@ArmoricaGroyper Asterix Respecter The year is 50 BC. Gaul is entirely occupied by the Romans. Well, not entirely... Armorica

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Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 371
Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
"Welcome to 'Intro to Philosophy'. In this class we'll cover Marcus Aurelius, before moving on to Machiavelli, and finally Carl Schmitt" "I was hoping we'd cover Sartre as well?" "Yes, we'll discuss some Twitter posts which unfavourably compare his physiognomy to Ernst Juenger"

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
"Don't make me tap the sign"
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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
"Your platform of extreme racial nationalism has been described as 'fascist'. Is this an accurate characterisation?" "Not at all. I'm a Distributist" "And what exactly does Distributism entail?" "That isn't entirely clear"

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
"Do you have 'What is a Woman?: The Director's Cut' by Matt Walsh?" "No" "Do you have 'What is a Woman?: The Book Edition' by Matt Walsh?" "No" "Hmm, well do you have any recommendations?" "'Hitler's War' by David Irving?" "I'll take it"

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
"'To learn who rules over you, find out who you are not allowed to criticise'-insightful quote from Voltaire" "Right, we need to rise up against children with leukemia!" "I was thinking more along the lines of black people and Jews"

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
@0xDesmoterion Hmm, it's almost as though an obsession with "racism" is a massive drag on our ability to assert our own interests.

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
"I think I have a pretty worthy business selling far-right literature and beef mince at heavily discounted prices. But if you want to to enforce a boycott and smash my shop windows that's perfectly understandable"

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
@Rho_die @johnntremain My favourite part

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
@johnntremain *justifies their views on the matter by referencing some gay punk song*

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
>Saw the live-action Asterix movie

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
You lost in 480 BC You lost in 1521 You lost in 1788 You lost in 1857 And you will lose in 2024
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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
"You know the show Ancient Aliens?" "Not really" "Ever considered that it's based on the racist assumption that nothing impressive could be built by brown people?" "I have to assassinate you now, Trump's orders. But thanks for the recommendation, it sounds like a fun watch"

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
@smeed89029172 This is regarded by them as a absolutely legendary tweet. I've seen it reposted a number of times.

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
“You haven’t posted a Nightmare Vision dialogue for a while, just saying...” “Who cares about Nightmare Vision? How about you post some variation of ‘never ask a white supremacist what race his gf is’?”

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
@sentinellegrave This is the tweet which this guy regards as his magnum opus, worthy of being pinned for over a year.

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
I locked myself out of my s*bst*ck, so I've created a new one. At the moment the focus is Roman history-I've posted the two essays I wrote before, but I'm hoping to write more soon. Link is below. https://t.co/i2jQPDeJQB
Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
: >Gigachad dialogues: 1 million likes >Extensively-researched essays: 5 likes

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
I locked myself out of my s*bst*ck, so I've created a new one. At the moment the focus is Roman history-I've posted the two essays I wrote before, but I'm hoping to write more soon. Link is below.

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
"Erm who sent you?" "Stone Age Herbalist. Apparently you've been publishing unlikely dates for the first peopling of the Australian continent" "You don't understand. My career depends on endlessly praising Aboriginals!" "Your life depends on not betraying the white race"

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
>this was considered a comically high amount of non-white immigration in the 1990s

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
@GodCloseMyEyes " "

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
"Time for another tweet implying an association between Sol Brah and extreme right-wing violence"

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
@psycho_racist "Kinda reminds me of the Gallic king Vercingetorix in Roman captivity"

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
@moomintum "I get that all white people are racist and need to work on themselves, but 9 still seems a little concerning..." "No I mean I actually am more or less a white nationalist and would be considered a racial purist even within far-right circles"

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
@smeed89029172 "Yeah so here's some evidence which completely undermines the left-wing understanding of civil rights history and modern American politics" "I guess I'll just ironically affirm while ignoring the fact that this does actually destroy my worldview"

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
"You said this was your first time drinking alcohol? I think you might have lost your grasp on the social consequences of some of what you've been saying" "But anyway, when you actually look at the ethnic composition of the Bolshevik secret police..."

