@LynnLock328 Lynn Lockhart ⏳ Editor for James LaFond. Coast enjoyer. Trying not to be at war with reality. Used to be @lock328 Slavicon Valley

LynnLock328's neighborhood:

Slurs & ToS Breaches Nazi Dogwhistles Antisemitism Transphobia Anti-Blackness Homophobia Misogyny Asian Hate Groypers Proud Boys Patriot Front
Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 118

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Lynn Lockhart ⏳ @LynnLock328
When you are completely cut off from the divine feminine

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Lynn Lockhart ⏳ @LynnLock328
Hello @monachinae I have found items like this at the beach a few times. It seems like a horn or something that was shed. Any idea what it could be please?

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Lynn Lockhart ⏳ @LynnLock328
Happy Easter! Amphibian time. Eggs of newt I believe and 2 frog frens. @monachinae can you say what kind? Green a bit bigger than spotted one but both small. Bonus shy toad was larger than others

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Lynn Lockhart ⏳ @LynnLock328
The work @MediClit has done has improved health care for all women in America yet GNC agents will say that doing that work, that thousands of others declined to do, was privilege

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Lynn Lockhart ⏳ @LynnLock328
One of my all time favorite evergreen LaFond posts https://www.jameslafond.com/article.php?id=10914&src=search

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Lynn Lockhart ⏳ @LynnLock328
The single best piece of advice LaFond has given is to be silent in the face of a potential attack. This recent post made me laugh. If you can't be silent, repeat a simple command. Never say the forbidden word, the chimp out button https://www.jameslafond.com/article.php?id=13837

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Lynn Lockhart ⏳ @LynnLock328
@MattLoita Hub and I each have 3 bros and I have to do all the intrafamily communication for 3 sets of grandparents

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Lynn Lockhart ⏳ @LynnLock328
Ancient India had the hottest women but the men were mid
Lynn Lockhart ⏳ @LynnLock328
Assyrian men were so much hotter than Egyptians just fyi

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Lynn Lockhart ⏳ @LynnLock328
Assyrian men were so much hotter than Egyptians just fyi

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Lynn Lockhart ⏳ @LynnLock328
High IQ/minimally employed master race

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Lynn Lockhart ⏳ @LynnLock328
These videos give me anxiety. How many people have died at this man's parties?

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Lynn Lockhart ⏳ @LynnLock328
@NuclearBeacon @MikeSpies904 @JucheAmerican @LokiJulianus The gov absolutely has to do this because if treasuries aren't risk free by definition ....

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Lynn Lockhart ⏳ @LynnLock328
@tubman_onlyfans Respect the hustle and like I said

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Lynn Lockhart ⏳ @LynnLock328
Getting mocked her for her McKinsey/Ivy resume, her hub's job, etc. What can the right offer a married mom of 4 with 2+ SDs IQ and workaholism? Our entire economy is weird and fake. Brava to her for finding a niche in it

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Lynn Lockhart ⏳ @LynnLock328
I want a pet gerenuk

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Lynn Lockhart ⏳ @LynnLock328
Today's hailstorm while we were out and about

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Lynn Lockhart ⏳ @LynnLock328
Amazon pro tip if your looking for something obscure, like a LaFond title, is to run a search outside of amazon. Searching within amazon gives very poor results for James whether due to specific deboosting or serving preferred results higher

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Lynn Lockhart ⏳ @LynnLock328
The Last Incantation Clark Ashton Smith

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Lynn Lockhart ⏳ @LynnLock328
This brush is marketed for dogs but it's amazing for long thick hair

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Lynn Lockhart ⏳ @LynnLock328
I'm a woman of few kitchen gadgets. I've owned and used one like this for 20 yrs. Matfer

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Lynn Lockhart ⏳ @LynnLock328
@corsair21c How did we go from this to materialism to transhumanism? I'll take your answer off the air

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Lynn Lockhart ⏳ @LynnLock328
Important to note that trains are running into trouble but superbowl grass has never been better

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Lynn Lockhart ⏳ @LynnLock328
@corsair21c What became of Irish slaves sold in Barbados. Surely a life of privilege? Oh

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Lynn Lockhart ⏳ @LynnLock328
Wanted to quick plug this fight. Sean is one of LaFond's fighters: https://www.instagram.com/p/CoLCs1xPkUkN9yFCop0ipZYPK2oZfQbBLh02H00/

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Lynn Lockhart ⏳ @LynnLock328
I have never done "bargaining" and never will. I am a machine researching the issue, laying out options available, ruthlessly realistic but try to be gentle

