@FirstOccidental Nessel White/European Race Firster White Wing Radical Sincerity https://t.co/3RzmG1rKS8 That bit below Denmark

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Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 52
Nessel @FirstOccidental
One has to wonder what Gobineau, Hans F. K. Günther etc. would've thought of this experiment. I'm sure they would've had a more zased interpretation regarding the blue eyed kids not seething at the t 50s after their little power trip.

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Nessel @FirstOccidental
If you see this, post a picture of yourself as a villain. https://t.co/9FGaKEh6vE https://t.co/gIkN3bem12
Nessel @FirstOccidental
If you see this, post a picture of yourself as a villain.
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Nessel @FirstOccidental
@dankpeter_ Aside from being part Welsh that is

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Nessel @FirstOccidental
Sleepy at work. Reminding myself that sleep is a j*wish trick to limit your potential. It's addicting and they hooked you on it when too young to understand the consequences. Now can't stop, there are withdrawal symptoms.

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Nessel @FirstOccidental
"Ugh, the oppressive meaninglessness of it all is just too much to bear. When I open my eyes, I just see a void. No I'm not just a cynical f*g torturing myself with delusions, it's just not there"

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Nessel @FirstOccidental
This seems rather accurate

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Nessel @FirstOccidental
@hostilianvs Nevermind, it is all correct. Taking offers.

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Nessel @FirstOccidental
@hostilianvs Reminds me of civil rights in the US. Blacks have never felt more oppressed than today

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Nessel @FirstOccidental

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Nessel @FirstOccidental
@FirstOccidental: dead were probably made by people who also don't think they're funny but effective. It's work, not fun. Ultimately these serve as bait or ways to influence the largest possible number of people by appealing to even the lowest common denominator. Such people if they "affiliate"...

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Nessel @FirstOccidental
@Lemur143Lemur14 Hmmm

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Nessel @FirstOccidental
@jkillashandra @ElonHatesWhites Georgians-Russians. "Passing" is trooncoded in any case

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Nessel @FirstOccidental
"Billions for space, pennies for the hungry!"

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Nessel @FirstOccidental
Technically this should be considered a war crime. America was still neutral too. Reading about clumsy nature of German WW1 propaganda. Reminds me of Russia bumbling attempts at it rn. Anyway, sry for attempting to instrumentalize Ns, commies, Js etc.

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Nessel @FirstOccidental
Flip a coin
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View @FirstOccidental
Nessel @FirstOccidental
of a movement that had little in the way of institutional support was the NSDAP but it got the necessary leverage to present "elites" the options below when the writing was on the wall. Earlier even than industrialists joining in was the DNVP being forced to cooperate.

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Nessel @FirstOccidental
It's not that difficult. Autosomal DNA all the way. The descendants of European hunter gatherers, early European farmers and the Indoeuropeans. Caucasus hunter gatherers only insofar that is a small component of indoeuropean ancestry, for the same reason Neanderthals aren't white https://t.co/Ln83D5oUGd https://t.co/wOp3oT57nz
Nessel @FirstOccidental
It's not that difficult. Autosomal DNA all the way. The descendants of European hunter gatherers, early European farmers and the Indoeuropeans. Caucasus hunter gatherers only insofar that is a small component of indoeuropean ancestry, for the same reason Neanderthals aren't white
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Nessel @FirstOccidental
reimagining how they'd look like in the age of instagram, Tiktok etc. Depicted on the right is "algorithmic beauty" which is what I'm talking about. Renaissance men were aiming to make aesthetics an objective science, not aspiring to this. The left one was made with that in...

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Nessel @FirstOccidental
@Meredicchio Somewhat like this ig. I have more of a Seitenscheitel though

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Nessel @FirstOccidental
@Feminist_Frau Someone doesn't understand correlation

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Nessel @FirstOccidental
that just govern them in a benign manner. Anyone can already try and do the same or worse to us. That island in particular in my imagination could be a wonderful exotic garden for our kind if we put in the work so naturally I want it for us eventually.

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Nessel @FirstOccidental
@Feminist_Frau Soyjak material, like this

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Nessel @FirstOccidental
AI gives a more competent response to the question than many people

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Nessel @FirstOccidental
@realRaegenhere Indeed

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Nessel @FirstOccidental
I have no mouth but I must scream (racial slurs)

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Nessel @FirstOccidental
@FirstOccidental: industrial GDP of any country on the planet. A state with half as much on paper advantages as us would already be a headache. If China were to mobilize on a scale akin imperial Japan in WW2 it would be very hard indeed to crush any funny ideas they get. Even if this is...

