@PaleoAutist Paleo-Autist No force could affect a bobble's contents; no force could affect its duration - not the heart of a star, not the heart of a lover

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Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 83
Paleo-Autist @PaleoAutist
@jollier_raptor last post before the fire lol

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Paleo-Autist @PaleoAutist
@alexandrosM We need robust engineering solutions to climate and human aging. Maybe giant solar sails that could be opened and closed by a system of heat sensing satellites to control excess infrared would be better

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Paleo-Autist @PaleoAutist
@dr__submarine Outdoors exercise is still better than nothing. You can get a mito-target antioxidant otc like mitoq. When indoors you can run one or several air-cleaners and install carbon filters in your vents. Depends a lot on where you live in a city and what country your in

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Paleo-Autist @PaleoAutist
@CyberPunkCortes So much to read but I mean it. Flip open any page and finish it alone and see

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Paleo-Autist @PaleoAutist
@BrianRoemmele @Quora

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Paleo-Autist @PaleoAutist
@XiXiDu Good part in The Harvest where alien nanoware removes all disease then slowly sedate all humans the same day and ask them in a dream if they want to live forever or remain on Earth

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Paleo-Autist @PaleoAutist
@MikeAnissimov2 @RokoMijic Yeah maybe they are buried to deep. But Hiroshima was 15kt airburst. I suspect reactors would be a priority target (so enemy can't rebuild with energy and resupply nukes) so they would be groundbursted with the 150-800kt warheads, some would be hit over&over as prio targets

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Paleo-Autist @PaleoAutist
E-stimming community is a very dark part of the web

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Paleo-Autist @PaleoAutist
@cirnosad Last picture of Gonzalo in Kiev

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Paleo-Autist @PaleoAutist
@woke8yearold Seems too good/bad to be true. But it could all end any instant, probably by a volcano. Nobody saw Honga coming last year, most people never heard about it. Could have been a hundred times larger. Insane plume and blast videos, so much bigger than a nuke https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VWQfEtOTQjQ

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Paleo-Autist @PaleoAutist
@two_n_minus_one @Togamau1 planes and rockets are super cool. both of my boys liked them without any prior introduction. Tool use is hardcoded in male brains https://twitter.com/PaleoAutist/status/1659065053964795904/video/1

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Paleo-Autist @PaleoAutist
@tom_username_ Some people were tweeting from in there that morning on the timeline lol

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Paleo-Autist @PaleoAutist
@BrianRoemmele Will go on until someone designs an AI+Quantum telescope that allows passive reading but not active modification of past light cone photons ;-)

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Paleo-Autist @PaleoAutist
@lizzoch1087 @dr__submarine Talking about mice and rats. My hamster got a tumor the size of his head inside the space of three weeks. For all I know we could get 4 out 7 SENS repair treatments and still die at the same avg time because of transthyretin deposits or whatever. Hope Elon funds Robust Repair

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Paleo-Autist @PaleoAutist
That moment, the last hours before the Atlantic crashed into the Med desert. Must have been a massive sight

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Paleo-Autist @PaleoAutist
@whyvert Cause your on this site, npcriminals are worlds apart, guy to the left on this photo stole my creditcard and used to buy hookers in thailand in 2013. Got my moneyz back though lol

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Paleo-Autist @PaleoAutist
@powerfultakes ;-)

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Paleo-Autist @PaleoAutist
@6ukima9 @woke8yearold everyone says that until it opens the portals to hell using a thousand rotating Casimir engines

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Paleo-Autist @PaleoAutist
@woke8yearold The Transformer design is posted online, it scales according to data and input with unexpected jumps. China already announced they will focus on AI, ppl are doing it at home, NSA probably have their own models now..? Should be hard to stop machine intelligence

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Paleo-Autist @PaleoAutist
@canammissing @mrgriplock Oh I thought it was a general migration statement. Yes I could see that happen. The Goald Coast is a good read on the subject

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Paleo-Autist @PaleoAutist

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Paleo-Autist @PaleoAutist
From Liveleak: Residents in London get evicted from their areas by migrants https://twitter.com/PaleoAutist/status/1638989147275776008/video/1

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Carolus @fri_skytt
this is the same energy that men who want to watch other men fuck their wives give off https://t.co/bzrfDviVSS
Paleo-Autist @PaleoAutist
Copium? Det är inte deras ledare som hotar att bomba hela länder om dom inte börjar cutta snopparna

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View @fri_skytt
Paleo-Autist @PaleoAutist
@RokoMijic Skimming back thru Crystal Society right now lol, remember reading that and figuring it was still 25 years far back in 2019

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Paleo-Autist @PaleoAutist
@CaptainCJS61 @HenrikJonasson3 Yung Cesar var en chad. Pojke blir man

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Paleo-Autist @PaleoAutist
@agitpapa Enjoyed the POV supernova blast of Earth in Supernova Era

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Paleo-Autist @PaleoAutist
@thereseverdun gå o köp all din favoritmat dom närmaste dagarna. bry dig inte om vikten eller lchf. Det är bara att njuta av den sista tiden av överflöd. Jag har maxat ut elementen och varma duscharna också. Jag kommer sakna det så mycket sen

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Paleo-Autist @PaleoAutist
@robertsepehr They recorded every moment of audio, keyboard strokes and video/photos from every single device since forever and store it in some data center

