@zgoombard John Doe "Man not only lives to serve higher ideals, but conversely these ideals also provide the premise for his existence." - AH ☉♌︎☾♑︎↑♍︎

zgoombard's neighborhood:

Slurs & ToS Breaches Nazi Dogwhistles Antisemitism Transphobia Anti-Blackness Homophobia Misogyny Asian Hate Groypers
Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 69
John Doe @zgoombard
@AquaPaadre Trvst the plan

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John Doe @zgoombard

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John Doe @zgoombard
@angeldrain @alimaV70 @bigblackbunga I think salmon, like any other fish, should be eaten raw and only when the fish is in good health. The salmon in this case were boiled, and this document details the Irish eating them all year long--including after breeding when salmon begin molting, nearly resembling lepers.

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John Doe @zgoombard
I distinctly remember being maybe 8 years old and seeing a midget for the first time and thinking they were just being like that as a joke

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John Doe @zgoombard

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John Doe @zgoombard

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John Doe @zgoombard
@conan_esq "How would you have felt if you didn't grow up with all of the advantages that no longer exist for your grandchildren?" "My life was better than yours" "....Okay, but what if it wasn't?" "It was"

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John Doe @zgoombard
@RedAlter11 sneethe

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John Doe @zgoombard
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Battle Beagle @HarmlessYardDog
*teleports into your garden* Nothing Personal, Kid https://t.co/Zlb8zpf82B “They can live just about anywhere, from the frozen Canadian prairie provinces down to the hot, humid deserts of the American Southwest and all parts in between. They are the ultimate survivor.” https://t.co/FX8FfeFbWA
John Doe @zgoombard
Big whitepill. Wild boar make some of the best meat on the planet, and the androgenic effects of eating a male are comparable to taking steroids in some cases. It's fitting that they would thrive here, America is a bodybuilding nation

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View @HarmlessYardDog
John Doe @zgoombard
@barbaricvitalsm Until I am out of breath or out of bullets, I will fight to secure the human right to sexual reassignment surgery on Ganymede

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John Doe @zgoombard
@Copyofacopyofa8 @IASAIV @ehhhhhhhh___ This has been repeatedly disproven. The mandible expands and swings forward to follow the shape of the palate, which always remains pliable even after 18. Chewing gum alone is not enough; expanding and moving the maxilla forward is needed.

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John Doe @zgoombard
@summertimesneed @ehhhhhhhh___ Hard force with the full length of the tongue against the palate while tucking the chin, maintaining a medium force at all times, is basically the core of the practice. Results can be expedited by thumbpulling and bonesmashing. 4th guy in my post used the following routine:

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John Doe @zgoombard
@ehhhhhhhh___ >no gym for your face

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John Doe @zgoombard
Aajonus cured his hypothyroidism eating raw glandular thyroid fresh from a butcher

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John Doe @zgoombard
Trust the plan
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John Doe @zgoombard
"Coke and Pepsi are having the same effects on inuit communities that crack had on the blacks in the 80s"
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Joe Biden @JoeBiden
As we close out Black History Month, we recognize the immeasurable contributions of Black Americans, honor the legacies and achievements of generations past, reckon with centuries of injustice, and confront those injustices that still fester today.
John Doe @zgoombard

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John Doe @zgoombard

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Determiner @RatioLord2
@dpinsen Sins of her ancestors
John Doe @zgoombard
@dpinsen This girl has done nothing wrong. You, on the other hand, are following gay porn and race-fetishist accounts you subhuman brown faggot.

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John Doe @zgoombard
@not_our_guy I listened to your stupid video and the man narrating sounds like a good father responsibly educating his child about race. You on the other hand are a sickening semite with no foreskin who desperately wants Europe to turn brown. You have my worst regards

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John Doe @zgoombard
"Chudjak isn't upset that the niggerjak was TND'd by the enginejak, he's seething because he's been ordered to clean up the mess. Some viewers will not grasp this nuance...."

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View @LookHereListen

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John Doe @zgoombard
@uncledoomer Breathtaking. Imagine if the Jews had done this during the Siege of Jerusalem when the Romans threw them to their death; the entire awful tragedy could have been prevented!🙏

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John Doe @zgoombard
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John Doe @zgoombard
@CoziestJD: @cozyhoosier_ "TV? Oh so you must be saying Jews have a network of gangsters, directors, and production houses which collaborate with the CIA in the shared interest of demoralizing nationalists and framing societal opinions in favor of white replacement and Communism. Fuck you"

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John Doe @zgoombard
@LandsharkRides I think for Peating/Primal health guidelines to be effective in hair regrowth it should coincide with scalp massages and microneedling. Aajonus' peppercorn water works, I've used it on my scalp with microneedling and have seen considerable increase in hairline density.

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John Doe @zgoombard
@sunbreezeocean: @pirate_zara Freshwater pond ecology

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John Doe @zgoombard
All Time hardest images ever captured

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John Doe @zgoombard
@MogTheUrbanite The American South/Midwest must have wide expanses of megafauna: Buffalo, horses, bison, deer, even elephants, ostrich, and giraffes, with lions, wolves, and cheetah for balance. Selectively-bred cold hardy strains in the North, maybe resurrected mammoth, cave lion, wooly rhino.

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John Doe @zgoombard
I've been obsessively casting charts for weeks and I made this one by chance the other night; I've never before seen a chart brimming with so many promising indications of a man fated to rule. Could this chart portend the birth of a Caesar? A day of calamity? Only time will tell.

