@UnspeakablChaos Kartuli Cthulhu All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. -Schopenhauer

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Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 33
Kartuli Cthulhu @UnspeakablChaos
@p0quess1ng Reminds me of the Lizardmen from Warhammer

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Kartuli Cthulhu @UnspeakablChaos
@readynafewdays Seems excessive

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Kartuli Cthulhu @UnspeakablChaos
@p0quess1ng Might have been better to have an immigration barrier...

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Kartuli Cthulhu @UnspeakablChaos
@powerfultakes @devarbol Training pilots is very expensive, and the Kremlin has preferred spending the defense budget on nuclear wunderwaffen that will never be used and prestige items like the Kuznetsov. Average VKS flight time was critically low before the war. Dearth of trainer aircraft and simulators

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Kartuli Cthulhu @UnspeakablChaos
@p0quess1ng I will create alchemical horrors beyond your comprehension

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Kartuli Cthulhu @UnspeakablChaos
@p0quess1ng What if she were a brunette?

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Kartuli Cthulhu @UnspeakablChaos
@UnspeakablChaos: @p0quess1ng I wonder what the modern version of this map would look like. When it was made 17.7% of the state population was Hispanic. Now they have a plurality 40%+, and it's baked in that they'll become an outright majority. Makes his actions look even more ridiculous.

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Kartuli Cthulhu @UnspeakablChaos
@d1stelfink I think you'd enjoy the story of Beren and Lúthien. The giant wolfhound is my favorite character

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Kartuli Cthulhu @UnspeakablChaos
Pastoralists and Farmers in the Sudano-Sahelian region are increasingly at odds as competition for land and resources intensify. The rural population of the region has increased by more than 40% over the past 20 years, reaching 281 million. https://t.co/sSDdVqyD9r
Kartuli Cthulhu @UnspeakablChaos
: Bioclimatic Regions of West Africa https://eros.usgs.gov/westafrica/node/147

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Kartuli Cthulhu @UnspeakablChaos
@UnspeakablChaos: Pastoralists and Farmers in the Sudano-Sahelian region are increasingly at odds as competition for land and resources intensify. The rural population of the region has increased by more than 40% over the past 20 years, reaching 281 million.

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Kartuli Cthulhu @UnspeakablChaos
@UnspeakablChaos: Who could have foreseen that halving the number of shipyards would lead to critical bottlenecks down the line?

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Kartuli Cthulhu @UnspeakablChaos
Japan has also focused on increasing its standoff weapons capability, and it has embarked upon an indigenous hypersonic weapons program. https://t.co/addR0MpjcG https://t.co/AsVeyx6DKA
Kartuli Cthulhu @UnspeakablChaos
: Worth remembering Japan's nuclear latency. It owns a large stockpile of fissile material (46.1 tons of plutonium and 600kg of HEU). It is also building a plant with a capacity of 8 tons of plutonium/year or 800 tons of uranium. It also posses the tech for ICBMs etc.

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Kartuli Cthulhu @UnspeakablChaos
Increasing tensions with China prompted the buildup in the Island Chain. Japan also created its first marine brigade since WWII in 2018. https://t.co/dQUSnLZdRE
Kartuli Cthulhu @UnspeakablChaos
: Japan has also focused on increasing its standoff weapons capability, and it has embarked upon an indigenous hypersonic weapons program. https://opennuclear.org/publication/japans-stand-weapon-programmes-new-counterforce-strike-capabilities?language_content_entity=en

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Kartuli Cthulhu @UnspeakablChaos
During the past decade, Japan has been building up a its military presence in the Ryukyus. There's now a chain of radars, sonar arrays, missile batteries and new bases. https://t.co/yNq1uq4sBM
Kartuli Cthulhu @UnspeakablChaos
: Increasing tensions with China prompted the buildup in the Island Chain. Japan also created its first marine brigade since WWII in 2018.

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Kartuli Cthulhu @UnspeakablChaos
During the past decade, Japan has been building up a its military presence in the Ryukyus. There's now a chain of radars, sonar arrays, missile batteries and new bases.

