@Dunmor5 Dunmor Deep in the bowels of the DOD. Its dark in here. America First, Safety Third. PureBlood. #spaceforce

Dunmor5's neighborhood:

Slurs & ToS Breaches Nazi Dogwhistles Antisemitism Transphobia Anti-Blackness Homophobia Misogyny Groypers Proud Boys Patriot Front
Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 48
Dunmor @Dunmor5
Systemic racism is the fact that ethnic Americans cannot even REFER to themselves as a group, and cannot refer to the (((ruling group))) or to elevated parasitical groups. I even have to censor this tweet and you all know it.
Scholars. Joggers. SUVs. Teens. Funeral Mourners. An endless series of tortured euphemisms, because in the American civic religion, it is sacrilege to write the true name of our God (The Tetragrammaton is NGGR) https://twitter.com/nypost/status/1659591154826985474

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Dunmor @Dunmor5
FischerKing @FischerKing64
Doctor Mengele supposedly tried to turn eyes blue by injecting dye. Blinded people with this cruelty. But it never occurred to him to try to build a ‘vagina’ out of a colon. This should strike any normal person as evil on its face. https://twitter.com/billboardchris/status/1650679308921208832

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Dunmor @Dunmor5
(((physiognomy))): check Pronouns in bio: check Parasite: check https://t.co/R0WHiKLT18
Dunmor @Dunmor5
(((physiognomy))): check Pronouns in bio: check Parasite: check
@MattWalshBlog Elon Musk promised to get us to Mars by 2021. It's 2023. Yes we can laugh at him, especially with the massive amounts of government handouts he's gotten just so he can still be in the "rockets are expected to explode" stage.

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Dunmor @Dunmor5
Dresden was flattened just as badly as Nagasaki, but without nuclear (phew!). and...it recovered just the same. War is hell, but there is no difference btw nuclear and non-nuclear other than the propaganda. https://t.co/M1t2UrPzZz https://t.co/zoV1Zy7Tnk
Dunmor @Dunmor5
Dresden was flattened just as badly as Nagasaki, but without nuclear (phew!). and...it recovered just the same. War is hell, but there is no difference btw nuclear and non-nuclear other than the propaganda.
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Dunmor @Dunmor5
Nagasaki, one of only 2 cities devastated by "nuclear war": OMG look at the long term devastation #clutchpearls https://t.co/OQuzEyadzt https://t.co/zoV1Zy7Tnk
Dunmor @Dunmor5
Nagasaki, one of only 2 cities devastated by "nuclear war": OMG look at the long term devastation #clutchpearls
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Dunmor @Dunmor5
(((Professor))) tries to start a dox, gets doxed. #noticing https://t.co/90rGgyq3Kf
Dunmor @Dunmor5
(((Professor))) tries to start a dox, gets doxed. #noticing
@JoshGellers: Ironically, 1 person played sealion and tried to get ME in trouble with both MY employer and a local news station by acting as if my cool-headed conduct was unbecoming of a professor. Like I’m some kind of celebrity or elected official who should know better. 6/x

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Dunmor @Dunmor5
@ReaprWolf78 @OccupyDemocrats

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Dunmor @Dunmor5

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Dunmor @Dunmor5

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Dunmor @Dunmor5
@NBCNews Also fearing for their lives: Christian children

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Dunmor @Dunmor5
@piersmorgan @AndyOgles

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Dunmor @Dunmor5
@piersmorgan @AndyOgles

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Dunmor @Dunmor5
@quixificent @JackPosobiec

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Dunmor @Dunmor5
@quixificent @JackPosobiec

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Dunmor @Dunmor5
@knoxfoxNC @MattWalshBlog

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Dunmor @Dunmor5
@davidhogg111 This fella's tweet should be considered a direct threat to childrens safety. He explicitly promotes letting trans terrorists freely kill more children.

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Dunmor @Dunmor5
@Catcar53 @OccupyDemocrats These monsters wont be the last until we finally put our foot down.

