@nakedempire2 nakedempire2 Anti Empire-Anti-USURY............God: Thou shall not lend upon USURY.. https://t.co/R92vFixAea

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Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 9
nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
zerohedge @zerohedge
Jim Cramer Demands Biden Impose Military-Enforced Vaccine Mandate For All Americans https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/jim-cramer-demands-biden-impose-vaccine-mandate-enforced-military

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
Exactly. POTUS dont sit in the back of the Limo, he drives it. The ((bank)) is the gov.
Gregory Fegel @GregoryFegel
@TFL1728 Might as well have Janet Yellen replace Joe Biden as POTUS. The USA is owned and run by Zionist bankers and financiers. They might as well install one of their own in the Figurehead of State position. Then it'd be more obvious who's in charge with a higher degree of transparency.

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
dont f*ck with the ((empire))
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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
((standard oil))
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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
he speaks for the ((banksters)) of the 'city of london'
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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
The Empire is perpetual. Third and 4th Imperial Rome. Hijacked by (((( ))))
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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
protecting empire, not capitalism.....the sun never sets on the ((Anglo-American)) empire #specialRelationship #rome
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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
((hollywood)) always 'sets the table'

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
looks like Australia got junior level membership in the '((Anglo-American Empire))'. Imposing totalitarianism and tyranny on it's population might have something to due with this. connect the dots.... #specialRelationship
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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
few understand that the Empire (Rome) is 'perpetual' ...........it never falls it simply moves and it is getting ready to move again ps.....the last 2 Empires have been (((hijacked)))

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
yo Neil, who owns the ((Fed)).....pls name names
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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
who runs the ((((empire))))
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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
I like to call it ((banksterISM))
zerohedge @zerohedge
Rabo: Capitalism? Communism? Fascism? Markets Are A "Step Closer" To A New Ism https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/rabo-capitalism-communism-fascism-markets-are-step-closer-new-ism

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
((city of london)) wanted to split the country in half
Today In History @URDailyHistory
25 July 1861: #Congress passes the Crittenden-Johnson Resolution, stating that the U.S. Civil War, which began on April 12, was being fought to preserve the Union. Interestingly, there was no mention of ending #slavery. #history #ad https://amzn.to/3jBGZBW https://twitter.com/URDailyHistory/status/1419266933543800834/photo/1

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
it is not a govt., it is an Empire and it is run by the ((Bank)) we are all slaves to the 'federal reserve note'
Boris Johnson has privately admitted to all the MSM editors that he's not in charge, that he's just obeying orders. Their silence is at least as inexcusable as Boris's compliance.

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
none dare call it ((bolshevism))
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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
((((brad sherman))))
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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
never take your EYE off the Central ((banksters))

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
'A lifetime of USURY paid to ((banksters))'
zerohedge @zerohedge
'A Lifetime In Debt' - Older Americans Are Facing A Student-Loan Crisis https://www.zerohedge.com/economics/lifetime-debt-older-americans-are-facing-student-loan-crisis

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
I can't think of anything more Evil than the (((Federal Reserve Note)))

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
yo (((Bernie)))....enjoy Dante's Inferno
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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
could somebody please define '((((((((financial institution'))))))))))))).....thank in advance
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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
who runs the ((Empire))?
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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
America is the 4th imperial Rome.........not a good look everywhere I look i see slavery, usury, taxation, rape pillage and plunder.........just like Rome. But I see it on steroids because of (((())))
Heart-felt message for Americans. Have you ever taken a good, long, hard look at yourselves? Do you have any comprehension of how FULL OF YOURSELVES – i.e. how full of 💩 – your culture is?

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
how bout this..... ((banksters)) Hate silver........Buy it NOW
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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
every time you swipe ur Credit Card, a ((bankster)) gets his USURY
FOX 46 Charlotte @FOX46News
JUST IN: Problems with credit card outages are affecting areas up and down the East Coast. A Visa outage heat map shows hot spots from Boston to Atlanta, and many businesses in North Carolina are being affected as well. Here's what we know so far➡️ https://bit.ly/37RtpX0

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
the Empire of (((usury)))........the bottom pays the top, been that way for a long time.... 2000 yrs. slavery is slavery it just looks different in modern times

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
prolly stole the tech for a poor suffering Indian inventor. British east India company was run out of the ((((('city of london'))))) ......rape pillage and plunder was their MOD
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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
(((((my people)))))))
zerohedge @zerohedge
My people have been in this game for 25 years and they’re LOSING THEIR JOBS and these firms are gonna GO OUT OF BUSINESS and he’s nuts. They’re NUTS! They know NOTHING!