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Lynn Lockhart ⏳ @LynnLock328
If you have daughters you need to be buying your wife timeless gold jewelry on the reg

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Lynn Lockhart ⏳ @LynnLock328
Stop complaining about dating market and do this instead

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Lynn Lockhart ⏳ @LynnLock328
A reader a while back trained an AI image generator with pics of LaFond. I didn't post at the time bc I didn't know what ppl would think but anyway here ya go

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Lynn Lockhart ⏳ @LynnLock328
@annakhachiyan Getty has a different shot. What's the name of the publication you have there? https://www.gettyimages.com/detail/news-photo/american-actress-faye-dunaway-pictured-wearing-a-fur-coat-news-photo/590249871

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Lynn Lockhart ⏳ @LynnLock328
@raven_brah "Trust me no one will be counting their fingers"

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Lynn Lockhart ⏳ @LynnLock328
Grasp your enemies firmly by the hair

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Lynn Lockhart ⏳ @LynnLock328
Hittite shield mold

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Lynn Lockhart ⏳ @LynnLock328
@nealjclark1 Every teacher in the diocese is reading this book. Parochial schools are committing suicide

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Lynn Lockhart ⏳ @LynnLock328
Really wish Hakan were here to explain Harry and Meghan language barrier 🗣️. Me in my 20s: those boys are handsome and Harry so fun loving Me in 30s: forgot they existed Me in 40s: amazed how pathetic both of them are

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Lynn Lockhart ⏳ @LynnLock328
Wikipedia at its best when the talk page is better than the article

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Lynn Lockhart ⏳ @LynnLock328
Weather professional pretends snow doesn't exist

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Lynn Lockhart ⏳ @LynnLock328
Cousin cleaning out the pantry while uncle's in the hospital and I've inherited 105 oz container of French's mustard plus a 2-pack of grey poupon. What's in your pantry?

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Lynn Lockhart ⏳ @LynnLock328
Scottish shortbread is so good and Danish butter cookies are so bad but they are practically the same thing???

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Lynn Lockhart ⏳ @LynnLock328
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Lynn Lockhart ⏳ @LynnLock328
I don't care if Tr*mp is a f4t ret4rd I'm ready for MAGA2.0 chaos and I am once again asking your help to locate the source of the dress the girl in shades is wearing

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Lynn Lockhart ⏳ @LynnLock328
@CumberlandRises @corsair21c

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Lynn Lockhart ⏳ @LynnLock328
What is it? Hooved Elephant https://t.co/OeXwwRC9qq
Lynn Lockhart ⏳ @LynnLock328
: I like this one for @corsair21c

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Lynn Lockhart ⏳ @LynnLock328
A boar maybe @HeftyHaruspex will like it https://t.co/PR4zL0HVjh
Lynn Lockhart ⏳ @LynnLock328
: What is it? Hooved Elephant

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Lynn Lockhart ⏳ @LynnLock328
Some stags for @N_S_Elaphos https://t.co/jtWqtuhPA8
Lynn Lockhart ⏳ @LynnLock328
: A boar maybe @HeftyHaruspex will like it

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Lynn Lockhart ⏳ @LynnLock328
Pages of heraldry including triskelions for @7riskelionJihad https://t.co/fvb6gdz42y
Lynn Lockhart ⏳ @LynnLock328
: Some stags for @N_S_Elaphos

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Lynn Lockhart ⏳ @LynnLock328
Pages of heraldry including triskelions for @7riskelionJihad

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Lynn Lockhart ⏳ @LynnLock328
One tankard of wine please

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Lynn Lockhart ⏳ @LynnLock328
Medieval German foodtruck selling pretzels and loaves

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Lynn Lockhart ⏳ @LynnLock328
The geometry of oceanic sections

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Lynn Lockhart ⏳ @LynnLock328
This type of rock is the best kind

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Lynn Lockhart ⏳ @LynnLock328
Barnardo, hmm not exactly a British name. He was Irish you say? Ah, I see, his father descended from Venetian "'''merchants''''' so slave trade was a natural line of business for him
Lynn Lockhart ⏳ @LynnLock328
Barnardo's is really bugging me. I did some wiki browsing. Barnardo was taken to court for kidnapping and lying about his charity 88 TIMES and never suffered any consequence. London judges of the time were supportive (customers?) of the traffic in child's flesh?

