@AsabiyyahPepe AP CEO of Free Helicopter Rides For Communists LLC. Board member at TND, Inc. Book/history poster.

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Slurs & ToS Breaches Nazi Dogwhistles Antisemitism Transphobia Anti-Blackness Homophobia Misogyny Groypers
Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 202
AP @AsabiyyahPepe
@eugyppius1 @oomfie420 Tbf it’s a little bit of both carrots and sticks. The case that it was mostly carrots is made well in this book

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
@DecodingFoxNews @atrupar Here is the graph adjusting for population size.

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
@CovfefeAnon @0x49fa98 Whiteness isn’t inherited but earned ergo white leftists aren’t white

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
@as_a_new_guy Look it’s simple. Choking a schizophrenic felon threatening to beat up subway passengers is not very Karl Marx whereas killing your landlord is wholeheartedly Karl Marx. It’s just class consciousness, buddy

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mårtin @perenniallybore
@380kmh I'm a left wing liberal leftist and I totally agree with this.
AP @AsabiyyahPepe
@380kmh "You're a liberal and you're defending this? Who are you people?" "Liberal society's shock troopers. The barbed wire separating civilization from barbarism. Ernst Nolte talks about this."

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View @perenniallybore
AP @AsabiyyahPepe
@The_Law_Boy “Get these people away from me”

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
@mattyglesias @RichardHanania @ZachG932

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
@perenniallybore Idea for a citizenship test

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
@LA_Confidant “It’s okay to be as weird and discomfiting as you want but don’t you DARE have this picture saved on your phone!”

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
@USCatholic @TiaPhD Not only is it false that Augustine of Hippo was black but he detested blacks too. Note: he refers to blacks as "Ethiopians" but this was the common word Greeks and Romans used to refer to blacks. Augustine was ethnically Berber but his parents were Roman citizens.

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
@RodinsRevenge Atlantis WILL rise again

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
@RodinsRevenge Berber Cubans also exist. Specifically Canarian Berbers (Guanches) https://medium.com/@ad.meliora.02/the-canary-islands-contribution-to-the-history-of-the-americas-b79c7a8478a3

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
@MogTheUrbanite @CristusVictor

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
@cavkingpaul @Outsideness “You’re telling me the N in TND stands for ‘N1gg3r’? Wow. I was with you until I learned that. I thought it just stood for ‘Normie.’”

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
@Hussitegaming Great book I recommend on how the rise of leftism is can be understood as the resurgence of pagan superstitious worldviews

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
@GasStationJuche RIP space cowboy

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
@HQGroypcraft88 @jawn_117 You’re defending a system of superstitions that made people too scared to conquer new territories because is haunted. Christianity came as a relief from fear of death—albeit a novel and abstract doctrine—to those who adopted it.

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
@HQGroypcraft88 @jawn_117 They converted them to Christianity and their offspring went on to conquer the globe and reshape it in their image. It’s not a coincidence that it was those swam deepest in the well of Christianity—Europeans—that turned out to be the greatest conquerors the world has ever know.

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
@jawn_117 @HQGroypcraft88

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
@SaladBarFan Average incel at 2am reading PDF

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
@GhastlyGrinch @Austenouttaten @johnntremain Delete this before he gets you disbarred for all the shit you've admitted in the gc

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
@CityBureaucrat You may be jesting but this is one of the most underrated reasons for his ‘16 victory.

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
@Takesfordays I took public transportation for the first time in a while here a few days ago.

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
@0x49fa98 @CovfefeAnon @plzbepatient

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
@FrenlyOfficer “You’re not even mid. You’re black.”

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Pedros @BiskyRusiness
AP @AsabiyyahPepe
“I just received interesting email. Is it true you are posting esoteric racist memes online? I thought you left Twitter.” “Sure did but it sounds like the Winthropian spirit is alive and well.” “I see. Anyhow, Himmler is asking for a readiness report on Biden Rayp Waffen-SS.”

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View @BiskyRusiness
AP @AsabiyyahPepe
@AshJWilliams99 You’re telling me you can win an online argument simply by poasting fizeek?

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
@CoCheseDaDon @GasStationJuche @PunishedCrank @brandyorc Out on my porch tanning on this beautiful day. U mad?