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
"To any young guys in college: paint large swastikas on the doors of black students' dorm rooms. You can then anonymously contact Andy Ngo claiming that it was a 'hate hoax' which they did themselves for attention"

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
"Hmmm, 'Radfem Hitler' with references to Hyperborea and so on in the bio. So I gather the gimmick is something like 50% feminist content, but also 50% racist and nationalist content" "My Fuhrer..."

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
@augureust "I'm a naturally modest man so I would never have said so myself. But thankyou for your splendid compliment"

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
@AbyssalAccount "Es ist fertig..."

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
This is the problem with the Information Age and all of the mixed messages one receives on the Internet. It's so difficult to know the right way to be a based and redpilled fascist.
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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
"But as I was saying, I've never met anyone with the surname 'Higgers' in real life, yet several of them follow me on Twitter. And the crazy thing is that all of them are called 'Nathaniel', 'Nate', etc. "Remarkable"

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
“Yo I’m sick of all these racist white men. And the white women aren’t much better either” “Wow, this rhetoric shows how deep the anti-woman hatred runs in our misogynistic society”
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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
"I'm looking for the Identity Evropa headquarters?" "It's becoming increasingly clear that the GAE has some rather anti-white tendencies" "Hitler Hyperborea Bronze Age Pervert 109 countries" "Alright, come this way"

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
@CrusaderBashir >not racist and sexist enough

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
"So Emily was telling me that you're a socialist" "National, yeah" "lol not as in like Hitler, I hope" "Yes, as in Hitler"

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
“So anyway, my thesis is more or less a kind of screed against neoliberalism” “Oh, nice. I’ve never really gotten on board with the whole ‘brown people in Europe’ thing either” “That’s not what ‘neoliberalism’ means”

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
"lol at French 'people' thinking they have rights" "Have you ever heard my comedic George Floyd impression?" "Uhh that sounds a little inappropriate..."
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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
The Rothschilds orchestrating white genocide (they're motivated by ethnic resentment due to being Jewish)

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
"Potentially interesting concept: contestants from the show 'fishtank' placed in an actual fishtank" "Mmm it could work, but you'd need to organise equipment for them to breathe" "That isn't really what I had in mind"

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
@GodCloseMyEyes This video is unironically very relatable and moving. https://twitter.com/ArmoricaGroyper/status/1657968700853743616/video/1

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
@GodCloseMyEyes " 'tmare Vision using the soft a..."

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
"It's over"
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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
So you know that Kane West guy, the one who publicly avowed Hitler..." "Of course, I remember you sold your house to contribute to his Presidential run" "It turns out he's black" "No way" "Yeah it completely blindsided me as well. I'm exploring my options regarding refunds"

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
Its seems ridiculous that Scots are presented as the acceptable, anti-colonial identity in Britain when they were very much part of the imperial project. Per Shasi Tharoor, when taking into account population size Scottish people were in fact overrepresented as agents of Empire.
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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
The first 4 names I came across in this thread were Noam Chomsky, Jeffrey Epstein, Alan Dershowitz, and Woody Allen.
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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
@380kmh "Would you say that things should generally be improved in this country?" "Erm, yes I suppose so" "Wow, we're really getting some stunning results on this survey"

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
"It turns out the Elect were people who never posted anything about sex on Twitter. I love Calvinism"

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
"looks like the wokemob is cancelling me for my #freethinker posts" "Woke? I'm part of an ultranationalist South African militia" "Uh that's the joke...you have to admit this kind of disproves the Right's victim narrative" "This is very much a life and death situation for you"

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
What people think Goths look like What they actually look like😎
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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
Came across a similar thing recently in a paper on the Yugoslavian Wars. "No serious analyst considers [the war between Serbs, Croats, and Muslims in which each tried to erase the other's 'ethno-religious identity'] a religious or ethnic war"
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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
@ironycel If I read this sentence without context I would without a second thought take it as one of our guys making a sarcastic characterisation of what leftists believe.