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Dunmor @Dunmor5
@Catcar53 @OccupyDemocrats

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Dunmor @Dunmor5

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Dunmor @Dunmor5
@DracoBeauty @Catcar53 @Mike_Pence

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Dunmor @Dunmor5
@1LetsRawk1 @Catcar53 @joncoopertweets @GOP @RepOgles

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Dunmor @Dunmor5
(((Noticing intensifies))) https://t.co/3KWgXJaP4d
Dunmor @Dunmor5
(((Noticing intensifies)))
Paul Sperry @paulsperry_
BREAKING: Hill sources say Democratic Rep. Daniel Goldman of Manhattan -- who prosecuted the first Trump impeachment and has been bragging to reporters about sabotaging GOP investigations of the Bidens -- has privately consulted with Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg over indicting Trump

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Dunmor @Dunmor5
@TrotterPossum @amuse People who fly Reaper drones. Thats why they're named that Goal of use is to kill more civilians in Russia

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Dunmor @Dunmor5
(((Goldman))) eh? https://t.co/xuHqOx63dF
Dunmor @Dunmor5
(((Goldman))) eh?
You love to see this! Goldman exposed! Ha ha! Newly disclosed financial documents show that a House Democrat, Richard Goldman, leading the charge against income inequality has stashed over $30 million in a tax-free international haven (Cayman Islands) to https://trendingpoliticsnews.com/breaking-house-democrat-caught-running-30-million-offshore-nonprofit-in-tax-haven-islands-mstef/… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1636103220648099840

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Dunmor @Dunmor5
@maggieNYT @LauraLoomer the Fl law does not apply to candidates for Federal office.

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Dunmor @Dunmor5
@1macgeek @LauraLoomer that law does not apply to candidates for Federal office.

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Dunmor @Dunmor5
@LauraLoomer The Florida law does not apply to candidates for Federal office.

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Dunmor @Dunmor5
@LauraLoomer @GovRonDeSantis @FEC That law does not apply to candidates for Federal office.

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Dunmor @Dunmor5
The same (((people))) who ran and funded the transatlantic slave trade. every. single. time.
Mampopski @nihaqus
@LailaMickelwait @DianOnno who funded PH?

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Dunmor @Dunmor5
50% of these are the same (((genics))) https://t.co/LqJWmdMg9z
Dunmor @Dunmor5
50% of these are the same (((genics)))
RAMZPAUL @ramzpaul

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Dunmor @Dunmor5
Dunmor @Dunmor5
Darrell Owens @IDoTheThinking
I dont like dress formalities but seeing this dork swindle investors while dressed in basically what are pajamas solely because hes a white boy in tech is making me like suits and ties again.

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Dunmor @Dunmor5
(((every single time))) https://t.co/rOdGETOEtD
Dunmor @Dunmor5
(((every single time)))
David Weissman ✡️ @davidmweissman
In case you find my account being suspended, this could be it.

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Dunmor @Dunmor5
@jyrmar @millertime32 @BWB79 @celinegounder

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Dunmor @Dunmor5
@lesleyabravanel You are spreading false information about vaccination to benefit pharma companies. Be better.

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Dunmor @Dunmor5
Got a temp Facebook ban for posting this image. Is the same thing going on there as on Twitter?

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Dunmor @Dunmor5

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Dunmor @Dunmor5

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Dunmor @Dunmor5
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Dunmor @Dunmor5

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Dunmor @Dunmor5
@SteveBarclay Who pays if these things kill us?

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Dunmor @Dunmor5
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Dunmor @Dunmor5

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If Iran starts supplying ballistic missiles to Russia, then the Ukrainian army can receive high-precision ballistic missiles: the head of the National Security Council of Israel, Eyal Hulata, said this at a forum in Bahrain, the state media corporation "Kan" reports. https://t.co/zj97o56byZ
Dunmor @Dunmor5
@4n4lisis Thus Israel becomes a legitimate war target, including everywhere they have assets such as NYC and DC. Israel has a defense pact with the US: this is a backdoor around Art 5, to get the US into a world war. (((every.single.time))) #everysingletime

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View @NOELreports
Dunmor @Dunmor5
So Israel and its assets in NYC are legitimate war targets now. (((Israel))) is trying every trick to get the US into a global world war https://twitter.com/ukraine_map/status/1594809104022773785

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Dunmor @Dunmor5
Adam Feldman @FeldmanAdam
That Dave Chappelle SNL monologue probably did more to normalize anti-Semitism than anything Kanye said

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Dunmor @Dunmor5
noticing a lot of (((names))).
AG 🔥 @Yolo304741
Meet Elon’s Team advising him on Hate speech and Election Integrity on Twitter. Just WOW. https://twitter.com/Yolo304741/status/1587701621026611200/video/1

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Dunmor @Dunmor5
@SarahBDean @CPTDoomDC @yashar Way more teachers/school employees. Wolves go where the prey is, which is why gay groomers are promoting drag shows to children. They are abusers.