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
@CoCheseDaDon @PunishedCrank @brandyorc Out of wedlock births for blacks used to be 12% a 100 years. Today it’s 73%. What happened there?

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
@motomamizz @spectatorindex @CityBureaucrat You can read more about it here.

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
@spectatorindex @CityBureaucrat It’s so over Dollarbros

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Garak Obama @ObamaGarak
Inside you there are 3 Nicks https://t.co/3EKHr6UT7i
AP @AsabiyyahPepe
Inside you there are 3 Pauls

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View @ObamaGarak
AP @AsabiyyahPepe
@CityBureaucrat The Talmudic Network sends its regards

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
@SnowMed34 Libtard: "Studies show that white people who live close to minorities are on average less racist."

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
@MackeyWow @johnntremain @NewYorkTankees @BrandonLBradfor He has deleted all his replies. Total Racist Chud Victory!

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
@barbaricvitalsm "The founding established a new race. A new people." Crèvecœur articulated this best in 1782. https://www.americanyawp.com/reader/a-new-nation/hector-st-jean-de-crevecoeur-describes-the-american-people-1782/

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
@Outsideness @GasStationJuche It's why America, the most racist country in history, invented stand-up comedy, minstrel/blackface, vaudeville and burlesque. Which all had a huge ethnic/racial component. The first record to sell more than 1 million copies was "Cohen on the telephone." https://t.co/8SYARVZcHM
AP @AsabiyyahPepe
: @Outsideness @GasStationJuche One of the most quintessentially American comedic innovations is the Polish joke, which led the Communist Polish government to file a formal complaint to the State Department.

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View @AsabiyyahPepe
AP @AsabiyyahPepe
@Outsideness @GasStationJuche It's why America, the most racist country in history, invented stand-up comedy, minstrel/blackface, vaudeville and burlesque. Which all had a huge ethnic/racial component. The first record to sell more than 1 million copies was "Cohen on the telephone."

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
@Outsideness @patrickbasedmn I seem to remember an Augustine of Hippo quote to that effect.

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
@VinceDaoTV @6ukima9 @chris

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🎄Comrade Claus🎄 @comradesanchez
hating NYC is just code for hating gays, Jews, immigrants, and poor people you can't shield yourself from by locking your car doors from the inside and driving past them.
AP @AsabiyyahPepe
"Your terms are acceptable."

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
@punishedforest “HH, if you catch my drift.”

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Garak Obama @ObamaGarak
.@REAL_7homas777 any book recommendations on Calvinism’s role in American history?
AP @AsabiyyahPepe

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View @ObamaGarak
Garak Obama @ObamaGarak
Esoterically reading Eckhart as the grandfather of Protestantism
AP @AsabiyyahPepe

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View @ObamaGarak
AP @AsabiyyahPepe
@LA_Confidant @GhastlyGrinch "But I have to give up dropping 5 figures a year on Tom Ford products."

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
@YsbrydCymry1282 Republicans make more money than Democrats. So it makes sense of the Right to speak as and for high income earners rather than the poor. I know you are Welsh but please don’t extrapolate your europoor bullshit to analyzing American society.

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
@SaladBarFan @TaupeAvenger You’re telling me these swarthoids are motivated by nothing but racial resentment toward whites?

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
@jawn_117 Constantine and his contemporaries viewed Christianity as the triumph of Apollonianism over the daemonic/Dionysian.

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
@GasStationJuche “Now I am become death, the destroyer of all seasoning police officers.”

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
@SURYO_ASTI @jawn_117 Only issue with that Spenglerian cycle is that it doesn't apply to Christianity.

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
@jawn_117 Pagantards: Christianity made Europeans weak and gay Reality:

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
@HbdNrx I don't think this is quite true. I find Wisconsin to be a great example because it's a swing state. This map shows 2012-2016-2020. You see the same thing in other swing states. Trump enlarged his 2020 base from '16 performance.

