@Hail__To_You E.H. Hail Hail to you.

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Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 54
E.H. Hail @Hail__To_You
(Reflections on the phrase "Just the Flu" at the three-year mark) Adding the trivializing (half-)word 'Bro' ("It's just the flu, bro!") made it easily insertable into the speech-bubble of a frivolous idiot. "Just the Flu" became a 2020 slogan, but one used by the Pro-Panic side.

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E.H. Hail @Hail__To_You
On the Dilbert racist rant, cancellation cascade, fallout, Scott Adams defiance against Wokeness: (suggested hashtags: #DilbertWasRight #DilbertIsDone #DilbertIsARacist #ScottAdamsWasRight #ScottAdams #JakeTapper #Wokeness #WashingtonPost #PeakStupidity)

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E.H. Hail @Hail__To_You
@Hail__To_You: @Thaeus4 @AbsoluteWithE @lpbragancabr What would it be like if this happened by magic tomorrow: (from one very-large Brazil to five successor states)

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E.H. Hail @Hail__To_You
@Hail__To_You: #GrantWahlDiedSuddenly
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E.H. Hail @Hail__To_You
@ramzpaul @elonmusk What is LUAFO? Is LUAFO a #Kanye2024 slogan?

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E.H. Hail @Hail__To_You
@2020Blackstone I haven't seen this kind of "Reader-added context" (here quoting the ADL) before; When did this start and how does it work?

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E.H. Hail @Hail__To_You
As best I can tell, the replier here is serious, unironic, wants evacuation of US citizens bc the Wuhan-Apocalypse-Virus will soon cause piles of bodies due to "swamped hospitals." (some people never learn)

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E.H. Hail @Hail__To_You
"The Chinese people fight Covid~Zero and the Totalitarianism of Xi" -- Peak Stupidity #ChinaProtest2022 / #ChinaLockdown / #ChinaUprising? https://peakstupidity.com/index.php?post=2451

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E.H. Hail @Hail__To_You
@curtdoolittle: Your Youtube link from your twitter profile points to this for me: https://t.co/rADZCeD1GS
E.H. Hail @Hail__To_You
: The website is also full of dead links and missing text since the revamp/reconstruction, though I am sure you know that. This on is troubling:

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E.H. Hail @Hail__To_You
@curtdoolittle: Your Youtube link from your twitter profile points to this for me:

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E.H. Hail @Hail__To_You
Ethnic and national origins of Team-USA (US Men's National Team), World Cup 2022 https://hailtoyou.wordpress.com/2022/11/19/world-cup-2022-racial-national-origins-of-team-usa-54-white-christian-31-black-8-hispanic-4-jewish/ #WorldCup #WorldCup2022 #WorldcupQatar2022 #WM2022 #USMNT #USSoccer

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E.H. Hail @Hail__To_You
@TKeithPreston1 @BlottoOz I think this fails to identify properly the "through-line" of cultural-radical, nonwhite-racialist, anti-national, ethnomasochist strains that had agglomerated on "the Left" in a serious way by ca. the 1980s already.

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E.H. Hail @Hail__To_You
Problem: Government legitimacy weakening Solution: Give both sides what they want -- (via @CurtDoolittle) https://hailtoyou.wordpress.com/2022/11/10/election-froth/#comment-50093

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E.H. Hail @Hail__To_You
Trump endorses DeSantis:

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E.H. Hail @Hail__To_You
Nevada, 2022 White College-degree Female effect is muddier but still present: https://t.co/5q9DnzISlu
E.H. Hail @Hail__To_You
: Arizona, 2022: note that White College-degree Women voted stronger 'D' than "Voters of Color":

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E.H. Hail @Hail__To_You
Wisconsin 2022: https://t.co/qietFO1XzP
E.H. Hail @Hail__To_You
: Nevada, 2022 White College-degree Female effect is muddier but still present:

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E.H. Hail @Hail__To_You
@Hail__To_You: Wisconsin 2022:

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E.H. Hail @Hail__To_You
Pennsylvania exit poll "spot the pattern" challenge

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E.H. Hail @Hail__To_You
@Hail__To_You: Uncle Bob is all in for Tribe Social and calls for a #TwitterExodus.

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E.H. Hail @Hail__To_You
@2020Blackstone @whyvert @XiXiDu The "baby bump" of 2021 for Whites and College-women returns to the (already-low) levels last seen in...2018 and 2019. And still lower than for 2015 and 2016 (which were also at low levels). More fairly called a leveling-off, Or the bounce from a trough.