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
"I don't understand, gigachad. You've achieved great success in every conceivable life measure. And you're just going to walk into the sea?" "None of it feels right without David Cinderwood on Twitter"

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
@JohnNob78300256 @JadeAtrophis @OGRolandRat

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
"Just drove through a slightly different area of my city. Turns out that non-white immigration is actually real and not just a joke concept made up by the Bronze Age Pervert"

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
"The greatest song of all time? Probably 'Thnks fr th Mmrs' by Fallout Boy" https://t.co/vxs5k76s2W
Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
@ArmrcGrypr: Apparently this song wasn't as big in the US as it was in Australia.

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
"The greatest song of all time? Probably 'Thnks fr th Mmrs' by Fallout Boy"

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
"Did she accept his proposal?" "Yes. The ring actually being made out of spinach was a nice touch I think" "Excellent. Now Operation Ultra-Genocide can really kick off"
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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
@TheDailyBruh1 @newscomauHQ Fairly sharp-looking gentlemen actually.

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
"I suggested to Mikka that zoomers are actually kind of gay and left-wing. How about you?" "Italian ancestry-a fairly marginal amount, but it did show up in multiple DNA tests"

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
"I don't particularly care about the space travel debate either way"

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
@piff_jack This is really overstating it. When I see gatherings of AF people they're at best average-looking. Perhaps better than at i.e. commie rallies but definitely not chiselled gigachads.

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
Twitter users advocating for attendees of an Australian house party to be "working in a factory/sent to le coal mines" reminds me of this 'tmare Vision tweet.
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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
@AyoCaesar It's not surprising that people don't vote for far-right parties which have few resources and are presented in the media as basically akin to Islamic terrorists. How about the fact that there was very strong support for Powell's Rivers of Blood speech?

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
@ukipperlad This was my thread on it.

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
Important alliances being made...

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
"My toxic trait? Well, I do have a soft spot for that 'the left has gone insane' eagle, and also sigma grindset-style Peaky Blinders memes"

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
@TrevorSutcliffe Alright, I admit it...

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
@MeisterFranzFan I spoke about this a little while ago as well.

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
@BiskyRusiness Groyper victory

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
A week ago when I pointed out that we obviously don't live in le right-wing capitalist hell-world. https://t.co/PbZ8PTWZCU https://t.co/Y4jchPqGKM
Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
@ArmrcGrypr: Without wanting to be too arrogant I think my follow-up tweets were pretty on-point as well.

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
A week ago when I pointed out that we obviously don't live in le right-wing capitalist hell-world.
Poe 🐶 @poepilled
what was your biggest twitter controversy?

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
"In terms of rightist, aristocratic sports, you can't go past golf. The ownership of space, the absolute purity of a clean drive..." "lol I just think that land could be used for, like, public housing" "Hitler was spot on when he said 'anti-golf is a code word for anti-white""

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
"lmaoooo men really invented a whole sport because they're too afraid to just ask their friends to go for a walk" "Well naturally, asking your friends to 'go for a walk' would be gay. I own three houses btw"

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
@jawn_117 "It seems as though you've exposed yourself as a longhouse double agent. No true Sol Brah loyalist would mix up 'Bronze Age Groyper' and 'Bronze Groyper'"

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
@gastonnerval @jawn_117

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
"One Winthrop combo for Mr Walker?" "That isn't my name, and in fact I'm still exploring my legal options regarding that malicious slander" "Haha, good one Lynn Dee. I hope you have a nice day-I'm a tremendous fan of your Turnbull Diaries trilogy"

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
>Extensively praised on the Night Owls podcast

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
@MainstreamViews "There's nothing wrong with Circle posts! Nothing wrong with Circle posts at all!"