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
when you use debt based fiat .........THE DEBT HAS TO RISE .....THATS HOW IT WORKS.........stop attaching USURY to the MOE ((((medium of exchange)))) #rothschildsPlantationScript
FXHedge @Fxhedgers

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
Kawsachun News @KawsachunNews
BREAKING: Bolivia has cancelled and returned the full sum of the US $346.7 Million IMF loan taken out by the coup regime, in rejection of IMF impositions on internal economic policy. As of February 2021, the loan had already racked up $24.3 Million in interest and commissions. https://twitter.com/KawsachunNews/status/1362176105332019201/photo/1

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
zerohedge @zerohedge
Twilight Zone As ETF Provider Warns Buying Silver Will Harm Hedge Funds And Large Banks https://www.zerohedge.com/commodities/twilight-zone-etf-provider-warns-buying-silver-will-harm-hedge-funds-and-large-banks

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
it is not the paper but the Interest ((USURY)) attached to it. we rent our currency from psychopaths

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
most of these ((hedge funds)) were 'naked short'........they never even borrowed the shares
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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
this will be $40 Trillion ++++ by the end of joe's term. you see the POTUS has but ONE job and that is to serve ((banksters)) and grow the debt
National Debt Tweets @NationalDebt
$27,772,351,753,617.32 (+) #NationalDebt

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
didn't Jesus kick the ((moneychangers)) out of the temple???
zerohedge @zerohedge
Completely unrelated, Citadel pays Janet Yellen over $800,000 for 3 speeches https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/here-are-all-banks-paid-janet-yellen-73-million-speaking-fees-past-2-years

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
I believe this 6 million % ((they)) want you in paper assets and invisible coins
Doug 'The Head' Denovitz @DougDenovitz
@GraceffoLenny @ValBlancCH @DiMartinoBooth I have often wondered whether btc was manufactured as a “diversion” to draw away as many ppl as possible away from gold (think Gresham’s and Exter’s pyramid) prior to a re/devaluation on a global scale...I own gold because the PROTOCOLS tell me I should...@nakedempire2

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
I call it what it is.......the Judeo Anglo American Empire jews gain operational mobility for providing the fake money financial system ((usury))
SP fan account @thuletide
people gotta start calling the "American" Empire by its real name: the Israeli Empire

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
US mercury dime with Roman symbols
Incunabula @incunabula
A silver denarius of the Roman Republic, issued under the moneyer C. Mamilius Limetanus, circa 82 BC. The obverse with a bust of Mercury, with a caduceus behind his shoulder. The reverse side with Odysseus, wearing pileus and mariner's dress, his dog, Argos, running to greet him. https://twitter.com/incunabula/status/1348930956313423878/photo/1

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
Hyper-deflation and Hyper-inflation both end in the same place..............a dead ((fake)) currency #Mako
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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
(((banksters))) trying to Financialize Mother Nature...........
zerohedge @zerohedge

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
your Income tax pays compound interest (((USURY))) on the national debt.........see Grace Commission
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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
: ((they)) want the cities to burn......Keep ur eye on the Banksters as they do their best work during these so-called fake constitutional Crisis's...The Empire does not care as long as they can 'rape, pillage and plunder the ROW...'

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
you are all slaves in the Roman Anglo American Empire ((((financed provided by the Chosen ones)))))
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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
@AlanRMacLeod @Garou_HidaIgo is Trump a member of the '(((screen actors guild)))'? .........asking for a friend..

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
: @samisdat_info Best book about USURY and the author only mentions it twice. The author explains how the ((chosen ones)) gain 'operational mobility' within the Empire (America is the 4th Imperial Rome, British Empire was the 3rd) for providing the fake currency.