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E.H. Hail @Hail__To_You
@curtdoolittle, Does this align with your view of the concept "Mansplaining"?

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E.H. Hail @Hail__To_You
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E.H. Hail @Hail__To_You
Peak Stupidity on Italy's "far-right feminist," Giorgia Meloni: https://peakstupidity.com/index.php?post=2407

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E.H. Hail @Hail__To_You
You've got to be kidding me, This man has 6.6 million followers:

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Eddie Graf @Eddie_1412
Wir gewinnen jeden Krieg.... Ihr Streuselkuchen soll angeblich spitze sein. https://t.co/3UT05hWaPb
E.H. Hail @Hail__To_You

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E.H. Hail @Hail__To_You
@jeffreyatucker The Great Recession era of zero-net-growth in "real disposable personal income": lasted from early 2007 to spring 2010, then realigned to a lower trendline for most of the 2010s. The Corona-Panic "Great Reset" recession has shown zero net growth from Dec 2019 to Aug 2022 so far.

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E.H. Hail @Hail__To_You
@teragramus @HiddenPinky @stephanlivera @HiddenPinky means well but has misinterpreted a set of numbers. It's not individuals' faults; we've been subject to war-like propaganda campaign on behalf of The Virus. Sweden's year-to-year change in deaths for 2020 is invisible in the long run.

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E.H. Hail @Hail__To_You
Will @ElonMusk organize the first manned Mars mission? - Proposed unmanned landing: 2022/3 - best-case manned landing: 2024/5 - mid-case manned landing: 2027/8 - (pessimistic case: 2030s?) Musk tells media in Berlin trips to be possible every 26 months
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E.H. Hail @Hail__To_You
@Hail__To_You: @ianmSC

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E.H. Hail @Hail__To_You
@SelimSeesYou These guys are tracking #PivotCounties closely: 206 counties were "Obama'08-Obama'12-Trump'16" pivot counties": - Trump'20 easily won 179 (87%, median victory margin 12%) - Biden'20 narrowly won 25 (13%, median margin 3%), half of them in the Northeast https://ballotpedia.org/Election_results,_2020:_Pivot_Counties_in_the_2020_presidential_election

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E.H. Hail @Hail__To_You
@PaddysPubKey @stephanlivera @AlexBerenson @CDCgov The same thing applies to the US, If isolating the direct effect of Wuhan-Corona in 2020 (minus the Lockdown-induced deaths), it definitely would be visualizable as a spike in line with the others since the 1950s:

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E.H. Hail @Hail__To_You
@Hail__To_You: @JesseKellyDC @KurtSchlichter The Wuhan-Corona flu wave in context: (Too Lazy, Didn't Look: These flu waves are regular/mundane, you yourself have lived through them before and were never even aware of it. Absolutely nothing unusual in historical context about the Wuhan-Corona wave.)

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E.H. Hail @Hail__To_You
@Hail__To_You: The large majority of the AfD is against the Lockdowns, and the only voices with formal political representation against the crazy Lockdown witchhunts. Here is influential AfD regional leader @BjoernHoecke, whose position on the lockdowns is not ambiguous:

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E.H. Hail @Hail__To_You
@Hail__To_You: Here is someone using this inane slogan in the wild on Twitter:
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E.H. Hail @Hail__To_You
Has the rise of the @AfD in the past five years broken the brains of the once-important #SPD? The SPD now say the entire purpose of their party, from the beginning, was to "Fight Racism" "We've been giving N*zis no chance since 1863"

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E.H. Hail @Hail__To_You
@MahoundParadise Correction: The magic word is "appointed": (Any presidential election that goes through or not on the technicality of the inteprepeted meaning of a single word in a century or two century old document is going to cause lots of ill feeling)

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E.H. Hail @Hail__To_You
@Zachariahskylab The perception, it is true, that "270" is the magic number. Any deviation from this in any way will be seen as suspect at least to many. But note the word "appointed" in the law. It seems to mean if a state sends no electors, it means they are out of the denominator.

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E.H. Hail @Hail__To_You
@SelimSeesYou Now @gregkellyusa of @Newsmax is hitting Bellwether County Mystery https://t.co/D8615SAw8V
E.H. Hail @Hail__To_You
: @SelimSeesYou @gregkellyusa @newsmax And @gregkellyusa is hitting the Biden Underperfofmed Clinton in every big blue city except the handful of key swing state ones on #Newsmax.

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E.H. Hail @Hail__To_You
@SelimSeesYou Now @gregkellyusa of @Newsmax is hitting Bellwether County Mystery

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art_other 98%