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
@ArmrcGrypr: @PseudoKatabasis @perenniallybore "For days and nights they battled the Bantu to their knees"

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
"Yeah so we live in a right-wing corporatocracy, which includes hegemonic control over the means of communication. But all companies are forced to hire leftists and crack down on 'casual transphobia' because of the unstoppable power of 'boycott"

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
@moomintum No but it's a close second, and in terms of impressions it's more than triple the most liked one.

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
This was fun but perhaps a little more exposure than is advisable. I think I'll stick to making inscrutable right-wing Twitter in-jokes for the most part.

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
The "racist capitalist corporations conspiring to keep leftists down" tiktok guy literally has a marketing job at Nike. You couldn't make up a more perfect refutation of his own worldview if you tried.

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
"Some of those that work forces...are the same that burn crosses!"

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
"For a minute there, I lost myself"

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
@lemurdaze This is a little problematic

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
@MysteryGrove "I feel weird for never having tried it"

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
"Hmm, this 'which type of right-winger are you?' quiz looks fun. But where's the 'White South Africans' option? Must be some sort of glitch"
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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
@Peter_Nimitz "So we paint the left as the real racists. Brilliant, I've got a good feeling about this plan"

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
"Alright, well it appears that you overdid the "breakfast" meme for easy likes. But that can probably be overlooked" "I only ever posted about 15 variations..." "Oh no, a chudjak "The West has fallen" post. This isn't looking good..."

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
@bizlet7 "Another Bizlet gem, normies seething as usual"

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
Reposting tweets I posted 6 months ago verbatim and getting 10-20 times the likes

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
"Historiography? You have to remember that modern academia has very low standards and a systematic leftist bias. The main thing is to follow Spergler Acolyte on Twitter"

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
"I take vague assertions about how women are deep-down apolitical, and just go along with you if you're attractive and personable, completely seriously. I therefore divulge my far-right beliefs to every woman I meet, safe in the knowledge that this will never get me in trouble"

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
Which way Australian zoomer?

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
@FrankVasquez00 @MysteryGrove @Sebastian_Trade

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
@restoreorderusa "He wants me to watch it for the third time in 24 hours? Well alright, führer's orders I guess"

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
Though Juenger condemns killing in cold blood, he says that in the heat of an offensive it is inevitable. A soldier here "has no scruples left; only the spell of primeval instinct remains". https://t.co/dpJaeMgkMh
Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
@ArmrcGrypr: Units of soldiers did not respect the "right of capture". "This shows how very rudimentary the sporting instinct is among the people".

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
Juenger praises the officer class; contrary to the "prejudice and depreciation on the lips of the mob", "these men were our best". "However cleverly people may talk and write, there is nothing to set against self-sacrifice that is not pale, insipid, and miserable". https://t.co/6TWjOfRbzL
Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
@ArmrcGrypr: Though Juenger condemns killing in cold blood, he says that in the heat of an offensive it is inevitable. A soldier here "has no scruples left; only the spell of primeval instinct remains".

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
Juenger describes staying with a French couple who he got on well with, drinking tea and playing cards together. They later wrote to him. "I found many an example among the French civilian population of that internationality of the heart that every decent man...ought to uphold". https://t.co/LygllplKhO
Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
@ArmrcGrypr: Juenger praises the officer class; contrary to the "prejudice and depreciation on the lips of the mob", "these men were our best". "However cleverly people may talk and write, there is nothing to set against self-sacrifice that is not pale, insipid, and miserable".

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
Juenger describes how war increases the intensity with which life is experienced. "The little pleasures that life offered borrowed an unimagined enhancement from the unceasing thunder of the guns and from the destiny whose oppression never left one's mind". https://t.co/T6OHHjSwsA
Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
@ArmrcGrypr: Juenger describes staying with a French couple who he got on well with, drinking tea and playing cards together. They later wrote to him. "I found many an example among the French civilian population of that internationality of the heart that every decent man...ought to uphold".