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
the Compound Interest ((USURY)) that you pay on YOUR debt flows directly to the rockefellers and the rotschilds
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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
excellent mini-doc about british empire ((3rd Imperial Rome)) and the Opium wars...
Carl Zha @CarlZha
Surprisingly good short video primer on Opium Wars and origin of #HongKong from @VICEUK https://twitter.com/VICEUK/status/1299308248030420994/video/1

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
rothschild 'plantation scrip' ((FRN)) is/are borrowed at compound interest or what the Bible calls USURY
Ben Rickert @Ben__Rickert
The Federal Reserve is a private bank (passing itself off as a trusted US Institution), owned mostly by Europeans. The US Federal Government borrows currency from them and the responsibility for paying it back is the US tax payer. What a scam.

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
the British Empire (city of london) was/is the 3rd iteration of Imperial Rome.....can you guess who the 4th one is? ps.....Imperial Rome is financied by the ((chosen ones)) who then gain 'operational mobility' within the empire..
Ben Rickert @Ben__Rickert
Controlling Families of The East India Company. https://twitter.com/Ben__Rickert/status/1297855455490789377/photo/1

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
(((((my people)))))))
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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
@DerorCurrency @Gladstone_II after having sucked all of the wealth out of America, the 5th Imperial Rome + the (((chosen ones))) will reappear somewhere along the new 'silk road', most likely Astansa, Kazakhstan

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
look you is back!!!!!!!! ((((((((((((((()))))))))))))))))))
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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
Gods law of Co-operation vs ((competition)) .......study the Ana-Baptists......they were genocided for wanting to live under God's law, free from the state and free of USURY
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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
there are serious consequences for attaching 'compound Interest' to the ((MOE)) medium of exchange...
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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
Rain Man came out in 1988.....((Hollywood)) always 'sets the table' for what is to come
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Weird History @weird_hist
Roman Emperor Commodus named the city, army, fleet, senate, people, and all 12 months of the year after himself. https://t.co/hpFSHMKvNn
nakedempire2 @nakedempire2

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
(((soviet union)))
Did the Soviet Union use biological weapons against the Germans in WWII? Medical records suggest they did! It has long been known that bio-weapons were developed and manufactured by the USSR since the Russian civil war... Read more by following the link! http://www.ihr.org/jhr/v18/v18n2p32_Weber.html https://twitter.com/HistoryinReview/status/1253855283874541569/photo/1

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
correct and all because ((they)) attach compound interest ((USURY)) to the Medium of Exchange
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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
The mercury dime was introduced (with Roman symbols) in 1916 three short yrs after ((they)) created the FED. Mercury..... He is the god of financial gain, commerce, eloquence, messages, communication (including divination), travelers, boundaries, luck, trickery and thieves;
SolidusMax @SolidusMax
A 90% silver dime is now worth more than a barral of oil.

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
just finished this book....if you are anti-((USURY)) as I am you will love it... https://www.amazon.com/Barbarian-Bible-True-History-Since-ebook/dp/B00HOMTA7G

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
@TheSolariReport the new dime with Roman symbols...Mercury-God of the shopkeeper

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
Nixon was a Quaker, is that why ((they)) took him out?
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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
nearly 50% of US presidents were episcopal or Presbyterian (church of England) (((British empire))).....only one was Roman Catholic and he got his brains blown out in Dallas in 1963

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
thats looks like a river (((BANK))) they are slowing down the 'velocity of money' for a reason....and it aint good
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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
: @AndySlo30293431 @samisdat_info I could never figure out the relationship btw the british empire and the post WW2 American one..........this book explains it brilliantly and also the involvement of the ((chosen ones)). One key is to understand the Holy Roman Empire.

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
they are shutting DOWN the economy((IES)) for reasons other than the virus.......bankers love their USURY and they will get it one way or the other

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
it is entirely possible that 'Imperial Rome' ((financed by the ((chosen ones))) is ''conspirering'' with the 'Barbarians' vis a vis the virus......IOW they could be in this together

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
'War or ((virus)) is cover for the implosion and the beginning of the liquidation process.......they dont want you dead, if you are dead they cant steal your labor (USURY)
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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
((hollywood)) 'sets the table' for all the NARRATIVES #12Monkeys

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
'War ((virus)) is cover for the implosion and the beginning of the liquidation process.......
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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
people, follow what the Fed does, not what the virus does.......economies are being slowed down on purpose in order to reset the system.......ALWAYS keep ur eye on the ((moneychangers))

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
you people should study the 'Holy Roman Empire' if u did or do, you will have a better understanding of WW1 and WW2 ps..Imperial Rome and Holy Rome hate each other and the ((chosen ones)) hate both but have always financed Imperial Rome in order to gain 'operational mobility'

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
obama and trump serve the same master.........(((mammom)))
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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
How does one obtain 'freedom' from the state ((bank))?????