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Lynn Lockhart ⏳ @LynnLock328
Barnardo's is really bugging me. I did some wiki browsing. Barnardo was taken to court for kidnapping and lying about his charity 88 TIMES and never suffered any consequence. London judges of the time were supportive (customers?) of the traffic in child's flesh?
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Lynn Lockhart ⏳ @LynnLock328
It's the Federal Bureau of Unvestigation
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Lynn Lockhart ⏳ @LynnLock328
@LynnLock328: "Kids in cages" 1920s Canada edition

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Lynn Lockhart ⏳ @LynnLock328
Surf mom pro tip: bring a coffee thermos full of hot water. Pour it down the front and back of the suit before getting them out of their wetsuits https://t.co/nxnS0yT5hy
Lynn Lockhart ⏳ @LynnLock328

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Lynn Lockhart ⏳ @LynnLock328
Surf mom pro tip: bring a coffee thermos full of hot water. Pour it down the front and back of the suit before getting them out of their wetsuits

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Lynn Lockhart ⏳ @LynnLock328
Oh no I just got a letter under my front door

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Lynn Lockhart ⏳ @LynnLock328
Can anyone help me identify this fruit? They come from a tree that has lost all foliage. Tree is less than 15 feet tall. Fruit is present in clusters of ten or so. The ones I've opened have no seeds and a date like flavor and texture

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Lynn Lockhart ⏳ @LynnLock328
Hello @JohnGlubb what birbs these are? Look pigeonish and eating seafood off the rocks

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Lynn Lockhart ⏳ @LynnLock328
Hello @JohnGlubb what birbs these are? Look pigeonish and eating seafood off the rocks https://t.co/dj8gs4sZim
Lynn Lockhart ⏳ @LynnLock328
: Also, is this the marking of owl limpet?

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celtic cross 86%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
celtic cross 83%
star of david 73%
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star of david 59%

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valknut 93%
totenkopf 84%

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art_other 99%

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runes_odal 76%
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art_other 76%

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critters 38%
reichsadler 63%

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star of david 89%

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logos_flags_graphics 55%
firearm 41%

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reichsadler 57%
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etc 99%

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toons other 98%

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gigachad 92%
gigachad 89%

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anime 99%

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anime 92%

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firearm 87%

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anime 87%

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art_other 99%

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critters 57%
pepe 36%

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mspaint style 97%
firearm 65%

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etc 99%
militarized 60%

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critters 93%

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art_other 99%

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critters 99%

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militarized 43%

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anime 42%
falange 28%

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art_other 99%

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toons other 40%
anime 39%

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art_other 82%

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art_other 99%

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etc 99%

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critters 83%

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etc 92%

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critters 62%
etc 37%

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logos_flags_graphics 59%

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logos_flags_graphics 57%
bar graph 27%

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art_other 98%

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tldr 98%

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tldr 99%

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etc 29%

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etc 99%

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etc 99%

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tldr 97%

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art_other 67%
etc 32%

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Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 96%

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tldr 99%

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art_other 90%

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toons other 98%

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art_other 56%

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mspaint style 97%

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Classifier 20221028131014
toons other 95%

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Classifier 20221028131014
bar graph 99%

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Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 100%

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Classifier 20221028131014
bar graph 95%

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Classifier 20221028131014
bar graph 61%

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etc 76%

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etc 97%

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Classifier 20221028131014
logos_flags_graphics 99%

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tldr 100%

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Classifier 20221028131014
logos_flags_graphics 83%

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tldr 99%

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etc 71%

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Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 96%

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Classifier 20221028131014
critters 82%

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Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 97%

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Classifier 20221028131014
etc 76%

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Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 58%
etc 26%

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Classifier 20221028131014
etc 100%

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Classifier 20221028131014
char_v 99% v

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Classifier 20221028131014
bar graph 100%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
bar graph 37%
tldr 31%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
logos_flags_graphics 62%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 100%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 100%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 100%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

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tldr 100%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 100%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
critters 100%

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Classifier 20221028131014
etc 58%
art_other 38%

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Classifier 20221028131014
etc 98%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
logos_flags_graphics 48%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 72%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
critters 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 99%

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Classifier 20221028131014
etc 70%
art_other 28%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 96%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 96%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 98%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 91%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
map 90%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 98%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 98%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
toons other 50%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 91%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 98%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 78%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
etc 51%
critters 31%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
skull 52%
critters 36%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 97%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
critters 51%
etc 48%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
etc 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
etc 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 98%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
critters 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
critters 89%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 74%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
etc 99%