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
On the other hand, elsewhere he complains about i.e. civilians being made to salute officers, which he regarded as a pointless indignity. https://t.co/pW8rpQmTtR
Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
@ArmrcGrypr: Juenger describes how war increases the intensity with which life is experienced. "The little pleasures that life offered borrowed an unimagined enhancement from the unceasing thunder of the guns and from the destiny whose oppression never left one's mind".

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
Juenger considers that the Germans were in some ways too concerned about how they treated the Belgians-i.e. they should have been more forceful about making civilians house German soldiers. "We sometimes make ourselves ridiculous with our misplaced human kindness". https://t.co/kOthzsOFTU
Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
@ArmrcGrypr: On the other hand, elsewhere he complains about i.e. civilians being made to salute officers, which he regarded as a pointless indignity.

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
Younger soldiers are superior in "strength of nerve". "Troops composed of boys of 20, under experienced leadership, are the most formidable". https://t.co/TUG9eJQj0j
Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
@ArmrcGrypr: Juenger considers that the Germans were in some ways too concerned about how they treated the Belgians-i.e. they should have been more forceful about making civilians house German soldiers. "We sometimes make ourselves ridiculous with our misplaced human kindness".

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View @ArmoricaGroyper
Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
The excitement of going to war, to seek greatness and heroism. "We had left the lecture-room, classroom, and bench behind us...we had grown up in a material age, and in each one of us there was a yearning for a great experience". https://t.co/uwEmnDMe5s
Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
@ArmrcGrypr: Younger soldiers are superior in "strength of nerve". "Troops composed of boys of 20, under experienced leadership, are the most formidable".

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View @ArmoricaGroyper
Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
Juenger praises the English: "of all the troops who were opposed to the Germans...the English were not only the most formidable but the manliest and the most chivalrous". https://t.co/awul9pMasI
Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
@ArmrcGrypr: The excitement of going to war, to seek greatness and heroism. "We had left the lecture-room, classroom, and bench behind us...we had grown up in a material age, and in each one of us there was a yearning for a great experience".

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View @ArmoricaGroyper
Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
Book thread: a few notes on "Storm of Steel" by Ernst Juenger.

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
Book thread: a few notes on "Storm of Steel" by Ernst Juenger. https://t.co/knRnJ9FrJM
Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
@ArmrcGrypr: Juenger praises the English: "of all the troops who were opposed to the Germans...the English were not only the most formidable but the manliest and the most chivalrous".

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
"Alright you'll probably want to hear this, I've just discovered the rhetorical move that will make the left implode from it own contradictions!" " " "Transgenderism is...le anti-woman!"
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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
Intersectionality means a lot to me as a Greer-head, a Vision-head, a Grove-head-each of them intersecting, oppressed identities" "You're making a mockery of the very real oppression faced by BIPOC and LGBTQ individuals" "And of course, a Sol Brah-head"

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
@gastonnerval "I have a political stance. My political stance is pro-menhir, pro-roast boar. That's it"

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
@knrd_z "This is an enlightening note which adds important context. I'm going to rate it as 'helpful'"

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
"Many Nightmare Vision scholars have commented on the irony that such a keyed poster, ultimately the most prominent architect of the victory over GNC, derived his name from a rather plebeian, Auron Macintyre-tier meme" https://t.co/xNcNUu4LQH
Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper

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View @ArmoricaGroyper
Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
"Many Nightmare Vision scholars have commented on the irony that such a keyed poster, ultimately the most prominent architect of the victory over GNC, derived his name from a rather plebeian, Auron Macintyre-tier meme"

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
"Men like us, Mr Vision..."

