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Bolingbroke @KingBolingbroke
@KingBolingbroke: Mfw word print studies reveal most of you are puppets run by @kentbanishearl

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Bolingbroke @KingBolingbroke
New Peter Pan movie (aside from its other problems) is aesthetically bland and gray. It’s a children’s movie about a magical world and the whole thing is shot like it happened during the dust bowl. Hideous.

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Bolingbroke @KingBolingbroke
This public park is part of the manosphere apparently? It just tried to sell me a membership in the elite “public park patricians”

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Bolingbroke @KingBolingbroke
Spotted on the weekend in the 4HL. @PaulSkallas

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Bolingbroke @KingBolingbroke
My hands look like this so logos hands can look like this
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Bolingbroke @KingBolingbroke
An (accurate) critique of practical Christianity from the political right is that it effeminates its proponents. This happens to those who interpret Christianity wrongly, but it is not what Christ wants. Let’s look at Shakespeare’s ideal Christian man: Macduff. 1/

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Bolingbroke @KingBolingbroke
Today is Shakespeare's birthday. I COMMAND YOU, read Shakespeare. Right now. Here's a link. https://folger-main-site-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/2022/11/macbeth_PDF_FolgerShakespeare.pdf

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Bolingbroke @KingBolingbroke
What do you call this physiognomy? Child gender clinician? Pedo?

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Bolingbroke @KingBolingbroke
Condemning jazz because of some sort of intellectual forensic genealogy tracing it to hip hop, or out of self-righteousness is the same thing as rejecting Plato because “he invented communism,” or whatever Don’t be dumb. Appreciate beauty and truth from all sources.

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Bolingbroke @KingBolingbroke

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Bolingbroke @KingBolingbroke
How desperate we must be for stirring and effective rhetoric if ANYONE is impressed by this! It’s like when people loved that stupid line from WandaVision. We’re STARVED for good writing and speech, to say nothing of noble deeds (see: the police in Tennessee)
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Bolingbroke @KingBolingbroke
@KingBolingbroke: You see also great artists like @owenbroadcast creating great art showing the unity of the calendar as it relates to these various events.

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Bolingbroke @KingBolingbroke
“That’s a PAGAN holiday” isn’t the own you think it is. The God of heaven and earth ordained its order, times, and seasons. That we would celebrate Him on significant solar, lunar and stellar events confirms his status as the King of all creation. Pagans get some things right.

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Bolingbroke @KingBolingbroke
I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth: And though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God: Whom I shall see for myself, and mine eyes shall behold, and not another

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Bolingbroke @KingBolingbroke
We may not know we cannot tell What pains He had to bear But we believe it was for us He hung and suffered there

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Bolingbroke @KingBolingbroke
Gm. Start your day with the King James Bible. 38 is a favorite. Please memorize it, anon.

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Bolingbroke @KingBolingbroke
Stop summoning demons to my timeline. I don’t want to see dysgenic mental defectives wearing athleisure wear. I’m going to start unfollowing. No more tr00n hate qt’s. Poast beauty. Pic related.

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Bolingbroke @KingBolingbroke
Schopenhauer sees your stack of unread books and full Amazon cart, Anon.
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Bolingbroke @KingBolingbroke

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Bolingbroke @KingBolingbroke
Decaying fruit begins to smell and taste like soil as a reminder that “dust thou art and unto dust thou shalt return” applies to all life. Memento mori.

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Bolingbroke @KingBolingbroke
@KingBolingbroke: 😏

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Bolingbroke @KingBolingbroke
How many ages hence Shall this our lofty scene be acted over In states unborn and accents yet unknown! Beware the Ides of March, Anon.

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Bolingbroke @KingBolingbroke
@pseudomethodius @Shamed_Vulture @MysteryGrove @EJaydouble When my mutuals fight

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Bolingbroke @KingBolingbroke
Read the Bible at the beginning of the day to lift your spirits. Your mind will be transported beyond this transient world to eternity, as you contemplate the Mind and Will of the Lord. Your day will be greatly improved thereby. gm Anon!
Bolingbroke @KingBolingbroke
Read some Shakespeare before bed to enhance your dreams. Your mind will marinate in the most beautiful, elevated thought. gn anon

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Bolingbroke @KingBolingbroke
No black pills. No nihilism. No hopelessness. This world is beautiful and filled with the love of Christ!