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
anytime you see the word growth, substitute the word DEBT and then you will understand what the the psychos are saying.......the 'system' REQUIRES more DEBT and that's because we attach Compound Interest ((USURY)) to the 'medium of exchange'
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PeterSweden @PeterSweden7
Communism. - Mao 40-70 million victims. - Stalin 20-70 million victims. - Pol Pot 1-3 million killed. Pure evil. The biggest threat we face is far-left extremism. Retweet if you agree it must be stopped🛑
nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
@ANARCHOCAPITAL7 ((british empire 'city of london')) easily killed 10 times+ more than the numbers in your tweet

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View @PeterSweden7
nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
YES!.....((((((((((city of london)))))))))))))))
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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
what further proof do you need that the ''state'' owns your ass, and the state is a fucking ((bank)).......now go home and pay your Usury to the (bank/state)
Ian56 @Ian56789
Without the BBC's lies, disinfo & cover ups how would the corrupt Globalist Fascist Establishment prevent the public from knowing about Macron's massive #ViolencesPolicieres & EU plans to set up the EU Army to further oppress Europeans? #GiletsJaunes https://twitter.com/Ian56789/status/1074259960278720512/video/1

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
keep ur eye on the ((tribe & banksters)) during the 5 week Kubuki impeachment theater distraction. bill clinton sold his soul and sold out the American people when he sighed the repeal of Glass Steagall shortly after he was acquitted in the senate , most likely a quid pro quo

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
whoops, sorry.........I thought it said "JQ"..........my bad...............will someone let me know when 'Q' becomes a holohoax denier, pls and thx #USURY

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
economic disobedience .....now go home and default on your ((debt)) to the banking system
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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
I call it ((banksterism))
Brian Becker @BrianBeckerDC
21st Century Colonialism: Trump threatens to seize Iraq's money (which is actually held by the Federal Reserve Bank in NYC!!) if Iraq dares to demand that US troops leave. Doesn't this say everything about the colonial character of the US troop presence? https://www.wsj.com/articles/u-s-warns-iraq-it-risks-losing-access-to-key-bank-account-if-troops-told-to-leave-11578759629?mod=djemalertNEWS

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
@Greeneg04235309: @hks55 the US dollar ((dollar hegemony)) needs war, not Trump....

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
those cops work for the (((bank)))........the bank is the STATE...the rothschilds wont take you seriously until you stop using their fake paper currency
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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
((((((((((( juice ))))))))) love slave labor
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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
so many ((survivors))
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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
any 'debt based fiat currency' based on USURY (((compound interest))) is doomed to collapse
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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
so many ((genocides)) so little time.......
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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
never take ur eyes off the ((moneychangers)).......EVER
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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
Time to Run the ((banks))......this shit is going down
zerohedge @zerohedge
To Avoid Repo Crisis Fed Will Flood Market With A Gargantuan $365 Billion In Year-End Liquidity https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/avoid-repo-crisis-fed-will-flood-market-gargantuan-365-billion-year-end-liquidity

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
Time to 'run the banks'...........default on all loans to (((parasitic banksters))).......close all accounts with with the parasites
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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
how many Humans perished under ((city of london))/british empire colonial rule???
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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
fuck you Pay me.......(((()))))
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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
the (((((birthing ))))) of money from money is the root of all ((EVIL))
zerohedge @zerohedge
"Citadel, Point72 and Millennium together hold less than $100 billion in net assets, but that sum swells to almost half a trillion dollars when borrowed money is included." Any cracks in the repo market, and this leverage collapses https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-12-05/citadel-point72-hammered-by-monthly-losses-in-november-comedown