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
Being a committed #Greerhead loyalist while also being quite keen for the start of the football season

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
"Nationalism is an artificial 19th century construct" espousers when ancient artefacts are housed outside of the modern national borders they originally existed in 5,000 years ago

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
"Got into a brutal fight with Spinach Brah over whether 'locked' as the opposite of 'keyed' was a legitimate term. He unfortunately died-a real shame given that his Twitter account was my sole source for all health advice"

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
This is to my knowledge the least keyed gigachad image of all time.

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
@Hussitegaming "Hmm, where's the racism and violent extremism in this one? There must be some sort of hidden message"

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
"I'm only saying this because I do care about you, soyjak. When the Bronze Age Pervert passes 100k followers on Twitter you'll want to be well away from the North American continent"

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
"We're getting reports from multiple sources that 'Radfem Hitler' is back on Twitter. Now, listen carefully-this should be a fairly simple operation but we don't want to mess it up"

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
@GodCloseMyEyes The reference to Margaret Thatcher really illustrates how non-clearpilled this analysis is. The theory is based on the idea that criticism of "capitalism" is completely stifled, yet in reality Thatcher is probably one of the most openly maligned figures in British public culture.

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
@QuetzalPhoenix "Message received, loud and clear"

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
@pseudomethodius " "

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
@SunkissedBastet Check the top right

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
@GodCloseMyEyes "Been getting into the 'Night Owls' podcast" "Oh nice, that's one of my favourites. Didn't know you were on Twitter, though" "It's not on Twitter. It's a series of thought-provoking conversations hosted by a Jewish academic"

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
@giantgio Wasn't necessarily meant in that spirit, I think there have been some cool developments since then.

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
@distant_summer "They call it extreme, but I've always said that an extreme situation calls for an extreme response. That's why I'm making Total Philosopher Death a key component of my 2024 platform"

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
"Well, I've had a 3-year break but I think it's time to log back on to my right-wing Twitter account. Can't wait to read all of the vitalist takes Ulysses has come up with. I hope Kantbot and Logo Daedalus are still more or less alt-right"

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
“And this leads us to the ultimate conclusion of what has been a rather longer-than-anticipated speech, namely, that the Twitter account ‘Dog Two’ is, as it were, the most radically right-wing figure of the 21st century”
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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
"lol what if someone made a "NightmareVisionFan88Fan88 account" "Not a good idea, soyjak" "lmao calm down, it's just an amusing thought" "You don't understand the kind of forces you're playing with. I need to make sure no one's recording this conversation"
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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
Starting to suspect some of you of frequenting the "For You" page...

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
@MysteryGrove Proud Groveist till the day I die

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
"Gio Scotti, Giant Gio...you have to admit that I was on to something" "And your solution was to kill both of them?" "You can never be too careful"

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
@9MonsieurChat9 "Uhh I think you should go to work, you might get fired if you miss too many days" "Reckon I'll stay home today, I want to re-listen to Episode 20 of Caribbean Rhythms"

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
"What's ironic is that your nationalism is a fundamentally liberal, bourgeois project" " " "Like, even your very mode of expression on Twitter is inherently liberal" "If you mean that in the Akkadian sense then I wouldn't necessarily object"

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
@LoFiRepublican @inherent_itgirl

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
"Now, there was some controversy over your first act as dictator, namely the arrest and execution of a Twitter poster known as 'Perry Abbasi'..." "I think my stance on coal has been clear for a long time"

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
"I'll have the Richard Spencer burger, please. And make sure the onions are properly caramelised" "We don't offer that here, sorry" "What? I thought this was a Classical Liberal bar!"