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
@Partisan_O This is the fundamental problem that @Scholars_Stage identified in this essay. The people who the rw elite want to lead aren’t amenable to organized civic/communitarian action https://scholars-stage.org/the-problem-of-the-new-right/

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
@GasStationJuche A friend who teaches sociology at a top ranked college used the word “normie” thinking it means middle-class bourgeois people with conventional trad-ish views

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
@SaladBarFan @NeoBactrian

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
@VDAREJamesK This take makes no sense. Lightfoot won in a landslide in 2019. Vallas lost by three points.

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
@odyspol @CityBureaucrat Herodotus on indigenous North African culture. Note ‘Ethiopian’ is the Greek nomenclature for black

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
@AsabiyyahPepe: @johnntremain @jawn_117 So did Jefferson and his contemporaries

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
@johnntremain @empathyhaver Doxxed

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
@AshJWilliams99 “No wdym bro listen if we make just ONE more post about Dylan Mulvaney go viral, normies will wake up from their stupor. Total Chud Victory imminent.”

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
@barbaricvitalsm Fedposting again I see?

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
@ObamaGarak “…”

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
@BusinessBoord: @FutureGoost

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
@RodinsRevenge @ObamaGarak And his analysis of American character that would be easily construed as jingoistic today

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
@prowrstlngstrng @pseudomethodius It's highly skewed by age. Still looks bad even when you disaggregate the household numbers. And that doesn't even include streaming or TikTok. Normies just love lobotomizing themselves.

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
@pseudomethodius Average normietard watches 8 hours of TV a day. Key to understanding normie metaphysics is that they’ve watched so much TV, they think they live in a TV show about themselves. Philip Rieff once again vindicated.

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
@josiahreborn777 "Wow so we can just lock up our enemies and that would solve all our problems?"

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
@blandCinema You still haven't and will in fact never account for this.

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
@AsabiyyahPepe: @whyvert This is also why Third Worlders were so pro-Japan and pro-USSR. You find in Japanese and Soviet propaganda this notion that they're freeing humanity from the shackles of Western colonialism in very racialized terms. I recommend this book.

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
@MarkW_MT @stephens_ben @ScottAdamsSays No, the median black person really does resent whites.

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
@RodinsRevenge Millions nay billions of felines must live

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
@cristian__dobre @SaladBarFan

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
@SaladBarFan North African memes, translated

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
@davidcrockettfa @thuleanrevenant Canadian cities are more expensive when adjusting for local median income. The relatively affordable ones are midsize cities in the prairie Provinces

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
@Nazboleon @hostilianvs Mohamed was notoriously racist. He banned Bedouin Arabs from leading Friday prayers or sounding the Azan. Incredible how virtually every founder of a successful empire was racist. I’m sure it’s just a coincidence

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
@TinTinEnjoyer @CovfefeAnon It’s true. Women can’t conceptualize a normal distribution, even if you show them a graph. Generalized statements all require an understanding of this

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
@RodinsRevenge @GasStationJuche So called pro-BRICS reactionaries haven't read this book and it shows

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
@CityBureaucrat @DrProudman Some might call it an instance of disparate impact

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
@SaladBarFan “You’re gonna need a bigger oven.”

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
@The_WGD A popular Leftist trope is that white men occupy the highest positions of power in the private sector because of nepotism, favoritism, etc. They *have* to believe this because the alternative explanation is that white men are just better at their jobs than everyone else

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
@Nazboleon @DylanMorganNE "Culture wars are a distraction" posters get real quiet when you show them this book

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
@johnntremain @Nazboleon @hostilianvs it's funny how the pendulum swung so hard against all that by the 90s that the German Left came up with antideutsch ideology

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
@zerowing0 “…”

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
@GasStationJuche Although we’re not always Back, it’s true that it’s never really Over

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
@thuleanrevenant “…”

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
I just finished this yesterday. Basically helps explain the conditions under which ZOG took over. Maybe I do thread?

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
@CityBureaucrat He was a real one for this

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
@euluous Most of what people call ‘pagan’ has nothing to do with pagan religion. But the issue is where the line is drawn between culture, ritual and religion. Christian missionaries in Ancient Rome dealt with this problem and it is the subject of this excellent book

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
@MogTheUrbanite Latino population forecasts keep getting revised downwards because demographers keep presuming Hispanic TFR will remain static. I guess one can say they're assimilating lol

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
@CityBureaucrat @SaladBarFan It's much worse than that

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
@DrBusinessGoose: @BusinessGoosePA

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
@AsabiyyahPepe: @zyzzek @CovfefeAnon It's not just ten years ago though. Fed made around 100 billion in profits just in 2021

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
@davidcrockettfa Soros has mere influence, not power. Power is when you can do whatever you want. Trump, for example, was powerful and he knew it.