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Fairweather @FtnheadFair
No, they don't. Neither of them do. https://t.co/FqbKKnrQKW https://t.co/LjzSSoZWO1
Nessel @FirstOccidental
I think they do though in Asia mainly seems to moreso generate a population that can become skilled workers rather than inventors, great men etc. J*ws clearly have their geniuses etc. but they're broadly overrepresented in influential roles if IQ is the only metric to judge by...

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Saiden @bricker_02
I hate this room, I keep getting static shocks constantly, a pretty strong ones as well. Happens nowhere else.
Nessel @FirstOccidental
@hostilianvs J*ws randomly zapping you for shits and giggles. I hear they plan to roll this out at a wide scale.

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Nessel @FirstOccidental
New short article. Bcs Twitter seems to mess with the algorithm when you link, I will post a link below. Otherwise there's a link to the blog in my bio as well.

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Nessel @FirstOccidental
@FirstOccidental: So many Poles

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Nessel @FirstOccidental
@DeifiedUnico @Geloofsekerheid @paincat_unico @yumepunished Sticking to more conventional people I admire in some capacity. There's ofc more like Andrew Jackson, Martin Luther, Francis Galton, Ludendorff, Napoleon, Julian the apostate etc. etc. etc.

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Nessel @FirstOccidental

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Nessel @FirstOccidental
Think big, Kardashev 3+ scale white civilization big.

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"Multiracial Nazbol-Tradcath coalition against the Jews" has to be the most unappealing political program ever devised. Who does this appeal to besides deranged facef*gs, exactly?
Nessel @FirstOccidental
I expect them to splinter over being unable to agree whether j*ws or capitalists are the big bad to talk about instead of race.

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View @Archae0futurist
Nessel @FirstOccidental
DO NOT OWN BEDS. Sleep is a j*wish psyop to put the white man down (to sleep). You need to be caffeinemaxxing, collapsing 100% all natural from exhaustion as god intended. Do this for long enough and eventually your vril will replace the need for rest alltogether.
ShitpostGateway @ShitpostGate

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Nessel @FirstOccidental
When I deal with moderates I think of the part in the Bhagavad Gita where Krishna takes a prince on a journey through time and space showing how his concerns are so petty. Sure the constitution, freedom, the h*locaust and other atrocities is all there is to live. Tell that the...

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Nessel @FirstOccidental

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Nessel @FirstOccidental
People are willfully misunderstanding the point in this. This isn't some dunk on christians but an observable fact with centering religion in a coalition that should center on a "secular" political end. Nationalism isn't christian, nor anti christian, yet christian ...

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Nessel @FirstOccidental
@1241561639kd Must be a very good one indeed

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Nessel @FirstOccidental
"Keep listening to me, I'm not just a retard trying to play the role of a smart subversive"
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Nessel @FirstOccidental
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Nessel @FirstOccidental
Tinkzorg talking about Germans chimping out is golden considering he's a N*gger. Fyi talking about genociding Germans being a good thing should be illegal in Sweden I think. His name is already out there.

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Nessel @FirstOccidental
@FirstOccidental: London's population has to shrink by around about 63.2%

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pepe 99%

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militarized 43%
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militarized 90%
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militarized 74%
joker 66%

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etc 92%
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art_other 75%

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militarized 46%
face 44%

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art_other 67%
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union jack 83%

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etc 47%
logos_flags_graphics 38%

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logos_flags_graphics 100%

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logos_flags_graphics 99%

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logos_flags_graphics 81%

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tldr 100%

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proud boys 31%

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etc 99%

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mspaint style 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

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tldr 83%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
face 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

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map 100%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

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art_other 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

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art_other 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

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tldr 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
logos_flags_graphics 52%
bar graph 29%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

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hitler 29%

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art_other 99%

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toons other 91%

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tldr 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
bar graph 32%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 88%

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Classifier 20221028131014
logos_flags_graphics 80%

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Classifier 20221028131014
etc 90%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

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art_other 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

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tldr 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

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tldr 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
face 90%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%