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
@GodCloseMyEyes >Nightmare Vision using ebonics

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
@SaladBarFan "Sailer and his Chauvin boys"

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
@distant_summer @BreastMilkEnjyr

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
Ernst Jünger in Storm of Steel writes that young soldiers are superior in "strength of nerve": "I consider that troops composed of boys of 20, under experienced leadership, are the most formidable"

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
“I’m supposed to feel threatened by the fact that you’re ‘one of 17cShyteposter’s top guys’? I dunno man, this all seems like a bit of a LARP to me” “I'd take that back if I were you, soyjak"

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
"Kill Romans. Behead Romans. Collect Roman helmets as trophies. Ambush a Roman patrol. Destroy an entire Roman galley. Burn a fortified Roman camp. Feed a Roman baby to wild boars. Boil Romans in a cauldron"

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
“One guy made a joke about an e-girl looking like a boy from Ancient Greece? This seems like something which warrants months of discussion”

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
"This next one's called '1917 and All That'... ‘Woke’ London students, Geordie dockers, Workers divided by hateful screeds, As Eton Old Boys line their pockets, 'Hope and Glory' indeed"

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
@AbyssalAccount “[insert European country] people are le bad! Classic, and there’s a hint of truth here given their shameful history of anti-Semitism”

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
“And there’s an interesting connection here to what Foucault said about the ‘disciplinary society’...” “Yep, right. And I think at some point, you know, the Australian people are just going to have had enough”

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
More or less lines up
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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
"Now, philosophy is all about challenging established norms-there's nothing wrong with being a little queer and Marxist in this classroom! So would anyone like to share a controversial opinion?" "Well firstly, I'd like to do away with all civil rights legislation..." "Erm..."
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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
@loubloom777 "I did NOT have 'NightmareVisionFan88 and Lou Bloom Groyper revealed to be the same person' on my 2023 bingo card!"

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
"I've worked on some pretty violent cases, but this sort of Dionysian frenzy of brutality is frankly unprecedented. What I'm interested in is this: what possible motivation could you have had?" "They suspended Ink Blot. All he ever posted was cute animal videos..."

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
The white over-50s who are the sole audience of Australian public radio tuning in to another segment about queer indigenous bodies

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
"I watch the Mystery Grove Peter Rabbit video every morning before 15 hours of work in the finance industry. My income goes almost exclusively towards a subscription to the elite tier of Sol Brah's Sol Club, and the funding of various radical nationalist causes"

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
"There was some new energy tonight, and some of it was just so Caribbean Rhythms, but some of it was just so not Caribbean Rhythms" "Look, I'm sorry if I wasn't vitalist enough. And I'm sorry if you assume that I read Aquinas, and don't necessarily think multi-generational liv-"

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
@Niger5auru5 I actually wrote about this

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
"Unskilled labour" is a capitalist myth

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
@AS_Protestant @ScottMGreer @PhilippusArabus Fellow Greerhead spotted

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
“In terms of political philosophy I’m fundamentally a Greerist-Groveist, which is why I’ve spent 3 years trying to synthesise ‘No Campus For White Men’ and ‘Mine Were of Trouble’” “Sounds like a thankless endeavour” “Well you know, Thiel is very generous with his grants...

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
“So I’ve been taking those ‘clear pill’ supplements you were talking about. Seen some decent gains, but I’ve also developed an overwhelming obsession with the idea of a vast ‘Living Space’ stretching East from the Elbe River” “Nice one, brother!”

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
“and the need for wa-” “walkable cities? Sorry Ben, but you seem to be reciting verbatim a well-known article from Compact Magazine. In truth masculinity isn’t platitudes about ‘family’, it’s posting gigachad dialogues and plotting to impose your visions on the entire world”

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
@fingerishatroc1 "Ha, you dissident right anime guys think you're radical but you're really no different from suburban Republicans" " " "Oh, fuck, a handful of conservative news sites are toying with dissident right concepts in a minor way. This is, like, seriously concerning"

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
@StarBarduous Actual extreme racists slipping under the radar as the authorities monitor an increasing proportion of the population for any form of wrongthink

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
During the wedding of Romanian fascist leader Corneliu Codreanu, one high school girl committed suicide when her parents told her she couldn’t attend.