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Kartuli Cthulhu @UnspeakablChaos
@d1stelfink I wonder what socioeconomic factors explain dog aggression🤔

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Kartuli Cthulhu @UnspeakablChaos
USN shipbuilding plan underpinned by the assumption that they can write off the mid 20s to early 30s as a transition period. https://news.usni.org/2022/04/19/new-navy-long-range-shipbuilding-plan-calls-for-decommissioning-more-cruisers-littoral-combat-ships

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Kartuli Cthulhu @UnspeakablChaos
"over 80 percent of today’s USAF fighter fleet is flying beyond its design service life." https://t.co/GqdEkfT2qh https://t.co/E5VLxz9Ok8
Kartuli Cthulhu @UnspeakablChaos
: Closing the F-22 production line not looking like a wise decision at this point.

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Kartuli Cthulhu @UnspeakablChaos
"over 80 percent of today’s USAF fighter fleet is flying beyond its design service life." https://www.airforcemag.com/article/crisis-in-the-fighter-force-eric/

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Kartuli Cthulhu @UnspeakablChaos
Navigation system of a 9M544 guided artillery rocket fired by the Smerch MLRS with an Altera Cyclone II FPGA. Field Programmable Gate Arrays are highly flexible, reprogrammable and reusable. https://t.co/frpTxDvPEg
Kartuli Cthulhu @UnspeakablChaos
: Russia bypasses export controls on military grade chips by importing consumer chips then modifying them into military grade chips. All integrated circuits are potentially dual use.

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Kartuli Cthulhu @UnspeakablChaos
Circuit board from a Russian 9M727 Cruise Missile with a Texas Instruments DSP from 1988. https://t.co/BiWkwYo0AI
Kartuli Cthulhu @UnspeakablChaos
: Navigation system of a 9M544 guided artillery rocket fired by the Smerch MLRS with an Altera Cyclone II FPGA. Field Programmable Gate Arrays are highly flexible, reprogrammable and reusable.

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Kartuli Cthulhu @UnspeakablChaos
@UnspeakablChaos: Circuit board from a Russian 9M727 Cruise Missile with a Texas Instruments DSP from 1988.

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Kartuli Cthulhu @UnspeakablChaos
In Syria in the desert against ISIS in 2017 and against the 2018 HTS assault on Hama, showed it could devastate dynamic targets if sufficient ISTAR assets were available. But, in Ukraine those assets are spread thin across a vast front. https://t.co/E877eLQeGK
Kartuli Cthulhu @UnspeakablChaos
: Russia is blind in space compared to the US. The lack of high end reconnaissance satellites seriously constrains Russia's ability to locate targets throughout Ukraine's depth. This problem is compounded by the relatively small number of ISR drones and aircraft.

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Kartuli Cthulhu @UnspeakablChaos
Russia's current inability to reliably interdict Ukrainian formations resembles its inability to stop the ISIS attack on Palmyra in December 2016. https://t.co/Yzc2FuIuqg
Kartuli Cthulhu @UnspeakablChaos
: In Syria in the desert against ISIS in 2017 and against the 2018 HTS assault on Hama, showed it could devastate dynamic targets if sufficient ISTAR assets were available. But, in Ukraine those assets are spread thin across a vast front.

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Kartuli Cthulhu @UnspeakablChaos
The RuAF's difficulty hitting mobile targets was first seen in Syria. PGMs and reconnaissance assets are not plentiful enough. Dynamic targets are left to Su-25s and helicopters, which are vulnerable to MANPADs. https://t.co/hvZRxACQaN
Kartuli Cthulhu @UnspeakablChaos
: Russia's current inability to reliably interdict Ukrainian formations resembles its inability to stop the ISIS attack on Palmyra in December 2016.

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Kartuli Cthulhu @UnspeakablChaos
@UnspeakablChaos: The RuAF's difficulty hitting mobile targets was first seen in Syria. PGMs and reconnaissance assets are not plentiful enough. Dynamic targets are left to Su-25s and helicopters, which are vulnerable to MANPADs.

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proud boys 69%

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proud boys 65%

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firearm 95%

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art_other 57%
critters 42%

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bar graph 95%

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bar graph 99%

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toons other 92%

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etc 99%

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toons other 98%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 85%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 100%