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
I can think of no GOOD reason to attach 'compound Interest' ((USURY)) to the medium of exchange
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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
the birthing of money from money is the Root of all (((((EVIL)))))
Tucker Carlson @TuckerCarlson
If you missed the show, please watch our investigation into one American town decimated by Paul Singer’s hedge fund. Here’s the video. https://video.foxnews.com/v/6112176933001#sp=show-clips

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
100's of millions perished under (((city of london))) colonial rule.......
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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
(1)''Anabaptism was something that would stymy the development of capitalism and that is another reason why it could not develop unhindered. It had to be persecuted.'' ((killed))

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
(((city of london)))
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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
(((((dollar Hegemony)))))......all for a piece of paper with a number on it
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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
(((banksterism))) #bankersLoveCompoundinterest
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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
East India Company was run out of the 'city' and controlled by ((((((rothschild)))))))........hundreds of millions were killed....this is the real elephant in the room https://t.co/e4FoxI39cb
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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
if you do not borrow, the gov will borrow on your behalf......the debt must grow hence all the wasteful spending ((((borrowing)))
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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
Please relax, the ((monetary system)) is working exactly as it was designed to work....... Shut up and pay your USURY......the top demands it
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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
what a Concept!! ''public credit as the sound basis for debt-and ((USURY))interest-free Treasury money and therefore the sound alternative to the national debt and interest-bearing ((bank)) money''
nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
: what a Concept!! ''public credit as the sound basis for debt-and ((USURY))interest-free Treasury money and therefore the sound alternative to the national debt and interest-bearing ((bank)) money''

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
what a Concept!! ''public credit as the sound basis for debt-and ((USURY))interest-free Treasury money and therefore the sound alternative to the national debt and interest-bearing ((bank)) money''
nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
: what a Concept!! ''public credit as the sound basis for debt-and ((USURY))interest-free Treasury money and therefore the sound alternative to the national debt and interest-bearing ((bank)) money''

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
what a Concept!! ''public credit as the sound basis for debt-and ((USURY))interest-free Treasury money and therefore the sound alternative to the national debt and interest-bearing ((bank)) money''
nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
: what a Concept!! ''public credit as the sound basis for debt-and ((USURY))interest-free Treasury money and therefore the sound alternative to the national debt and interest-bearing ((bank)) money''

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
what a Concept!! ''public credit as the sound basis for debt-and ((USURY))interest-free Treasury money and therefore the sound alternative to the national debt and interest-bearing ((bank)) money''
nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
: what a Concept!! ''public credit as the sound basis for debt-and ((USURY))interest-free Treasury money and therefore the sound alternative to the national debt and interest-bearing ((bank)) money''

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
what a Concept!! ''public credit as the sound basis for debt-and ((USURY))interest-free Treasury money and therefore the sound alternative to the national debt and interest-bearing ((bank)) money''
nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
: what a Concept!! ''public credit as the sound basis for debt-and ((USURY))interest-free Treasury money and therefore the sound alternative to the national debt and interest-bearing ((bank)) money''

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
what a Concept!! ''public credit as the sound basis for debt-and ((USURY))interest-free Treasury money and therefore the sound alternative to the national debt and interest-bearing ((bank)) money'' https://t.co/osoJbmL6zX
nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
: what a Concept!! ''public credit as the sound basis for debt-and ((USURY))interest-free Treasury money and therefore the sound alternative to the national debt and interest-bearing ((bank)) money''

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
true or false?? Mayer Rothschild had significant control of 'British East India Company? British Empire ((city of london)) was a creation of 'Judaism? The number of humans murdered under ((city of london)) occupation is staggering. Makes the Holomodor look like a tea party.

