@crim_thought Winston Smith Follow the argument to its conclusion. Question everything. Be bold. Think deeper. Am I insane or is the world around me?

crim_thought's neighborhood:

Slurs & ToS Breaches Nazi Dogwhistles Antisemitism Transphobia Anti-Blackness Homophobia Misogyny Groypers
Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 36
Winston Smith @crim_thought
@_moldbridge_ Parts of Canada have already started this. Especially the westernmost province of BC. Some smaller towns and road signs are in some gobbledygook notation to "represent" indigenous written language and some roads and back lanes have been given indigenous names.

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Winston Smith @crim_thought
The real situation was perfectly described by Twitter's former CEO. "Real" flesh and blood humans do actually talk and think like NPC's. They are basically language models embodied in flesh.
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Winston Smith @crim_thought
Post secondary attendance gap is widening, something like 60% of graduates are women now. (Canadian Data) 3/12 https://t.co/kA8Mez0bDM
Winston Smith @crim_thought
: Even rates of independent living are incredibly skewed, more men than women are living with their parents in early adulthood....(UK Data) 4/12

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Winston Smith @crim_thought
@crim_thought: Labor force participation for men has been collapsing for 70 years already (US Data) 2/12

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Winston Smith @crim_thought
Labor force participation for men has been collapsing for 70 years already (US Data) 2/12 https://t.co/cJaOPHpdon
Winston Smith @crim_thought
: Post secondary attendance gap is widening, something like 60% of graduates are women now. (Canadian Data) 3/12

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Winston Smith @crim_thought
@EvilVizier People have no idea what a behavioral sink AI perfected GFs in sex dolls/virtual reality is gonna be. I'd estimate 80% male population drops out of society once such a setup "gear" costs around $2000 or less. It will be apocalyptic, biblical, literally.

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Bronze Age Pervert @bronzeagemantis
Cheeky red footed frend nignores me …seems very sly …I wanted to be frends … https://t.co/oair1Dmay1
Winston Smith @crim_thought
he not interested in befriending potato NIGGER. Sorry.

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View @bronzeagemantis
Michael Sebastian @HonorAndDaring
Either someone wants to get rid of the remaining bits of domestic manufacturing or we no longer know how to maintain the machinery of civilization that preceded us. https://t.co/wj4oBd96Ce
Winston Smith @crim_thought
Its called niggerfication. We are a successor civilization to a more advanced one. We can't go to the moon, we cant maintain buildings and industrial plants etc....

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View @HonorAndDaring

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Winston Smith @crim_thought
@lookscommon1 @Jdelahozduran @Empty_America Every morning Americans should wake up and give a prayer of thanks to: 1. Fed chairman 2. Reagan and Nixon (for negotiating petro dollar reinforcing treaties) 3. The Defense secretary These people made it possible for the lowest rung American to economically MOG the world

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Winston Smith @crim_thought
@WCowboy307 @Empty_America Ancient myths?

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Winston Smith @crim_thought
@TheRickWilson Wouldn't be surprised if zelensky ends up in exile or hung/executed/assasinated in the next 5 years. American puppets always get abandoned and screwed over.

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Winston Smith @crim_thought
@AlpacaAurelius They were not eating 4000 calories, certainly not from food. Go look at what constituted family dinners in popular media of the 1950s, it would be seen as scandalously stingy if served at a modern table to 4+ people. Here's pro American propaganda posters showing American bounty

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Winston Smith @crim_thought
@SquawkCNBC @RayDalio Love how a decentralized digital currency with "no use" being at 1/3rd the mktcap of the most valuable global company "proves" that its worthless/irrelevant...goal post moving, reminds me of this meme

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Winston Smith @crim_thought
Billions must die. I believe we can get to sustainable populations like this again!

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Bronze Age Pervert @bronzeagemantis
“Cannibalism abhorrent only when sourcing in subhuman. But imagine ritual sacrifice and partaking flesh of a young Dolph. Vitality imparted to unholy brotherhood of Werewolves. I too am transported by dream of crazed Maenads reviving Life feasting on suppleness of my sinews” https://t.co/beEb6p8rIR
Winston Smith @crim_thought
You crazy for this one ni66a. But we still love you.