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
Gay people when they read Homer and there are no references to homosexuality, and numerous very explicitly 'heteronormative' statements

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
@ArmrcGrypr: The critique wasn't even that this standard of living relies on a system of exploitation or something like that. For the most part it was vague cultural criticisms like "they're boring" or that they're probably unsophisticated with regards to cuisine

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
Virgil, in the 1st century BC, praises the beauty and fruitfulness of Italy, which has produced “a vigorous race of men” https://t.co/qrIeF5YfCx
Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
@ArmrcGrypr: The difference between the shield in the Aeneid and the shield in the Iliad-Aeneas's shield is about the specific history of Rome, whereas Achillles's shield is not specific, "[it has] no history, it is a picture of the world and human life"

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
Virgil, in the 1st century BC, praises the beauty and fruitfulness of Italy, which has produced “a vigorous race of men”

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
@lemurdaze "We may need to be a little bit negative"

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
@GodCloseMyEyes "I'm not even really offended by their politics, it's just like, very funny to me. That's my primary motivation for quote-tweeting them, the humorous irony of the situation"

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
@L0m3z @elonmusk Comes up as the first result for me

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
@FischerKing64 @QuetzalPhoenix

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
@inkblotistan Sounds like a situation in which a touch of #DarkCozy may be required

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
@jawn_117 "Events proceeding as planned"

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
"Erm, hello. Landshark said that you'd let me pass through these waters, so I'll just-" "Only after you'd assassinated Dasha Nekrasova, that was the stipulation" "I...I did!" "The 'Red Scare' podcast still seems to be releasing new episodes"

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Garak Obama @ObamaGarak
The right wing case for aboriginals
Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
"The right-wing case against aboriginals"

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
@9MonsieurChat9 Total Babylon Bee-ite death

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
@theeuchrid @isabellarileyus

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
@nigelkipper Millions

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
@NxlAnglo Obama on Europe

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
@ScottMGreer "I need 10 of your best men, ASAP. Yeah, Greer's been kidnapped by Niccolo Soldo. Forced at gunpoint to make some very 'un-keyed' posts"

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
"The Enlightenment origins of racism" "Indefinite ban on all immigration" "My latest for UnHerd: on the curious liberalism of the far-right" "White Reconquista of South Africa" "Beyond left and right: a post-liberal vision of the future" "Nightmare Vision for President"

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
"I'm pro-Sol Brah but in a kind of ironic way; he's a bit of a grifter, really" "I'm in Sol Brah's private discord. Our plans for a rightist coup of the German government are fairly advanced"

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
@GodCloseMyEyes With regards to Achilles and Patroclus, there's a passage in the Iliad which explicitly describes their sleeping arrangements while they are staying together, namely each sleeping with a woman.

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
@PseudoKatabasis 🔥🔥

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
“I feel like my soul is being torn apart!” “You’re caught between two forces, Landshark: wholesome normie-posting, and unapologetic right-wing extremism” “Which am I meant to choose?” “Fundamentally there is no ‘choosing’; it’s as Bowden says, ‘you’re born to be what you are’”

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
"Engagement levels through the roof. I can expect increased dopamine into the future" "My Fuhrer..." "Hedonic adaptation means you'll just need more engagement for the same hits. Dopamine will stay more or less the same throughout even quite drastic increases in follower count"

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
“I’ve never seen that book in the library, Luna” “Well, it only reveals itself to people with blonde hair and A10 eyes” “Sounds like it must cover some pretty dark magic” “Actually it has nothing to do with magic at all. It’s called ‘Culture of Critique’, by Kevin MacDonald”

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
"Hey, give me back my wand...hey stop shoving me!" "Wow, this really is a MAGICAL school in more ways than one!" "Yes, yes, very amusing Mr Greer"

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
@johnntremain John Tremain appreciators reading another "bartender" tweet

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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
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Asterix Respecter @ArmoricaGroyper
"I really think we have a special connection. But I understand if it doesn't feel right to you-Cedric's death, a Gryffindor and a Ravenclaw..." "It's not that, it's just you know, the white race and everything. Bowden, Hyperborea..."