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
what a Concept!! ''public credit as the sound basis for debt-and ((USURY))interest-free Treasury money and therefore the sound alternative to the national debt and interest-bearing ((bank)) money'' https://edm.parliament.uk/early-day-motion/46238

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
true or false?? Mayer Rothschild had significant control of 'British East Company? British Empire ((city of london)) was a creation of 'Judaism? The number of humans murdered under ((city of london)) occupation is staggering. Makes the Holomodor look like a tea party.
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zerohedge @zerohedge
Forgiving Student Loan Debt Would Create Moral Hazard, Exacerbate Problems: Moody's https://t.co/eZ1OKSwhtj
nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
dont wait for the banks to give you a 'jubilee', jubilee the banks.......default on all your loans to the banksters...stop paying USURY and the whole ((system)) will collapse

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
The opposite of ''lending'' at compound interest((USURY)) is ''sharing'' which is how the Amish live. Much closer to what the Bible intended.
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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
: almost all of India south of that city was by then effectively ruled from a boardroom in the ((City of London)) https://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/mar/04/east-india-company-original-corporate-raiders

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
@Renegade_Inc @frankknopers how about zero Interest ((USURY))?

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
@udawn330 @drewblevins77 @VviewSsonicMair Hegel: ''The ((state)) requires complete obedience from the individual citizen.''

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
Margaret Kennedy- "interest ((USURY)) is a wealth transference mechanism"...... the bottom 80% paid all their interest to the top 10%'' #pureEvil

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
Hegel: ''The ((state)) requires complete obedience from the individual citizen.''
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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
: @LibertyBlitz @mcm_ct edit......(((((anglo-american))))))

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
rape pillage and plunder......study the (((((british empire)))))
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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
Hegel: ''The ((state)) requires complete obedience from the individual citizen.''...''To Hegel, an individual does not exist for himself in these so-called organic systems but only to perform a role in the operation of the state. He finds freedom only in obedience to the state.''

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
The implications of attaching compound interest ((USURY)) to the 'medium of exchange' are staggering. Stop requesting loans from commercial banks and the WHOLE thing comes down
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Tiffany FitzHenry @Tiff_FitzHenry
It’s time to get very clear about who and what people are. Who do they serve? Who is their God? All of this is being revealed. All will now be known. People revealing who they are. Our job right now is just to see it.
nakedempire2 @nakedempire2

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
@Tiff_FitzHenry ellen and GWB have the same employer........(((SATAN))) they are both on the same team

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
more deaths occurred under joo run (((city of london)) british empire http://age-of-treason.com/2015/03/03/julius-evola-the-british-empire-was-a-creature-of-judaism/
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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
@XHNews out of poverty and into debt ((USURY))

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
@ProfSteveKeen @paulkrugman you owe them COMPOUND INTEREST ((USURY)) repayment extinguishes credit money

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Christians for Truth @christians4tr
U.K. ‘Antisemitism Tsar’ Admits He Will Exaggerate The Problem To Justify Even Harsher Penalties https://t.co/s7OjZANB3O
nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
@ursulaisright that is called ((BOLSHEVISM))

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
all by BANKSTER design... attaching 'compound interest' ((USURY)) to the medium of exchange is not a law of nature
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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
@zerohedge ((bankers)) do it for the ((USURY))

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
scum..((((city of london)))))
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Bloomberg Opinion @bopinion
Americans are increasingly not free to choose: 🍺Two corporations control 90% of the beer Americans drink 🥩 Four players control the entire U.S. beef market 🏦Five banks control about half of the U.S.’s banking assets https://t.co/aKGUMm6A0V
nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
who owns the (((MSM)))? How many companies control the daily narrative??

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
capitalism ((USURY)) Loves slave labor
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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
: ((ATE))........ BofE 1694. Massive global bubble ensues, unprecedented, within 20 yrs. And we are supposed 2 believe that they just got it RIGHT this time? This shit is what the founders of this country were FLEEING from. The depredations of the banker clan and the sys brought.

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
from Trav777---''Everything you think you know ((about monetary policy)) is based upon a very superficial understanding of who is a lender and who is a borrower. The banks are BORROWERS, ((not lenders)) which is why deflation nearly killed all of them'' #USURY #compoundInterest

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
: they ((banksters)) attach ''compound interest'' to the currency (medium of exchange) so that they can steal from you

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
@zerohedge Yes.............we all want to pay more Interest (((((USURY)))) on the National debt.............NOT!!! @StephanieKelton #MMT

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
@rationalwalk stop attaching Interest ((usury)) to the 'Medium of Exchange'

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
((((city of london))))
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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
you rent your money from ((psychopaths)) Less Than 25% Of College Graduates Can Answer These 4 Simple Money Questions | Zero Hedge https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-04-19/less-25-college-graduates-can-answer-4-simple-money-questions

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
@zerohedge (((city of london)))=worlds worst mass murderer.......

