@ErnestTubbVEVO le biel 24/7 hate speech

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Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 10
le biel @ErnestTubbVEVO
@baseballcrank faggot /moron

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Magic: The Gathering @wizards_magic
"And Aragorn gave it a new name and called it Andúril, Flame of the West." https://t.co/zi1JQBCHjb
le biel @ErnestTubbVEVO
why aragorn is nigger?

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le biel @ErnestTubbVEVO
squeaked into the second draft at 3-1, a lot of close games #arenaopen

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le biel @ErnestTubbVEVO
@TheRealHoarse @ScottLarabee Implying the pedo drag queen and the pedo pastor aren't the same person https://t.co/EiFuWkxavR
le biel @ErnestTubbVEVO
: @TheRealHoarse @ScottLarabee

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The Hoarse Whisperer @HoarseWisperer
If you want to find a pedophile, just go up to any drag queen. And use her phone to google "youth pastors near me".
le biel @ErnestTubbVEVO
@TheRealHoarse @ScottLarabee Implying the pedo drag queen and the pedo pastor aren't the same person

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le biel @ErnestTubbVEVO
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le biel @ErnestTubbVEVO
In memoriam
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le biel @ErnestTubbVEVO
@battlebeagle #WWIII

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le biel @ErnestTubbVEVO
@MagicOnline Is junkyard genius bugged or do I just not understand the card? Reads like it doesn't give itself haste/menace.

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le biel @ErnestTubbVEVO
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le biel @ErnestTubbVEVO
That indian guy that runs twitter now is a nigger

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Touré @Toure
White people—if you call a Black person the n-word you might get attacked or killed. We can debate whether or not that's right or moral or whatever, and the legal system will probably stand up for you, but none of that will help you if you’re dead. Govern yourself accordingly.
le biel @ErnestTubbVEVO

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Woke Capital @WokeCapital
As BAP and Moldbug have been saying Big Tech is not behind the wheel. They're taking orders from above. always_have_been.jpg https://t.co/LXNFfncRRl
le biel @ErnestTubbVEVO
(((Chesky))), fyi

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View @WokeCapital
le biel @ErnestTubbVEVO
This eyepatch faggot is 100% not to be trusted
Dan Crenshaw @DanCrenshawTX
@notaproviderMD @RepDanCrenshaw ✅Not another 9/11; ✅Al Qaeda denied an uncontested training ground & time/space to plan large scale attacks; ✅Girls graduating school; ✅No public executions in soccer stadiums; ✅No morality police enforcing Islamic law. Deterrence actually matters. We have a tiny presence.

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Treeroy @Treeroy6670
@HarpyHoney @lucasfaley No it isnt. The ability to chat on MTGO is super toxic
le biel @ErnestTubbVEVO
@lucasfaley Just close that chat window if you dont like it, you dumb-looking faggot

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b @notbalin
fresh out of post op. I might have to have surgery for broken bones in my face within weeks to come but for now all that happened is I did end up losing my eye. This pales in comparison to the hardships aftican americans have endured for decades. Stand up for what u believe in. https://t.co/9QK69wIgJQ
le biel @ErnestTubbVEVO
aha faggot

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le biel @ErnestTubbVEVO
(((Richard stallman)))
Edward Ongweso Jr @bigblackjacobin
I got the full MIT CSAIL email thread where Richard Stallman suggested one of Jeffrey Epstein's victims was "entirely willing" and argued about the definition of sexual assault & rape. https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/9ke3ke/famed-computer-scientist-richard-stallman-described-epstein-victims-as-entirely-willing

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le biel @ErnestTubbVEVO
@Maci1488 The breathtaking part is that (((they))) have kept a lid on 9/11 truth for 15 years. Says a lot about media/government complicity.

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le biel @ErnestTubbVEVO
(((Ellenberg))), naturally
Jordan Ellenberg @JSEllenberg
America crushed your civilization in 1945. It's not getting restored. https://twitter.com/stevekingia/status/840980755236999169

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le biel @ErnestTubbVEVO
@OwenTweetenwald "Gas the kikes, race war now!" Or just talk about how lame edh is

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le biel @ErnestTubbVEVO
@BolshevikSlayer prof for whiteness class is Damon Sajnani. Possibly (((Sajnani))), studied at Hebrew University. https://twitter.com/HarpyHoney/status/811575777112293376/photo/1

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art_other 50%
anime 42%

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Classifier 20221028131014
militarized 53%
art_other 33%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
critters 84%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

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mspaint style 71%
toons other 27%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

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art_other 81%

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art_other 92%

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proud boys rooster 94%

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art_other 99%

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art_other 74%

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etc 56%
star of david 40%