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Dunmor @Dunmor5
@paleocapital @LailaMickelwait (((white guys)))

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Dunmor @Dunmor5
@mcroweosu @michaelmalice

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Dunmor @Dunmor5
This (((Cohen))) wants American boys to shoot Russian boys. How about NO
Eliot A Cohen @EliotACohen
If the Russian offensive has not begun, it is about to. What’s needed now isn’t conceptually complicated: it is arming the Ukrainians to the max and as fast as possible with long range fires (howitzers and rocket systems), air defense systems (radars, missiles, etc.), 1/6

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Dunmor @Dunmor5
@GoodisonEntert1 He did it to himself. Its sad but he deserves no sympathy. You were warned.

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Dunmor @Dunmor5
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Dunmor @Dunmor5
"urban youths"
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Dunmor @Dunmor5
(((6 million))) every single time
Alan MacLeod @AlanRMacLeod
Like clockwork: Just hours after the US signals it needs to buy oil from Venezuela again, Bloomberg has decided that Venezuela is no longer a socialist country. 😂🇻🇪 https://twitter.com/AlanRMacLeod/status/1501671703298121729/photo/1

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Ted Cruz @tedcruz
The Ukrainian people are showing the world what it means to fight for freedom. Their bravery & heroism is inspiring. I’m working to ensure that Congress either provides or facilitates getting Ukraine what they need especially fighter jets, and also Stingers & Javelins. 1/x
Dunmor @Dunmor5
Do the Bioweapons labs in Ukraine have anything to do with COVID, @tedcruz ?

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Ted Cruz @tedcruz
The Ukrainian people are showing the world what it means to fight for freedom. Their bravery & heroism is inspiring. I’m working to ensure that Congress either provides or facilitates getting Ukraine what they need especially fighter jets, and also Stingers & Javelins. 1/x
Dunmor @Dunmor5
The Ukrainian Chief of Police is a member of the Nazi Azov battalion. Does @tedcruz want to support him?

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Ted Cruz @tedcruz
The Ukrainian people are showing the world what it means to fight for freedom. Their bravery & heroism is inspiring. I’m working to ensure that Congress either provides or facilitates getting Ukraine what they need especially fighter jets, and also Stingers & Javelins. 1/x
Dunmor @Dunmor5
What does "14/88" mean on this Ukrainian soldier's truck mean, @tedcruz

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Ted Cruz @tedcruz
The Ukrainian people are showing the world what it means to fight for freedom. Their bravery & heroism is inspiring. I’m working to ensure that Congress either provides or facilitates getting Ukraine what they need especially fighter jets, and also Stingers & Javelins. 1/x
Dunmor @Dunmor5

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View @tedcruz
Ted Cruz @tedcruz
The Ukrainian people are showing the world what it means to fight for freedom. Their bravery & heroism is inspiring. I’m working to ensure that Congress either provides or facilitates getting Ukraine what they need especially fighter jets, and also Stingers & Javelins. 1/x
Dunmor @Dunmor5
Why are these Ukrainians holding pictures of Hitler, @tedcruz?

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View @tedcruz
Ted Cruz @tedcruz
The Ukrainian people are showing the world what it means to fight for freedom. Their bravery & heroism is inspiring. I’m working to ensure that Congress either provides or facilitates getting Ukraine what they need especially fighter jets, and also Stingers & Javelins. 1/x
Dunmor @Dunmor5

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View @tedcruz
Ted Cruz @tedcruz
The Ukrainian people are showing the world what it means to fight for freedom. Their bravery & heroism is inspiring. I’m working to ensure that Congress either provides or facilitates getting Ukraine what they need especially fighter jets, and also Stingers & Javelins. 1/x
Dunmor @Dunmor5
What about that Nazi Azov battalion? Freedom fighting Nazis?

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View @tedcruz
Samuel Ramani @SamRamani2
Germany shuts down Russia in an argument about Nazism https://t.co/VS71bzgWHO
Dunmor @Dunmor5
No, Germany did not address the Nazi Azov battalion in Ukraine.

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Yaroslav Trofimov @yarotrof
Ukrainian special forces, trained and armed by the U.S. and allies, hold off the Russian onslaught on Kyiv’s outskirts. Our report from the frontline in Irpin. https://t.co/8CWWuN4ezv
Dunmor @Dunmor5
@maggieNYT These guys? Trained by US?

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Dunmor @Dunmor5
Prophecy: Israel headlines on this should confirm, as they are highly vaxed as well. Every highly vaxed population will have an HIV problem.

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Dunmor @Dunmor5
@rooyy89 @TimJDillon you are completely wrong about the rates of death and hospitalization, which are FAR higher in the poisoned vaxed.

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Dunmor @Dunmor5
(((every single time)))
Bernie Sanders @SenSanders
Afghanistan is facing a humanitarian catastrophe. I urge the Biden administration to immediately release billions in frozen Afghan government funds to help avert this crisis, and prevent the death of millions of people.

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bar graph 96%