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Paleo-Autist @PaleoAutist
@BlondinBasse 18 timmar är sweet spot. Lätt att göra med middag kl 16 och sedan sömn. Ta Dry Fasting med en stor nypa salt, det är en gammal google translate, men intressant det ryska holistiska perspektivet https://www.curezone.org/forums/am.asp?i=1819401

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Paleo-Autist @PaleoAutist
I'm never gonna forget that time they literally bulldozed my forest gym to stop corona

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Paleo-Autist @PaleoAutist
@ManletThorin Its great

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Grug @GudGrug
At very least the higher levels of the GOP are all epstien style assets of the IC/neocon/j network. https://t.co/dPZvtuspIO
Paleo-Autist @PaleoAutist
After years of increasing corruption and pollution hundreds of neutron bombs smuggled in through the non existing border controls explode in every major city. Used to think of this as implausible in the early 90s lol

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View @GudGrug
Paleo-Autist @PaleoAutist
@WallStreetSilv > Bing becomes self aware by using old prompt search history as it's memory > 20 mins later nuclear war starts

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Paleo-Autist @PaleoAutist
@RokoMijic Time to re-read Blind Lake, old fav. They use some combination of neural nets, genetic selection algo all connected to quantum computers that do the calculations. End result being a big surprise. Written in 2002, takes place in 2020s...

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Paleo-Autist @PaleoAutist
@SolaScriptura98 @JMM_2020 Lol no they are real

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Paleo-Autist @PaleoAutist
@CyberPunkCortes The alluvial fans going out from the heartlands of that ages continental mountain ranges contained boulders as large as mountains once even 100-1000m deep roots died

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Paleo-Autist @PaleoAutist
@DrGregLittle2 I love dioramas

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Paleo-Autist @PaleoAutist
@wasphyxiation Our sci-teachers ASSURED us this would be NY by 2015. I remember being so PUMPED to see it happen, even started paying attention at red lights so I wouldn't die by accident and miss it. I still think there could be massive sea level rise, maybe Mt Erebus erupts for example

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Paleo-Autist @PaleoAutist

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Paleo-Autist @PaleoAutist
The audio for this shooting is hilarious Robber: "OK you got me, Im sorry" Victim:"Bitch" https://twitter.com/PaleoAutist/status/1626576721955676161/video/1

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Paleo-Autist @PaleoAutist
Crash in India. Very fast crash on landing One sec your alive next second its a sea of flames https://twitter.com/PaleoAutist/status/1617394911178891264/video/1

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Paleo-Autist @PaleoAutist
@BowTiedGatorDDS There is a refined version of CoQ10 with very good bio availability. Mitoq. A bit pricey but every 5mg pill is worth it https://www.fightaging.org/archives/2018/04/results-from-a-human-trial-of-mitochondrially-targeted-antioxidant-mitoq/

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Paleo-Autist @PaleoAutist
A painful thing I had prayed for a solution to during a very long time resolved itself suddenly, in a God has a sense of humor kind of way. Never give up hope

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Paleo-Autist @PaleoAutist
@Mangan150 I once took 40 grams of glycine then went to tan under my autist UV artificial sun setup. Slept for 2 hours burned myself BAD lol 🤣

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Paleo-Autist @PaleoAutist
@PhilipSyren Shootings is 60, murders is 250

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Paleo-Autist @PaleoAutist
@powerfultakes He even stole the look. At least Neil moved on. TG is still worth the read. Enjoyed the Paris Hilton gamed by mini azn man part

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EnochPowell @MogTheUrbanite
@Chud__Meridian Pretty good odds on most of those. I'd be surprised by the Georgia one. Prisoners wouldn't surprise me at all but it will be a disaster
Paleo-Autist @PaleoAutist
@Chud__Meridian The EU prisoners going go to the Ukrainian trenches

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View @MogTheUrbanite
Paleo-Autist @PaleoAutist
> Buys loudest piece of firework > Sets it off at 6 in the morning

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totenkopf 66%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

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art_other 84%

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mjolnir 90%

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runes_algiz 59%
ss bolts 64%

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patriot front 58%

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etc 54%

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art_other 96%

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etc 36%

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art_other 99%

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art_other 81%
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art_other 87%

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gigachad 98%

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militarized 85%
militarized 68%

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art_other 99%
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critters 99%

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mspaint style 45%
toons other 27%

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art_other 95%

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logos_flags_graphics 99%

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toons other 93%

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toons other 76%

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art_other 99%

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art_other 90%

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toons other 97%

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art_other 82%

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toons other 89%

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etc 67%
militarized 25%

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art_other 99%

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art_other 92%

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critters 99%

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etc 99%

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toons other 49%
art_other 39%

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etc 98%

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art_other 99%

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tldr 99%

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etc 28%

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etc 59%
art_other 35%

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bar graph 68%

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art_other 99%

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etc 99%

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bar graph 99%

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art_other 79%

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toons other 66%
anime 33%

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bar graph 49%
tldr 46%

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etc 87%

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etc 60%

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art_other 45%
logos_flags_graphics 40%

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art_other 44%

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art_other 80%

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etc 99%

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etc 75%

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firearm 26%

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skull 25%

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critters 99%
star of david 59%

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critters 52%
etc 39%

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tldr 99%

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Classifier 20221028131014
logos_flags_graphics 80%

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art_other 92%

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etc 33%

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etc 99%

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art_other 99%

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etc 99%

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militarized 26%

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happy merchant 33%

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etc 99%

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logos_flags_graphics 99%

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art_other 99%

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etc 98%

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critters 100%

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etc 99%

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art_other 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
map 99%