@LokiJulianus Just Loki Prince With a Thousand Enemies Nod

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Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 491

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Just Loki @LokiJulianus
I didn't believe this, so I tracked down the source and it's basically "a r*dditor's speculation about a trend that may or may not exist." If people are buying "dumb phones" at greater numbers, maybe it's because they're fucking broke.
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Just Loki @LokiJulianus

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Just Loki @LokiJulianus
"The chatter in the room quickly turned-into a hushed silence. The order had come down ..."

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Just Loki @LokiJulianus
> literally shut_it_down dot jpg

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Just Loki @LokiJulianus
Aren't "these people" supposed to be good at this sort of thing ?

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Just Loki @LokiJulianus
Amen, ChatGPT.
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Just Loki @LokiJulianus
@LokiJulianus: Before copilot, there was PILOT. The problem is literally all of these dudes said this stuff was going to happen by like 1970, and it just ... didn't.

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Just Loki @LokiJulianus
"GPT-4, write an essay on Mark Twain."

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Just Loki @LokiJulianus
> Be SV > Want to manage existential risk related to cutting-edge technology and future catastrophes > Can't manage a bank

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Just Loki @LokiJulianus
isn't one of the principles of modern (software) engineering that single points-of-catastrophic-failure are ... bad?

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Just Loki @LokiJulianus
We've come a long way, huh?
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Just Loki @LokiJulianus
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Just Loki @LokiJulianus
Is "rule 34" not also "IP theft" ... can one not also make pornography out of people's images without their consent using Photoshop?
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Just Loki @LokiJulianus
I s2g I did not make this.

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Just Loki @LokiJulianus
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Just Loki @LokiJulianus
Not mine (source: unknown), but lol.

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Just Loki @LokiJulianus
Based random dude in Montana.

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Just Loki @LokiJulianus
@bronzeagemantis What did the Saxons mean by this?

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Just Loki @LokiJulianus
Does this include random womyn I see when I'm just walking around, or ...

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Just Loki @LokiJulianus
Sharing mostly for "entire industries are dedicated to stopping him," which has made me laff every time I see it.

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Just Loki @LokiJulianus
Clearly the solution to AI-assisted "academic dishonesty" is to RETVRN to tradition: have all essays written by hand & all arithmetic done by slide-rule. Fractional/rational representation only—none of these continentalist d*cimals.

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Just Loki @LokiJulianus
Interesting guy.
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Just Loki @LokiJulianus
Well, then.
Just Loki @LokiJulianus
The Russian oligarch (Oleg Deripaska) at the center of all this. You may have seen this one before. https://twitter.com/LokiJulianus/status/942902980025683968/video/1

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Just Loki @LokiJulianus
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Just Loki @LokiJulianus
"We feel like the downed player would definitely not want you to wait for a diagnosis as to what actually made his heart (& lungs) stop working spontaneously, especially not if it was a pulmonary embolism or something that is a documented side-effect of..."

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Just Loki @LokiJulianus
@LokiJulianus: Did this guy get hit in the chest also?

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Just Loki @LokiJulianus
Quick: make-up damage control that sounds scientific.

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Just Loki @LokiJulianus
@LokiJulianus: And anti-RED PILL discourse, interestingly enough. We are soon approaching the INCELarity, in which everyone is pathologized for not having sex (including people who are sexually active).

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Just Loki @LokiJulianus
Without downloading any new pics, what's your energy going into 2023?
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Just Loki @LokiJulianus
Just Loki @LokiJulianus

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Just Loki @LokiJulianus
Hey @elonmusk / @TwitterSupport ... @Steve_Sailer did literally nothing wrong.

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Just Loki @LokiJulianus
People finding out in slow-motion that JK Rowling is the most Based & Red-pilled popular author of the last quarter of a century is just one of the many sources of enjoyment her work brings.

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Just Loki @LokiJulianus
> mfw having to endure yet more #R1bErasure during Current Year Ethnic Discourse.