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Bolingbroke @KingBolingbroke

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Bolingbroke @KingBolingbroke
@AncPhi Behold, Henocrates

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Bolingbroke @KingBolingbroke
@DobskiBJ @dnduplessie

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Bolingbroke @KingBolingbroke
Headed to the barber. You think he can make me look like this?

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Bolingbroke @KingBolingbroke
Read some Shakespeare before bed to enhance your dreams. Your mind will marinate in the most beautiful, elevated thought. gn anon

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Bolingbroke @KingBolingbroke
@JuddBaroff @kentbanishearl I use this one, on @HammillRyan recc

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Bolingbroke @KingBolingbroke

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Bolingbroke @KingBolingbroke
The stories in Greek mythology of women (only women) being “seduced” by animals demonstrates much about the Greek view of women.

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Bolingbroke @KingBolingbroke
My mutuals putting on their “this fascist kills machines” shirts as they enter the battlefield after the android uprising

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Bolingbroke @KingBolingbroke
My sourdough starter took a little longer than normal to grow, but now she’s THRIVING. Will share first bread when I get there.
Bolingbroke @KingBolingbroke
Decided to make my own starter with fren encouragement. Using Rye flour on @cimmerian_v recommendation based on recipe @JuddBaroff share. Day 3 progress

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Bolingbroke @KingBolingbroke
Decided to make my own starter with fren encouragement. Using Rye flour on @cimmerian_v recommendation based on recipe @JuddBaroff share. Day 3 progress
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Bolingbroke @KingBolingbroke
@KingBolingbroke: Just…careful. This guy might show up.

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Bolingbroke @KingBolingbroke
Wife sending us full Peater confirmed!

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Bolingbroke @KingBolingbroke
My fren @thewaelsing and I are going to buy this castle and open a small liberal arts grad school for the study of literature/philosophy and opera. https://castleist.com/e1-89m-mirna-slovenia-historic-mirna-castle-for-sale/

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Bolingbroke @KingBolingbroke
Travelled over the holidays. Our dog was being attended to at our house. The sitter attempted (with permission) to take her home for a couple of nights, but dog refuse to stay (cry very much). I suspect she feared we would not be able to find her. Press p to pat.

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Bolingbroke @KingBolingbroke
@BromiosD @bronzeagemantis @Lady_Astor @0x49fa98 @Aristos_Revenge @western_bester @DagoSupremacy @fugenvogel @HungrySpectre @CatoJunger @Athens_Stranger @cimmerian_v @Baldaccios @BreastMilkEnjyr frens 4 life

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Bolingbroke @KingBolingbroke
A declaration of war.

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Bolingbroke @KingBolingbroke

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Bolingbroke @KingBolingbroke
I am reading Macbeth again. https://t.co/bFjMNbs3qU
Bolingbroke @KingBolingbroke

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Bolingbroke @KingBolingbroke
I am reading Macbeth again.

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Bolingbroke @KingBolingbroke
@KingBolingbroke: @fruitofthe19th Me rn (right now)

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Bolingbroke @KingBolingbroke
@AsinaMedia So true. Better dead than red, hey friend?

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Bolingbroke @KingBolingbroke
I’m thinking of doing this FAMOUS Shakespeare speech for the party. What do u think?
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Bolingbroke @KingBolingbroke
@7te7_ A Shakespeare sonnet for you fren.

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Bolingbroke @KingBolingbroke
@willtogroundhog just what's in arms reach from my work chair, but Othello too, and the Henry VI plays!

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Bolingbroke @KingBolingbroke
@philoreturned CALIBAN-MAXXING

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Bolingbroke @KingBolingbroke
I have reached 2000 followers! As promised, I will DEFINITIVELY answer the question: What is the TRUTH about Shakespeare?! (THREAD 1/?)
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Bolingbroke @KingBolingbroke
@MysteryGrove @AvailableUsrnam

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art_other 74%

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critters 87%

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toons other 56%
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art_other 93%

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etc 76%

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etc 26%

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critters 90%

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art_other 84%

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art_other 85%

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art_other 73%

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art_other 99%

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Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
etc 93%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
etc 94%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
bar graph 58%
etc 41%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
toons other 63%
art_other 36%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
toons other 53%
art_other 27%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
toons other 88%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
etc 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 54%
etc 32%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 66%