@b075m4nn Båtsman Not the real Båtsman. Parody account

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Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 32

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Båtsman @b075m4nn
@just_sassy1 @giorgi12091121 @Philosophi_Cat

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Båtsman @b075m4nn
@AlfredoDente2 @MiriVinni Too late. Also, she's 15 or 16

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Båtsman @b075m4nn
@goodole312 @SandyFrizzle The joke is this woman thinking it's somehow immoral to conceptualize certain women as sex slaves

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Båtsman @b075m4nn
@Jackisrael17 @doyouknowdwaey @smokeismedicine https://t.co/5ZZj0Y6wv2
Båtsman @b075m4nn
: @Jackisrael17 @doyouknowdwaey @smokeismedicine Lol. Gazzetta di Parma are wise to the meme

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Båtsman @b075m4nn
@Jackisrael17 @doyouknowdwaey @smokeismedicine

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Båtsman @b075m4nn
@namor987 @YyyPawe @TaranQ @sternenko Hard to say for sure if they are the same people. On the NY Times' video, there are no people with their hands tied behind their back, while the close up photo from the back alley shows at least two back-tied. Also not sure the clothes match up. Nor the amount of people (9 vs. 7)

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Båtsman @b075m4nn
@trond100 @magnusschaft Like opplagt at de totalt sett ville stå igjen med lavest overdødelighet i Europa over tre år?

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Båtsman @b075m4nn
@ET_Lange @Giljen Ifølge Fosen Vind selv, produserer alle deres 5 vindparker i Trøndelag til sammen omtrent 2,6 TWh. Ikke store greiene, i det store og det hele

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Båtsman @b075m4nn
@Graycatsrule @MassSplash Or how about we just give her a fancy hat

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Båtsman @b075m4nn
@MsScandiBandi @falskaltruist Tenk å komme fra en kultur som har denne gudløse oppfinnelsen på samvittigheten, og samtidig kritisere hva andre setter på bordet

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Båtsman @b075m4nn
@b075m4nn: @SofieMarhaug At Norge sender milliarder av kroner til Ukraina, helt betingelsesløst, blir desto mer betenkelig i lys av den påtvungne stridstjenesten Zelensky utsetter befolkningen for. En praksis Norge har som vane å anse som grunnlag for å innvilge asyl. Er dette noe vi ønsker å støtte? https://twitter.com/b075m4nn/status/1626370540691767296/video/1

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Båtsman @b075m4nn
@Zendor888 @AhComfy

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Båtsman @b075m4nn
@RevengeCromwell @FeeBird420 @wayotworld Lies. The amount of money paid by Haiti to France for its independence was estimated to equal about 17 billion euros in 2010. After WW2, Germany was forced to pay over 124 billion euros in today's estimated value just to Israel and Jewish individuals alone.

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Båtsman @b075m4nn
@amalieskram This is what peak performance looks like. You may not like it, but this is what is looks like

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Båtsman @b075m4nn
@Seveerity Interestingly, this surviving Norwegian medic proceeds to run away from the scene in the exact same direction the missile/projectile originated from. Perhaps indicating friendly fire?

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Båtsman @b075m4nn
@ingridlil @PepsiGro Regner med du drar på turné til Pakistan og forteller dem at de må slutte å lage så vanvittig mange barn da?

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Båtsman @b075m4nn
@ingridlil @Anduril100 Hvor vanskelig kan det være, lizzom?

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Båtsman @b075m4nn
@KKexplore @MapsUkraine

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Båtsman @b075m4nn
@MapsUkraine @Stalin_Apu

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Båtsman @b075m4nn
@Anatema0 VG hadde også en interessant tolkning av hendelsene i Bucha forrige vår, da hvite armbånd tydeligvis var et signal om at man er sivil, ikke at man tilhører den russiske siden. De skal ha for kreativiteten. https://twitter.com/b075m4nn/status/1624780421010452482/video/1

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Båtsman @b075m4nn
@PrimaMette Jeg husker bare folk gikk av hengslene på grunn av dette klippet. Aldri forstått hvorfor. Må være lov å hygge seg https://twitter.com/b075m4nn/status/1624023862160633857/video/1

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Båtsman @b075m4nn
@Jameson53013641 @SCHIZO_FREQ Where my cluster-headache bros at

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Båtsman @b075m4nn
@envirosec @WarMonitors This is the entrance, with a man standing on top of it for refence. Don't need it much taller and wider for jet fighters to take off and land inside of it, if the situation calls for it.

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Båtsman @b075m4nn
@Stalin_Apu Was it, though? Hard to imagine a philosophy that was built so heavily on innate, ancient qualities in different peoples for some reason didn't apply this thinking to just this one specific group. And if they didn't, there would be little reason to root them out of their society

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Classifier 20221028131014
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firearm 29%
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etc 93%
joker 72%

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map 100%

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toons other 84%

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map 41%

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etc 62%

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etc 88%

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bar graph 100%

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face 80%

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art_other 82%

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identitarian 63%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

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tldr 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 98%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
critters 99%