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
Demography is destiny but not in the vulgar mechanistic way it’s understood. The White Man has always been outnumbered. A few thousand white men controlled tens of millions in the Congo Free State for decades. Quality of your demographic group > quantity.

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
@CityBureaucrat @davidcrockettfa @bronzeagemantis What did they mean by this?

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
@pegobry Parce que

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
Homemade Pancetta. Zero nitrites/nitrates. You should all learn how to make your own charcuterie and stop eating zogcuterie. Also saves you $

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
@johnntremain @MysteryGrove

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
@AsabiyyahPepe: @RodinsRevenge Marx got his material on working-class conditions in England from Parliamentary Blue Books and pretended like he got that info on his own in Capital because it would've gone against his view that the bourgeoise were uniformly opposed to better conditions for workers

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
@pegobry @CovfefeAnon @davidcrockettfa Workers chose Coca Cola and Levi’s jeans over “proletariat solidarity.” Self-embourgeoisement supplanted dictatorship of the proletariat. America, especially her cultural and corporate exports, inadvertently destroyed the communist dream in Western Europe

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
@thuleanrevenant Yes

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
@CatoJunger @EdenicJesus That’s why Catholicism is so lindy though. Room for sinners and saints alike. A cursory comparison of the post-Reformation German to the Italian shows this clearly. I say this without any sectarianism but where are the German Lutherans now?

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
What is the Marxist/libtard explanation for why wealthy Ottoman families funded risky and expensive military expeditions and pirate raids to kidnap whites for the purpose of procreating with them? Why did they want to infuse their offspring with as much white blood as possible?

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
Justinian and Trump. Two incredibly energetic men who sought to restore a declining empire to its former glory. Both were from outside the imperial core (one from Skopje, the other from Queens, NY.) Both failed due to a plague.

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
For Christmas, I got my wife an ice cream machine that makes ice cream in under 2 minutes and she's on her third PINT now. What the fuck was I thinking?

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
Reminder that politics isn't about "policy" or "electability." Politics is about destroying your enemies. Thank you President Trump for making our enemies gay and mentally ill! #Trump2024 #CarlSchmitt

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
Looks like a fantastic book

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
Really disappointing I never see anyone discussing this very good book on the TL. Maybe a thread is in order?

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
@AsabiyyahPepe: Let's talk about Hispanics. Hispanics made up just 10% of the electorate in 2020. Around 80% of Hispanics are concentrated in just 5 states. Just one of those states is a swing state (AZ.) Meaning Trump can win a majority of Hispanics in 2024 and it still wouldn't make a dent.

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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
Much of the Midwest has been a solid Democrat lock for the Electoral College since 1988. Trump was the first Republican to win WI since 1984. If demographics is destiny, then why is the Midwest purple at best whereas the much more racially diverse South is ruby red Republican? 🧵
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AP @AsabiyyahPepe
That's the same guy who admitted in a recent interview that "cryptocommunists" are taking over the Democratic Party and federal government btw.
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pepe 100%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
pepe 98%
ss bolts 65%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
bar graph 59%
logos_flags_graphics 39%
sonnenrad 64%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
toons other 67%
hitler 63%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
joker 78%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
gigachad 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
valknut 58%
iron cross 55%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
iron cross 32%
mspaint style 25%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
mspaint style 81%
punisher 68%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
toons other 65%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 100%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
logos_flags_graphics 96%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
etc 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
face 83%
joker 80%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
joker 53%
gigachad 55%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
gigachad 96%
gigachad 91%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
gigachad 75%
gigachad 92%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
gigachad 99%
anime 58%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
anime 99%
gigachad 92%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
gigachad 100%
gigachad 90%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
gigachad 35%
militarized 28%
gigachad 85%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
gigachad 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
militarized 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
gigachad 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
anime 89%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)