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John Doe @zgoombard
@urbanpsych0 @PowerSlamPhD @718Tv

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John Doe @zgoombard
@NgoloTesla Palate expansion and forward-growth of the maxilla, even in adulthood, is possible with thumbpulling. With enough force and done frequently enough throughout the day it can culminate in substantial changes over time. This is a YT comment thread I found on the subject:

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John Doe @zgoombard
@Substr8Monopoly @PaulSkallas @nntaleb the entire Eurasian steppe resembled modern Africa during the Pleistocene, and the same can be said for Pleistocene North America as well

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John Doe @zgoombard
@Benbenized Ralph Townsend's 'Ways That Are Dark - The Truth About China' needs to be required reading in schools.

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John Doe @zgoombard
"I don't know how any thinking person becomes antisemitic, it's very irrational. Y'know, The Jews are a harmless, deeply misunderstood people with a beautiful religion and progressive culture, who've never done anything to warrant expulsion by their host nations over 109 times"

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John Doe @zgoombard
@arya1788: @aedopitna_ayra @VTOLFanAccount "Tile maker" confronting "immortal servant of the great", Central Asian steppe 2000BCE

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John Doe @zgoombard
"Ah, after weeks of wildfire smoke we finally have a beautiful clear blue d-"

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John Doe @zgoombard
@PerpetualUse Zippy water

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John Doe @zgoombard
@NgoloTesla I support the idea they are exchanging energy or electricity. The production of semen is very energy intensive. This is where life is first starting, and life requires shocks and impulses to stimulate. It should also be remembered that the testicle is shaped like an egg.

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John Doe @zgoombard
Thinking back on the events of Operation Highjump, I suspect it's a matter of diplomacy. https://t.co/xu95gRNplk
John Doe @zgoombard
: "Ice walls" exist. What would we find on the other side? https://twitter.com/zgoombard/status/1562565163404120066/video/1

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View @zgoombard
John Doe @zgoombard
Some unverifiable footage from Antarctica for your consideration: Regardless of authenticity, I can't begin to guess why world leaders would visit this inhospitable barren waste at all, let alone frequently, unless something is going on here we're not being informed about. https://t.co/faULpMhi7u
John Doe @zgoombard
: Thinking back on the events of Operation Highjump, I suspect it's a matter of diplomacy.

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View @zgoombard
John Doe @zgoombard
@zgoombard: Some unverifiable footage from Antarctica for your consideration: Regardless of authenticity, I can't begin to guess why world leaders would visit this inhospitable barren waste at all, let alone frequently, unless something is going on here we're not being informed about. https://twitter.com/zgoombard/status/1562565087873085441/video/1

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John Doe @zgoombard
@zgoombard: Consider:

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John Doe @zgoombard
@Martpoasting: @Martposting Norwoodism is a choice.

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John Doe @zgoombard
@LandsharkRides I think an explanation for UFOs looking like sausages and blobs or whatever may be that they aren't moving with combustion propulsion, but rather utilize microscopic geometric structures. Ex) Grebennikov's levitation platform; a plank of wood with bug wings glued to the bottom.

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John Doe @zgoombard
@LRH_Superfan It's real

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John Doe @zgoombard
Additionally, she has had a number of dreams spanning many years involving tall blonde Nordic visitors. In one dream they took her flying over a flat tawny landscape full of rural villages and scattered megaliths, consistent with bronze age Scandinavia or the Netherlands. https://t.co/rm13QLJEKr
John Doe @zgoombard
: For myself, I had a dream once as a small child, maybe between 6 and 10 years old. I was within a cave, and at the entrance I saw a tall burly man wrestling a lion. After a struggle, he pried the jaws of the lion apart, ripping out the mandible and killing the lion.

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View @zgoombard
John Doe @zgoombard
@zgoombard: Additionally, she has had a number of dreams spanning many years involving tall blonde Nordic visitors. In one dream they took her flying over a flat tawny landscape full of rural villages and scattered megaliths, consistent with bronze age Scandinavia or the Netherlands.

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John Doe @zgoombard
@pikeypilled @LandsharkRides American wild hogs are extremely abundant and considered a pest, the government tries (unsuccessfully) to eradicate them. Anyone in Texas, Florida, or elsewhere in the American SE, could eat these every day. No bag limits and usually no hunting season restrictions.

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John Doe @zgoombard
@MogTheUrbanite @SparkySurferBro @SteelAndSunMan

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John Doe @zgoombard
@paradigmsmasher I will add that you should eat more raw butter and raw cream to heal nerves, and reduce your exposure to EMF (bluetooth headphones 💀). Aajonus's treatment for ear infections is probably applicable to tinnitus as well:

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John Doe @zgoombard
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Ante D. Luvian @uncle_deluge
Choose your fighter [WIP] https://t.co/3SWGlEPQwi
John Doe @zgoombard
What becomes of the large J*wish element in Gotham? I suspect they have walled cities where they live above the means of those around them, enjoying a wealth of hoarded gold. They maintain a level of authority, and exploit many of the hungry and destitute for terrible purposes.

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View @uncle_deluge
piece @CL0WNPlECE
when libtards say we should take in infinite immigrants to improve the food this is what they have in mind https://t.co/Bj90QitN4c
John Doe @zgoombard
libtards at an ethnic restaurant like "yeah I'll have a main order of Haitian barbequed n*gger penis with two sides of Chinese sweet and sour golden retriever to go"

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John Doe @zgoombard
@StaticSurferBro "Vaxxed? Great come right in, do you have your vaccination card?" Of course, it's right here "Oh cool, go right ahead and uh.... um.... Your doctor's name is 'niggerchungus'?" ..... https://twitter.com/zgoombard/status/1400162599593865220/photo/1

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hitler 29%

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gigachad 34%

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art_other 83%

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face 99%

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face 97%

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militarized 29%

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critters 99%