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Winston Smith @crim_thought
Is he a celebrity?
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Winston Smith @crim_thought
@bronzeagemantis Listen I'm gonna pork YOU unless you drop CR126 NOW! Yes this is attaq!

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Winston Smith @crim_thought
I know the man who can tell race from the most minute detail or image....
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Winston Smith @crim_thought
@crim_thought: @PhilipMMarshall @Empty_America Empty lands, and youthful populations. A big park. A field with kids running around. That is the historical norm for human society. That is our past. And perhaps, our future?

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Winston Smith @crim_thought
BTW this is justice. Not courts, not laws, not judges, not parliaments. Not procedure or any of that faggot shit. Violence in defense of blood kin, this is foundation of justice. Not scribbles shat out by dorks in law skrewl.
March 6, 1981, Marianne Bachmeier smuggles a Beretta M1934 into a courtroom in Lübeck, Germany, and shoots dead her 7-year-old daughter's murder and rapist, Klaus Grabowski, on the third day of his trial, killing him instantly. https://twitter.com/patrickbasedmn/status/1593324045264560128/video/1

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Winston Smith @crim_thought
@heidistephens What do you think of this?

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Winston Smith @crim_thought
@AquaPaadre Yea man. Socrates was a NIGGER!

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Winston Smith @crim_thought
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Winston Smith @crim_thought
Russia: invades Ukraine, loses. USA: Bombs nordstream pipeline and dooming EU allies energy security. China: lockdown #73 I recommend the following book to all major world leaders:

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Winston Smith @crim_thought
This is the ultimate agenda and end point of the GNC... Gay Nigger Communism apotheosis is catching mosquitos in a basin and frying them up. All current social trends lead to this. This is what you must fight against.
Black people: Wypipo don’t seezun dey food! Also black people: https://twitter.com/JYZOVRRTED/status/1572791058807029760/video/1

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Winston Smith @crim_thought
Just mechanistically changing #fedrate from 0% to 4% makes all interest rates go up in unison. The guy with lines of credit financing his lifestyle, car loans suddenly has to pay more...but so does the farmer who is borrowing to finance a new tractor. https://t.co/8dIagm7NgU
Winston Smith @crim_thought
: Logically, to fight inflation, we should take money away from the hands of the guy making $50k who is leasing/financing BMW's at 0%, and GIVE money to the guy borrowing money to open a new factory or productive asset.

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Winston Smith @crim_thought
High rates for consumption based activity (decrease demand) Low rates for production based activity (increase supply) https://t.co/whybsWdTwt
Winston Smith @crim_thought
: Just mechanistically changing #fedrate from 0% to 4% makes all interest rates go up in unison. The guy with lines of credit financing his lifestyle, car loans suddenly has to pay more...but so does the farmer who is borrowing to finance a new tractor.

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Winston Smith @crim_thought
Q about monetary policy for @KobeissiLetter @SocietyGoBrrrrr Why is higher interest rates broadly supposed to be anti #inflationary? Higher interest rates as anti inflationary would seem to only work if it is structured as such: https://t.co/LVXmB8L089
Winston Smith @crim_thought
: High rates for consumption based activity (decrease demand) Low rates for production based activity (increase supply)

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Winston Smith @crim_thought
Q about monetary policy for @KobeissiLetter @SocietyGoBrrrrr Why is higher interest rates broadly supposed to be anti #inflationary? Higher interest rates as anti inflationary would seem to only work if it is structured as such:

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Winston Smith @crim_thought
Men who really believe this BS about post wall women, have no idea what the real balance in the sexual marketplace is. Literal British princes marry 30+ yr old mulatta divorcees... Men down so bad.
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Winston Smith @crim_thought
@Thst_Bot @CorporateJourno @0x49fa98 @troycoverdale @17cShyteposter In fucking REAL LIFE.