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Just Loki @LokiJulianus
Well well well well well well well...

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Just Loki @LokiJulianus
Yes. As seen in this (real) photo reconstruction of one of the pharaohs of olde.
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Just Loki @LokiJulianus
DoJ 🐝 liek: "oh right that No One Is Above The Law™-thing."

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Just Loki @LokiJulianus
What kinda Turbo-Zog™ stuff is this.

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Just Loki @LokiJulianus
I'm not even going to post this thing's picture, but how it even managed to secure an appointment just speaks to the absolute STATE of this place.

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Just Loki @LokiJulianus
Apparently, these crimes aren't really that big of a deal, although they sound pretty serious on-paper.

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Just Loki @LokiJulianus
Then you walk-away. The President should read-up on how to effectively negotiate deals. Might I suggest...
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Just Loki @LokiJulianus
Why do Democrats suck at counting so much?

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Just Loki @LokiJulianus
Yeah, really a yuge "question mark" as to how slow-walked metro votes are gonna break.

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Just Loki @LokiJulianus
> shut_it_down dot exe
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Just Loki @LokiJulianus
For people having difficulty with the AI, have you tried "not being a jerk?"

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Just Loki @LokiJulianus
He just deleted a lot of tweets, it would appear.

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Just Loki @LokiJulianus
It is fairly interesting how the media conveniently forgets that Kanye is bipolar when trying to make Trump look bad.

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Just Loki @LokiJulianus
ngl dude this sounds like something Milo made-up.
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Just Loki @LokiJulianus
"[To] the beneficent Author of all the good that was, that is, or that will be—That we may then all unite in rendering unto him our sincere and humble thanks—for his kind care and protection of the People of this Country previous to their becoming a Nation—"

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Just Loki @LokiJulianus
The only way to protect discourse on the internet is brazen corporate collusion.

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Just Loki @LokiJulianus
2020: "I don't really like where this is going and I don't really have confidence in the guy running the show." t. Elon 2021: "I will give this same guy half a billion dollars" t. SBF & co. 2022: "that money wasn't strictly-speaking 'mine' to give away" t. SBF
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Just Loki @LokiJulianus

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Just Loki @LokiJulianus
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Just Loki @LokiJulianus
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Just Loki @LokiJulianus
No wonder this guy hated Drunpf.

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Just Loki @LokiJulianus
Yeah, see it's stuff like this: I'm pretty sure she was working at Jane Street (and had been active in EA discussion group organizing) when Bankman-Fried got his job there, and then when he left to form Alameda, he brought her & some other JS alums with him.
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Just Loki @LokiJulianus
I'm glad the "altruists" were quickly cut-out of the ElonReich.

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Just Loki @LokiJulianus
What did she mean by this?

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Just Loki @LokiJulianus
In fairness: there's a good reason he can't just turn himself in.

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Just Loki @LokiJulianus
"I'm just saying: some new information has come to light, and..."

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Just Loki @LokiJulianus
Well, how'd I do?

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Just Loki @LokiJulianus
He's gonna NAME some people, huh?

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Just Loki @LokiJulianus
I can't believe this nudist / part-time hemp jewelry maker / probable "unhoused individual" was RADICALIZED by unmoderated internet discussion. Truly shows the risks of letting people express their own ideas about the world.

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Just Loki @LokiJulianus
Just the words you want to read when discussing a highly-sensitive pathogen research facility.

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Just Loki @LokiJulianus
@LokiJulianus: "wow, you mean that world where every colo(u)red individual is serious, intelligent, dedicated, hyper-competent, and only held-back by Evil White Racism that we have been depicting in every form of media since the 60s is ... fiction (i.e. not real)."

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Just Loki @LokiJulianus
"Oh no that sucks."

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Just Loki @LokiJulianus
My thoughts exactly, like almost literally (seriously, how many of these folks secretly follow me on here kek).
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