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
@RT_com (((city of london))) ....worlds worst mass-murders...

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
@Annrhefn your currency is Rented @compound Interest...((USURY))

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
the banking/monetary system is ((parasitic)) just say no to USURY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zIkk7AfYymg&t=323s

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
((city of london))
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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
@USlawreview @drewblevins77 @MCaseum your income tax goes to pay the Interest ((USURY)) on the national debt...everything else borrowed from banksters at Interest.......see Grace Commission https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Grace_Commission

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zerohedge @zerohedge
"It Belongs To The People, Not The Bankers" - Italy Moves To Seize Gold From Central Bank https://t.co/Tacl28xmVH
nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
so too does the Currency belong to the people.......the (((banksters))) have stolen it and now charge you rent (USURY) to use it

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
@ChildOfEurope Idiocy by (((design))) or accident

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
Usury ((compound interest)) is the most evil force on the planet
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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
@lisaabramowicz1 please do not worry, the #mmt'ers have agreed to pay all Interest ((USURY)) on the National debt.......

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
@NorthmanTrader there are those that pay the Interest (((USURY))) and there are those that collect the interest (((Usury)))..........the bottom pays the top...been that way for 2000 yrs stop attaching Usury to the 'medium of exchange'

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
: ......there are consequences of attaching Interest ((usury)) to the MOE (medium of exchange) any monetary system based on USURY/compound interest is doomed to implode/collapse as the growth of debt is required, not optional

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
: The FED is not engineering anything... All they have done to date is help slow the implosion...The implosion that is the logical conclusion of the compounding interest equation((USURY))...that you all are oblivious of. http://hypertiger.blogspot.com/search?updated-max=2010-02-13T11:35:00-08:00&max-results=20&reverse-paginate=true

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
''Bankers need a consumer to sign on the dotted line. Without that...the bankers((USURY)) are game over''...Hypertiger

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
@kweiner01 it's called ((banksterism))............any monetary system based on Usury and central banks is doomed to fail..........Usury is the theft of your labor, does not matter where you live

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
@HolidayGroyper: @4years2day (((city of london)))

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
@iwardyiwardy those (((pigs))) work for the (((banks)))...............no reason to fight them......just go home and default on your fake loans to the (((banks)))

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ROR @tv_ror
If this is real then I will forgive Trump for everything https://t.co/ySdtTnoEVx
nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
@gorby_tv: @evropa_tv it is a 'set up'.........GHW Bush said the same thing to Saddam Hussein before the first gulf war......it is a trick.........((they always use it))

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zerohedge @zerohedge
A Debt Based System Can't Succeed Without Population Growth https://t.co/F4RK0pkhvx
nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
now you know why we/europe have OPEN BORDERS...........the ((system)) needs more debt slaves........Growth of debt is REQUIRED, NOT OPTIONAL

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
@SoCalPatriot108 @Read_Her_Books Agency............they all serve the ((monetary system)) and are immune from prosecution

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
how many died under ((british empire)) rule? 100's of millions.........
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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
@jilaans @GurpinarHarun @KevinBosshogg79 @SecPompeo yes......it is all run out of 'the city of london'............a private corporation full of ((parasitic bankers)) who have Plenary control over the entire planet and all of its resources

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
lotsa shit ((they)) dont want you to know https://t.co/1I3Wy6yGvC
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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
@zerohedge (((hollywoodism)))

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
: The ((monetary)) system is the master; all must serve it. Credit must grow or else SHTF. if you do not borrow, they ((the .gov))) will borrow on your behalf.

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
: The ((power-elite’s)) greatest fear is that mankind finally throws off their shackles & outlaws the practice of Usury.---B9K9

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
@groylee1 trump serves the ((monetary system))..........his job is to GROW the debt

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
@vijinho (((BritishEmpire))))............by far the worlds worst mass murderer...

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nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
((city of london))
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zerohedge @zerohedge
The new chair of the House Financial Services committee https://t.co/Y6DR2DOIDA
nakedempire2 @nakedempire2
the ((MSM)) needs new Narratives........

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