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Winston Smith @crim_thought
@crim_thought: Tonight you can board a plane and end up racing supercars down the Amalfi coast by tomorrow morning. Go skydiving off a helicopter in the Greek islands in the afternoon. What will it cost you? $10,000? $15,000? 2/3

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Winston Smith @crim_thought
What you *cant* come back from is low energy, flat or declining heart rate = imminent death! So keep your heart rate up! Energy like money or success COMPOUNDS on itself. Lying in bed, Netflix and infinite scroooling is not conserving energy but wasting it! https://t.co/I8i0S1LlOT
Winston Smith @crim_thought
: So in conclusion, go crazy, nig out, get drunk, be wild, do crimes, prank your enemies, INCREASE THE FUCK RATE. In doing this you prove you are alive.

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Winston Smith @crim_thought
Accounts like @MedGold_ and @KhalkeionGenos have been preaching this for years now. Its not "degeneracy" that is the problem, but low VITALITY. You *can* come back from a degenerate society you still have social energy pulsating that can be redirected towards something glorious. https://t.co/UPSd0SdoVp
Winston Smith @crim_thought
: What you *cant* come back from is low energy, flat or declining heart rate = imminent death! So keep your heart rate up! Energy like money or success COMPOUNDS on itself. Lying in bed, Netflix and infinite scroooling is not conserving energy but wasting it!

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Winston Smith @crim_thought
Sure on an individual basis its bad to be a drunk, promiscuous, violent etc...but in aggregate, all those phenomenon point at underlying base vitality, the social organism is HEALTHY when active and in touch with instinctual DESIRES. https://t.co/SX4Io67zyr
Winston Smith @crim_thought
: Accounts like @MedGold_ and @KhalkeionGenos have been preaching this for years now. Its not "degeneracy" that is the problem, but low VITALITY. You *can* come back from a degenerate society you still have social energy pulsating that can be redirected towards something glorious.

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Winston Smith @crim_thought
Decline in sex, alcohol consumption, smoking, teenage pregnancy, crime etc... People are LAME now. This is why insane COVID tyranny was able to be implemented. Millions, perhaps billions of (young) people are already dead, fuddy duddies. Self imposed curfew! https://t.co/LNMrGAZkIX
Winston Smith @crim_thought
: Sure on an individual basis its bad to be a drunk, promiscuous, violent etc...but in aggregate, all those phenomenon point at underlying base vitality, the social organism is HEALTHY when active and in touch with instinctual DESIRES.

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Winston Smith @crim_thought
Obscured by all the talk of "pornographic" culture or "degenerate" society by trads and religious conservatives, the reality of our current society is extremely LOW ENERGY. Especially among the young people. Aristocrats and urban bourgeois used to frequently riots after opera! https://t.co/ManVCAJWe8
Winston Smith @crim_thought
: Decline in sex, alcohol consumption, smoking, teenage pregnancy, crime etc... People are LAME now. This is why insane COVID tyranny was able to be implemented. Millions, perhaps billions of (young) people are already dead, fuddy duddies. Self imposed curfew!

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Winston Smith @crim_thought
@crim_thought: Obscured by all the talk of "pornographic" culture or "degenerate" society by trads and religious conservatives, the reality of our current society is extremely LOW ENERGY. Especially among the young people. Aristocrats and urban bourgeois used to frequently riots after opera!

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fāshy žižek 🧨 @fashyzizek
look. black bodies are the only ones bringing forth genuinely creative political ideas right now. you know it. i know it. and Raz the King knows it.
Winston Smith @crim_thought
"Independent nigger republic" in the pacific northwest. https://twitter.com/crim_thought/status/1271696497273221120/photo/1

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Winston Smith @crim_thought
The more I think about it, the more I think @bronzeagemantis is right. Mid-late 21st century will be beset by marauding waves of piratical barbarian brotherhoods. We may be on cusp of new bronze age "collapse" 1/8

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